4,142 research outputs found

    Optimization of conventional and ultrasound assisted extraction of flavonoids from grapefruit (Citrus paradisi L.) solid wastes

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    Flavonoid compounds from grapefruit wastes were obtained by conventional solid liquid extraction (CE) and ultrasound assisted extraction (USE). Naringin was by far the most abundant flavonoid in the extracts ranging from 18 to 28 mg/g dw for CE and 24-36 mg/g dw for USE. Response surface methodology allowed obtaining predictive models for total phenolic content (TPC) and total antioxidant activity (TAA) as a function of the process variables ethanol concentration (Etc) (defined as weight of ethanol/weight of solution), temperature (T) and time (t) with reasonable success (CE-TPC, R-2 = 0.86, CE-TAA, R-2 = 0.85; USE-TPC, R-2 = 0.82; USE, TAA, R-2 = 0.86). USE was very effective when compared with conventional solvent extraction, allowing higher extraction yields (on average TPC 50% and TAA 66% higher) with lower temperatures and extraction times. Although the optimum process conditions indicate the use of a low ethanol concentration and ultrasounds (T = 25 degrees C, EtC = 0.4 (g/g) (40 g/100 g) and t = 55 min leading to TPC = 80.0 mg GAE/g dw and TAA = 38.3 mmol trolox/g dw), it has been proved that an USE treatment free of organic solvent (EtC = 0 g/g), at moderate temperature (25 degrees C) and short time (t = 3 min) leads to similar results (TPC = 753 mg GAE/g dw and TAA = 31.9 mmol trolox/g dw), suggesting its use for economic and environmental purposes.The authors acknowledge the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) for its financial support through the project 1965 (PAID05-11).Garcia-Castello, EM.; Rodríguez López, AD.; Mayor López, L.; Ballesteros, R.; Conidi, C.; Cassano, A. (2015). Optimization of conventional and ultrasound assisted extraction of flavonoids from grapefruit (Citrus paradisi L.) solid wastes. Food Science and Technology. 64(2):1114-1122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2015.07.024S1114112264


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    Improving education in primary care: development of an online curriculum using the blended learning model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Standardizing the experiences of medical students in a community preceptorship where clinical sites vary by geography and discipline can be challenging. Computer-assisted learning is prevalent in medical education and can help standardize experiences, but often is not used to its fullest advantage. A blended learning curriculum combining web-based modules with face-to-face learning can ensure students obtain core curricular principles.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This course was developed and used at The Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and its associated preceptorship sites in the greater Cleveland area. Leaders of a two-year elective continuity experience at the Case Western Reserve School of Medicine used adult learning principles to develop four interactive online modules presenting basics of office practice, difficult patient interviews, common primary care diagnoses, and disease prevention. They can be viewed at <url>http://casemed.case.edu/cpcp/curriculum</url>. Students completed surveys rating the content and technical performance of each module and completed a Generalist OSCE exam at the end of the course.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Participating students rated all aspects of the course highly; particularly those related to charting and direct patient care. Additionally, they scored very well on the Generalist OSCE exam.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Students found the web-based modules to be valuable and to enhance their clinical learning. The blended learning model is a useful tool in designing web-based curriculum for enhancing the clinical curriculum of medical students.</p

    Chloroquine-containing organoruthenium complexes are fast-acting multistage antimalarial agents

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    © Cambridge University Press 2016We report the pharmacological activity of organoruthenium complexes containing chloroquine (CQ) as a chelating ligand. The complexes displayed intraerythrocytic activity against CQ-sensitive 3D7 and CQ-resistant W2 strains of Plasmodium falciparum, with potency and selectivity indexes similar to those of CQ. Complexes displayed activity against all intraerythrocytic stages, but moderate activity against Plasmodium berghei liver stages. However, unlike CQ, organoruthenium complexes impaired gametocyte viability and exhibited fast parasiticidal activity against trophozoites for P. falciparum. This functional property results from the ability of complexes to quickly induce oxidative stress. The parasitaemia of P. berghei-infected mice was reduced by treatment with the complex. Our findings demonstrated that using chloroquine for the synthesis of organoruthenium complexes retains potency and selectivity while leading to an increase in the spectrum of action and parasite killing rate relative to CQ.This research was funded by FAPESB (grant PET0042/2013, Brazil) to M.B.P.S, FAPESP (grant 14/10516-7, Brazil) to A.A.B. and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (grant PTDC/SAU-MIC/117060/2010 Portugal) to M.P. A.A.B. and M.B.P.S. are recipients of senior fellowships by CNPq (Brazil)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Introdução: A cardiopatia reumática crônica é uma complicação não supurativa porinfecção da faringoamigdalite pelo streptococcus b-hemolítico do grupo A. Ocorre emindivíduos genéticamente susceptíveis e que tiveram uma resposta imune tardia. É amanifestação crônica mais severa da febre reumática, que se caracteriza por fibrose ecalcificação valvar. É uma patologia de alta incidência no Tocantins, mas que tempoucos estudos que informam sobre o perfil do paciente e sua relevância, algofundamental para a prevenção dos agravos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi descrever ascaracterísticas sociodemográficas e epidemiológicas dos pacientes internados emHospitais do SUS entre 2011 a 2018 no Estado de Tocantins. Método: Estudoepidemiológico, descritivo, retrospectivo com uma população (n) de 268 pacientesadmitidos entre 2011 e 2018 no eEstado do Tocantins. Os dados foram coletados dabase de dados do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde(DATASUS). Foram analisadas as características epidemiológicas como sexo,raça/cor, faixa etária, média de permanência e taxa de mortalidade. Resultados: Noperíodo analisado de 2011 a 2018, as doenças do aparelho circulatório com ênfase nadoença reumática crônica do coração, teve maior prevalência o ano de 2012, n=56, oque equivale 20,8% de um total de 268 internações. Dentre todas as faixas etáriasanalisadas, menor que 1 ano até maior que 80 anos, a idade de maior predomínio foide 40-49 anos, n=49, correspondente a 18,2% do total analisado. De todas as raçasapuradas, a parda foi dominante, n=189, com 70,5%. O maior número de óbitos foiem 2014, tendo 33,3%, n=4 de um total de 12 óbitos do período estudado.Conclusões: A incidência de internação hospitalar foi elevada quando comparada àmédia da região Norte. A descrição das características sociodemográficas eepidemiológicas norteia o planejamento das ações dos profissionais de saúde parafornecer um atendimento de melhor qualidade. O estudo apresentou limitações vistoque a fontes de dados (SIH/SUS) registra somente informações realizadas no sistemapúblico de saúde. Ressalta-se que o tratamento da febre reumática para ser eficientedeve ser precoce e se possível, antes do comprometimento do coração.Palavras-chave: Epidemiologia, Doença reumática, Saúde pública, Cardiopatiareumática.Introduction: Chronic rheumatic heart disease is a complication of non-suppurativeinfection of the pharyngotonsillitis by b-hemolytic Streptococcus Group A, occurs ingenetically susceptible individuals and had a late immune response. Is the most severechronic manifestation of rheumatic fever, which is characterized by fibrosis andvalvular calcification. Is a pathology of high incidence in Tocantins, but that has veryfew studies that inform about the patient profile and your relevance, somethingessential for the prevention of aggravations. The objective of this work was to describethe socio-demographic and epidemiological characteristics of patients admitted toHospitals of the SUS between 2011 to 2018 in the State of Tocantins. Material andMethods: Epidemiological study, descriptive and retrospective with a population of 265patients admitted between 2011 to 2018 in the Tocantins State. The data were collected from the Department of Informatics of the unified health system (DATASUS).Epidemiological characteristics were analysed by sex, race/color, age range, averageof permanence and mortality rate. Results: fifty nine comma sixty two percent werefemale, 71,32% race/brown color and the most prevalent age group was 40 to 49 years(17,73%) and the average stay of hospitalization of patients with chronic rheumaticdisease was 10.5 days. The in Hospital death rate was 4.52%. Conclusion: Theincidence of hospitalization was elevated when compared to the average in thenorthernregion. The description of the socio-demographic andepidemiological featuresguides the planning ofhealth professionals to provide a service a better quality service.The study presented limitations since the datasources (SIH/SUS) records onlyinformation heldin the public health system. It should be noted that the treatmentof rheumaticfever to be effective must be early and if possible, before the impairmentof the heart.Keywords: Epidemiology; Infections; Rheumatic disease, Public health, RheumaticHeart

    Six-month psychophysical evaluation of olfactory dysfunction in patients with COVID-19

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    This study prospectively assessed the six-month prevalence of self-reported and psychophysically measured olfactory dysfunction in subjects with mild-to-moderate COVID-19. Self-reported smell or taste impairment was prospectively evaluated by SNOT-22 at diagnosis, 4-week, 8-week, and 6-month. At 6 months from the diagnosis, psychophysical evaluation of olfactory function was also performed using the 34-item culturally adapted University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (CA-UPSIT). 145 completed both the 6-month subjective and psychophysical olfactory evaluation. According to CA-UPSIT, 87 subjects (60.0%) exhibited some smell dysfunction, with 10 patients being anosmic (6.9%) and 7 being severely microsmic (4.8%). At the time CA-UPSIT was administered, a weak correlation was observed between the self-reported alteration of sense of smell or taste and olfactory test scores (Spearman's r=-0.26). Among 112 patients who self-reported normal sense of smell at last follow-up, CA-UPSIT revealed normal smell in 46 (41.1%), mild microsmia in 46 (41.1%), moderate microsmia in 11 (9.8%), severe microsmia in 3 (2.3%), and anosmia in 6 (5.4%) patients; however, of those patients self-reporting normal smell but who were found to have hypofunction on testing, 62 out of 66 had self-reported reduction in sense of smell or taste at an earlier time point. Despite most patients report a subjectively normal sense of smell, we observed a high percentage of persistent smell dysfunction at 6 months from the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection, with 11.7% of patients being anosmic or severely microsmic. These data highlight a significant long-term rate of smell alteration in patients with previous SARS-COV-2 infection

    cAMP-Signalling Regulates Gametocyte-Infected Erythrocyte Deformability Required for Malaria Parasite Transmission.

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    Blocking Plasmodium falciparum transmission to mosquitoes has been designated a strategic objective in the global agenda of malaria elimination. Transmission is ensured by gametocyte-infected erythrocytes (GIE) that sequester in the bone marrow and at maturation are released into peripheral blood from where they are taken up during a mosquito blood meal. Release into the blood circulation is accompanied by an increase in GIE deformability that allows them to pass through the spleen. Here, we used a microsphere matrix to mimic splenic filtration and investigated the role of cAMP-signalling in regulating GIE deformability. We demonstrated that mature GIE deformability is dependent on reduced cAMP-signalling and on increased phosphodiesterase expression in stage V gametocytes, and that parasite cAMP-dependent kinase activity contributes to the stiffness of immature gametocytes. Importantly, pharmacological agents that raise cAMP levels in transmissible stage V gametocytes render them less deformable and hence less likely to circulate through the spleen. Therefore, phosphodiesterase inhibitors that raise cAMP levels in P. falciparum infected erythrocytes, such as sildenafil, represent new candidate drugs to block transmission of malaria parasites

    Distribution Systems of Insecticide-Treated Bed Nets for Malaria Control in Rural Burkina Faso: Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Insecticide-impregnated bed nets (ITNs) have been shown to be a highly effective tool against malaria in the endemic regions of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). There are however different opinions about the role of ITN social marketing and ITN free distribution in the roll-out of ITN programmes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of free ITN distribution through antenatal care services in addition to an ITN social marketing programme in an area typical for rural SSA. METHODS: A cluster-randomised controlled ITN trial took place in the whole Kossi Province in north-western Burkina Faso, an area highly endemic for malaria. Twelve clusters were assigned to long-term ITN (Serena brand) social marketing plus free ITN (Serena brand) distribution to all pregnant women attending governmental antenatal care services (group A), and 13 clusters to ITN social marketing only (group B). The intervention took place during the rainy season of 2006 and thereafter. The trial was evaluated through a representative household survey at baseline and after one year. Serena ITN household ownership was the primary outcome measure. FINDINGS: A total of 1052 households were visited at baseline in February 2006 and 1050 at follow-up in February 2007. Overall Serena ITN household ownership increased from 16% to 28% over the study period, with a significantly higher increase in group A (13% to 35%) than in group B (18% to 23%) (p<0.001). INTERPRETATION: The free distribution of ITNs to pregnant women through governmental antenatal care services in addition to ITN social marketing substantially improved ITN household ownership in rural Burkina Faso. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN07985309

    Proteomics in food: Quality, safety, microbes, and allergens

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    Food safety and quality and their associated risks pose a major concern worldwide regarding not only the relative economical losses but also the potential danger to consumer's health. Customer's confidence in the integrity of the food supply could be hampered by inappropriate food safety measures. A lack of measures and reliable assays to evaluate and maintain a good control of food characteristics may affect the food industry economy and shatter consumer confidence. It is imperative to create and to establish fast and reliable analytical methods that allow a good and rapid analysis of food products during the whole food chain. Proteomics can represent a powerful tool to address this issue, due to its proven excellent quantitative and qualitative drawbacks in protein analysis. This review illustrates the applications of proteomics in the past few years in food science focusing on food of animal origin with some brief hints on other types. Aim of this review is to highlight the importance of this science as a valuable tool to assess food quality and safety. Emphasis is also posed in food processing, allergies, and possible contaminants like bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens
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