174 research outputs found

    Novel approaches to combat bacterial biofilms.

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    International audienceBiofilms formed by pathogenic bacteria and fungi are associated with a wide range of diseases, from device-related infections (such as catheters or prosthetic joints) to chronic infections occurring on native tissues (such as lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients). Biofilms are therefore responsible for an important medical and economic burden. Currently used antibiotics have mostly been developed to target exponentially growing microorganisms and are poorly effective against biofilms. In particular, even high concentrations of bactericidal antibiotics are inactive against a subset of persistent biofilm bacteria, which can cause infection recurrence despite prolonged treatments. While the search for a magic bullet antibiotic effective against both planktonic and biofilm bacteria is still active, alternative preventive and curative approaches are currently being developed either limiting adhesion or biofilm formation or targeting biofilm tolerance by killing persister bacteria. Most of these approaches are adjunctive using new molecules in combination with antibiotics. This review presents promising approaches or strategies that could improve our ability to prevent or eradicate bacterial biofilms in medical settings

    In vitro activity of gentamicin, vancomycin or amikacin combined with EDTA or l-arginine as lock therapy against a wide spectrum of biofilm-forming clinical strains isolated from catheter-related infections.

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    International audienceOBJECTIVES: Treatment of catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) is hampered by the characteristic tolerance of bacterial biofilms towards antibiotics. Our objective was to study the effect of the combination of antibiotics and the alkaline amino acid l-arginine or the cation chelator EDTA on the bacterial killing of in vitro biofilms formed by an array of clinical strains responsible for CRBSI and representative of epidemiologically relevant bacterial species. METHODS: Among 32 strains described in a previous clinical study, we focused on the most antibiotic-tolerant strains including CoNS (n = 4), Staphylococcus aureus (n = 4), Enterococcus faecalis (n = 2), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n = 4) and Enterobacteriaceae (n = 4). We used an in vitro biofilm model (96-well plate assay) to study biofilm tolerance and tested various combinations of antibiotics and non-antibiotic adjuvants. Gentamicin, amikacin or vancomycin was combined with disodium EDTA or l-arginine for 24 h to reproduce the antibiotic lock therapy (ALT) approach. Killing of biofilm bacteria was measured by cfu quantification after a vigorous step of pipetting up and down in order to detach all biofilm bacteria from the surface of the wells. RESULTS: Both of our adjuvant strategies significantly increased the effect of antibiotics against biofilms formed by Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. The combination of gentamicin + EDTA was active against all tested strains apart from one P. aeruginosa. The combination of gentamicin + l-arginine was active against most of the tested strains with the notable exception of CoNS for which no potentiation was observed. We also demonstrated that amikacin + EDTA was active against Gram-negative bacteria and that vancomycin + EDTA was active against Gram-positive bacteria. CONCLUSIONS: The addition of EDTA enhanced the activity of gentamicin, amikacin and vancomycin against biofilms formed by a wide spectrum of bacterial strains responsible for CRBSI

    A Short–Time Scale Colloidal System Reveals Early Bacterial Adhesion Dynamics

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    The development of bacteria on abiotic surfaces has important public health and sanitary consequences. However, despite several decades of study of bacterial adhesion to inert surfaces, the biophysical mechanisms governing this process remain poorly understood, due, in particular, to the lack of methodologies covering the appropriate time scale. Using micrometric colloidal surface particles and flow cytometry analysis, we developed a rapid multiparametric approach to studying early events in adhesion of the bacterium Escherichia coli. This approach simultaneously describes the kinetics and amplitude of early steps in adhesion, changes in physicochemical surface properties within the first few seconds of adhesion, and the self-association state of attached and free-floating cells. Examination of the role of three well-characterized E. coli surface adhesion factors upon attachment to colloidal surfaces—curli fimbriae, F-conjugative pilus, and Ag43 adhesin—showed clear-cut differences in the very initial phases of surface colonization for cell-bearing surface structures, all known to promote biofilm development. Our multiparametric analysis revealed a correlation in the adhesion phase with cell-to-cell aggregation properties and demonstrated that this phenomenon amplified surface colonization once initial cell-surface attachment was achieved. Monitoring of real-time physico-chemical particle surface properties showed that surface-active molecules of bacterial origin quickly modified surface properties, providing new insight into the intricate relations connecting abiotic surface physicochemical properties and bacterial adhesion. Hence, the biophysical analytical method described here provides a new and relevant approach to quantitatively and kinetically investigating bacterial adhesion and biofilm development

    Functional heterogeneity of the UpaH autotransporter protein from uropathogenic Escherichia coli

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    Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) are responsible for the majority of urinary tract infections(UTI). To cause UTI, UPEC must adhere to epithelial cells of the urinary tract and overcome the shear flow forces of urine. This function is primarily mediated by fimbrial adhesins, which mediate specific attachment to host cell receptors. Another group of adhesins that contribute to UPEC mediated UTI are autotransporter (AT) proteins. AT proteins possess a range of virulence properties such as adherence, aggregation, invasion and biofilm formation. One recently characterized AT protein of UPEC is UpaH, a large AIDA-I type AT protein that contributes to biofilm formation and bladder colonization. In this study, we have characterized a series of naturally occurring variants of UpaH. We demonstrate that extensive sequence variation exists within the passenger-encoding domain of UpaH variants from different UPEC strains. This sequence variation is associated with functional heterogeneity with respect to the ability of UpaH to mediate biofilm formation. In contrast, all of the UpaH variants examined retained a conserved ability to mediate binding to extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. Bioinformatic analysis of the UpaH passenger domain identified a conserved region (UpaHCR) and hydrophobic region (UpaHHR). Deletion of these domains reduced biofilm formation but not binding to ECM proteins. Despite variation in upaH sequence, the transcription of upaH was repressed by a conserved mechanism involving the global regulator H-NS, and mutation of the hns gene relieved this repression. Overall, our findings shed new light on the regulation and function of the UpaH AT protein

    Molecular characterization of the EhaG and UpaG trimeric autotransporter proteins from pathogenic Escherichia coli

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    Trimeric autotransporter proteins (TAAs) are important virulence factors of many Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. A common feature of most TAAs is the ability to mediate adherence to eukaryotic cells or extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins via a cell surface-exposed passenger domain. Here we describe the characterization of EhaG, a TAA identified from enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7. EhaG is a positional orthologue of the recently characterized UpaG TAA from uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC). Similarly to UpaG, EhaG localized at the bacterial cell surface and promoted cell aggregation, biofilm formation, and adherence to a range of ECM proteins. However, the two orthologues display differential cellular binding: EhaG mediates specific adhesion to colorectal epithelial cells while UpaG promotes specific binding to bladder epithelial cells. The EhaG and UpaG TAAs contain extensive sequence divergence in their respective passenger domains that could account for these differences. Indeed, sequence analyses of UpaG and EhaG homologues from several E. coli genomes revealed grouping of the proteins in clades almost exclusively represented by distinct E. coli pathotypes. The expression of EhaG (in EHEC) and UpaG (in UPEC) was also investigated and shown to be significantly enhanced in an hns isogenic mutant, suggesting that H-NS acts as a negative regulator of both TAAs. Thus, while the EhaG and UpaG TAAs contain some conserved binding and regulatory features, they also possess important differences that correlate with the distinct pathogenic lifestyles of EHEC and UPEC

    Bacterial Surface Appendages Strongly Impact Nanomechanical and Electrokinetic Properties of Escherichia coli Cells Subjected to Osmotic Stress

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    The physicochemical properties and dynamics of bacterial envelope, play a major role in bacterial activity. In this study, the morphological, nanomechanical and electrohydrodynamic properties of Escherichia coli K-12 mutant cells were thoroughly investigated as a function of bulk medium ionic strength using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and electrokinetics (electrophoresis). Bacteria were differing according to genetic alterations controlling the production of different surface appendages (short and rigid Ag43 adhesins, longer and more flexible type 1 fimbriae and F pilus). From the analysis of the spatially resolved force curves, it is shown that cells elasticity and turgor pressure are not only depending on bulk salt concentration but also on the presence/absence and nature of surface appendage. In 1 mM KNO3, cells without appendages or cells surrounded by Ag43 exhibit large Young moduli and turgor pressures (∼700–900 kPa and ∼100–300 kPa respectively). Under similar ionic strength condition, a dramatic ∼50% to ∼70% decrease of these nanomechanical parameters was evidenced for cells with appendages. Qualitatively, such dependence of nanomechanical behavior on surface organization remains when increasing medium salt content to 100 mM, even though, quantitatively, differences are marked to a much smaller extent. Additionally, for a given surface appendage, the magnitude of the nanomechanical parameters decreases significantly when increasing bulk salt concentration. This effect is ascribed to a bacterial exoosmotic water loss resulting in a combined contraction of bacterial cytoplasm together with an electrostatically-driven shrinkage of the surface appendages. The former process is demonstrated upon AFM analysis, while the latter, inaccessible upon AFM imaging, is inferred from electrophoretic data interpreted according to advanced soft particle electrokinetic theory. Altogether, AFM and electrokinetic results clearly demonstrate the intimate relationship between structure/flexibility and charge of bacterial envelope and propensity of bacterium and surface appendages to contract under hypertonic conditions

    Peptides as quorum sensing molecules : measurement techniques and obtained levels in vitro and in vivo

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    The expression of certain bacterial genes is regulated in a cell-density dependent way, a phenomenon called quorum sensing. Both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria use this type of communication, though the signal molecules (auto-inducers) used by them differ between both groups: Gram-negative bacteria use predominantly N-acyl homoserine lacton (AHL) molecules (autoinducer-1, AI-1) while Gram-positive bacteria use mainly peptides (autoinducer peptides, AIP or quorum sensing peptides). These quorum sensing molecules are not only involved in the inter-microbial communication, but can also possibly cross-talk directly or indirectly with their host. This review summarizes the currently applied analytical approaches for quorum sensing identification and quantification with additionally summarizing the experimentally found in vivo concentrations of these molecules in humans

    Protein Translation and Cell Death: The Role of Rare tRNAs in Biofilm Formation and in Activating Dormant Phage Killer Genes

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    We discovered previously that the small Escherichia coli proteins Hha (hemolysin expression modulating protein) and the adjacent, poorly-characterized YbaJ are important for biofilm formation; however, their roles have been nebulous. Biofilms are intricate communities in which cell signaling often converts single cells into primitive tissues. Here we show that Hha decreases biofilm formation dramatically by repressing the transcription of rare codon tRNAs which serves to inhibit fimbriae production and by repressing to some extent transcription of fimbrial genes fimA and ihfA. In vivo binding studies show Hha binds to the rare codon tRNAs argU, ileX, ileY, and proL and to two prophage clusters D1P12 and CP4-57. Real-time PCR corroborated that Hha represses argU and proL, and Hha type I fimbriae repression is abolished by the addition of extra copies of argU, ileY, and proL. The repression of transcription of rare codon tRNAs by Hha also leads to cell lysis and biofilm dispersal due to activation of prophage lytic genes rzpD, yfjZ, appY, and alpA and due to induction of ClpP/ClpX proteases which activate toxins by degrading antitoxins. YbaJ serves to mediate the toxicity of Hha. Hence, we have identified that a single protein (Hha) can control biofilm formation by limiting fimbriae production as well as by controlling cell death. The mechanism used by Hha is the control of translation via the availability of rare codon tRNAs which reduces fimbriae production and activates prophage lytic genes. Therefore, Hha acts as a toxin in conjunction with co-transcribed YbaJ (TomB) that attenuates Hha toxicity

    Functional characterization of new chaperone-usher fimbriae in Escherichia coli K-12

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    PARIS7-Bibliothèque centrale (751132105) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Finding gene-expression patterns in bacterial biofilms.

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    International audienceThe production of biofilms by bacteria is a lifestyle that is thought to require or involve a differential gene expression compared with that of planktonic bacteria. Recently, we have witnessed a change of focus from the simple hunt for hypothetical essential biofilm genes to the identification of late and more complex biofilm functions. However, finding common bacterial biofilm gene-expression patterns through global expression analysis remains difficult. Owing to the apparently minimal overlap between functions involved in biofilm formation by different bacteria, exploring the biofilm lifestyle could prove to be a case-by-case task for which global approaches show their limits