4,542 research outputs found

    A multiresolution framework for local similarity based image denoising

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    In this paper, we present a generic framework for denoising of images corrupted with additive white Gaussian noise based on the idea of regional similarity. The proposed framework employs a similarity function using the distance between pixels in a multidimensional feature space, whereby multiple feature maps describing various local regional characteristics can be utilized, giving higher weight to pixels having similar regional characteristics. An extension of the proposed framework into a multiresolution setting using wavelets and scale space is presented. It is shown that the resulting multiresolution multilateral (MRM) filtering algorithm not only eliminates the coarse-grain noise but can also faithfully reconstruct anisotropic features, particularly in the presence of high levels of noise

    Semantic mutation testing

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    This is the Pre-print version of the Article. The official published version can be obtained from the link below - Copyright @ 2011 ElsevierMutation testing is a powerful and flexible test technique. Traditional mutation testing makes a small change to the syntax of a description (usually a program) in order to create a mutant. A test suite is considered to be good if it distinguishes between the original description and all of the (functionally non-equivalent) mutants. These mutants can be seen as representing potential small slips and thus mutation testing aims to produce a test suite that is good at finding such slips. It has also been argued that a test suite that finds such small changes is likely to find larger changes. This paper describes a new approach to mutation testing, called semantic mutation testing. Rather than mutate the description, semantic mutation testing mutates the semantics of the language in which the description is written. The mutations of the semantics of the language represent possible misunderstandings of the description language and thus capture a different class of faults. Since the likely misunderstandings are highly context dependent, this context should be used to determine which semantic mutants should be produced. The approach is illustrated through examples with statecharts and C code. The paper also describes a semantic mutation testing tool for C and the results of experiments that investigated the nature of some semantic mutation operators for C

    Developmental changes in upper airway dynamics

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    Normal children have a less collapsible upper airway in response to subatmospheric pressure administration (P-NEG) during steep than normal adults do, and this upper airway response appears to be modulated by the central ventilatory drive. Children have a greater ventilatory drive than adults. We, therefore, hypothesized that children have increased neuromotor activation of their pharyngeal airway during sleep compared with adults. As infants have few obstructive apneas during steep, we hypothesized that infants would have an upper airway that was resistant to collapse. We, therefore, compared the upper airway pressure-flow (V) relationship during sleep between normal infants, prepubertal children, and adults. We evaluated the upper airway response to 1) intermittent, acute P-NEG (infants, children, and adults), and 2) hypercapnia (children and adults). We found that adults had a more collapsible upper airway during sleep than either infants or children. the children exhibited a vigorous response to both P-NEG and hypercapnia during sleep (P < 0.01), whereas adults had no significant change. Infants had an airway that was resistant to collapse and showed a very rapid response to P-NEG. We conclude that the upper airway is resistant to collapse during sleep in infants and children. Normal children have preservation of upper airway responses to P-NEG and hypercapnia during sleep, whereas responses are diminished in adults. Infants appear to have a different pattern of upper airway activation than older children. We speculate that the pharyngeal airway responses present in normal children are a compensatory response for a relatively narrow upper airway.Johns Hopkins Univ, Eudowood Div Pediat Resp Sci, Baltimore, MD 21287 USAJohns Hopkins Univ, Div Oncol Biostat, Baltimore, MD 21287 USAUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Neurol & Internal Med, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Neurol & Internal Med, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Changes in Seizure Frequency and Test-Retest Scores on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

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    Test-retest performance on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) of two groups of adult epilepsy patients are presented and compared. In one group, Seizures Improved (SI) group, seizure frequency had decreased during the test-retest interval, and in the other group, Seizures Unimproved (SU) group, the number of seizures had either increased or stayed the same over the test-retest interval. The SI group showed a significant test-retest improvement on WAIS Verbal IQ, Performance 1Q, and Full Scale IQ, as well as on eight of 11 WAIS subtests. In comparison, the SU group showed significant increases only on the Performance IQ and Object Assembly subtest. Furthermore, differences between the two groups were observed in the pattern of test-retest changes seen on the Performance measures relative to the Verbal measures. The results suggest that change in seizure frequency is one of the factors associated with test-retest changes in the intellectual functioning of epilepsy patients. RÉSUMÉ Les rÉsultats obtenus À I‘Échelle de WAIS (Wechsler Adults Intelligence Scale) a partir d'une passation I (test) et d'une passation II (retest) chez deux groupes d'Épileptiques adultes sont prÉsentÉs et compares: (a) Dans un groupe la frequence des crises a diminue dur-ant I'intervalle “test-retest” (c'est a dire dans I'inter-valle separant la passation I (test) de la passation II (retest): Groupe des crises ameliorees (SI: seizures improved), (b) Dans l'autre groupe le nombre des crises au contraire a augmente ou bien est reste iden-tique au cours de I'intervalle “test-retest”: Groupe des crises non ameliorees (SU: seizures unimproved). Le groupe des “crises ameliorees” montre une amelioration significative tant sur le plan du QIV (quotient de I'echelle verbale), que du QIP (quotient de I'echelle performance) et du QIG (quotient global), ainsi que de 8 des subtests parmi les onze que contien I'echelle. En comparaison le groupe des “crises non ameliorees” ne montre une amelioration significative qu'au niveau du QIP et en particulier sur le subtest d'assemblage d'ob-jets (celui-ci faisant partie de I'echelle performance). De plus, on observe entre les deux groupes des differences du “type” des modifications entrainees par la situation “test-retest”, sur les rÉsultats obtenus a I'echelle performance et ceux obtensus a I'echelle verbale. Ces rÉsultats permettent de suggerer que, dans le fonctionnement intellectuel des sujets epileptiques, les changements dans la frequence des crises sont un des facteurs a mettre en correlation avec les changements observes a partir de la situation “test-retest”. RESUMEN Se compararon dos grupos de adultos con epilepsia por medio del rendimiento en dos tests de WAIS. En un grupo, la frecuencia de los ataques habia disminuido en el intervalo entre el primer test y el segundo [grupo con mejoria (SI)], mientras que en el otro el mimero de crisis no habia variado o habia au-mentado [grupo sin mejoria (SU)]. El grupo SI mostro una mejoria en laescala verbal CI, en la realizacion CI, en la escala total de CI y en los subtests WAIS. En comparacion, el grupo SU solo mostro un aumento significativo en la realizacion CI y en el subtest de Reunion de Objetos. Ademas, se observaron diferen-cias entre los dos grupos en lo que respecta a la prim-era y a la segunda prueba en la realizacion de las medidas verbales. Los resultados sugieren que los cambios en la frecuencia de los ataques juegan un papel en lo que respecta a funciÓn intelectual cuando se compara el primer WAIS con el segundo. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Test und Retest Ergebnisse im WAIS von 2 Gruppen erwachsener Epileptiker werden dargestellt und ver-glichen. In einer Gruppe hatte die Anfallshaufigkeit wahrend des Test-Retest-Intervalls abgenommen– verbesserte Gruppe (SI)–und in einer anderen Gruppe war die Anfallshaufigkeit entweder gestiegen oder gleich geblieben wahrend des Test-Retest-Intervalls– unveranderte Gruppe (SU). Die SI-Gruppe zeigte signifikante Verbesserung zwischen Test und Retest im Verbal-IQ des WAIS, im Handlungsteil und im Gesamt-IQ ebenso wie in 8 von 11 WAIS Subtests. Im Vergleich hierzu zeigte die SU-Gruppe signifikante Verbesserung nur im Handlungs-IQ und im Objekte-zuordnungs-Subtest. Weiterhin wurden Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Gruppen im Muster der Test-Retest-Veranderungen im Verhaltnis des Handlung-steils zum Verbalteil bemerkt. Die Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dalJ die Veranderung der Anfallshaufigkeit einer der Faktoren ist, der hinsichtlich der in-tellektuellen Funktion anfallskranker Patienten Bezie-hungen zu den Veranderungen des Test-Retest-Ergeb-nis aufweist.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65457/1/j.1528-1157.1981.tb04334.x.pd

    Adaptation and validation of the Inventory of family protective factors for the portuguese culture

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    Aim: Describe the process of cultural adaptation and validation of Inventory of Family Protective Factors (IFPF) for portuguese culture. This instrument assesses the protective factors that contribute to family resilience. Studies of resilience fall the salutogenic paradigm, which focuses on protective factors of individuals or groups, without minimizing the risk factors and vulnerability. Methods: We applied this instrument to 85 families of children with special needs and, after linguistic and conceptual equivalence, used an exploratory factor analysis with principal components analysis (with varimax rotation) and calculated the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for each dimension. Results: adequate psychometric properties to be used in Portuguese population (Cronbach´s alpha =.90). Conclusion: IFPF is an useful instrument for studies which propose assess the protective factors of family resilience, however we suggest further studies of revalidation.Objetivo: Describir el proceso de adaptación cultural y validación para la cultura portuguesa de Inventory of Family Protective Factors (IFPF). Este instrumento evalúa los factores de protección que contribuyan a la resiliencia familiar. Estudios de resiliência familiar se apoyan en el paradigma salutogénico, que se centra en los factores de protección de individuos o grupos, sin subestimar los factores de riesgo y vulnerabilidad. Metodologia: Aplicamos este instrumento a 85 familias de niños con necesidades especiales y, después de la equivalencia lingüística y conceptual, hemos llevado a cabo un análisis factorial exploratorio de componentes principales con rotación varimax y calculamos el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: la IFPF tiene adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para la población portuguesa (alfa de Cronbach = .90). Conclusion: Esta es una herramienta útil para evaluar los factores protectores de la resiliencia familiar, sin embargo sugerimos estudios futuros de revalidación.Objetivos: adaptar e validar o Inventory of Family Protective Factors (IFPF) para a cultura portuguesa. Este instrumento avalia os fatores protetores que contribuem para a resiliência familiar. Os estudos sobre resiliência inserem-se no paradigma salutogénico, abordando os fatores protetores dos indivíduos ou grupos, sem subestimar os fatores de risco ou vulnerabilidade. Método: para avaliar a equivalência linguística e conceitual do IFPF realizamos a tradução, retroversão e reflexão falada; para aferir as características psicométricas do instrumento verificamos a sensibilidade, confiabilidade e a validade dos resultados. Realizamos uma análise fatorial de componentes principais com rotação varimax dos itens da escala e calculamos o coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach para cada dimensão. Através de uma amostragem aleatória simples, aplicamos este instrumento a 85 famílias de crianças com necessidades especiais que o auto-preencheram. Resultados: o IFPF apresenta características psicométricas adequadas para a população portuguesa (alfa de Cronbach de .90). Conclusão: o IFPF foi adaptado e validado para a cultura portuguesa. Consideramos tratar-se de um instrumento útil para estudos que se proponham avaliar os fatores protetores da resiliência familiar

    The construction of the health professional in palliative care contexts

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    Aim: The aim of the study was to map of the literature on the elements contributing to the construction of the health care professional in the context of palliative care. Methods: Scoping review based on Arksey and O’Malley framework. PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, Scopus databases, and gray literature were the sources searched (2005–2015), completed by reference searching, hand searching, and expert consultations. Primary studies focusing on different professionals working in palliative care units or hospice centers were eligible for inclusion. Results: From a total of 3632 articles, 22 met the inclusion criteria. The content of the studies was described and classified in 5 elements: (i) construction and application of the concept of care; (ii) psychosocial effects that the daily care produces; (iii) working conditions that influence the caregiving provided; (iv) knowledge mobilized in the provision of care; and (v) strategies adopted by health care professionals to build relationships. Data about nurses, physicians, and psychologists were found, but no data were found about social workers. Gaps identified in the publications were as follows: relationship competencies and strategies adopted; the real needs from educational programs; and the view of other professionals. Conclusions: Key elements identified in the concept of the construction of the health care professional should be addressed in future interventions: prevention of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and achievement of a greater personal accomplishment. In addition, none of the articles retrieved offered the different perspectives of all the disciplines in a multidisciplinary team.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Effect of Passive Smoking on Asthma Symptoms, Atopy, and Airway Hyperresponsiveness in Schoolchildren

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    Passive smoking is a major cause of respiratory morbidity, and is associated with increased bronchial responsiveness in children. To evaluate the effect of smoking by a parent on asthma symptoms, atopy, and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), we conducted a cross-sectional survey of 503 schoolchildren that involved questionnaires, spirometry, allergy testing, and a bronchial challenge test. If the PC20 methacholine was less than 16 mg/mL, the subject was considered to have AHR. The prevalence of a parent who smoked was 68.7%. The prevalence of AHR was 45.0%. The sensitization rate to common inhalant allergens was 32.6%. Nasal symptoms such as rhinorrhea, sneezing, nasal itching, and nasal obstruction were present in 42.7%. Asthma symptoms such as cough and wheezing were present in 55.4%. The asthma symptoms were significantly more prevalent in children who had a parent who smoked than in those whose parents did not. The nasal symptoms, atopy, and AHR did not differ according to whether a parent smoked. In a multiple logistic regression model, the asthma symptoms and atopy were independently associated with AHR, when adjusted for confounding variables. Passive smoking contributed to asthma symptoms in schoolchildren and was not an independent risk factor of airway hyperresponsiveness in an epidemiological survey