112 research outputs found

    Characterizing visual asymmetries in contrast perception using shaded stimuli.

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    Previous research has shown a visual asymmetry in shaded stimuli where the perceived contrast depended on the polarity of their dark and light areas (Chacón, 2004). In particular, circles filled out with a top-dark luminance ramp were perceived with higher contrast than top-light ones although both types of stimuli had the same physical contrast. Here, using shaded stimuli, we conducted four experiments in order to find out if the perceived contrast depends on: (a) the contrast level, (b) the type of shading (continuous vs. discrete) and its degree of perceived three-dimensionality, (c) the orientation of the shading, and (d) the sign of the perceived contrast alterations. In all experiments the observers' tasks were to equate the perceived contrast of two sets of elements (usually shaded with opposite luminance polarity), in order to determine the subjective equality point. Results showed that (a) there is a strong difference in perceived contrast between circles filled out with luminance ramp top-dark and top-light that is similar for different contrast levels; (b) we also found asymmetries in contrast perception with different shaded stimuli, and this asymmetry was not related with the perceived three-dimensionality but with the type of shading, being greater for continuous-shading stimuli

    iMODS: internal coordinates normal mode analysis server

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    Normal mode analysis (NMA) in internal (dihedral) coordinates naturally reproduces the collective functional motions of biological macromolecules. iMODS facilitates the exploration of such modes and generates feasible transition pathways between two homologous structures, even with large macromolecules. The distinctive internal coordinate formulation improves the efficiency of NMA and extends its applicability while implicitly maintaining stereochemistry. Vibrational analysis, motion animationś and morphing trajectories can be easily carried out at different resolution scales almost interactively. The server is versatile; non-specialists can rapidly characterize potential conformational changes, whereas advanced users can customize the model resolution with multiple coarse-grained atomic representations and elastic network potentials. iMODS supports advanced visualization capabilities for illustrating collective motions, including an improved affine-model-based arrow representation of domain dynamics. The generated all-heavy-atoms conformations can be used to introduce flexibility for more advanced modeling or sampling strategies.Human Frontier Science Program—RGP0039/2008, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad—BFU2013-44306P and Comunidad de Madrid—CAM-S2010/BMD

    Modelo para la Autoevaluación de la Condición Financiera de las MIPYMES del sector de Tecnologías de Información en Costa Rica

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    Proyecto de graduación (Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas. Enfasis en Finanzas) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Administración de Empresas, 2015Las MIPYMES del sector de tecnologías de información han ido creciendo notoriamente en Costa Rica constituyendo una fuente importante de empleo, actualmente hay carencia de modelos financieros para este tipo de empresas, por esta razón se desarrolla un modelo de autoevaluación financiera para que los propietarios sean capaces de evaluar su negocio y asi facilitar la toma de decisiones

    Rotunda - Vol 13, No 9 - Nov 16, 1932

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    El presente documento tiene como objetivo desarrollar un plan de negocio para la implementación de una plataforma de financiamiento participativo financiero (crowdlending), que conectará a los peruanos que requieran de financiamiento (acreditados) para cumplir sus sueños a corto plazo con el apoyo de otros peruanos que disponen de fondos (prestamistas) a cambio de rentabilidad en su inversión. Conectamos a cada prestamista con varios acreditados, a través de nuestra plataforma digital (website y app móvil) que será intuitiva, simple y segura, que permita el seguimiento tanto de sus préstamos personales, como de sus inversiones. En el plan de negocio se determinaron los siguientes segmentos de clientes: los acreditados, como peruanos mayores de edad que residen en Lima Metropolitana y con necesidades de financiamiento de menor cuantía y en corto plazo, generalmente dirigidas a cubrir consolidación de deudas, viajes, estudios y compras; los prestamistas, como peruanos mayores de edad que residen en Lima Metropolitana que disponen de fondos excedentes y están en permanente búsqueda de mayores rentabilidades. Luego del análisis estratégico, se observaron condiciones favorables para la implementación de este plan de negocio pues actualmente el mercado de las fintech (empresas que brindan servicios financieros haciendo uso de tecnología) está facilitando el acceso de los peruanos al sistema financiero que antes no lo tenían. Existen varias alternativas en el rubro de préstamos personales, sin embargo, la fintech ekeko que se encuentra en el sector fintech crowdlending, con su ventaja y los objetivos estratégicos planteados, se enfocará en la diferenciación por mejores tasas para los acreditados y para los prestamistas mejor servicio agregando un seguimiento al sistema de cobranzas de los préstamos colocados de los acreditados. Se dispone de una estructura organizativa acorde a una sociedad anónima cerrada, desarrollándose los estados financieros para medir la viabilidad financiera y económica, con los cuales se obtuvo una utilidad positiva en el estado de resultados, mientras que el flujo de caja permitió evidenciar un VPN de S/ 1,567,725 y una TIR de 70%, positivos, por lo cual el proyecto es viable y se recomienda su implementación.The purpose of this document is to develop a business plan for the implementation of a participatory financial financing platform (crowdlending), which will connect Peruvians who require financing (accredited) to accomplished their dreams in the short term with the support of other Peruvians which has funds (lenders) in exchange of return on your investment. We connect each lender with several accredited, through our digital platform (website and mobile application) that will be intuitive, simple and secure, which will allow following of both their personal loans and their investments. The customer segments were determined in the business plan: accredited, such as those of legal age residing in Metropolitan Lima and with minor and short-term financing needs, lead to covering the consolidation of debts, travel, studies and shopping. Lenders, such as Peruvians of legal age who reside in Metropolitan Lima who have surplus funds and are constantly seeking greater returns. After the strategic analysis, favorable conditions were observed for the implementation of this business plan, because currently fintech market (companies that provide financial services using technology) is facilitating the access of Peruvians to the financial system that previously did not. There are several alternatives in the field of personal loans, however, the fintech ekeko that is in the fintech crowdlending sector, with its advantage and the strategic objectives set, focused on the differentiation for the best rates for the accredited and the best service for the lenders adding a follow-up to the collection system of the loans placed by the borrowers. An organizational structure is available according to a closed corporation, developing the financial statements to measure the financial and economic viability, with which a positive profit was obtained in the income statement, while the cash flow is evidenced in NPV S/ 1,567,725 and IRR 70%, positive, so the project is viable and its implementation is recommended.Trabajo de investigació

    Abordaje del paciente con dispepsia

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    Dyspepsia corresponds to a syndrome and not to an isolated diagnosis or symptom as such. It involves a heterogeneous group of symptoms located in the upper abdomen. Depending on the etiology, it may be an organic dyspepsia or a functional dyspepsia. Any patient presenting for the first time with these symptoms is classified as uninvestigated dyspepsia. In these cases, 3 possible strategies can be followed, including: upper endoscopy, examining and treating for Helicobacter pylori or a proton pump inhibitor trial; the approach chosen will depend on the factors of each patient. In the case of functional dyspepsia, treatment includes general measures such as changes in diet and medications such as proton pump inhibitors. Like any functional disorder of the digestive system, the probability of recurrence of symptoms is high when treatment is suspended, even so the prognosis of the disease is completely benign.La dispepsia corresponde a un síndrome y no a un diagnóstico o síntoma aislado como tal. Involucra un grupo heterogéneo de síntomas localizados en el abdomen superior. Según la etiología puede ser una dispepsia orgánica o una dispepsia funcional. Todo paciente que acude por primera vez con estos síntomas se clasifica como una dispepsia no investigada. En estos casos se puede seguir 3 posibles estrategias que incluyen: la endoscopia alta, examinar y tratar por Helicobacter pylori o un trial de inhibidores de bomba de protones; el abordaje que se escoja dependerá de los factores de cada paciente. En el caso de la dispepsia funcional el tratamiento incluye medidas generales como cambios en la alimentación y medicamentos como los inhibidores de bomba de protones. Como todo trastorno funcional del sistema digestivo la probabilidad de recurrencia de los síntomas es alta al suspender el tratamiento, aun así, el pronóstico de la enfermedad es completamente benigno

    El varon de deseos : oracion funebre, y sentida declamacion, que en las solemnes exequias, al Excelentissimo señor Marques Scotti ... celebradas el dia 16 de Marzo de este año de 1752

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    Anteport. grab. calc. de la Giralda con dos jarrones a los lados, motivo que se repite al fin en taco xil.Inic. grab.134253-7-1A-031-181 (10)[ ]1, -4, A-C4, D

    Mesothelial-to-mesenchymal transition as a possible therapeutic target in peritoneal metastasis of ovarian cancer.

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    Peritoneal dissemination is the primary metastatic route of ovarian cancer (OvCa), and is often accompanied by the accumulation of ascitic fluid. The peritoneal cavity is lined by mesothelial cells (MCs), which can be converted into carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) through mesothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (MMT). Here, we demonstrate that MCs isolated from ascitic fluid (AFMCs) of OvCa patients with peritoneal implants also undergo MMT and promote subcutaneous tumour growth in mice. RNA sequencing of AFMCs revealed that MMT-related pathways – including transforming growth factor (TGF)- signalling – are differentially regulated, and a gene signature was verified in peritoneal implants from OvCa patients. In a mouse model, pre-induction of MMT resulted in increased peritoneal tumour growth, whereas interfering with the TGF- receptor reduced metastasis. MC-derived CAFs showed activation of Smad-dependent TGF- signalling, which was disrupted in OvCa cells, despite their elevated TGF- production. Accordingly, targeting Smad-dependent signalling in the peritoneal pre-metastatic niche in mice reduced tumour colonization, suggesting that Smad-dependent MMT could be crucial in peritoneal carcinomatosis. Together, these results indicate that bidirectional communication between OvCa cells and MC-derived CAFs, via TGF--mediated MMT, seems to be crucial to form a suitable metastatic niche. We suggest MMT as a possible target for therapeutic intervention and a potential source of biomarkers for improving OvCa diagnosis and/or prognosis.post-print2310 K

    GEICAM Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Breast Cancer During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain

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    Breast cancer (BC) is the most common cancer in women in Spain. During the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARSCoV-2 virus, patients with BC still require timely treatment and follow-up; however, hospitals are overwhelmed with infected patients and, if exposed, patients with BC are at higher risk for infection and serious complications if infected. Thus, health care providers need to evaluate each BC treatment and in-hospital visit to minimize pandemic-associated risks while maintaining adequate treatment efficacy. Here we present a set of guidelines regarding available options for BC patient management and treatment by BC subtype in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Owing to the lack of evidence about COVID-19 infection, these recommendations are mainly based on expert opinion, medical organizations’ and societies’ recommendations, and some published evidence. We consider this a useful tool to facilitate medical decision making in this health crisis situation we are facing

    Genetic and Phenotypic Characterization of the Etiological Agent of Canine Orchiepididymitis Smooth Brucella sp. BCCN84.3

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    Members of the genus Brucella cluster in two phylogenetic groups: classical and non-classical species. The former group is composed of Brucella species that cause disease in mammals, including humans. A Brucella species, labeled as Brucella sp. BCCN84.3, was isolated from the testes of a Saint Bernard dog suffering orchiepididymitis, in Costa Rica. Following standard microbiological methods, the bacterium was first defined as "Brucella melitensis biovar 2." Further molecular typing, identified the strain as an atypical "Brucella suis." Distinctive Brucella sp. BCCN84.3 markers, absent in other Brucella species and strains, were revealed by fatty acid methyl ester analysis, high resolution melting PCR and omp25 and omp2a/omp2b gene diversity. Analysis of multiple loci variable number of tandem repeats and whole genome sequencing demonstrated that this isolate was different from the currently described Brucella species. The smooth Brucella sp. BCCN84.3 clusters together with the classical Brucella Glade and displays all the genes required for virulence. Brucella sp. BCCN84.3 is a species nova taxonomical entity displaying pathogenicity; therefore, relevant for differential diagnoses in the context of brucellosis. Considering the debate on the Brucella species concept, there is a need to describe the extant taxonomical entities of these pathogens in order to understand the dispersion and evolution

    Primary breast cancer and health related quality of life in Spanish women: The EpiGEICAM case-control study

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    This study evaluates the impact of breast cancer (BC) in health related quality of life (HRQL) and in psychological distress (PD) during the initial phases of the disease and looks for contributing factors. A multicentric case-control study, EpiGEICAM, was carried out. Incident BC cases and age- and residence- matched controls were included. Clinical, epidemiological, HRQL (SF-36) and PD information (GHQ-28) was collected. We used multivariable logistic regression models to estimate OR of low HRQL and of PD in cases compared to controls, and to identify factors associated with low HRQL and with PD. Among 896 BC cases and 890 control women, cases had poorer scores than both, the reference population and the control group, in all SF-36 scales. BC women with lower education, younger, active workers, never smokers, those with comorbidities, in stage IV and with surgical treatment had lower physical HRQL; factors associated with low mental HRQL were dissatisfaction with social support, being current smoker and having children. Cases had a fivefold increased odds of PD compared to controls. Managing comorbidities and trying to promote social support, especially in younger and less educated women, could improve well-being of BC patients