9 research outputs found

    The Physics of the B Factories

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    This work is on the Physics of the B Factories. Part A of this book contains a brief description of the SLAC and KEK B Factories as well as their detectors, BaBar and Belle, and data taking related issues. Part B discusses tools and methods used by the experiments in order to obtain results. The results themselves can be found in Part C

    The Physics of the B Factories

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    Epistemologga de la Medicina: CCmo saben los mmdicos que lo que saben es verdadero? El saber mmdico en la era del saber inducido por la industria farmaccutica: El caso Vioxx (Medicine's Epistemology: How Do Doctors Know What They Know is True? The Medical Knowledge in the Era of Big Pharma-Induced Knowledge: The Vioxx Case)

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    Psychosomatic and Biopsychosocial Medicine: Body-Mind Relationship, Its Roots, and Current Challenges

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    The basis of psychosomatic medicine is a fundamental philosophical debate between mind (a subjective phenomenon that is linked to a sense of consciousness) and body (which is empirically demonstrable). Starting from the Greek tradition to the Cartesian res cogitans-res extensa dichotomy, the chapter illustrates the role and importance of a biopsychosocial approach in all the spheres of medicine as a way to contrast the still evident modern medicine reductionism. The evidence coming from biological, psychological, and social science, merging in biopsychosocial (or psychosomatic) integrated view in medicine, is also discussed. Although the term psychosomatic can be misleading, since, as Alexander underlined in the first issue of the journal Psychosomatic Medicine in 1939, it may imply dichotomy between psyche and body (soma). If however we understand psychic phenomena as nothing but the subjective aspect of certain bodily (brain) processes, this dichotomy disappears, becoming medicine of the whole person, away from scientistic reductionism and toward the embrace of the complex in clinical practice


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