1,582 research outputs found

    Improving machine translation performance using comparable corpora

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    Abstract The overwhelming majority of the languages in the world are spoken by less than 50 million native speakers, and automatic translation of many of these languages is less investigated due to the lack of linguistic resources such as parallel corpora. In the ACCURAT project we will work on novel methods how comparable corpora can compensate for this shortage and improve machine translation systems of under-resourced languages. Translation systems on eighteen European language pairs will be investigated and methodologies in corpus linguistics will be greatly advanced. We will explore the use of preliminary SMT models to identify the parallel parts within comparable corpora, which will allow us to derive better SMT models via a bootstrapping loop

    O desempenho escolar em matemática no 3º ciclo: o papel dos professores

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    Este trabalho surge no seguimento de uma vontade persistente de perceber o que está por detrás do (in)sucesso escolar na disciplina de Matemática, no caso particular do 3º ciclo. Sabemos hoje que são muitas e variadas as causas potenciadoras de insucesso escolar, mas não devemos ignorar o facto de, desde há muitos anos, a Matemática ser considerada, por muitos, uma disciplina de difícil aprendizagem e, por isso, suscitar alguns anticorpos por parte de um número significativo de alunos antes mesmo destes serem confrontados com os conteúdos e características próprios da disciplina. Depois de analisadas as características sociais e escolares de 11 turmas de 7º, 8º e 9º anos de duas escolas distintas (concelhos de Lisboa e Almada), seguiu-se o estudo dos perfis dos professores respetivos, tendo em vista a comparação dos resultados em Matemática das diferentes turmas. O apuramento dos resultados fez-se a partir da recolha de dados constantes dos registos biográficos e da avaliação de final de ano dos alunos envolvidos (cedidos pelos respetivos professores), a que juntamos as entrevistas realizadas aos próprios docentes e um questionário aplicado aos alunos. Os resultados escolares apurados indiciam que na disciplina de Matemática, o (in)sucesso escolar dos alunos tem uma relação muito próxima com as práticas pedagógicas adotadas pelo professor, bem como com a forma como este organiza o trabalho em contexto de sala de aula e ainda com a forma como este motiva os alunos para a aprendizagem. Observamos que o professor que revela maior índice de sucesso na disciplina privilegia a modalidade de trabalho a pares em contexto de sala de aula, elege como recurso didático fundamental o manual da disciplina, projetado em sala de aula (Escola Virtual), e valoriza a exploração de software de matemática dinâmica (como Geogebra) como forma de motivação dos seus alunos.This work follows on from a persistent desire to understand what is behind the (in) educational achievement in Mathematics, in the particular case of the 3rd cycle. We now know that are many and varied factors that could explain academic failure, but we should not ignore the fact that, for many years , mathematics was considered by many, a difficult discipline of learning and therefore develop some antibodies by a significant number of students even before being confronted with the contents and own characteristics of the discipline. Considering the social and school features of 11 classes (year 7, 8 and 9) in two different schools (Lisbon and Almada), and therefore the study of the respective teachers profiles, aiming the comparison of results in Mathematics of different classes. The tabulation of results was made from the collection of data in the biographical records and students final year evaluation (assigned by the respective teachers), coupled with the interviews to their teachers and a questionnaire administered to students. Established school results indicate that in the case of Mathematics, the success or failure of students has a very close relationship with the pedagogical practices adopted by the teacher, as well as the way it organizes work in the classroom context and still with the way he motivates the students to learn. We observed that teachers who reveal a higher success rate in the discipline focuses on working in pairs mode in the context of the classroom, elected as a key teaching tool the course manual (Virtual School), and values the exploration of dynamic mathematics software (such as Geogebra ) as a way of motivating students

    O olhar da Enfermagem diante do Processo de Morte e Morrer de pacientes críticos: Uma Revisão Integrativa

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    Face death fear of dealing with death every moment has become essential burden for workers in the health field, in particular to professional nursing, which in turn is who provides the comprehensive care to the patient and family, and that it must deal with suffering, and the fears that may exist at different moments involving the care. Therefore, it is necessary to further the nursing professional view on the subject, so that it can see beyond the context of the circumstances and understand the processes of death and dying, so that their cooperation is quality. From this, the present study aims: To analyze the national scientific literature on the experience of the nursing team before the death of critically ill patients. We used the integrative review of literature method. We analyzed 14 articles that met the guiding research question and from the approach of these studies were listed two categories: 1-The process of death and dying: praxis and meaning; 2-The qualification of nurses in the process of training on the theme death and dying. The study identified that there is a deficiency in learning professionals to the process of death and dying, causing suffering of the nursing team, influencing the quality of care provided to patients and their families. In this sense become relevant research on this subject for the expansion of knowledge and deconstruction of existing paradigms.Encarar la muerte y el miedo a enfrentarse a ella a cada instante se ha convertido en esencial para los trabajadores del área de la salud, en especial para el profesional de enfermería, que a su vez es quien presta los cuidados integrales al paciente y a la familia, ya que este debe luchar con el sufrimiento y con los miedos que pueden existir en los diversos momentos que acompañan el cuidar. Por tanto, es necesario profundizar em la visión del profesional de enfermería sobre el tema, de modo que pueda ver más allá de las circunstancias del contexto, y conocer los procesos de la muerte y del morir, para que su asistencia sea de calidad. Partiendo de esto, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo: Analizar la producción científica nacional sobre la experiencia del equipo de enfermería ante la muerte de los pacientes críticos. Se empleó el método de revisión integral de la literatura. Se analizaron 14 artículos que cumplían la pregunta principal de la investigación y a partir del enfoque de estos estudios, fueron listadas dos categorías: 1-El proceso de muerte y morir: praxis y significados; 2- La cualificación del enfermero en su proceso de formación ante la temática muerte y el morir. El estudio identificó que existe una deficiencia en el aprendizaje de los profesionales para el proceso de la muerte y el morir, causando sufrimiento del equipo de enfermería, lo que influye en la calidad de la atención prestada a los pacientes y a sus familias. En este sentido, es importante realizar investigaciones acerca de esta temática para la ampliación del conocimiento y (re)deconstrucción de los paradigmas existentes.Encarar a morte o medo de lidar com a morte a todo instante tornou-se encargo essencial para os trabalhadores da área da saúde, em especial ao profissional da enfermagem, que por sua vez é quem presta os cuidados integrais ao paciente e a família, sendo que este deve lidar com o sofrimento, e com os receios que podem existir nos diversos momentos que envolvem o cuidar. Portanto, é necessário aprofundar a visão do profissional da enfermagem sobre o assunto, de modo que, o mesmo possa perceber para além das circunstâncias do contexto, e conhecer os processos da morte e do morrer, para que sua assistência seja de qualidade. A partir disso, o presente estudo tem como objetivo: Analisar a produção científica nacional sobre a experiência da equipe de enfermagem diante da morte de pacientes críticos. Foi empregado o método de revisão integrativa da literatura. Foram analisados 14 artigos que atenderam a questão norteadora da pesquisa e a partir da abordagem destes estudos, foram elencadas duas categorias: 1-O processo de morte e morrer: práxis e significados; 2-A qualificação do enfermeiro em seu processo de formação diante da temática morte e o morrer. O estudo possibilitou identificar que há uma deficiência no aprendizado dos profissionais perante o processo de morte e morrer, causando sofrimento da equipe de enfermagem, influenciando na qualidade da assistência prestada ao paciente e sua família. Neste sentido tornam-se relevantes pesquisas acerca desta temática para a ampliação do conhecimento e (re)desconstrução de paradigmas existentes

    Deglacial upslope shift of NE Atlantic intermediate waters controlled slope erosion and cold-water coral mound formation (Porcupine Seabight, Irish margin)

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    Highlights • Holocene cold-water coral mound formation started non-synchronous in Belgica province. • Coral mounds and slope sediments record changes in intermediate water mass dynamics. • Increased turbulent bottom currents steered slope erosion and mound formation. • Internal waves at the ENAW-MOW boundary enhance energy supply and particle flux. • Transition zone between the ENAW-MOW shifted 250 m upslope during the last deglacial. Abstract Turbulent bottom currents significantly influence the formation of cold-water coral mounds and sedimentation processes on continental slopes. Combining records from coral mounds and adjacent slope sediments therefore provide an unprecedented palaeo-archive to understand past variations of intermediate water-mass dynamics. Here, we present coral ages from coral mounds of the Belgica province (Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic), which indicate a non-synchronous Holocene re-activation in mound formation suggested by a temporal offset of ∼2.7 kyr between the deep (start: ∼11.3 ka BP at 950 m depth) and shallow (start: ∼8.6 ka BP at 700 m depth) mounds. A similar depth-dependent pattern is revealed in the slope sediments close to these mounds that become progressively younger from 22.1 ka BP at 990 m to 12.2 ka BP at 740 m depth (based on core-top ages). We suggest that the observed changes are the consequence of enhanced bottom-water hydrodynamics, caused by internal waves associated to the re-invigoration of the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) and the development of a transition zone (TZ) between the MOW and the overlying Eastern North Atlantic Water (ENAW), which established during the last deglacial. These highly energetic conditions induced erosion adjacent to the Belgica mounds and supported the re-initiation of mound formation by increasing food and sediment fluxes. The striking depth-dependent patterns are likely linked to a shift of the ENAW-MOW-TZ, moving the level of maximum energy ∼250 m upslope since the onset of the last deglaciation

    Deglacial upslope shift of NE Atlantic intermediate waters controlled slope erosion and cold-water coral mound formation (Porcupine Seabight, Irish margin)

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    Highlights • Holocene cold-water coral mound formation started non-synchronous in Belgica province. • Coral mounds and slope sediments record changes in intermediate water mass dynamics. • Increased turbulent bottom currents steered slope erosion and mound formation. • Internal waves at the ENAW-MOW boundary enhance energy supply and particle flux. • Transition zone between the ENAW-MOW shifted 250 m upslope during the last deglacial. Abstract Turbulent bottom currents significantly influence the formation of cold-water coral mounds and sedimentation processes on continental slopes. Combining records from coral mounds and adjacent slope sediments therefore provide an unprecedented palaeo-archive to understand past variations of intermediate water-mass dynamics. Here, we present coral ages from coral mounds of the Belgica province (Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic), which indicate a non-synchronous Holocene re-activation in mound formation suggested by a temporal offset of ∼2.7 kyr between the deep (start: ∼11.3 ka BP at 950 m depth) and shallow (start: ∼8.6 ka BP at 700 m depth) mounds. A similar depth-dependent pattern is revealed in the slope sediments close to these mounds that become progressively younger from 22.1 ka BP at 990 m to 12.2 ka BP at 740 m depth (based on core-top ages). We suggest that the observed changes are the consequence of enhanced bottom-water hydrodynamics, caused by internal waves associated to the re-invigoration of the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) and the development of a transition zone (TZ) between the MOW and the overlying Eastern North Atlantic Water (ENAW), which established during the last deglacial. These highly energetic conditions induced erosion adjacent to the Belgica mounds and supported the re-initiation of mound formation by increasing food and sediment fluxes. The striking depth-dependent patterns are likely linked to a shift of the ENAW-MOW-TZ, moving the level of maximum energy ∼250 m upslope since the onset of the last deglaciation

    Specific lid-base contacts in the 26s proteasome control the conformational switching required for substrate degradation.

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    The 26S proteasome is essential for proteostasis and the regulation of vital processes through ATP-dependent degradation of ubiquitinated substrates. To accomplish the multi-step degradation process, the proteasomes regulatory particle, consisting of lid and base subcomplexes, undergoes major conformational changes whose origin is unknown. Investigating the Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteasome, we found that peripheral interactions between the lid subunit Rpn5 and the base AAA+ ATPase ring are important for stabilizing the substrate-engagement-competent state and coordinating the conformational switch to processing states upon substrate engagement. Disrupting these interactions perturbs the conformational equilibrium and interferes with degradation initiation, while later processing steps remain unaffected. Similar defects in early degradation steps are observed when eliminating hydrolysis in the ATPase subunit Rpt6, whose nucleotide state seems to control proteasome conformational transitions. These results provide important insight into interaction networks that coordinate conformational changes with various stages of degradation, and how modulators of conformational equilibria may influence substrate turnover

    Quark Delocalization, Color Screening Model and Nucleon-Baryon Scattering

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    We apply the quark delocalization and color screening model to nucleon-baryon scattering. A semi-quantitative fit to N-N, N-Lambda and N-Sigma phase shifts and scattering cross sections is obtained without invoking meson exchange. Quarks delocalize reasonably in all of the different flavor channels to induce effective nucleon-baryon interactions with both a repulsive core and with an intermediate range attraction in the cases expected.Comment: 14 pp. RevTeX plus 13 figs.ps, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    : Severe Tungiasis in Underprivileged Communities: Case Series from Brazil

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    Tungiasis is caused by infestation with the sand flea (Tunga penetrans). This ectoparasitosis is endemic in economically depressed communities in South American and African countries. Tungiasis is usually considered an entomologic nuisance and does not receive much attention from healthcare professionals. During a study on tungiasis-related disease in an economically depressed area in Fortaleza, northeast Brazil, we identified 16 persons infested with an extremely high number of parasites. These patients had >50 lesions each and showed signs of intense acute and chronic inflammation. Superinfection of the lesions had led to pustule formation, suppuration, and ulceration. Debilitating sequelae, such as loss of nails and difficulty in walking, were constant. In economically depressed urban neighborhoods characterized by a high transmission potential, poor housing conditions, social neglect, and inadequate healthcare behavior, tungiasis may develop into severe disease

    Target Mass Corrections for Polarized Structure Functions and New Sum Rules

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    The target mass corrections are calculated for all structure functions of neutral and charged current deep inelastic scattering in lowest order in the coupling constant. Representations of the correction to the twist--2 and twist--3 contributions are derived both in Mellin-nn and xx-space. The impact of the target mass corrections on the general relations between the twist--2 and twist--3 parts of the structure functions is studied and three new relations between the twist--3 contributions are derived.Comment: 34 pages LATEX, 1 style fil
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