64 research outputs found

    Rethinking Retail in Indy: Reconnecting East 10th Street, Reinventing Small Town Shopping, Reevaluating 1970s Shopping Malls, and Revitalizing Fountain Square

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    poster abstractThe dawn of 21st century brought about significant advances in technology that affected all aspects of social life. These advances, specifically the interstate system and the automobile, revolutionized the institution of retail and the way we as consumers shop. In the 1970s, the strip center, the enclosed mall and big box stores drew business from local retail, leaving many urban neighborhood retail strips abandoned. In present day, we see yet another shift in retail trends as the presence of “dead malls” becomes more common and authentic urban shopping strips re-emerge. The gap between these two eras of retail has not been completely bridged, though. In this presentation, we will explore different perspectives on the future of urban retail throughout Greater Indianapolis through the use of ethnographic and descriptive research methods. We will look at possibilities for the re-use of the largely abandoned Lafayette Square Mall; evaluate different perspectives on how East 10th Street can reconnect retail with a struggling residential community; analyze the impact of downtown and highway oriented retail nodes on the struggling revitalization of suburban Greenfield; and examine whether the unique and independently owned eateries and pubs are truly serving as engines in spurring the economic revival of the older neighborhood of Fountain Square

    Por quĂ© no les calan? Hugo ChĂĄvez’s Re-election in Venezuela and the Decline of Western Hegemony in the Americas

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    On October 7, 2012, Hugo Chávez was comfortably re-elected president of Venezuela. Just days before the vote the impression given by major international print media was that the vote was a close-run thing, an assessment which proved to be at best optimistic. We argue that Western media coverage of the election in Venezuela was designed to skew the result towards the opposition and that these efforts singularly failed. The conclusions of our analysis are, first, that the “propaganda” model advanced by Chomsky is now faltering in the Americas and, second, that the region is acting in manner that is increasingly free of influence from the US. Venezuela thus stands as a case of the citizenry of a country actively and independently asserting its political agency despite clear attempts to redirect its thinking and decision-making

    Coletas de sementes em ĂĄrvores altas.

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    bitstream/CNPF-2009-09/42432/1/Doc145.pdf1 CD-ROM

    The effects of high-intensity interval training at the anaerobic and psychomotor fatigue thresholds on physiological parameters in young soccer players: a prospective study

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    This study aimed to investigate the effects of a 4-week specific high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program performed between the anaerobic threshold (ANT) and the psychomotor fatigue threshold (PFT) on physiological parameters in 14 professional soccer players at the under-17 level. The first and second stages of the research protocol included a treadmill running exercise with increasing load and six 3-min four-versus-four games of soccer with a 3-min break between games. Players then participated in a training microcycle involving three specific HIIT exercises twice per week for 4 weeks, after which they repeated stages one and two, followed by an assessment of changes. The measurement of lactate (LA) determined ANT, whereas the choice reaction time (CRT) indicated PFT among other selected physiological parameters. The repeated-measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) compared mean values for the examined variables using Bonferroni post hoc test. It demonstrated significantly increased maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) from 45.9 ± 3.0 to 48.7 ± 2.6 at the ANT and from 49.1 ± 3.4 to 52.0 ± 3.6 on the PFT after 4 weeks of training. A significant increase in the running speed (RS) at both thresholds and heart rate (HR) at the ANT (p ≀ 0.05) was also recorded. Moreover, the players exceeded their intensity of effort during ANT while playing four-versus-four soccer matches, but they did not reach intensity during PFT. In conclusion, the findings of the study demonstrated that both thresholds shifted toward higher loads and the proposed specific HIIT effectively increased the exercise capacity of soccer players

    Labour-centred development in Latin America: two cases of alternative development

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    The ‘pink tide’ in Latin America, or what remains of it, is drawing increasing criticisms from the political left for its inability to confront existing socio-structural inequalities. This article contributes to these debates in two ways. First, as a means of understanding better the development strategies that have been followed by left-leaning governments, it highlights and critiques what it labels Elite Development Theory (EDT) encompassing Washington Consensus and Statist Political Economy. It shows how despite its self-stated objectives - the amelioration of the conditions of the poor and their uplifting - EDT is grounded in elite assumptions about social change: States and corporations are posited as prime-movers in the development process while collective efforts of labouring classes to pursue their own developmental strategies are ignored and/or de-legitimated. Exploitation, oppression and the ideological delegitimation of labouring class collective actions form the core of EDT. The second contribution of this article is to argue for an alternative form of what it terms labour-centred development (LCD). This argument is supported through an examination of the Chilean cordones industriales and Argentinian empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores (ERT) movements. The article concludes that whilst LCD may be a rarity, its existence offers the basis for alternative development theory and strategy

    Tribute to Myo Ji Sunim JDPS

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    Myo Ji Sunim JDPS died suddenly of a cerebral hemorrhage on November 4, 2011. She practiced, taught and traveled tirelessly in Europe, Asia and North America. In recogniÂŹ tion of the many lives she touched, we present the following tributes from her students and famil

    FrÄnvarande fÀder och deras döttrar - En kvalitativ studie om fÀders betydelse för döttrar under deras uppvÀxt

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    Studiens syfte var att lyfta fram vilken betydelse en frÄnvarande fader har under döttrars uppvÀxt nÀr det gÀller identitetsskapande, förmÄga till relationer samt förestÀllning om manlighet och faderskap. För att nÄ syftet och besvara frÄgestÀllningarna har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod anvÀnts, som bestod av intervjuer med Ätta vuxna kvinnor. Studien har dels en fenomenologisk ansats, det vill sÀga beskrivande utifrÄn individens livsvÀrld, samt en tolkande ansats vid analysen. Resultatet frÄn intervjuerna har analyserats utifrÄn objektrelations teori samt ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. Studien visar att alla kvinnor har upplevt en saknad efter sin pappa under uppvÀxten. Det Àr flera olika faktorer som spelar in för hur kvinnorna har pÄverkats av att vÀxa upp utan en nÀrvarande pappa. I resultatet framkom det att de kvinnor som har reflekterat över pappans frÄnvaro samt haft möjlighet att prata med pappan om sina upplevelser ger ett intryck av styrka och stabilitet. De beskriver inte nÄgon bitterhet eller agg gentemot pappan. Vidare visar studien att kvinnorna har tagit till sig flera olika förestÀllningar om manlighet och faderskap som löper parallellt sida vid sida. I framtida forskningsfrÄgor kunde Àven mammor och pappor inkluderas i undersökningen, för att pÄ sÄ sÀtt ta del av deras perspektiv i Àmnet frÄnvarande fÀder
