800 research outputs found

    Effects of Housing Social Context on Emotional Behaviour and Physiological Responses in Female Mice

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    In laboratory breeding procedures, mice are usually housed in single-sex unfamiliar groups since weaning,  while individual housing is widely employed in many experimental settings. While there is a considerable  amount of evidence on the behavioural and physiological effects of various social contexts in male mice  and rats, few data are available on female mice. We examined short-term modulation of social context in the  housing environment on exploratory and emotional behaviours in response to novelty (i.e., free-exploratory  open field) and on physiology (i.e. organs and body weight, and basal corticosterone level) of female CD1  mice, taking into account the estrous phase as an additional variable. Living alone or grouped with siblings  or with unfamiliar females for a short period (7 days) did not affect any physiological indexes of stress in  female house mice and had marginal effects on emotional behaviour. When challenged with a free choice  between a novel environment and their home cage, female mice housed with siblings did not differ on any  behavioural parameter from females housed with same-aged unfamiliar mice, while individually housed  females showed higher propensity to enter the novel arena but no differences in activity or in anxiety as  compared to grouped mice. Information about sex specifics under standard housing conditions as well as in  response to common laboratory procedures could be important for the understanding of sex differences in  vulnerability to psychiatric disorders and response to drug treatment.

    Evaluation of the QTc interval during lenvatinib treatment in radioiodine-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer: reports from the real-life clinical practice.

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    As for other tyrosine kinase inhibitors, a prolongation of ECG-recorded QTc intervals may be observed during lenvatinib treatment; a warning on this phenomenon has been stated. However, methods and frequency of ECG recordings have seldom been reported in this context. We present two cases of patients treated with lenvatinib for radioiodine-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer in whom the QTc interval was long monitored through a weekly 12-lead ECG registration. Overall, the maximum QTc increase above baseline was 3 and 31 ms in the first and second patient, respectively. QTc interval did not reach the toxicity value for drug withdrawal in either of the patients. These data may provide further information on cardiac safety profile of lenvatinib in a real-life practice

    Relato de Rhizoctonia solani AG-4 HG I em crisântemo (Papiro Branco e Amarelo) e R. solani AG-4 HG III em gipsófila no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, e sua patogenicidade cruzada.

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    Resumo: Atualmente, grupamento de anastomose (AG) de Rhizoctonia sp. em crisântemo e ocorrência deste fungo em gipsófila ainda não foram realizados no Brasil. Assim, realizou-se teste de patogenicidade normal e cruzada e sequenciamento da região ITS-5.8S rDNA para identificar o AG de isolado obtido de plantas de crisântemo (Papiro branco) e de gipsófila, ambas originárias de Holambra/São Paulo,Brasil. Após os testes, relata-se pela primeira vez a ocorrência de R. solani AG-4 HGI em crisântemo (Papiro Branco e Amarelo) e R. solani AG-4 HG III em gipsófila, no estado de São Paulo,Brasil, e também a sua patogenicidade cruzada. Abstract: Currently, anastomosis groups (AG) of Rhizoctonia sp. on chrysanthemum and occurrence of this fungus on gypsophila have not been reported in Brazil. However, in the present study, normal and cross pathogenicity and sequencing of ITS-5.8S rDNA regions were used to confirm the AG of isolate of Rhizoctonia sp. obtained from chrysanthemum (White Papyrus) and from gypsophila plants cultivated in Holambra / São Paulo, Brazil. After these tests, it was confirmed the report of Rhizoctonia solani AG-4 HG I on chrysanthemum (White and Yellow Papyrus) and R. solani AG-4 HG III on gypsophila in the São Paulo state, Brazil, and also their cross pathogenicity

    Qualidade de atendimento da Gerência Executiva do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social em Curitiba

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    Orientador: Professor Doutor Pedro José Steiner NetoMonografia (Especializaçao) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciencias Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especializaçao em Estratégia e Gestao EmpresarialResumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar as ações da organização na área de atuação da Gerência Executiva do lnstituto Nacional do Segura Social em Curitiba para a melhoria da qualidade do atendimento, identificar a fonte de expectativas não atendidas e propor ações que auxiliem a empresa a melhorar seu relacionamento com os clientes. Para isto foram realizadas entrevistas com servidores das unidades vinculadas a gerência e visitas as unidades para acompanhamento do atendimento. Foi observada a forte influência da atuação de intermediários no processo de formação de expectativas não atendidas. Ainda como fatores de influência podem ser citados como fatores de influência a falta de políticas de relacionamento e comunicação aos clientes, de boas praticas de recursos humanos, constantes mudanças na legislação e o baixo nível cultural dos clientes em geral. Foram propostas algumas alterações na comunicação com os clientes e nas politicas de gestão de pessoas. Desta forma acredita-se que a instituição conseguiria alcançar melhores resultados em seu relacionamento com os clientes e outras instituições, além de reduzir seus custos operacionais

    Prevalence and impact of polypharmacy in older patients with type 2 diabetes

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    Background: Polypharmacy is a prevalent condition in older adults, especially those with multiple chronic diseases, and has been largely associated with adverse outcomes, including disability, hospitalizations, and death. Aims: This systematic review focused on diabetes and aimed to investigate the prevalence and impact of polypharmacy in older adults affected by such disease. Methods: Observational (either cross-sectional or longitudinal) or experimental studies investigating the frequency and impact of polypharmacy in older adults with diabetes were identified from scientific databases and grey literature until August 2021. The prevalence and the 95% Confidence Interval (95% CI) of polypharmacy in older people with diabetes were summarized by a random-effects meta-analysis. Results: From a total of 1465 records, 9 were selected for the qualitative synthesis, and 8 for the quantitative synthesis. Most studies defined polypharmacy using a cut-off for the minimum number of medications ranging from 4 to 6 drugs/day. The pooled prevalence of polypharmacy in older people with diabetes was 64% (95% CI 45–80%). Considering studies that used the same definition of polypharmacy (i.e. ≥ 5 drugs/day), the pooled prevalence was 50% (95% CI 37–63%). The between-studies heterogeneity was high. Across the selected studies, polypharmacy seemed to negatively influence both diabetes-specific (poor glycemic control and risk of hypoglycemia) and health-related (risk of incident falls, syncope, hospitalization, and death) outcomes. Conclusion: This systematic review confirms the high prevalence of polypharmacy in older people with diabetes and its strong impact on several health-related outcomes, including mortality. These results strengthen the need to improve care strategies for management of these patients

    The adaptive potential of a plant pathogenic fungus, Rhizoctonia solani AG-3, under heat and fungicide stress

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    The ability to improve fitness via adaptive evolution may be affected by environmental change. We tested this hypothesis in an in vitro experiment with the plant pathogen Rhizoctonia solani Anastomosis Group 3 (AG-3), assessing genetic and environmental variances under two temperatures (optimal and higher than optimal) and three fungicide concentrations (no fungicide, low and high concentration of a copper-based fungicide). We measured the mean daily growth rate, the coefficient of variation for genotypic (I G) and environmental variance (I E) in growth, and broad-sense heritability in growth. Both higher temperature and increased fungicide concentration caused a decline in growth, confirming their potential as stressors for the pathogen. All types of standardized variances in growth—I G, phenotypic variance, and I E as a trend—increased with elevated stress. However, heritability was not significantly higher under enhanced stress because the increase in I G was counterbalanced by somewhat increased I E. The results illustrate that predictions for adaptation under environmental stress may depend on the type of short-term evolvability measure. Because mycelial growth is linked to fitness, I G reflects short-term evolvability better than heritability, and it indicates that the evolutionary potential of R. solani is positively affected by stres

    Intraspecific Evolution of Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA Associated with Soybean and Rice in Brazil based on Polymorphisms at the ITS-5.8S rDNA Operon

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    Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA causes leaf blight on soybean and rice. Despite the fact that R. solani AG-1 IA is a major pathogen affecting soybean and rice in Brazil and elsewhere in the world, little information is available on its genetic diversity and evolution. This study was an attempt to reveal the origin, and the patterns of movement and amplification of epidemiologically significant genotypes of R.solani AG-1 IA from soybean and rice in Brazil. For inferring intraspecific evolution of R. solani AG-1 IA sampled from soybean and rice, networks of ITS-5.8S rDNA sequencing haplotypes were built using the statistical parsimony algorithm from Clement et al. (2000) Molecular Ecology 9: 1657-1660. Higher haplotype diversity (Nei M 1987, Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Columbia University Press, New york: 512p.) was observed for the Brazilian soybean sample of R. solani AG-1 IA (0.827) in comparison with the rest of the world sample (0.431). Within the south-central American clade (3-2), four haplotypes of R.solani AG-1 IA from Mato Grosso, one from Tocantins, one from Maranhão, and one from Cuba occupied the tips of the network, indicating recent origin. The putative ancestral haplotypes had probably originated either from Mato Grosso or Maranhão States. While 16 distinct haplotypes were found in a sample of 32 soybean isolates of the pathogen, the entire rice sample (n=20) was represented by a single haplotype (haplotype 5), with a worldwide distribution. The results from nested-cladistic analysis indicated restricted gene flow with isolation by distance (or restricted dispersal by distance in nonsexual species) for the south-central American clade (3-2), mainly composed by soybean haplotype

    Tako-Tsubo cardiomyopathy in an older woman with hyperkinetic delirium

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    Tako-Tsubo syndrome is cardiological condition, mainly affecting post-menopausal women, that mimics an acute heart attack, because a similar clinical presentation, ECG changes and altered laboratory tests. There is general consensus that the common etiology is a sudden and strong emotional or physical stress. We report here the case of 80-yearold woman who developed a Tako-Tsubo syndrome during an episode of hyperkinetic delirium. Delirium is an acute, transient, usually reversible neuropsychiatric syndrome, considered a serious and stressful condition in older patients admitted to both medical and surgical setting. This clinical case expands our knowledge on the negative consequence of delirium in hospitalized patients and describes an additional risk factor for Tako-Tsubo syndrome in older people

    Phylogeography of the Solanaceae-infecting Basidiomycota fungus Rhizoctonia solani AG-3 based on sequence analysis of two nuclear DNA loci

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The soil fungus <it>Rhizoctonia solani </it>anastomosis group 3 (AG-3) is an important pathogen of cultivated plants in the family Solanaceae. Isolates of <it>R. solani </it>AG-3 are taxonomically related based on the composition of cellular fatty acids, phylogenetic analysis of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and beta-tubulin gene sequences, and somatic hyphal interactions. Despite the close genetic relationship among isolates of <it>R. solani </it>AG-3, field populations from potato and tobacco exhibit comparative differences in their disease biology, dispersal ecology, host specialization, genetic diversity and population structure. However, little information is available on how field populations of <it>R. solani </it>AG-3 on potato and tobacco are shaped by population genetic processes. In this study, two field populations of <it>R. solani </it>AG-3 from potato in North Carolina (NC) and the Northern USA; and two field populations from tobacco in NC and Southern Brazil were examined using sequence analysis of two cloned regions of nuclear DNA (pP42F and pP89).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Populations of <it>R. solani </it>AG-3 from potato were genetically diverse with a high frequency of heterozygosity, while limited or no genetic diversity was observed within the highly homozygous tobacco populations from NC and Brazil. Except for one isolate (TBR24), all NC and Brazilian isolates from tobacco shared the same alleles. No alleles were shared between potato and tobacco populations of <it>R. solani </it>AG-3, indicating no gene flow between them. To infer historical events that influenced current geographical patterns observed for populations of <it>R. solani </it>AG-3 from potato, we performed an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and a nested clade analysis (NCA). Population differentiation was detected for locus pP89 (Φ<sub><it>ST </it></sub>= 0.257, significant at P < 0.05) but not for locus pP42F (Φ<sub><it>ST </it></sub>= 0.034, not significant). Results based on NCA of the pP89 locus suggest that historical restricted gene flow is a plausible explanation for the geographical association of clades. Coalescent-based simulations of genealogical relationships between populations of <it>R. solani </it>AG-3 from potato and tobacco were used to estimate the amount and directionality of historical migration patterns in time, and the ages of mutations of populations. Low rates of historical movement of genes were observed between the potato and tobacco populations of <it>R. solani </it>AG-3.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The two sisters populations of the basidiomycete fungus <it>R. solani </it>AG-3 from potato and tobacco represent two genetically distinct and historically divergent lineages that have probably evolved within the range of their particular related Solanaceae hosts as sympatric species.</p
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