236 research outputs found

    Dynamic thermo-mechanical properties of various flowable resin composites

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    This study compared the storage modulus (E’), the loss modulus (E’’) and the loss tangent (tan δ) of various flowable resin composites. Grandio Flow (GRF), GrandioSo Heavy Flow (GHF), Filtek Supreme XTE (XTE) and Filtek Bulk Fill (BUL) flowable resins and Clinpro Sealant (CLI) ultra-flowable pit and fissure sealant resin were used. 25 samples were tested using a dynamical mechanical thermal analysis system in bending mode. Measurements were taken within a temperature range of 10 to 55°C. The results were statistically analyzed using mixed-effect and repeated-measure analysis of variance followed by paired multiple comparisons. For all the materials, the E’ values decrease with temperature, whereas the tan δ values increase. Irrespective of the temperature, GHF and GRF present E’ and E’’ values significantly higher than all the other materials and CLI presents values significantly lower than all the other materials. Observation of the values for all the materials reveals a linear progression of the tan δ values with temperature. A variation in temperature within a physiological range generates modifications in mechanical properties without damaging the material, however. Filler content in volume terms appears to be the crucial parameter in the mechanical behavior of tested materials

    Is genetic analysis useful in the routine management of hydatidiform mole?

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    Complete hydatidiform mole and partial hydatidiform mole are two abnormal conceptuses that may be identified by clinical, ultrasonographic, gross morphological, histological, and genetic characteristics. Among all these criteria, the specific diagnosis is generally confirmed only upon histological review. However, an accurate diagnosis based on morphological criteria is difficult and several studies have shown that misclassifications are frequent, even for experienced pathologists. An erroneous diagnosis may imply that women are either not enrolled in an adequate β‐hCG follow‐up with the risk that hydatidiform mole (HM) progresses to choriocarcinoma, or are enrolled in an unnecessary follow‐up. A reliable and complementary method to the pathologic interpretation is a genetic study of the conceptus to eliminate the diagnostic dilemma by distinguishing non‐molar spontaneous abortions from HM and to define the type of HM. The aim of our study was to review the genetic basis of HM and discuss its relevance in the routine management of the disorde

    Establishment of permanent cell lines purified from human mesothelioma: morphological aspects, new marker expression and karyotypic analysis

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    This study reports the establishment of three major subtypes of human mesothelioma cells in tissue culture, i.e. the epithelioid, sarcomatoid and biphasic forms, and compares their phenotypic and biological characteristics. Primary cells isolated from biopsies or pleural exudates were subcultured for over 50passages. We evaluated immunoreactivity using various mesothelial markers related to histological patterns of these cell lines. For epithelioid cells, calretinin and cytokeratin were found to be useful and easily interpretable markers as for control mesothelial cells. The biphasic form was only partially positive and the sarcomatoid type negative. Vimentin was expressed by all cell lines. BerEP4, a specific marker for adenocarcinoma, was negative. Interestingly, while the macrophage marker CD14 was negative, immunoreactivity for a mature macrophage marker (CD68) was expressed by all cell types, suggesting that this marker might constitute an additional tool useful in the differential diagnosis of mesothelioma. At the ultrastructural level, a cell surface rich in microvilli confirmed their mesothelial origin. PCR analysis revealed that none of the cell lines contained SV40 DNA. Karyotypic analyses showed more complex abnormalities in the epithelioid subtype than in the sarcomatoid form. These cell lines may be useful in the study of cellular, molecular and genetic aspects of the diseas

    Etude du comportement rhéologique et mécanique de composites recyclés et pollués : recyclage iso fonction, rêve ou réalité ? = Study of rheological and mechanical behaviour of recycled and polluted composites : iso function recycling, dream or reality

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    National audienceNous étudions les effets de la pollution et du recyclage sur deux composites à matrice polypropylène. Ces effets ont été identifiés non seulement par la mesure du poids moléculaire et des propriétés rhéologiques mais aussi sur les caractéristiques mécaniques. Les polluants modèles choisis sont de l'éthylène glycol majoritairement présent dans le liquide de frein et de l'huile moteur. Ils ont été incorporés dans les composites en cours du process d'extrusion. Le recyclage a été simulé en effectuant plusieurs cycles d'extrusions successifs. Les échantillons ont été recyclés de 1 à 12 fois. Toutes ces nuances ont été testées. L'indice de fluidité, la viscosité, les propriétés en traction quasi statique ainsi que en compression dynamique ont été mesurés. Les polluants affectent davantage les propriétés rhéologiques par rapport aux propriétés mécaniques. Le recyclage thermomécanique, quant à lui, est principalement préjudiciable sur le comportement à rupture. Le résultat remarquable concerne l'effet modérateur des polluants sur la dégradation due au recyclage des propriétés des matériaux

    Chronic psychosocial stressors are associated with alterations in salience processing and corticostriatal connectivity

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    Psychosocial stressors including childhood adversity, migration, and living in an urban environment, have been associated with several psychiatric disorders, including psychotic disorders. The neural and psychological mechanisms mediating this relationship remain unclear. In parallel, alterations in corticostriatal connectivity and abnormalities in the processing of salience, are seen in psychotic disorders. Aberrant functioning of these mechanisms secondary to chronic stress exposure, could help explain how common environmental exposures are associated with a diverse range of symptoms. In the current study, we recruited two groups of adults, one with a high degree of exposure to chronic psychosocial stressors (the exposed group, n = 20), and one with minimal exposure (the unexposed group, n = 22). All participants underwent a resting state MRI scan, completed the Aberrant Salience Inventory, and performed a behavioural task - the Salience Attribution Test (SAT). The exposed group showed reduced explicit adaptive salience scores (cohen's d = 0.69, p = 0.03) and increased aberrant salience inventory scores (d = 0.65, p = 0.04). The exposed group also showed increased corticostriatal connectivity between the ventral striatum and brain regions previously implicated in salience processing. Corticostriatal connectivity in these regions negatively correlated with SAT explicit adaptive salience (r = -0.48, p = 0.001), and positively correlated with aberrant salience inventory scores (r = 0.42, p = 0.006). Furthermore, in a mediation analysis there was tentative evidence that differences in striato-cortical connectivity mediated the group differences in salience scores

    Insertion of T4-lysozyme (T4L) can be a useful tool for studying olfactory-related GPCRs.

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    The detergents used to solubilize GPCRs can make crystal growth the rate-limiting step in determining their structure. The Kobilka laboratory showed that insertion of T4-lysozyme (T4L) in the 3rd intracellular loop is a promising strategy towards increasing the solvent-exposed receptor area, and hence the number of possible lattice-forming contacts. The potential to use T4L with the olfactory-related receptors hOR17-4 and hVN1R1 was thus tested. The structure and function of native and T4L-variants were compared. Both receptors localized to the cell membrane, and could initiate ligand-activated signaling. Purified receptors not only had the predicted alpha-helical structures, but also bound their ligands canthoxal (MW = 178.23) and myrtenal (MW = 150.22). Interestingly, the T4L variants had higher percentages of soluble monomers compared to protein aggregates, effectively increasing the protein yield that could be used for structural and function studies. They also bound their ligands for longer times, suggesting higher receptor stability. Our results indicate that a T4L insertion may be a general method for obtaining GPCRs suitable for structural studies

    Dopaminergic basis for signalling belief updates, but not surprise, and the link to paranoia

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    Distinguishing between meaningful and meaningless sensory information is fundamental to forming accurate representations of the world. Dopamine is thought to play a central role in processing the meaningful information content of observations, which motivates an agent to update their beliefs about the environment. However, direct evidence for dopamine’s role in human belief updating is lacking. We addressed this question in healthy volunteers who performed a model-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) task designed to separate the neural processing of meaningful and meaningless sensory information. We modelled participant behaviour using a normative Bayesian observer model, and used the magnitude of the model-derived belief update following an observation to quantify its meaningful information content. We also acquired positron emission tomography (PET) imaging measures of dopamine function in the same subjects. We show that the magnitude of belief updates about task structure (meaningful information), but not pure sensory surprise (meaningless information), are encoded in midbrain and ventral striatum activity. Using PET we show that the neural encoding of meaningful information is negatively related to dopamine-2/3 receptor availability in the midbrain and dexamphetamine-induced dopamine release capacity in the striatum. Trial-by-trial analysis of task performance indicated that subclinical paranoid ideation is negatively related to behavioural sensitivity to observations carrying meaningful information about the task structure. The findings provide direct evidence implicating dopamine in model-based belief updating in humans, and have implications for understating the pathophysiology of psychotic disorders where dopamine function is disrupted

    Unusually stable abnormal karyotype in a highly aggressive melanoma negative for telomerase activity

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    Malignant melanomas are characterized by increased karyotypic complexity, extended aneuploidy and heteroploidy. We report a melanoma metastasis to the peritoneal cavity with an exceptionally stable, abnormal pseudodiploid karyotype as verified by G-Banding, subtelomeric, centromeric and quantitative Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH). Interestingly this tumor had no detectable telomerase activity as indicated by the Telomere Repeat Amplification Protocol. Telomeric Flow-FISH and quantitative telomeric FISH on mitotic preparations showed that malignant cells had relatively short telomeres. Microsatellite instability was ruled out by the allelic pattern of two major mononucleotide repeats. Our data suggest that a combination of melanoma specific genomic imbalances were sufficient and enough for this fatal tumor progression, that was not accompanied by genomic instability, telomerase activity, or the engagement of the alternative recombinatorial telomere lengthening pathway

    A constitutive model of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK)

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    A modified Johnson–Cook (JC) model was proposed to describe the flow behaviour of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) with the consideration of coupled effects of strain, strain rate and temperature. As compared to traditional JC model, the modified one has better ability to predict the flow behaviour at elevated temperature conditions. In particular, the yield stress was found to be inversely proportional to temperature from the predictions of the proposed model

    Variability in Action Selection Relates to Striatal Dopamine 2/3 Receptor Availability in Humans: A PET Neuroimaging Study Using Reinforcement Learning and Active Inference Models

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    Choosing actions that result in advantageous outcomes is a fundamental function of nervous systems. All computational decision-making models contain a mechanism that controls the variability of (or confidence in) action selection, but its neural implementation is unclear-especially in humans. We investigated this mechanism using two influential decision-making frameworks: active inference (AI) and reinforcement learning (RL). In AI, the precision (inverse variance) of beliefs about policies controls action selection variability-similar to decision 'noise' parameters in RL-and is thought to be encoded by striatal dopamine signaling. We tested this hypothesis by administering a 'go/no-go' task to 75 healthy participants, and measuring striatal dopamine 2/3 receptor (D2/3R) availability in a subset (n = 25) using [11C]-(+)-PHNO positron emission tomography. In behavioral model comparison, RL performed best across the whole group but AI performed best in participants performing above chance levels. Limbic striatal D2/3R availability had linear relationships with AI policy precision (P = 0.029) as well as with RL irreducible decision 'noise' (P = 0.020), and this relationship with D2/3R availability was confirmed with a 'decision stochasticity' factor that aggregated across both models (P = 0.0006). These findings are consistent with occupancy of inhibitory striatal D2/3Rs decreasing the variability of action selection in humans