251 research outputs found

    Clinical Significance of Apurinic/Apyrimidinic Endodeoxyribonuclease 1 and MicroRNA Axis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Background and Aims: Identification of prognostic factors for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) opens new perspectives for therapy. Circulating and cellular onco-miRNAs are noncod ing RNAs which can control the expression of genes involved in oncogenesis through post-transcriptional mechanisms. These microRNAs (miRNAs) are considered novel prognostic and pre-dictive factors in HCC. The apurinic/apyrimidinic endodeoxy-ribonuclease 1 (APE1) contributes to the quality control and processing of specific onco-miRNAs and is a negative prognos-tic factor in several tumors. The present work aims to: a) de -fine APE1 prognostic value in HCC; b) identify miRNAs regulat-ed by APE1 and their relative target genes and c) study their prognostic value. Methods: We used The Cancer Genome At-las (commonly known as TCGA) data analysis to evaluate the expression of APE1 in HCC. To identify differentially-expressed miRNAs (DEmiRNAs) upon APE1 depletion through specific small interfering RNA, we used NGS and nanostring approach-es in the JHH-6 HCC tumor cell line. Bioinformatics analy-ses were performed to identify signaling pathways involving APE1-regulated miRNAs. Microarray analysis was performed to identify miRNAs correlating with serum APE1 expression. Results: APE1 is considerably overexpressed in HCC tissues compared to normal liver, according to the TCGA-liver HCC (known as LIHC) dataset. Enrichment analyses showed that APE1-regulated miRNAs are implicated in signaling and metabolic pathways linked to cell proliferation, transformation, and angiogenesis, identifying Cyclin Dependent Kinase 6 and Lyso-somal Associated Membrane Protein 2 as targets. miR-33a-5p, miR-769, and miR-877 are related to lower overall survival in HCC patients. Through array profiling, we identified eight circulating DE-miRNAs associated with APE1 overexpression. A training phase identified positive association between sAPE1 and miR-3180-3p and miR-769. Conclusions: APE1 regulates specific miRNAs having prognostic value in HCC

    Clinical Significance of Apurinic/Apyrimidinic Endodeoxyribonuclease 1 and MicroRNA Axis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Background and Aims: Identification of prognostic factors for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) opens new perspectives for therapy. Circulating and cellular onco-miRNAs are noncod-ing RNAs which can control the expression of genes involved in oncogenesis through post-transcriptional mechanisms. These microRNAs (miRNAs) are considered novel prognostic and predictive factors in HCC. The apurinic/apyrimidinic endodeoxy-ribonuclease 1 (APE1) contributes to the quality control and processing of specific onco-miRNAs and is a negative prognostic factor in several tumors. The present work aims to: a) de-fine APE1 prognostic value in HCC; b) identify miRNAs regulated by APE1 and their relative target genes and c) study their prognostic value. Methods: We used The Cancer Genome At-las (commonly known as TCGA) data analysis to evaluate the expression of APE1 in HCC. To identify differentially-expressed miRNAs (DEmiRNAs) upon APE1 depletion through specific small interfering RNA, we used NGS and nanostring approaches in the JHH-6 HCC tumor cell line. Bioinformatics analyses were performed to identify signaling pathways involving APE1-regulated miRNAs. Microarray analysis was performed to identify miRNAs correlating with serum APE1 expression. Results: APE1 is considerably overexpressed in HCC tissues compared to normal liver, according to the TCGA-liver HCC (known as LIHC) dataset. Enrichment analyses showed that APE1-regulated miRNAs are implicated in signaling and meta- bolic pathways linked to cell proliferation, transformation, and angiogenesis, identifying Cyclin Dependent Kinase 6 and Lyso-somal Associated Membrane Protein 2 as targets. miR-33a-5p, miR-769, and miR-877 are related to lower overall survival in HCC patients. Through array profiling, we identified eight circulating DE-miRNAs associated with APE1 overexpression. A training phase identified positive association between sAPE1 and miR-3180-3p and miR-769. Conclusions: APE1 regulates specific miRNAs having prognostic value in HCC

    The diagnosis and treatment of posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorders.

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    The oldest ceratosaurian (Dinosauria: Theropoda), from the Lower Jurassic of Italy, sheds light on the evolution of the three-fingered hand of birds

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    The homology of the tridactyl hand of birds is a still debated subject, with both paleontological and developmental evidence used in support of alternative identity patterns in the avian fingers. With its simplified phalangeal morphology, the Late Jurassic ceratosaurian Limusaurus has been argued to support a II–III–IV digital identity in birds and a complex pattern of homeotic transformations in three-fingered (tetanuran) theropods. We report a new large-bodied theropod, Saltriovenator zanellai gen. et sp. nov., based on a partial skeleton from the marine Saltrio Formation (Sinemurian, lowermost Jurassic) of Lombardy (Northern Italy). Taphonomical analyses show bone bioerosion by marine invertebrates (first record for dinosaurian remains) and suggest a complex history for the carcass before being deposited on a well-oxygenated and well-illuminated sea bottom. Saltriovenator shows a mosaic of features seen in four-fingered theropods and in basal tetanurans. Phylogenetic analysis supports sister taxon relationships between the new Italian theropod and the younger Early Jurassic Berberosaurus from Morocco, in a lineage which is the basalmost of Ceratosauria. Compared to the atrophied hand of later members of Ceratosauria, Saltriovenator demonstrates that a fully functional hand, well-adapted for struggling and grasping, was primitively present in ceratosaurians. Ancestral state reconstruction along the avian stem supports 2-3-4-1-X and 2-3-4-0-X as the manual phalangeal formulae at the roots of Ceratosauria and Tetanurae, confirming the I–II–III pattern in the homology of the avian fingers. Accordingly, the peculiar hand of Limusaurus represents a derived condition restricted to late-diverging ceratosaurians and cannot help in elucidating the origin of the three-fingered condition of tetanurans. The evolution of the tridactyl hand of birds is explained by step-wise lateral simplification among non-tetanuran theropod dinosaurs, followed by a single primary axis shift from digit position 4 to 3 at the root of Tetanurae once the fourth finger was completely lost, which allowed independent losses of the vestigial fourth metacarpal among allosaurians, tyrannosauroids, and maniraptoromorphs. With an estimated body length of 7.5 m, Saltriovenator is the largest and most robust theropod from the Early Jurassic, pre-dating the occurrence in theropods of a body mass approaching 1,000 Kg by over 25 My. The radiation of larger and relatively stockier averostran theropods earlier than previously known may represent one of the factors that ignited the trend toward gigantism in Early Jurassic sauropods
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