151 research outputs found

    The validity of morphological features and osteological markers in reconstructing habitual activities

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    The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file (which also appears in the research.pdf); a non-technical general description, or public abstract, appears in the public.pdf file.Title from title screen of research.pdf file (July 17, 2008)Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Missouri-Columbia 2007.Bony morphological features have been used to reflect biomechanical behavioral patterns among archaeological populations. Of most recent ones is the anterior femoral curvature (AFC). It has been proposed as a valid indicator for mobility and differs by subsistence strategy and sex. This study aimed to investigate how AFC and mobility index vary by subsistence strategy and sex. It showed that degree of AFC decreased significantly from Woodland to the Mississippian period. People of Woodland, who practiced hunting/gathering or horticulture, displayed greater degree of AFC than the agriculturists of the Mississippian. In addition, anterior femoral curvature showed statistical significant difference by sex. Males, who walked and ran more than females, showed greater degree of femoral curvature than females in both periods. When variation in anterior femoral curvature by continent was tested, it significantly differed between North Americans and South Americans because of strong genetic differences. For that reason, anterior femoral curvature is good indicator for terrestrial logistic mobility (TLM) among homogenous skeletal population, and reflecting genetic differences between differed genetic groups.Includes bibliographical reference

    Contrasting partition behavior of F and Cl during hydrous mantle melting: implications for Cl/F signature in arc magmas

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    International audienceWe present the results of five experiments on F and Cl partitioning during hydrous mantle melting under conditions relevant to subduction zone magmatism (1.2–2.5 GPa, 1,180°C–1,430°C). For each experiment, we determined the F and Cl partition coefficients between lherzolitic mineral phases (olivine, orthopyroxene (opx), clinopyroxene (cpx), and garnet), amphibole, and hydrous basaltic melts (0.2–5.9 wt.% dissolved H2O). At constant pressure, View MathML show contrasting response to the combined effects of decreasing temperature from 1,310°C to 1,180°C and increasing H2O content in the melt from 0.2 to 5.9 wt.%: View MathML. decreases from 0.123 ± 0.004 to 0.021 ± 0.014 while View MathML increases from 0.0021 ± 0.0031 to 0.07 ± 0.01. Similar results are observed for clinopyroxene: View MathML decreases from 0.153 ± 0.004 to 0.083 ± 0.004 while View MathML increases from 0.009 ± 0.0005 to 0.015 ± 0.0008. Experimentally determined F and Cl partition coefficients were used in a hydrous melting model of a lherzolitic mantle metasomatized by slab fluid. In this model, we vary the amount of metasomatic slab fluid added into the mantle while its composition is kept constant. Increasing the amount of fluid results in an increase of both the degree of melting (due to the effect of H2O addition) and the F and Cl input in the mantle wedge. Because of the change of F and Cl partition coefficients with the increase of H2O, the observed variation in the F and Cl contents of the modeled melts is produced not only by F and Cl input from the fluid, but also by the changes in F and Cl fractionation during hydrous melting. Overall, the model predicts that the Cl/F ratio of modeled melts increases with increasing fluid fraction. Therefore, a variation in the amount of fluid added to the mantle wedge can contribute to the variability in Cl/F ratios observed in arc melt inclusions

    The distribution of volatile elements during rocky planet formation

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    Core segregation and atmosphere formation are two of the major processes that redistribute the volatile elements—hydrogen (H), carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and sulfur (S)—in and around rocky planets during their formation. The volatile elements by definition accumulate in gaseous reservoirs and form atmospheres. However, under conditions of early planet formation, these elements can also behave as siderophiles (i.e., iron-loving) and become concentrated in core-forming metals. Current models of core formation suggest that metal-silicate reactions occurred over a wide pressure, temperature, and compositional space to ultimately impose the chemistries of the cores and silicate portions of rocky planets. Additionally, the solubilities of volatile elements in magmas determine their transfer between the planetary interiors and atmospheres, which has recently come into sharper focus in the context of highly irradiated, potentially molten exoplanets. Recently, there has been a significant push to experimentally investigate the metal-silicate and magma-gas exchange coefficients for volatile elements over a wide range of conditions relevant to rocky planet formation. Qualitatively, results from the metal-silicate partitioning studies suggest that cores of rocky planets could be major reservoirs of the volatile elements though significant amounts will remain in mantles. Results from solubility studies imply that under oxidizing conditions, most H and S are sequestered in the magma ocean, while most N is outgassed to the atmosphere, and C is nearly equally distributed between the atmosphere and the interior. Under reducing conditions, nearly all N dissolves in the magma ocean, the atmosphere becomes the dominant C reservoir, while H becomes more equally distributed between the interior and the atmosphere, and S remains dominantly in the interior. These chemical trends bear numerous implications for the chemical differentiation of rocky planets and the formation and longevity of secondary atmospheres in the early Solar System and exoplanetary systems. Further experimental and modeling efforts are required to understand the potential of chemical and physical disequilibria during core formation and magma ocean crystallization and to constrain the distributions of volatile elements in the interiors and atmospheres of rocky planets through their formation and long-term geologic evolution.</p

    The accuracy of echocardiography versus surgical and pathological classification of patients with ruptured mitral chordae tendineae: a large study in a Chinese cardiovascular center

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    BACKGROUND: The accuracy of echocardiography versus surgical and pathological classification of patients with ruptured mitral chordae tendineae (RMCT) has not yet been investigated with a large study. METHODS: Clinical, hemodynamic, surgical, and pathological findings were reviewed for 242 patients with a preoperative diagnosis of RMCT that required mitral valvular surgery. Subjects were consecutive in-patients at Fuwai Hospital in 2002-2008. Patients were evaluated by thoracic echocardiography (TTE) and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). RMCT cases were classified by location as anterior or posterior, and classified by degree as partial or complete RMCT, according to surgical findings. RMCT cases were also classified by pathology into four groups: myxomatous degeneration, chronic rheumatic valvulitis (CRV), infective endocarditis and others. RESULTS: Echocardiography showed that most patients had a flail mitral valve, moderate to severe mitral regurgitation, a dilated heart chamber, mild to moderate pulmonary artery hypertension and good heart function. The diagnostic accuracy for RMCT was 96.7% for TTE and 100% for TEE compared with surgical findings. Preliminary experiments demonstrated that the sensitivity and specificity of diagnosing anterior, posterior and partial RMCT were high, but the sensitivity of diagnosing complete RMCT was low. Surgical procedures for RMCT depended on the location of ruptured chordae tendineae, with no relationship between surgical procedure and complete or partial RMCT. The echocardiographic characteristics of RMCT included valvular thickening, extended subvalvular chordae, echo enhancement, abnormal echo or vegetation, combined with aortic valve damage in the four groups classified by pathology. The incidence of extended subvalvular chordae in the myxomatous group was higher than that in the other groups, and valve thickening in combination with AV damage in the CRV group was higher than that in the other groups. Infective endocarditis patients were younger than those in the other groups. Furthermore, compared other groups, the CRV group had a larger left atrium, higher aortic velocity, and a higher pulmonary arterial systolic pressure. CONCLUSIONS: Echocardiography is a reliable method for diagnosing RMCT and is useful for classification. Echocardiography can be used to guide surgical procedures and for preliminary determination of RMCT pathological types

    Raman spectroscopy study of C-O-H-N speciation in reduced basaltic glasses: Implications for reduced planetary mantles

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    To better understand the solution of volatile species in a reduced magma ocean, we identify via Raman spectroscopy the nature of C-O-H-N volatile species dissolved in a series of reduced basaltic glasses. The oxygen fugacity (f O2) during synthesis varied from highly reduced at two log units below the iron-wustite buffer (IW-2.1) to moderately reduced (IW-0.4), spanning much of the magmatic f O2 conditions during late stages of terrestrial accretion. Raman vibrational modes for H2, NH2 – , NH3, CH4, CO, CN– , N2, and OH– species are inferred from band assignments in all reduced glasses. The integrated area of Raman bands assigned to N2, CH4, NH3 and H2 vibrations in glasses increases with increasing molar volume of the melt, whereas that of CO decreases. Additionally, with increasing f O2, CO band areas increase while those of N2 decrease, suggesting that the solubility of these neutral molecules is not solely determined by the melt molar volume under reduced conditions. Coexisting with these neutral molecules, other species as CN– , NH2 – and OH– are chemically bonded within the silicate network. The observations indicate that, under reduced conditions, (1) H2, NH2 – , NH3, CH4, CO, CN– , N2, and OH– species coexist in silicate glasses representative of silicate liquids in a magma ocean (2) their relative abundances dissolved in a magma ocean depend on melt composition, f O2 and the availability of H and, (3) metal-silicate partitioning or degassing reactions of those magmatic volatile species must involve changes in melt and vapor speciation, which in turn may influence isotopic fractionation.CD and MH acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation grant AST1344133. SDJ acknowledges support from NSF EAR-1853521 and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation

    The geobiological nitrogen cycle : from microbes to the mantle

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    Nitrogen forms an integral part of the main building blocks of life, including DNA, RNA, and proteins. N2 is the dominant gas in Earth’s atmosphere, and nitrogen is stored in all of Earth’s geological reservoirs, including the crust, the mantle, and the core. As such, nitrogen geochemistry is fundamental to the evolution of planet Earth and the life it supports. Despite the importance of nitrogen in the Earth system, large gaps remain in our knowledge of how the surface and deep nitrogen cycles have evolved over geologic time. Here we discuss the current understanding (or lack thereof) for how the unique interaction of biological innovation, geodynamics, and mantle petrology has acted to regulate Earth’s nitrogen cycle over geologic timescales. In particular, we explore how temporal variations in the external (biosphere and atmosphere) and internal (crust and mantle) nitrogen cycles could have regulated atmospheric pN2. We consider three potential scenarios for the evolution of the geobiological nitrogen cycle over Earth’s history: two in which atmospheric pN2 has changed unidirectionally (increased or decreased) over geologic time; and one in which pN2 could have taken a dramatic deflection following the Great Oxidation Event. It is impossible to discriminate between these scenarios with the currently available models and datasets. However, we are optimistic that this problem can be solved, following a sustained, open-minded, and multidisciplinary effort between surface and deep Earth communities.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Effect of fluorine on near-liquidus phase equilibria of an Fe–Mg rich basalt

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2012. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Chemical Geology 312-313 (2012): 118-126, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.04.015.Volatile species (H2O, CO2, F, Cl, etc) have important effects on the formation and crystallization history of basaltic magmas. Here, we have experimentally investigated the effects of F on phase equilibria of Fe-Mg-rich basalt. Our results show that fluorine has large effects on the liquidus temperature and the chemistry of crystallizing minerals. Compared to the F-free system, addition of ~2 wt.% F moves the olivine-pigeonite liquidus point down ~2 kbar and 95 °C (from 12 kbar, 1375 °C to 10 kbar, 1280 °C). With increasing fluorine concentrations, dramatically increases for both pyroxene and olivine, suggesting that fluorine in basaltic magmas complexes primarily with MgO. Complexing with MgO in the melt decreases its MgO activity, and forces the crystallizing minerals to greater Fe/Mg, and so increases . Models of basalt generation, where the magma is fluorine-rich, need to include the effect of not only water but fluorine on liquidus depression and minerals crystallizing/melting. Our results suggest that fluorine may significantly aid in the petrogenesis of silica-poor, alkali-rich magmas in the Earth and Mars.This work was supported by NASA MFR grant # NNX09AL25G to A.H. Treiman and J. Filiberto, a Lunar and Planetary Institute summer internship to J. Wood, and a Packard fellowship for science and engineering to R. Dasgupta

    Fractionemment du fluor et du chlore dans le manteau sub-arc : une approche expérimentale

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    Volatile elements released from the subducting slab play a fundamental role during the formation of arc magmas in the mantle wedge. Advances of melt inclusion studies enlarged the data on volatile abundance in arc magmas, and it is now possible to characterize some volatile contents in arc primary magmas, in particular F and Cl. A recent study of Mt Shasta melt inclusions (LeVoyer et al., 2010) shows that fractionation of F and Cl potentially contains information about arc magma genesis. In order to trace the source of arc magmas, fluorine and chlorine partitioning was investigated. Here, I present new experimental determinations of Cl and F partition coefficients between dry and hydrous silicate melts and mantle minerals: olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, garnet and also pargasite and phlogopite. The values were compiled from more than 300 measurements in 24 melting experiments, conducted between 8 and 25 kbars and between 1180 and 1430˚C. The low abundance F, Cl measurements in minerals were done by Cameca IMF 1280 at WHOI using the negative secondary ion mode. The results show that DOpx/meltF ranges from 0.123 to 0.021 and DCpx/meltF ranges from 0.153 to 0.083, while Cl partition coefficient varies from DOpx/meltCl from 0.002 to 0.069 and DCpx/meltCfrom 0.008 to 0.015, as well. Furthermore, DOl/meltF ranges from 0.116 to 0.005 and DOl/meltCl from 0.001 to 0.004; DGrt/meltF ranges from 0.012 to 0.166 and DGrt/meltCl from 0.003 to 0.087 with the increasing water amount and decreasing temperature. I also show that F is compatible in phlogopite DPhl/meltF > 1.2) while DAmp/meltF is incompatible in pargasite DAmp/meltF from 0.36 to 0.63). On the contrary, Cl is more incompatible in phlogopite (DPhl/meltCl > 1.2 on average 0.09 ± 0.02), than in pargasite (DPhl/meltCl from 0.12 to 0.38). This study demonstrates that F and Cl are substituted in specific oxygen site in minerals that lead then to be more sensitive than trace elements to crystal chemistry and water amount variations thus melting conditions. Using those new partition coefficients, I modelled melting of potential sub-arc lithologies with variable quantity aqueous-fluid. This model is able to decipher 1) amount of aqueous-fluid involved in melting, 2) melting induced by fluid or melting of an hydrous mineral-bearing source and 3) melting of either pargasite-bearing lithology or phlogopite-bearing lithology and shows that sources of some primitive melts, for instance from Italy, bear pargasite and phlogopite, while some primitve melts seem to be the results of fluid-induced melts.Les Ă©lĂ©ments volatils libĂ©rĂ©s de la plaque plongeante lors de la subduction jouent un rĂŽle fondamental durant la formation des magmas d'arc dans le coin mantellique. Depuis quelques annĂ©es, les dĂ©veloppements des techniques d'analyse par sonde ionique ont permis l'analyse de ces Ă©lĂ©ments, en particulier F et Cl, dans les magmas d'arc, et notamment dans les magmas d'arc primaires grĂące aux avancĂ©es des Ă©tudes sur les inclusions magmatiques. Une rĂ©cente Ă©tude des inclusions magmatiques du Mont Shasta (E. U.) (Le Voyer et al., 2010) a montrĂ© que le fractionnement du F et du Cl apportait des informations sur la genĂšse des magmas d'arc. Afin de caractĂ©riser la source de ces magmas, j'ai Ă©tudiĂ© les coefficients de partage du fluor et du chlore. Dans cette Ă©tude, je prĂ©sente les premiers coefficients de partage du F et du Cl, entre des liquides de fusions silicatĂ©s anhydres et hydratĂ©s et des minĂ©raux mantelliques tels que olivine, orthopyroxĂšne, clinopyroxĂšne, plagioclase, grenat ainsi que pargasite et phlogopite. Les valeurs sont issues de 300 mesures dans 24 expĂ©riences de fusion, rĂ©alisĂ©es entre 8 et 25 kbars et, 1180 et 1430˚C. Les faibles concentrations en F et Cl dans les minĂ©raux ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es par la sonde ionique Cameca IMF 1280 de WHOI en utilisant le mode d'ions secondaires nĂ©gatifs. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que DOpx/meltF varient de 0.123 Ă  0.021 et DCpx/meltF de 0.153 Ă  0.083, tandis que DOpx/meltCl varient de 0.002 Ă  0.069 et DCpx/meltCl de 0.008 Ă  0.015. De plus, DOl/meltF de 0.116 Ă  0.005 et DOl/meltCl de 0.001 Ă  0.004 ; DGrt/meltF de 0.012 Ă  0.166 et DGrt/meltCl de 0.003 Ă  0.087 avec l'augmentation de la teneur en eau et la diminution de la tempĂ©rature dans les expĂ©riences. Je montre aussi que le F est compatible dans la phlogopite (DPhl/meltF >1.2) alors qu'il est incompatible dans la pargasite (DAmp/meltF de 0.36 Ă  0.63). A l'inverse, Cl est plus incompatible dans la phlogopite (DPhl/meltCl en moyenne 0.09±0.02), que dans la pargasite (DAmp/meltCl de 0.12 Ă  0.38). Cette Ă©tude dĂ©montre que F et Cl sont substituĂ©s dans des sites spĂ©cifiques de l'oxygĂšne, ce qui les rend plus sensibles que les Ă©lĂ©ments traces aux variations de chimie des cristaux et de la quantitĂ© d'eau, et donc aux conditions de fusion. En utilisant ces nouveaux coefficients de partage, j'ai modĂ©lisĂ© la fusion de lithologies potentielles du manteau sub-arc permettant de 1) dĂ©terminer la quantitĂ© de fluide aqueux impliquĂ© dans la fusion, 2) distinguer la fusion induite par apport de fluides de la fusion d'une source Ă  minĂ©raux hydratĂ©s et 3) la fusion d'une lithologie Ă  pargasite de celle Ă  phlogopite, et montre que la source de certains magmas primaires d'arc, par exemple d'Italie, contient de la pargasite et de la phlogopite, tandis d'autres magmas primaires d'arc rĂ©sultent d'une fusion par apport de fluides

    The Triumph of the Republic

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    Synthesis and biological properties of some analogues of neurotensin

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