48 research outputs found

    A reconnaissance study of 13C- 13C clumping in ethane from natural gas

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    Ethane is the second most abundant alkane in most natural gas reservoirs. Its bulk isotopic compositions (δ13C and δD) are used to understand conditions and progress of cracking reactions that lead to the accumulation of hydrocarbons. Bulk isotopic compositions are dominated by the concentrations of singly-substituted isotopologues (13CH3-12CH3 for δ13C and 12CDH2-12CH3 for δ D). However, multiply-substituted isotopologues can bring additional independent constraints on the origins of natural ethane. The 13C2H6 isotopologue is particularly interesting as it can potentially inform the distribution of 13C atoms in the parent biomolecules whose thermal cracking lead to the production of natural gas. This work presents methods to purify ethane from natural gas samples and quantify the abundance of the rare isotopologue 13C2H6 in ethane at natural abundances to a precision of ±0.12‰ using a high-resolution gas source mass spectrometer. To investigate the natural variability in carbon-carbon clumping, we measured twenty-five samples of thermogenic ethane from a range of geological settings, supported by two hydrous pyrolysis of shales experiments and a dry pyrolysis of ethane experiment. The natural gas samples exhibit a range of ’clumped isotope’ signatures (Δ13C2H6) at least 30 times larger than our analytical precision, and significantly larger than expected for thermodynamic equilibration of the carbon-carbon bonds during or after formation of ethane, inheritance from the distribution of isotopes in organic molecules or different extents of cracking of the source. However we show a relationship between the Δ13C2H6 and the proportion of alkanes in natural gas samples, which we believe can be associated to the extent of secondary ethane cracking. This scenario is consistent with the results of laboratory experiments, where breaking down ethane leaves the residue with a low Δ13C2H6 compared to the initial gas. Carbon-carbon clumping is therefore a new potential tracer suitable for the study of kinetic processes associated with natural gas

    Methane Clumped Isotopes: Progress and Potential for a New Isotopic Tracer

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    The isotopic composition of methane is of longstanding geochemical interest, with important implications for understanding petroleum systems, atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, the global carbon cycle, and life in extreme environments. Recent analytical developments focusing on multiply substituted isotopologues (‘clumped isotopes’) are opening a valuable new window into methane geochemistry. When methane forms in internal isotopic equilibrium, clumped isotopes can provide a direct record of formation temperature, making this property particularly valuable for identifying different methane origins. However, it has also become clear that in certain settings methane clumped isotope measurements record kinetic rather than equilibrium isotope effects. Here we present a substantially expanded dataset of methane clumped isotope analyses, and provide a synthesis of the current interpretive framework for this parameter. In general, clumped isotope measurements indicate plausible formation temperatures for abiotic, thermogenic, and microbial methane in many geological environments, which is encouraging for the further development of this measurement as a geothermometer, and as a tracer for the source of natural gas reservoirs and emissions. We also highlight, however, instances where clumped isotope derived temperatures are higher than expected, and discuss possible factors that could distort equilibrium formation temperature signals. In microbial methane from freshwater ecosystems, in particular, clumped isotope values appear to be controlled by kinetic effects, and may ultimately be useful to study methanogen metabolism

    InterCarb: a community effort to improve interlaboratory standardization of the carbonate clumped isotope thermometer using carbonate standards

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    Increased use and improved methodology of carbonate clumped isotope thermometry has greatly enhanced our ability to interrogate a suite of Earth-system processes. However, interlaboratory discrepancies in quantifying carbonate clumped isotope (Δ47) measurements persist, and their specific sources remain unclear. To address interlaboratory differences, we first provide consensus values from the clumped isotope community for four carbonate standards relative to heated and equilibrated gases with 1,819 individual analyses from 10 laboratories. Then we analyzed the four carbonate standards along with three additional standards, spanning a broad range of δ47 and Δ47 values, for a total of 5,329 analyses on 25 individual mass spectrometers from 22 different laboratories. Treating three of the materials as known standards and the other four as unknowns, we find that the use of carbonate reference materials is a robust method for standardization that yields interlaboratory discrepancies entirely consistent with intralaboratory analytical uncertainties. Carbonate reference materials, along with measurement and data processing practices described herein, provide the carbonate clumped isotope community with a robust approach to achieve interlaboratory agreement as we continue to use and improve this powerful geochemical tool. We propose that carbonate clumped isotope data normalized to the carbonate reference materials described in this publication should be reported as Δ47 (I-CDES) values for Intercarb-Carbon Dioxide Equilibrium Scale

    CM chondrite carbonates 17O and clumped isotopes

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    We measured the stable isotopic composition of carbonate in 6 CM chondrites, including carbonate clumped isotopes and 17O/16O. The triple oxygen isotopes and the clumped isotopes are measured on the same aliquot of gas to avoid issues with heterogeneity in the samples.1) results data table, averaged for each meteorite split analysed in a given session2) isotopic compositions of fluid in equilibrium with the carbonates3) clumped isotope low level data: replicate of reference material and samples by analytical session4) triple oxygen low level data: validation measurements and individual replicate dataTHIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Implications of Pt Crucibles-H2O Vapour Interaction on Past DeltaD Measurements in Silicate Glasses and Minerals

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    The extraction of water from igneous rocks and minerals is classically achieved by induction heating of a platinum alloy crucible where the sample has been deposited. Here, we show that chemical interaction between water and Pt-10%Rh crucibles occurs at high temperature. Known amounts of water were reacted with a Pt crucible held at high temperatures (900-1300oC) for 5 to 10 minutes and then recovered. The experiments show that in average 18% of the water was lost to the crucible during the reaction, and that the isotopic composition of the remaining water was shifted by up to 25‰ . From 20 to 50% of the lost water was recoverable by re-heating the crucible at 1300oC. Repeated experiments using the same standard water on the crucible showed a decrease of the isotopic shift to only 2‰ . This is compatible with a memory effect of the Pt-10%Rh crucible. We propose that a large amount (at least several tens of {μ }mol) of water remains trapped in or at the surface of the crucible and that isotopic exchange between trapped and introduced water affects subsequent isotopic composition of injected water. We conclude that the use of Pt alloys, as crucibles or foils, to extract water from rocks or minerals should be avoided. The interaction highlighted in this study shed light on previously inconsistent observations made on several mantle-derived samples. This effect could potentially explain the very low δ D ( ∼-110‰ ) measured by Bell and Ihinger (2000) in anhydrous mantle minerals with low water concentrations. Moreover, 14 basaltic glasses previously measured using Pt or Pt alloys crucibles were re-analysed using externally heated silica tubes, yielding δ D heavier by about 15‰ and suggesting a δ D for the source of N-MORB closer to ∼-60‰ rather than -80‰

    CH and CC Clumping in Ethane by High-resolution Mass Spectrometry

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    Ethane (C2H6) is an important natural compound, and its geochemistry can be studied through 13C-13C, 13C-D and/or D-D clumping. Such measurements are potentially important both as a stepping stone towards the study of more complex organic molecules and, in its own regard, to understand processes controlling the generation, migration and destruction of natural gas. Isotopic clumping on C-C and C-H bonds could be influenced by thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, diffusion or gas mixing. Previous work showed that 13C-D clumping in methane generally reflects equilibrium and provides a measure of formation temperature (Stolper et al 2014a), whereas 13C-13C clumping in ethane is likely most controlled by chemical-kinetic processes and/or inheritance from the isotopic structure of source organic compounds (Clog et al 2014). 13C-D clumping in ethane has the potential to provide a thermometer for its synthesis, as it does for methane. However, the difference in C-H bond dissociation energy for these two compounds may suggest a lower ‘blocking temperature’ for this phenomenon in ethane (the blocking temperature for methane is ≥~250 C in geological conditions). We present analytical techniques to measure both 13C-13C and 13C-D clumping in ethane, using a novel two-instrument technique, including both the Thermo 253-Ultra and the Thermo DFS. In this method, the Ultra is used to measure the relative abundances of combinations nearly isobaric isotopologues: (13C12CH6 + 12C2DH5)/12C2H6 and (13C2H6 + 12C13CDH5)/12C2H6, free of other isobaric interferences like O2. The DFS, a very high resolution single-collector instrument, is then used to measure the ratios of isotopologues of ethane at a single cardinal mass: 12C2DH5/13C12CH6, and 12C13CDH5/13C2H6, with precisions of ~1 permil. Those 4 measurements allow us to calculate the bulk isotopic composition (D and 13C) as well as the abundance of 13C2H6 and 13C12CDH5. We also present progress on the development of software tools to use the data measured with the DFS efficiently

    Measuring Doubly 13C-Substituted Ethane by Mass Spectrometry

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    Ethane (C2H6) is present in non-negligible amounts in most natural gas reservoirs and is used to produce ethylene for petrochemical industries. It is one of the by-products of lipid metabolism and is the arguably simplest molecule that can manifest multiple 13C substitutions. There are several plausible controls on the relative abundances of 13C2H6 in natural gases: thermodynamically controlled homogeneous isotope exchange reactions analogous to those behind carbonate clumped isotope thermometry; inheritance from larger biomolecules that under thermal degradation to produce natural gas; mixing of natural gases that differ markedly in bulk isotopic composition; or combinations of these and/or other, less expected fractionations. There is little basis for predicting which of these will dominate in natural samples. Here, we focus on an analytical techniques that will provide the avenue for exploring these phenomena. The method is based on high-resolution gas source isotope ratio mass spectrometry, using the Thermo 253-Ultra (a new prototype mass spectrometer). This instrument achieves the mass resolution (M/Δ M) up to 27,000, permitting separation of the isobaric interferences of potential contaminants and isotopologues of an analtye or its fragments which share a cardinal mass. We present techniques to analyze several isotopologues of molecular and fragment ions of C2H6. The critical isobaric separations for our purposes include: discrimination of 13C2H6 from 13C12CDH5 at mass 32 and separation of the 13CH3 fragment from 12CH4 at mass 16, both requiring at least a mass resolution of 20000 to make an adequate measurement. Other obvious interferences are either cleanly separated (e.g., O2, O) or accounted for by peak-stripping (CH3OH on mass 32 and NH2 on mass 16). We focus on a set of measurements which constrain: the doubly-substituted isotopologue, 13C2H6, and the 13CH3/12CH3 ratio of the methyl fragment, which constrains the bulk δ 13C. Similar methods can be used to measure the D/H ratio, among other species. The precision on the δ 13C is better than 0.25 permil (1 s.e.) on the CH3 fragment. Calculating δ 13C and δ D simultaneously on the intact isotopologues on masses 30 to 32 yields precisions of respectfully 0.2 and 4 permil (1 s.e.). Ratios of mass 32 to mass 30 species are measured to better than +/-0.7 per mil (1 s.e.). The corresponding precision on Δ 13C2H6 (defined as 1000 * ((13C2H6/C2H6)measured/(13C2H6/C2H6)stochastic)-1)) is +/-0.85 per mil (1 s.e.). All precision reflects counting statistics and can be improved with longer counting times. Accuracy determinations are underway