337 research outputs found

    Становлення системи спеціальних установ органів внутрішніх справ: історико-правові аспекти

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    Чуйков, А. Ю. Становлення системи спеціальних установ органів внутрішніх справ: історико-правові аспекти / А. Ю. Чуйков // Право і безпека. - 2009. - № 5 (32). - С. 36-41.Здійснено огляд історії становлення системи спеціальних установ ОВС, які детермінують учинення правопорушень у сфері охорони громадського порядку. Визначено сутність указаних спеціальних установ, запропоновано шлях вирішення проблеми використання даного терміна. Визначено їх види і розглянуто окремі фактори, які сприяли створенню системи спеціальних установ. Рассмотрена история становления системы специальных учреждений ОВД, которые детерминируют совершение правонарушений в сфере охраны общественного порядка. Определена суть указанных специальных учреждений, предложен путь решения проблемы использования данного термина. Определены их виды и рассмотрены отдельные факторы, которые способствовали созданию системы специальных учреждений. The history of special units’ system formation within internal affairs agencies which stipulate offences committing in the sphere of public order keeping is researched. The essence of mentioned special units is determined; the way of solving the problem of using this term is offered. Their species are determined and separate factors which stimulated creation of special units’ system are researched

    Study of water purification reactor operating modes

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    Wastewater treatment is one of the main problems of development and urbanization of the Arctic regions. This article is devoted to the development of a method for assessing the degree of water purification in order to determine the optimum operating parameters of treatment reactors for water treatment by ferrates from industrial and household waste resulting from the development of Arctic regions. Experiments reflecting the influence of the amount of air supplied to the purification plant on the processes of mixing and distribution of water were carried out and analyzed. Based on the experimental data, a method for determining the optimum operating parameters of a new mobile water purification plant has been developed and applied. The operation of the plant is based on the use of the ferrate method. equations and dependencies describing the relationship between the reactor volume, liquid flow rate and the degree of water purification are given. The degree of water pollution is estimated as its fraction which has left the reactor before the time required for complete treatment of the liquid from the moment it enters i the reactor. Optimal parameters of the ferrate reactor, such as volume and air supply, for a mobile water treatment plant were determined

    The Officialdom of the Russian Empire: a Modern Historiography of the Issue. Part II

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    In this work, the authors continued the study of modern historiography of the history of the bureaucracy of the Russian Empire. The work was mainly based on the scientific works of modern scientists from Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. The subject of research of these scientists was the questions of official and unofficial everyday life of officials of the Russian Empire. Particular attention is paid to the works devoted to the study of stereotypes, values and morals characteristic of a bureaucratic environment. Many studies have studied the system of motivation, rewards, punishments, and other issues related to the daily routine of civil servants in the Russian Empire. The authors once again noted the unevenness in the study of the subject field of the history of bureaucracy. The block of scientific papers in which general theoretical questions of the formation and functioning of the bureaucracy of the Russian Empire are highlighted is very large. At the same time, little attention is paid to the study of the life of officials, in particular, living conditions, leisure and entertainment, family and marriage relations.В исследовании продолжено изучение современной историографии истории чиновничества Российской империи. В основу работы преимущественно легли научные труды современных ученых Беларуси, России, Украины. Предметом исследования этих ученых стали вопросы служебной и внеслужебной повседневности чиновников Российской империи. Особое внимание уделено работам, посвященным изучению стереотипов, ценностей и нравов, характерных для бюрократической среды. Во многих исследованиях изучалась система мотиваций, поощрений, наказаний и другие вопросы, связанные со служебной повседневностью государственных служащих Российской империи. Авторами в очередной раз отмечена неравномерность в изучении предметного поля истории чиновничества. Блок научных работ, в которых освещаются общетеоретические вопросы становления и функционирования чиновничества Российской империи, очень велик. При этом мало внимания уделяется изучению быта чиновников, в частности условий жизни, досуга и развлечений, семейно брачных отношений

    Environmental changes in oxygen tension reveal ROS-dependent neurogenesis and regeneration in the adult newt brain

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    Acknowledgements: We thank A Elewa, N Dantuma, C Sjögren for many helpful comments on the manuscript, and H Wang and M Kirkham for advice. This work was supported by grants from the European Research Council, Swedish Research Council, Swedish Cancer Society, AFA Insurances to AS. YC´s laboratory is supported by research grants from the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Cancer Foundation, the Karolinska Institute Foundation, the Karolinska Institute distinguished professor award, the Torsten Soderbergs foundation, the NOVO Nordisk Foundation, the Advanced grant from the NOVO Nordisk foundation, and the Alice Wallenberg foundation This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use and redistribution provided that the original author and source are credited.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    PRMT5 is required for cell-cycle progression and p53 tumor suppressor function

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    Protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs) mediate the transfer of methyl groups to arginines in proteins involved in signal transduction, transcriptional regulation and RNA processing. Tumor suppressor p53 coordinates crucial cellular processes, including cell-cycle arrest and DNA repair, in response to stress signals. Post-translational modifications and interactions with co-factors are important to regulate p53 transcriptional activity. To explore whether PRMTs modulate p53 function, we generated multiple cell lines in which PRMT1, CARM1 and PRMT5 are inducibly knocked down. Here, we showed that PRMT5, but not PRMT1 or CARM1, is essential for cell proliferation and PRMT5 deficiency triggers cell-cycle arrest in G1. In addition, PRMT5 is required for p53 expression and induction of p53 targets MDM2 and p21 upon DNA damage. Importantly, we established that PRMT5 knockdown prevents p53 protein synthesis. Furthermore, we found that PRMT5 regulates the expression of translation initiation factor eIF4E and growth suppression mediated upon PRMT5 knockdown is independent of p53 but is dependent on eIF4E. Taken together, we uncovered that arginine methyltransferase PRMT5 is a major pro-survival factor regulating eIF4E expression and p53 translation

    A proteomic approach for the identification of novel lysine methyltransferase substrates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Signaling via protein lysine methylation has been proposed to play a central role in the regulation of many physiologic and pathologic programs. In contrast to other post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation, proteome-wide approaches to investigate lysine methylation networks do not exist.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the current study, we used the ProtoArray<sup>® </sup>platform, containing over 9,500 human proteins, and developed and optimized a system for proteome-wide identification of novel methylation events catalyzed by the protein lysine methyltransferase (PKMT) SETD6. This enzyme had previously been shown to methylate the transcription factor RelA, but it was not known whether SETD6 had other substrates. By using two independent detection approaches, we identified novel candidate substrates for SETD6, and verified that all targets tested <it>in vitro </it>and in cells were genuine substrates.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We describe a novel proteome-wide methodology for the identification of new PKMT substrates. This technological advance may lead to a better understanding of the enzymatic activity and substrate specificity of the large number (more than 50) PKMTs present in the human proteome, most of which are uncharacterized.</p

    The Drosophila G9a gene encodes a multi-catalytic histone methyltransferase required for normal development

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    Mammalian G9a is a histone H3 Lys-9 (H3–K9) methyltransferase localized in euchromatin and acts as a co-regulator for specific transcription factors. G9a is required for proper development in mammals as g9a(−)/g9a(−) mice show growth retardation and early lethality. Here we describe the cloning, the biochemical and genetical analyses of the Drosophila homolog dG9a. We show that dG9a shares the structural organization of mammalian G9a, and that it is a multi-catalytic histone methyltransferase with specificity not only for lysines 9 and 27 on H3 but also for H4. Surprisingly, it is not the H4–K20 residue that is the target for this methylation. Spatiotemporal expression analyses reveal that dG9a is abundantly expressed in the gonads of both sexes, with no detectable expression in gonadectomized adults. In addition we find a low but clearly observable level of dG9a transcript in developing embryos, larvae and pupae. Genetic and RNAi experiments reveal that dG9a is involved in ecdysone regulatory pathways

    Modeling a New Water Channel That Allows SET9 to Dimethylate p53

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    SET9, a protein lysine methyltransferase, has been thought to be capable of transferring only one methyl group to target lysine residues. However, some reports have pointed out that SET9 can dimethylate Lys372 of p53 (p53-K372) and Lys4 of histone H3 (H3-K4). In order to understand how p53 can be dimethylated by SET9, we measured the radius of the channel that surrounds p53-K372, first on the basis of the crystal structure of SET9, and we show that the channel is not suitable for water movement. Second, molecular dynamic (MD) simulations were carried out for 204 ns on the crystal structure of SET9. The results show that water leaves the active site of SET9 through a new channel, which is made of G292, A295, Y305 and Y335. In addition, the results of molecular docking and MD simulations indicate that the new water channel continues to remain open when S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) or S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy) is bound to SET9. The changes in the radii of these two channels were measured in the equilibrium phase at the constant temperature of 300 K. The results indicate that the first channel still does not allow water to get into or out of the active site, but the new channel is large enough to allow this water to circulate. Our results indicate that water can be removed from the active site, an essential process for allowing the dimethylation reaction to occur

    Heat shock factor-1 modulates p53 activity in the transcriptional response to DNA damage

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    Here we define an important role for heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) in the cellular response to genotoxic agents. We demonstrate for the first time that HSF1 can complex with nuclear p53 and that both proteins are co-operatively recruited to p53-responsive genes such as p21. Analysis of natural and synthetic cis elements demonstrates that HSF1 can enhance p53-mediated transcription, whilst depletion of HSF1 reduces the expression of p53-responsive transcripts. We find that HSF1 is required for optimal p21 expression and p53-mediated cell-cycle arrest in response to genotoxins while loss of HSF1 attenuates apoptosis in response to these agents. To explain these novel properties of HSF1 we show that HSF1 can complex with DNA damage kinases ATR and Chk1 to effect p53 phosphorylation in response to DNA damage. Our data reveal HSF1 as a key transcriptional regulator in response to genotoxic compounds widely used in the clinical setting, and suggest that HSF1 will contribute to the efficacy of these agents