934 research outputs found

    Combining liquidity usage and interest rates on overnight loans: an oversight indicator

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    This study utilises payment system data to analyse market participants’ liquidity usage and to trace interest rates paid on overnight loans. Our aim is to examine how liquidity usage has changed during the years 2006–2/2011 and to combine this information with data on overnight lending rates between market participants. It turns out that the Furfine algorithm used in the analysis produces overnight interest rates that correlate very closely with the EONIA curve. Based on Finnish payment system data, we identify four separate time periods: normal, start of turmoil, acute crisis and stabilizing period. The results show that, during the acute crisis period, TARGET2 participants holding an account with the Bank of Finland paid, on average, lower overnight interest rates than other banks in the euro area. However, the results reveal there has been some lack of confidence between Finnish participants since the onset of the financial crisis. A new indicator – the Grid – which we present here shows this very clearly. We suggest that this new indicator could be a highly useful tool for overseers in supporting financial stability analysis.liquidity; interest rates; overnight loans; payment systems; indicators

    Uuden tuotteen hinnoitteleminen

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    TÀmÀn opinnÀytetyön aiheena oli hinnoitella uusi tuote. Tarkoituksena oli tutkia erilaisia hinnoittelumenetelmiÀ ja valita niistÀ sopivin tapa hinnoitella kyseinen tuote. TyössÀ esitellyn hinnoitteluehdotuksen on tarkoitus toimia toimeksiantajayrityksen hinnoittelupÀÀtöksen tukena. TyössÀ esiteltyÀ menetelmÀÀ on tarkoitus jatkossa hyödyntÀÀ toisen uuden saman tuoteperheen jÀsenen hinnoittelussa. TyössÀ kÀsiteltiin teoriaa kustannuslaskennan ja hinnoittelun kÀsitteistÀ, erilaisista kustannuslaskenta- ja hinnoittelumenetelmistÀ, ja pÀÀoman sitoutumisesta tuotteeseen. Tutkimuksessa tehtiin tuotekohtainen kustannuslaskenta tuotteelle, jonka jÀlkeen hinnoiteltiin tuote myyntiÀ ja vuokrausta varten tutkimuksessa esitetyllÀ sopivimmalla tavalla. TyössÀ laskettiin mikÀ olisi minimihinta, joka tuotteesta tulisi saada, jotta yritys saisi tuotteen kustannukset katetuksi. Tutkimuksessa tuli esille, ettÀ vaikka hinnoittelumenetelmÀt ovat uudistuneet ja nykytrendinÀ on hinnoitella tuotteita enemmÀn markkinalÀhtöisesti kuin kustannusperusteisesti, niin tutkittavana olevaan tuotteeseen soveltui parhaiten kustannusperusteinen menetelmÀ. Kustannusperusteisen hinta osui lÀhelle hintaa, jonka asiakkaat ovat valmiita tuotteesta maksamaan.The purpose of this thesis was to price a new product. Idea was to inspect different pricing methods and chose best-fitting method to price product at issue. Pricing proposal, which is represented in this thesis, purpose is to help client company's pricing decision. Pricing method, which is chosen in this thesis, is also meant to be helping with pricing other products in the same product range. This thesis handles theory about cost accounting and pricing concepts, different costing and pricing methods, and basics about committed capital. In research is made product-specific cost accounting for product, and after that product have been priced for selling and leasing with method, which has been represented in this thesis. In this thesis has also been counted which the lowest price to sell the product is. In this thesis came seen that, even pricing methods had renewed and in present situation is to usually price products market oriented instead than by costs, the best way to price thesis's product was to use traditional pricing by costs. But in this thesis was also seen that price by costs was nearly the same than the price that customers were ready to pay

    JÀtevesien kÀsittely haja-asutusalueella

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    Varieties of Human Species : Human races and polygenism in Samuel George Morton’s Crania Americana (1839)

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    TÀmÀ tutkielma tarkastelee ihmisrotujen muodostamista ja kuvauksia sekÀ polygenesis-teoriaa Amerikkalaisen Samuel George Mortonin varhaista antropologista tutkimusta edustavassa teoksessa Crania Americana (1839). Tutkielman tarkoitus on nostaa esiin Mortonin rotumÀÀritysten ja -kuvausten kulttuurihistoriallista taustaa, joka on aiemmin jÀÀnyt vÀhÀlle huomiolle, sillÀ aiempi tutkimus on keskittynyt Mortonin kallonmittausaineiston analysointiin. Mortonin kÀsitystÀ ihmisroduista Crania Americanassa tarkastellaan kolmesta lÀhtökohdasta: ihmisrotujen muodostaminen, rotujen kuvaukset ja polygenesis-teoria, joka oli 1800-luvun alussa suosittu teoria, jonka mukaan ihmisrodut oli luotu erikseen eri puolille maailmaa. Kaikki nÀmÀ teemat liittyvÀt lÀheisesti tieteelliseen rasismiin, joka oli syntynyt kolonialismin ja orjuuden synnyttÀmÀstÀ tarpeesta luoda hierarkkisia eroja ihmisryhmien vÀlille. TÀmÀ kehitys muodostaa laajemman viitekehyksen tutkielmalle. Kutakin tutkielman pÀÀlÀhtökohtaa tarkastellaan erilaisilla metodeilla. Ihmisrotujen muodostamista tarkastellaan temaattisista nÀkökulmista, kuten rotujen muodostamisen historia, rotuhierarkiat, kallonmittausten ja frenologian vaikutus sekÀ matkakirjallisuus. Mortonin rotujen kuvauksia tarkastellaan puolestaan kÀymÀllÀ yksityiskohtaisesti lÀpi kunkin rodun kuvauksia ja poimimalla niistÀ keskeisiÀ kulttuurihistoriallisia teemoja. LisÀksi tarkastellaan Mortonin rotukuvauksissa kÀyttÀmiÀ lÀhteitÀ, ja luodaan alustava kuva niiden kirjoittajien kulttuurisista ja sosioekonomisista taustoista, joiden voi ajatella vaikuttaneen heidÀn kuvauksiinsa vieraista kansoista. Polygenesis-teorian ilmenemistÀ Crania Americanassa tarkastellaan aiemman tutkimuksen valossa. Tutkielmassa pyritÀÀn osoittamaan, ettÀ toisin kuin aiemmassa tutkimuksessa on esitetty, Morton ei alkanut kannattaa polygenesistÀ yhtÀkkiÀ pian Crania Americanan julkaisemisen jÀlkeen. Tutkielmassa nousee esiin, ettÀ Mortonin kÀsitykset ihmisroduista olivat kaikilta osin vahvasti sidoksissa aikansa kulttuurihistorialliseen kontekstiin, sekÀ luonnontieteilijöiden ja matkakirjailijoiden teksteihin. Mortonin rotujako pohjautui ennen kaikkea saksalaisen professori Blumenbachin 1795 esittÀmÀÀn rotujakoon, ja oli, kuten kaikki muutkin rotujaot, lÀhtökohtaisesti hierarkkinen. Mortonin rotukuvaukset sisÀlsivÀt lukuisia arvottavia stereotypioita, joista monet olivat johdettavissa eurooppalaisten kolonialistien tarpeeseen osoittaa omaa ylemmyyttÀÀn ja perustella muiden kansojen alistamista. TÀhÀn liittyen, Mortonin lÀhteiden kirjoittajat olivat enimmÀkseen hÀnen omia aikalaisiaan, ja brittilÀistaustaisia tai ainakin eurooppalaisia, ylemmÀn tai keskiluokan miehiÀ. Polygenesis-teoriaa tarkasteltaessa nousi esiin, ettÀ Morton ei ollut Crania Americanan kirjoittamisen aikaan perehtynyt aiheeseen syvÀllisesti. Toisaalta monet polygenesis-teorian kannalta keskeiset ajatukset, kuten ihmisrotujen erillisyys hyvin varhaisista ajoista ja tÀmÀn todistaminen historiallisten lÀhteiden avulla, olivat esillÀ jo Crania Americanassa

    Wing dimorphism of the water strider Limnogonus franciscanus (StÄl) (Heteroptera: Gerridae) in a seasonal tropical climate

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    The seasonal occurrence of wing morphs of Limnogonus franciscanus was studied in a mangrove swamp by taking monthly samples during nineteen months. Altogether 428 males and 413 females were collected. The percentage of winged individuals remained constant at ca. 3.2% throughout the study period. There were no differences between sexes in the proportions of winged and wingless morphs. The frequency of gravid females peaked during the rainy periods

    Coleopteran diversity and abundance in different habitats near Kihansi waterfall, in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania

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    Coleoptera diversity at the family level was investigated along the Kihansi gorge near a 700 m high waterfall system which will be taken to hydropower use, and the current river flow will be diverted due to dam construction. The coleopteran communities of three micro-habitats: spray zone, forest site and riverine site were compared by sweepnetting and pitfall trap methods. The highest Coleopteran family level diversity was found in the spray zone where the Shannon–Weaver index of diversity was 0.71 (forest site 0.31; riverine site 0.50). Coleopterans were most abundant in the forest site where 44% of all sampled individuals were found (spray zone 31%; riverine site 23%). Most of less frequently recorded families were found in the spray zone. Coleoptera families were found to be unequally partitioned in all three micro-habitats. The highest percentage similarity index (85%) was found between forest and riverine sites (spray/forest 76%; spray/riverine 79%). Distributions of abundances of coleopteran families were significantly different between all studied habitats. The study revealed that the spray generated by the waterfall provide a special micro-habitat for Coleoptera. It is suggested that conservation efforts and monitoring in the study area using selected taxonomic indicator Coleopteran groups should be carried out in order to help to adjust mitigation measures

    On non-singular renewal kernels with an application to a semigroup of transition kernels

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    AbstractWe study the non-singularity and limit properties of the renewal kernel R=∑K∗n associated with a positive convolution kernel K(x,dy×dt) defined on a general measurable space (E, E). The principal tool is the use of embedded renewal measures. As an application we consider continuous parameter semigroups (Rt(x,dy);tâ©Ÿ0) of transition kernels on (E, E)

    Finnish wood harvesting contractors' risks in Russia

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    Model for international trade of sawnwood using machine learning models

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    The study tests the potential of machine learning models to analyse and forecast global bilateral trade flows of soft sawnwood by countries. The empirical trade flow data including annual import and export quantities and prices of soft sawnwood from 2000 to 2014 is obtained from FAOStat. We compare forecasting results from three methods, which can be classified as machine learning models: support vector machines (SVM), Neural networks and Random forests that is an ensemble of decision trees. The significant changes in the global sawnwood markets in the North America, Asia and Western Europe after the financial and economic crises of 2008-2009 raise the question to update the modelling of trade flows. The information on the global trade flow developments are important for decision makers involved in strategic planning and forecasting at the European Union-, national- or industry level. The aim of this study is to test methods previously quite rarely applied in the forest sector market modelling, but which could be helpful for analysts to visualize and examine a large amount of bilateral trade data to have a view on ongoing changes and to assess next years’ developments. The results also support the Finnish Forest Sector Outlook Studies, which are published biannually by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). As an example we present empirical results for Finland and for some of its main competitor countries and export destinations.201
