10 research outputs found

    Effect of warm rolling on the corrosion and mechanical properties of UNS S32205 Duplex stainless steel.

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    Duplex stainless steel (DSS) has been considered as an excellent alternative for applications where high corrosion resistance and high mechanical strength are required. Therefore, microstructure and properties of DSS remain topics of much interest. For this purpose, the effect of warm-rolling was studied in a duplex stainless steel. The focus of this work was 2205 which is one of the most useful type of DSS. Although evolution of microstructure, texture and tensile properties during warm rolling of DDS have been reported, there is no study on the effect of warm rolling on corrosion resistance of 2205 DSS. In this context, the objective of this work is to evaluate microstructure, texture and mechanical and corrosion properties of UNS S32205 DSS after warm rolling. The duplex stainless steel was warm-rolled at 600?C up to 60 and 80% thickness reduction and submitted to electrochemical tests. The electrochemical behaviour of warm-rolled 2205 in the chlorine ion environment was evaluated using cyclic potentiodynamic polarization (CPP) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The samples exhibited an excellent corrosion resistance in 3.5% NaCl solution. The study showed that the thermomechanical treatment used favoured the formation of the passive film and led to a greater polarization resistance. This behaviour is consistent with the pits density observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the crystallographic microtexture of the steel

    Uso da eletroforese de isoenzimas para avaliação da competitividade de biotipos de tiririca Isoenzyme evaluation of intra-specific competitivity of purple nutsedge biotypes

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    O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar, por meio de eletroforese de isoenzimas, em casa de vegetação, a competitividade dos biotipos de tiririca (Cyperus rotundus L.) mais freqüentes que ocorrem no estado de São Paulo. Dos quatorze sistemas enzimáticos testados, seis apresentaram polimorfismo (a e b-EST, ACP, IDH, MDH e SKDH) e foram utilizados para a identificação das 66 amostras coletadas, classificando-as em 10 biotipos de Cyperus rotundus. Durante a amostragem, foram identificadas as espécies C. flavus, C. iria e C. esculentus. Foram identificados diferentes biotipos de C. rotundus, com diferentes freqüências de ocorrência no estado de São Paulo. Houve predominância de dois biotipos, que estiveram presentes em 48,5% e 21,2% dos pontos de amostragem. Os diferentes biotipos de C. rotundus mostraram-se distintos em termos de competitividade intra-específica. Os biotipos mais competitivos foram os mais freqüentes nas avaliações de campo.<br>The objective of this research was to evaluate intra-specific competition ability of purple nutsedge Cyperus rotundus biotypes, using isoenzymes. We sampled weed populations in 66 sites all around São Paulo State - Brazil. Polymorphism was observed in six out of fourteen enzymatic systems studied (aand b-EST, ACP, IDH, MDH, and SKDH). Polymorphism was not observed for ADH, CAT, GDH, AAT, LAP, MADH, PER, and SDH. Using the information of the six polymorphic isoenzymes, it was possible to identify 10 biotypes of Cyperus rotundus and C. flavus, C. iria e C. esculentus species. The two major biotypes were predominant in 48.5% and 21.2% of the sampling sites. The competition ability assay was carried out showing that the most widely spread biotypes were the most competitive ones

    A practical guide for operational validation of discrete simulation models

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    As the number of simulation experiments increases, the necessity for validation and verification of these models demands special attention on the part of the simulation practitioners. By analyzing the current scientific literature, it is observed that the operational validation description presented in many papers does not agree on the importance designated to this process and about its applied techniques, subjective or objective. With the expectation of orienting professionals, researchers and students in simulation, this article aims to elaborate a practical guide through the compilation of statistical techniques in the operational validation of discrete simulation models. Finally, the guide's applicability was evaluated by using two study objects, which represent two manufacturing cells, one from the automobile industry and the other from a Brazilian tech company. For each application, the guide identified distinct steps, due to the different aspects that characterize the analyzed distribution

    Gene expression profiling for human iPS-derived motor neurons from sporadic ALS patients reveals a strong association between mitochondrial functions and neurodegeneration

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