28 research outputs found

    Advice for archaeological survey with recent technologies

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    Despite the technologies are now part of the archaeological discipline, they must not divert attention from archaeological issues and should be aimed at solving different historical and methodological questions, such the phases of a monument or innovative representation methods. The paper focuses the attention mainly on the use of range-data and image-based systems applied to the archaeological heritage, in order to highlight differences between the techniques and the related errors. Some considerations are necessary in order to find possible solutions for improving the quality and the accuracy of a survey project, considering the recent and innovative techniques adopted in archaeology. At the same time the authors provided, where possible, some solutions and suggestions for reducing the errors and checking the general quality of the work. Different experimentations have been made on some case studies that show how to manage technologies trying to reduce as much as possible the errors in the different phases of the survey pipeline. A specific part has been dedicated to the photogrammetric process from drones compared to traditional acquisitions, usually performed with aluminium poles, and the common errors in the representation of the archaeological excavations

    Old and new oral anticoagulants : food, herbal medicines and drug interactions

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    The most commonly prescribed oral anticoagulants worldwide are the vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) such as warfarin. Factors affecting the pharmacokinetics of VKAs are important because deviations from their narrow therapeutic window can result in bleedings due to over-anticoagulation or thrombosis because of under-anticoagulation. In addition to pharmacodynamic interactions (e.g., augmented bleeding risk for concomitant use of NSAIDs), interactions with drugs, foods, herbs, and over-the-counter medications may affect the risk/benefit ratio of VKAs. Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) including Factor Xa inhibitors (rivaroxaban, apixaban and edoxaban) and thrombin inhibitor (dabigatran) are poised to replace warfarin. Phase-3 studies and real-world evaluations have established that the safety profile of DOACs is superior to those of VKAs. However, some pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions are expected. Herein we present a critical review of VKAs and DOACs with focus on their potential for interactions with drugs, foods, herbs and over-the-counter medications

    Strategie innovative di elaborazione e restituzione dati del castello crociato di Wu’Ayra.

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    The recent development of camera sensors, the manufacturing of lenses and the accurate algorithms of photogrammetric software allow today to acquire point clouds similar to those generated from a laser scanner. The results are similar: numerical models that contain a variety of information, useful for the final data synthesis. Thanks to the automatic points recognition of photogrammetric algorithms, it is now possible to revise part of digital data previously acquired and use them in new computing strategies. Emblematic is the example of the crusader castle of Wu'Ayra, an important medieval fortress located in the Petra valley in Jordan. Since 2000, in collaboration with the international mission of the University of Florence, a number of surveys aimed at detecting the whole monumental area, the archaeological site, the settlement and the defensive system of the castle were performed by the research team of the Italian ITABC-CNR. Different survey techniques were used during the acquisition step, in order to enhance the main information of the archaeological site and the geomorphology of an extended area particularly complex to be defined. In these 15 years, the team tested several techniques. Thanks to recent software, the team has revised old data, created a defined numerical model of Wu'Ayra, updated and improved the documentation. The Authors illustrate the results of these elaborations and compare them with the other systems used, highlighting the differences and updating the graphic documentation of an important site in the history of the Petra valley. Furthermore, latest data of the architectural structures of the formworks acquired with laser scanner will be presented

    A multi-year and multi-site population study on the life history of Salamandrina perspicillata (Savi, 1821) (Amphibia, Urodela)

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    AbstractWe studied nine populations of Salamandrina perspicillata for two to nine years and described the life history variation among these population. Despite experiencing similar climatic conditions, populations differed in mean body size: populations using still water bodies for oviposition were larger body-sized than those using brooks. One semi-natural pond was used by particularly small individuals and was probably recently colonised. The mean body size of ovipositing females varied from year to year. Measurements of individuals in successive years showed that the tail grew more than the trunk and this differential growth increased with age. Females did not oviposit every year and, within a given population, the number of ovipositing females varied widely from year to year

    The four FAD-dependent histone demethylases of arabidopsis are differently involved in the control of flowering time

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    In Arabidopsis thaliana, four FAD-dependent lysine-specific histone demethylases (LDL1, LDL2, LDL3, and FLD) are present, bearing both a SWIRM and an amine oxidase domain. In this study, a comparative analysis of gene structure, evolutionary relationships, tissue- and organ-specific expression patterns, physiological roles and target genes for the four Arabidopsis LDL/FLDs is reported. Phylogenetic analysis evidences a different evolutionary history for the four LDL/FLDs, while promoter activity data show that LDL/FLDs are strongly expressed during plant development and embryogenesis, with some gene-specific expression patterns. Furthermore, phenotypical analysis of loss-of-function mutants indicates a role of all four Arabidopsis LDL/FLD genes in the control of flowering time, though for some of them with opposing effects. This study contributes toward a better understanding of the LDL/FLD physiological roles and may provide biotechnological strategies for crop improvement

    The four FAD-dependent histone demethylases of arabidopsis are differently involved in the control of flowering time

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    In Arabidopsis thaliana, four FAD-dependent lysine-specific histone demethylases (LDL1, LDL2, LDL3, and FLD) are present, bearing both a SWIRM and an amine oxidase domain. In this study, a comparative analysis of gene structure, evolutionary relationships, tissue- and organ-specific expression patterns, physiological roles and target genes for the four Arabidopsis LDL/FLDs is reported. Phylogenetic analysis evidences a different evolutionary history for the four LDL/FLDs, while promoter activity data show that LDL/FLDs are strongly expressed during plant development and embryogenesis, with some gene-specific expression patterns. Furthermore, phenotypical analysis of loss-of-function mutants indicates a role of all four Arabidopsis LDL/FLD genes in the control of flowering time, though for some of them with opposing effects. This study contributes toward a better understanding of the LDL/FLD physiological roles and may provide biotechnological strategies for crop improvement

    Dyscalculia in Early Adulthood: Implications for Numerical Activities of Daily Living

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    Numerical abilities are fundamental in our society. As a consequence, poor numerical skills might have a great impact on daily living. This study analyzes the extent to which the numerical deficit observed in young adults with Developmental Dyscalculia (DD) impacts their activities of everyday life. For this purpose, 26 adults with DD and 26 healthy controls completed the NADL, a standardized battery that assesses numerical skills in both formal and informal contexts. The results showed that adults with DD had poorer arithmetical skills in both formal and informal settings. In particular, adults with DD presented difficulties in time and measure estimation as well as money usage in real-world numerical tasks. In contrast, everyday tasks regarding distance estimation were preserved. In addition, the assessment revealed that adults with DD were aware of their numerical difficulties, which were often related to emotional problems and negatively impacted their academic and occupational decisions. Our study highlights the need to design innovative interventions and age-appropriate training for adults with DD to support their numerical skills as well as their social and emotional well-being

    Uno studio pilota per la rilevazione della velocità di lettura in modalità silente: implicazioni per la valutazione di adolescenti e adulti con dislessia

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    Comprendere i meccanismi che sottendono la velocità di lettura in modalità silente (silent reading fluency – SRF) è di primaria importanza, considerato che la lettura silente è la principale modalità di lettura degli adolescenti e degli adulti. Abbiamo valutato le abilità di lettura in modalità silente di 68 soggetti adulti di età compresa tra i 18 e i 48 anni: 24 erano normolettori con alto livello di scolarizzazione (diploma di laurea; media degli anni di scuola 17,45, DS = ,93); 22 normolettori con un più basso livello di scolarizzazione (diploma di scuola superiore; media degli anni di scuola 12,95, DS = ,65); 22 lettori dislessici (con almeno il diploma di scuola superiore; media degli anni di scuola 12,59, DS = 1,71). Tutti i soggetti leggevano più velocemente nella modalità silente che in quella ad alta voce. Tuttavia, tra i lettori dislessici, si è osservato un minore incremento percentuale della velocità di lettura che è stato di appena il 25% contro il 62% dei normolettori con un livello di scolarizzazione più elevato e del 51% dei normolettori con un più basso livello di scolarizzazione. La presente ricerca suggerisce che i disturbi specifici di lettura sono interferenti con la comune capacità di incrementare la velocità di lettura in modalità silente

    Silent reading fluency: Implications for the assessment of adults with developmental dyslexia.

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    Introduction: Understanding silent reading fluency (SRF) is of a paramount importance, given that silent reading is the principal manner of reading for capable readers. But the assessment of SRF is not commonly useful for identifying students with reading difficulties and monitoring their progress. The paper presents the SRF scores of adults with dyslexia compared to SRF scores of skilled readers and discusses the power of the SRF measure in identifying adults with specific learning disorders with impairment in reading. Method: Participants recruited were 68 dyslexic and age-matched skilled adult readers (18-48 years old). Among them, 24 were skilled readers with a university degree (GRS), 22 were skilled readers with a high school diploma (DSR), and 22 participants had been diagnosed with dyslexia (DR). We used a standardized oral reading fluency (ORF) test and an original SRF task to measure the reading fluency. Results: All participants increased their reading fluency in silent mode (p < .001). Nonetheless, the average speed of the oral reading was 7.19 syllables per second (syl/s) for the GSR group, 7.11 syl/s for the DSR group, and 4.95 syl/s for the DR group. The average speed of the silent reading was 11.62 syl/s and 10.75 syl/s for GSR and DSR, respectively, and 6.15 syl/s for DR. The reading fluency differential (Delta f) between ORF and SRF was significantly different among the dyslexic participants and the other two groups. Conclusions: Our results strongly suggest that dyslexic readers are less capable of significantly improve their reading speed when they read silently. Thus SRF could be considered a suitable parameter for identifying older students and adults with impairment in reading. A broader investigation of the issues surrounding silent reading is needed