20 research outputs found

    Placas pre-moldadas de argamassa de cimento e po de serra

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    Orientador: Wesley Jorge FreireTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia AgricolaDoutoradoConstruções RuraisDoutor em Engenharia Agrícol

    Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): merging galaxies and their properties

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    We derive the close pair fractions and volume merger rates for galaxies in the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey with −23 < Mr < −17 (ΩM = 0.27, ΩΛ = 0.73, H0 = 100 km s−1 Mpc−1) at 0.01 < z < 0.22 (look-back time of <2 Gyr). The merger fraction is approximately 1.5 per cent Gyr−1 at all luminosities (assuming 50 per cent of pairs merge) and the volume merger rate is ≈3.5 × 10−4 Mpc−3 Gyr−1. We examine how the merger rate varies by luminosity and morphology. Dry mergers (between red/spheroidal galaxies) are found to be uncommon and to decrease with decreasing luminosity. Fainter mergers are wet, between blue/discy galaxies. Damp mergers (one of each type) follow the average of dry and wet mergers. In the brighter luminosity bin (−23 < Mr < −20), the merger rate evolution is flat, irrespective of colour or morphology, out to z ∼ 0.2. The makeup of the merging population does not appear to change over this redshift range. Galaxy growth by major mergers appears comparatively unimportant and dry mergers are unlikely to be significant in the buildup of the red sequence over the past 2 Gyr. We compare the colour, morphology, environmental density and degree of activity (BPT class, Baldwin, Phillips & Terlevich) of galaxies in pairs to those of more isolated objects in the same volume. Galaxies in close pairs tend to be both redder and slightly more spheroid dominated than the comparison sample. We suggest that this may be due to ‘harassment’ in multiple previous passes prior to the current close interaction. Galaxy pairs do not appear to prefer significantly denser environments. There is no evidence of an enhancement in the AGN fraction in pairs, compared to other galaxies in the same volume

    Analysis of the Relationship Between Psychological Well-Being and Decision Making in Adolescent Students

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    Adolescents are frequently faced with situations in which they have to make decisions by choosing from a range of possible alternatives. In such circumstances, individual, social, and environmental conditions have an impact on the choice of the final decision in light of the various options presented. The main objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between the psychological well-being of adolescent students and their decision-making style. The research method used corresponds to an ex post facto, quantitative, transversal, correlational, and descriptive design, with an initial sample of 1,262 students from the Autonomous Community of Madrid, Spain, aged 13¿19. A subsequent resampling of 385 participants was extracted from the initial sample by proportional allocation to strata (according to the levels of the variables gender, academic year, and educational institution classification) to guarantee the representativeness of the population data. Data collection uses the first Spanish adaptation of Ryff's Psychological well-being Scale and the Flinders Adolescent Decision Making Questionnaire, adapted by Friedman and Mann. The data shows that greater use of adaptive decision-making strategies correlates significantly with greater psychological well-being. In contrast, the correlation is high and negative at the intersection of the maladaptive decision-making variables and psychological well-being.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    La Patologia Reumatica Giovanile nel Disegno delle Figura Umana

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    Il volume è rivolto a medici, psicologi e a chi, nel prendersi cura di un bambino o di un adolescente con patologia reumatica, vuole sperimentare il test psicologico del Disegno della Figura Umana. Le Autrici, confortate da una lunga esperienza sul campo, propongono un approccio che, mentre considera l'indispensabile dimensione medicobiologica, dà ampio rilievo alla valutazione degli aspetti emotivi, cognitivi e di personalità dei giovani pazienti. Grazie ad una puntuale sintesi, mai semplificatoria, il lettore potrà acquisire un metodo di lettura del disegno e, contemporaneamente, affacciarsi sul vissuto interno dei piccoli pazienti affetti da patologia reumatica giovanile

    Enhanced OH<sup>−</sup> Conductivity for Fuel Cells with Anion Exchange Membranes, Based on Modified Terpolymer Polyketone and Surface Functionalized Silica

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    Several modified terpolymer polyketones (MPK) with N-substituted pyrrole moieties in the main chain and quaternized amine in the side group were synthesized for use as anion exchange membranes for fuel cells. The moieties were carried by SiO2 nanoparticles through surface functionalization (Si–N), which were added to the membranes to enhance their overall properties. On increasing the amount of modified silica from 10% to 60% wt/of MPK, there was an increase in Si–N and a corresponding threefold increase in the hydroxide conductivity of the membrane. The MPK–SiN (60%) exhibited a superior ionic conductivity of 1.05 × 10−1 S.cm−1 at 120 °C, a high mechanical stability, with a tensile strength of 46 MPa at 80 °C. In strongly alkaline conditions (1 M KOH, 216 h at 80 °C), the membranes maintained about 70% of the conductivity measured in a usual environment. Fuel cell performance at 80 °C showed a peak power density of 133 mW·cm−2, indicating that using surface-functionalized SiO2 is a simple and effective way to enhance the overall performance of anion exchange membranes in fuel cell applications

    Prevalência de aneurismas rotos de aorta detectados em necrópsias no serviço de verificação de óbito do município de Sorocaba entre 2006-2016

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    Introdução: O aneurisma da aorta é uma dilatação patológica das três túnicas que constituem a artéria, cuja base fisiopatogênica consiste no enfraquecimento da Matriz Extracelular. Trata-se de uma doença silenciosa e letal, frequentemente subdiagnosticada, que é encontrada acidentalmente em exames de imagem e, em última instância, em necrópsias. Objetivos: A pesquisa pretendeu realizar um estudo sobre a prevalência de aneurismas rotos através do Serviço de Verificação de Óbito do município juntamente com o Conjunto Hospitalar de Sorocaba, por meio da análise dos relatórios macroscópicos de autópsias contidos no Departamento de Patologia da FCMS-PUCSP. Metodologia: Foram coletadas informações de 3421 laudos de autópsias realizadas entre 2006 a 2016, buscando-se identificar os aneurismas da aorta. Destes, foram registrados os dados referentes à identificação dos pacientes, a causa da morte, patologias associadas, ano em que foi realizada, serviço que solicitou a necrópsia e outros achados. Resultados: Foram obtidos 72 aneurismas de aorta (prevalência de 2,10%), dos quais 39 eram rotos (prevalência de 1,14%). Dentre os rotos, predominaram homens (76,92%), brancos (84,61%) e indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais (77,14%). A maior parte das roturas estava relacionada à aterosclerose (76,92%), localizava-se na aorta abdominal (64,10%), e em 58,97%, os pacientes eram provenientes do SVO, logo, indivíduos não internados e sem suspeita clínica. Além disso, encontrou-se que a hipertensão arterial teve um significante papel na rotura (p<0,05). Conclusão: Considerando que mais da metade dos aneurismas encontrados nas necrópsias possuía rotura, a presença de aneurisma sugere uma alta probabilidade de morte por causa hemorrágica, ressaltando a importância de sua detecção precoce e tratamento. Agência de fomento: PIBIC-CNPq

    Porosity of a Fast-Setting Mortar with Crystallization Admixture and Effect of a SA-PA Modification

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    Air permeability measurements according to the Hagen&ndash;Poiseuille equation, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) tests were conducted on samples of cementitious mortar at different curing times to study the correlation between the increased crystallization and their microstructure. The mortar samples were prepared with a commercial fast-setting premix containing calcium silicates and quartz. The average permeability coefficient (K) was 2.96 &times; 10&minus;15 m2 after 3 days and decreased to 3.07 &times; 10&minus;17 m2 after about one month. The continuous C-S-H nucleation in the capillary pores of the cement mortar changes their shape and improves the mortar&rsquo;s impermeability. The SEM images showed the development of crystals that refine the pore size distribution of the cement paste, with more of the smallest pores, and fewer of the largest, as demonstrated by the MIP measurements. Adding a superabsorbent polyacrylate (SA-PA) in the amount of 0.5% wt of dry powder, without adding any extra water, makes a mortar less fluid but not faster-setting. Twenty-four hours after mixing and casting, it is still plastic and, with time, the pore size distribution differs from that of standard mortar. Over time in air, permeability remains high, but in water it could be low due to swelling of SA-PA residues