138 research outputs found

    Essstörungen im Fitness- und Freizeitsport:Untersuchungen zum Ess- und Trainingsverhalten von Mitgliedern in Fitness- und Freizeitanlagen

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    Zusammenfassend lässt sich festhalten, dass das Risikoprofil für die Entwicklung einer Erkrankung aus dem Bereich der Essstörungen mit dem Trainieren in einem Fitnessstudio positiv korreliert. Als charakteristisches, Risiko-modulierendes Merkmal ließ sich die „primäre Trainingsmotivation“ identifizieren: Je ausgeprägter das Schlankheitsstreben und je mehr der kalorienverbrauchende bzw. körperformende Aspekt des Trainings im Vordergrund steht, desto größer das Risiko für die Entwicklung einer Essstörung. Vor dem Hintergrund des heute anerkannten multikausalen bio-psycho-sozialen Ursachenmodells für die Entwicklung von Essstörungen nimmt der Faktor Fitnessstudio damit einen Platz im Bereich der exogenen „Umweltfaktoren“ ein, der wie andere soziokulturelle Bedingungen eine triggernder Wirkung auf bereits vorhandene Risikomerkmale ausüben kann und eine klinisch manifeste Essstörungsproblematik auszulösen vermag

    Behavioral Weather Insurance: Applying Cumulative Prospect Theory to Agricultural Insurance Design under Narrow Framing

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    Experience across many countries shows that, without large premium subsidies, crop insurance uptake rates are generally low. In this article, we propose to use the cumulative prospect theory to design weather insurance products for situations in which farmers frame insurance narrowly as a stand-alone investment. To this end, we introduce what we call behavioral weather insurance whereby insurance contract parameters are adjusted to correspond more closely with farmers\u27 preferences. Depending on farmers\u27 preferences, we find that a stochastic multiyear premium increases the prospect value of weather insurance, while a zero deductible design does not. We suggest that insurance contracts should be tailored precisely to serve farmers\u27 needs. This offers potential benefits for both the insurer and the insured

    Digital Competence Education between Institutional Requirements and Lifeworld Affiliations

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    Im aktuellen bildungspolitischen und schulpädagogischen Diskurs werden im Zusammenhang mit Digitalisierungsmassnahmen in Schulen Kompetenzanforderungen deutlich, die die heterogene Lerner:innenschaft dazu befähigen sollen, «sich in einer digitalisierten Gesellschaft zurechtzufinden» (Autorengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung 2020). Unberücksichtigt bleiben die Erfahrungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen in digitalen Jugendkulturen, in deren Rahmen sie mit ihrem Wunsch nach Anerkennung und Zugehörigkeit ohne Anleitung quasi «nebenbei» grundlegende personale, soziale und anwendungsbezogene fachliche Kompetenzen erwerben. Der Beitrag fragt aus einer diversitätssensiblen wissenschaftlich-analytischen Perspektive unter Bezugnahme auf die Konstruktion von Zugehörigkeit (Hall 2004; Mecheril 2003) und Habitus (Bourdieu 1992; Kramer 2014) nach den lebensweltlichen Bedürfnissen und Erfahrungen von Schüler:innen, stellt diese gegenwärtig sichtbaren institutionell-digitalen Kompetenzanforderungen in Schulen gegenüber und arbeitet auf der Grundlage der Annahme eines konstruierten «digital divides» Problematiken und Gefahren der Differenzierung und Verfestigung von Chancenungleichheit heraus. Die Ergebnisse verweisen in pädagogisch-didaktischer Hinsicht auf die Notwendigkeit der Etablierung einer digitalen Lernkultur, die die Herausbildung einer Kompetenz zum Ziel hat, in deren Rahmen die selbstbestimmte und gleichermassen sozial verantwortungsvolle Herstellung lebensweltlich-digitaler Zugehörigkeiten durch Schüler:innen unabhängig von ihrer «Ethnie», ihres «Geschlechts», ihrer «Bildungsposition» etc. möglich wird.In the current discourse on education policy and school pedagogy, competence requirements are becoming clear in connection with digitisation measures in schools, which aim to enable heterogeneous learners to «find their way in a digitised society» (Autorengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung 2020). What remains unconsidered are the experiences of children and young people in digital youth cultures, in the context of which they acquire basic personal, social and application-related professional competences with their desire for recognition and belonging without guidance. From a diversity-sensitive scientific-analytical perspective and with reference to the construction of belonging (Hall 2004; Mecheril 2003) and (student) habitus (Bourdieu 1992; Kramer 2014), this article asks about the lifeworld needs and experiences of students, contrasts them with currently visible institutional-digital competence requirements in schools and, on the basis of the assumption of a constructed «digital divide», elaborates the problems and dangers of differentiation and consolidation of inequality of opportunity. From a pedagogical-didactic point of view, the results point to the necessity of establishing a digital learning culture that aims to competence formation within the framework of which the self-determined and equally socially responsible production of lifeworld digital affiliations by students becomes possible, regardless of their «ethnicity», their «gender», their «educational position», etc

    Mapping potential implications of temporary COVID‐19 export bans for the food supply in importing countries using precrisis trade flows

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    Despite pleas from international organizations, governments and trade economists to refrain from imposing trade‐distorting measures, over 20 countries have implemented bans on the export of agri‐food products since the onset of the COVID‐19 crisis. These export prohibitions might adversely impact food security and disrupt well‐established global supply chains. We identify importing countries that could potentially be affected by the imposed export bans using a measure of their import dependency during the pre‐pandemic period to illustrate our results on global trade maps. We find that many importers rely on just one country for a significant share of the overall domestic supply of a particular commodity

    Planck early results. VI. The High Frequency Instrument data processing

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    We describe the processing of the 336 billion raw data samples from the High Frequency Instrument (HFI) which we performed to produce six temperature maps from the first 295 days of Planck-HFI survey data. These maps provide an accurate rendition of the sky emission at 100, 143, 217, 353, 545 and 857 GHz with an angular resolution ranging from 9.9 to 4.4^2. The white noise level is around 1.5 {\mu}K degree or less in the 3 main CMB channels (100--217GHz). The photometric accuracy is better than 2% at frequencies between 100 and 353 GHz and around 7% at the two highest frequencies. The maps created by the HFI Data Processing Centre reach our goals in terms of sensitivity, resolution, and photometric accuracy. They are already sufficiently accurate and well-characterised to allow scientific analyses which are presented in an accompanying series of early papers. At this stage, HFI data appears to be of high quality and we expect that with further refinements of the data processing we should be able to achieve, or exceed, the science goals of the Planck project.Comment: Replaced by the accepted version for publication, as part of a package of papers describing first results of the Planck mission The paper with figures at full resolution and full color tables can also be downloaded from the ESA site http://www.rssd.esa.int/Planc

    How the members of the Brethren Church in South Moravia perceived the functioning of their community during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    The central topic of this thesis is how the members of the Brethren Church community in South Moravia experienced the functioning of their Church community during the Covid-19 pandemic. Part 1 deals with the theoretical aspects. In chapter one the author presents the legislative context of the pandemic and its impact on the Christian Church community in general. The second chapter gives a brief insight into how the new law requirements were put into practice by the Church board. The third chapter presents an overview of the South Moravian community and the impact of the pandemic requirements on its community life. The practical part focuses on qualitative research and attempts to capture the actual experience of members of the South Moravian community. As a research method the Interpretative phenomenological analysis was chosen and based on semi-structured interviews with respondents covering the following topics: worship on the Zoom platform, monitoring of the community members in need and mutual care during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially during the second pandemic wave lockdown. The research sample consists of five respondents between 25-72 years of age. Keywords members of the Brethren Church, Covid-19 pandemic, experience, qualitative research, interpretative phenomenological analysis, interviewÚstředním tématem diplomové práce je zkušenost členů sboru Církve bratrské na jižní Moravě s fungováním jejich společenství v období pandemie covid-19. V teoretické části v první kapitole autorka předkládá legislativní kontext pandemie a jeho dopad na křesťanskou církev obecně. Druhá kapitola představuje Církev bratrskou a umožňuje představu o tom, jak se její ústředí adaptovalo na legislativní opatření v praxi. Třetí kapitola podává přehled o dopadu protipandemických opatření na život sboru na jižní Moravě. Praktická část práce je zaměřena na kvalitativní výzkum. Jako metoda byla zvolena interpretativní fenomenologická analýza, provedená na základě polostrukturovaných rozhovorů se členy sboru Církve bratrské na jižní Moravě uskutečněných během lockdownu druhé pandemické vlny. Hlavními tématy jsou bohoslužba v prostředí Zoom, monitorování potřebných a vzájemná péče. Výzkumný soubor je složen z pěti respondentů, a to ve věku 25-72 let. Klíčová slova členové sboru Církve bratrské, pandemie covid-19, zkušenost, kvalitativní výzkum, interpretativní fenomenologická analýza, rozhovorProtestant theological facultyEvangelická teologická fakultaEvangelická teologická fakultaProtestant Theological Facult