131 research outputs found

    From Stochastic Optics to the Wigner Formalism: The Role of the Vacuum Field in Optical Quantum Communication Experiments

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    The Wigner formalism in the Heisenberg picture constitutes a bridge that connects Quantum Optics to Stochastic Optics. The vacuum field appears explicitly in the formalism, and the wavelike aspects of light are emphasised. In addition, the zeropoint intensity as a threshold for detection is a common denominator in both theories. In this paper, after summarising the basic rules of the Wigner approach and its application to parametric down-conversion, some new results are presented that delve into the physical meaning of the zeropoint field in optical quantum communication. Specifically, the relationship between Bell-state distinguishability and the number of sets of zeropoint modes that take part in the experiment is analysed in terms of the coupling between the phases of the different fields involved and the subtraction of the zeropoint intensity at the detectors. Additionally, the connection between the compatibility theorem in quantum cryptography and zeropoint field is stressed

    Editorial: Towards a Local Realist View of the Quantum Phenomenon

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    Article number 651127Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico -UNAM(DGAPA) PAPIIT IN11372

    Knowledge Organization in Spain: a bibliometric analysis of ISKO-Spanish Chapter conferences

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    [Resumen] El objetivo del presente trabajo es caracterizar el recorrido de la Organización del Conocimiento en España a partir del análisis de los congresos del Capítulo Español de ISKO. La serie de reuniones de esta sociedad científica en nuestro país ya cuenta con una trayectoria suficientemente consolidada y constituye un valioso objeto de análisis para pulsar la evolución de las principales tendencias de investigación en esta área de conocimiento. Se ha realizado un estudio bibliométrico de las comunicaciones presentadas en los nueve congresos celebrados (1993-2009), aplicando indicadores unidimensionales y multidimensionales relativos a distintos datos (autoría, afiliación institucional y temática). Se señalan los frentes de investigación más representativos y su evolución en el tiempo. Asimismo, se muestran gráficamente las relaciones entre estos bloques temáticos y las instituciones más productivas, no habiéndose detectado perfiles de especialización definidos entre éstas, sino una tendencia general a abordar distintas áreas.[Abstract] This paper examines the development of Knowledge Organization in Spain on the basis of the analysis of conferences held by the ISKO-Spanish Chapter. The meetings of this scientific society in our country have already achieved a consolidated path and they represent a meaningful resource to assess and study the evolution of the main research trends in this area. It has been carried out a bibliometric study of papers presented in these nine conferences held between 1993 and 2009, applying one-dimensional and multidimensional indicators related to different dates (authorship, institutional affiliation and subject). The most relevant subject fields - and their evolution through those years ? have been identified. Finally, results also show relationships between subject areas and the most productive institutions, where there was no evidence of specialization profiles but a generic trend to deal with various fields

    A graphical tool to estimate the air change efficiency in rooms with heat recovery systems

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    Producción CientíficaIndoor air quality in buildings must be guaranteed for the health and comfort of the occupants. In order to assess the ventilation strategy of a considered room, the parameter of the air change efficiency ( εa ) can be used. The objective of this work is to provide designers with a graphical tool for a reliable estimate of the value of εa of a room. The temperature gradient between the outdoor air supply and the indoor air is so low that the ventilation flow can be assumed as isothermal when high-efficiency heat recovery systems are used. By means of charts, the optimal location of the openings for a better εa can be determined during the design process, in order to subsequently apply them. It is concluded that it is very important to consider the εa in the case of openings located in facing walls given that its range varies between 40% and 65%. In contrast, its use can be obviated in the case of openings located in non-facing walls, as the value of εa obtained is close to 50%; this means a perfect mixing air flow pattern, which is the reference value for the estimation of the indoor air quality (IAQ) in the different national regulations.EPACRA: Lanzadera project (TCUE.6-LANZADERA 067/157541

    Los nuevos comunicadores: los "inforluencers"

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    El nuevo entorno comunicativo nacido a raíz de internet y las redes sociales ha dado lugar, entre otros muchos cambios, a la manera en la que se producen y consumen las noticias. Sin embargo, una de las novedades más importantes que este nuevo paradigma comunicativo ha traído a la profesión periodística se origina con la aparición de una nueva figura, el influencer. Los influencers con su capacidad para generar debate e influir  en las opiniones y comportamientos de sus seguidores están cambiando el perfil del periodista dando lugar al nacimiento de una nueva figura de la que hablaremos en profundidad en las siguientes páginas: el inforluencer. Para hablar de esta nueva figura comunicativa se realizará una investigación dónde hablaremos de su origen, tipologías y se recurrirá también a ejemplos concretos de cómo los periodistas están intentando adaptarse a esta nueva realidad.2018-1


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    [ES] La serie «El rol de la inteligencia artificial y la computación distribuida en las aplicaciones IoT» contiene publicaciones sobre la teoría y aplicaciones de la computación distribuida y la inteligencia artificial en el Internet de las cosas. Prácticamente todas las disciplinas como la ingeniería, las ciencias naturales, la informática y las ciencias de la información, las TIC, la economía, los negocios, el comercio electrónico, el medio ambiente, la salud y las ciencias de la vida están cubiertas. La lista de temas abarca todas las áreas de los sistemas inteligentes modernos y la informática como: inteligencia computacional, soft computing incluyendo redes neuronales, inteligencia social, inteligencia ambiental, sistemas auto-organizados y adaptativos, computación centrada en el ser humano y centrada en el ser humano, sistemas de recomendación, control inteligente, robótica y mecatrónica, incluida la colaboración entre el ser humano y la máquina, paradigmas basados en el conocimiento, paradigmas de aprendizaje, ética de la máquina, análisis inteligente de datos, gestión del conocimiento, agentes inteligentes, toma de decisiones inteligentes y apoyo, seguridad de la red inteligente, gestión de la confianza, entretenimiento interactivo, inteligencia de la Web y multimedia. Las publicaciones en el marco de «El rol de la inteligencia artificial y la computación distribuida en las aplicaciones IoT» son principalmente las actas de seminarios, simposios y conferencias. Abarcan importantes novedades recientes en la materia, tanto de naturaleza fundacional como aplicable. Un importante rasgo característico de la serie es el corto tiempo de publicación. Esto permite una rápida y amplia difusión de los resultados de las investigaciones[EN] The series «The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Computing in IoT Applications» contains publications on the theory and applications of distributed computing and artificial intelligence in the Internet of Things. Virtually all disciplines such as engineering, natural sciences, computer and information sciences, ICT, economics, business, e-commerce, environment, health and life sciences are covered. The list of topics covers all areas of modern intelligent systems and computer science: computational intelligence, soft computing including neural networks, social intelligence, ambient intelligence, self-organising and adaptive systems, human-centred and people-centred computing, recommendation systems, intelligent control, robotics and mechatronics including human-machine collaboration, knowledge-based paradigms, learning paradigms, machine ethics, intelligent data analysis, knowledge management, intelligent agents, intelligent decision making and support, intelligent network security, trust management, interactive entertainment, web intelligence, and multimedia. The publications in the framework of «The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Computing in IoT Applications» are mainly the proceedings of seminars, symposia and conferences. They cover important recent developments in the field, whether of a foundational or applicable character. An important feature of the series is the short publication time. This allows for the rapid and wide dissemination of research results

    Predictive value of a series of inflammatory markers in COPD for lung cancer diagnosis: a case-control study

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    Background: There is a relationship between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and the development of lung cancer (LC). The aim of this study is to analyse several blood markers and compare their concentrations in patients with only COPD and LC + COPD. Methods: Case-control study with cases presenting combined LC and COPD and two control groups (patients presenting only COPD and patients presenting only LC). We also included LC patients with descriptive purposes. In both groups, peripheral blood analyses of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8, total leukocyte, lymphocyte and neutrophil counts, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, total platelet count, mean platelet volume, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio, alpha 1-antitripsin (A1AT), IgE, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, cholesterol and bilirubin were performed. We developed univariate and multivariate analyses of these markers, as well as a risk score variable, and we evaluated its performance through ROC curves. Results: We included 280 patients, 109 cases (LC + COPD), 83 controls (COPD) and 88 LC without COPD. No differences were observed in the distribution by sex, age, BMI, smoking, occupational exposure, lung function, GOLD stage or comorbidity. Patients with LC + COPD had significantly higher levels of neutrophils [OR 1.00 (95%CI 1.00–1.00), p = 0.03] and A1AT [OR 1.02 (95%CI 1.01–1.03), p = 0.003] and lower cholesterol levels [OR 0.98 (95%CI 0.97–0.99), p = 0.009] than COPD controls. We developed a risk score variable combining neutrophils, A1AT and cholesterol, achieving a sensitivity of 80%, a negative predictive value of 90.7% and an area under the curve of 0.78 (95%CI 0.71–0.86). Conclusions: COPD patients who also have LC have higher levels of neutrophils and A1AT and lower of cholesterol. These parameters could be potentially predicting biomarkers of LC in COPD patients.This work was supported by the project 110/2016 of the Spanish Society of Respiratory Pathology (SEPAR)S

    Minube: Caso de Éxito de una Comunidad Virtual de Viajeros en España

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    El sector turístico en España representa el 11,7% del Producto Interior Bruto, siendo referente en la creación de empleo y posicionándose como un sector estratégico para la creación de empresas. El desarrollo de la tecnología asociada al auge de Internet ha propiciado el fomento de empresas que desarrollan su trabajo en el mundo “online”. Así mismo, el turista ha cambiado la forma en la que adquiere sus servicios: participa de lleno en la creación del producto turístico mejorando así su experiencia turística. Tras un análisis de la evolución tecnológica experimentada por el sector turístico, este trabajo se centra en el concepto de boca-oído electrónico como pieza clave para el posicionamiento de empresas/destinos turísticos. Posteriormente, explora cómo la comunidad virtual de viajeros minube, pequeña empresa española que supone una manifestación de ese boca-oído gracias a la Web 2.0, ha mejorado la experiencia turística de los viajeros.2018/201

    Caracterización socioeconómica del agricultor maicero en la Provincia de Manabí mediante técnicas de análisis multivariantes.

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    Farmers´ situation aligns macro objectives, conditions and their own daily living activities. Variables interact in different scenarios developed by hard-corn growers in Manabí-Ecuador; variables have an effect on the country´s productive development. This work started from the application of a multivariate model, which was based on a multipurpose study. This generated an interrelated conglomerates concerning social, economic, political, productive and environmental variables. A high grouping similarity was presented in results, both in observation techniques and between the analyzed variables. The high impact of influential variables, especially those related to economic and to productive variables was demonstrated. Productive variable includes planting time, planting area and irrigation water availability. The economic variable includes annual invoicing and employee number. Observation diversity is affected by shorter distances for social, political and environmental variables related to decision-taking; a positive impact is generated by hard-corn growers.La situación de los agricultores alinea objetivos macro, condiciones y actividades propias en su diario convivir; las variables interactúan en los diferentes escenarios que desarrollan los productores de maíz duro en Manabí-Ecuador, teniendo un efecto en el desarrollo productivo del país. Este trabajo se realizó a partir de la aplicación del modelo multivariante basado en un estudio multipropósito, obteniéndose conglomerados interrelacionados de las variables sociales, económicas, políticas, productivas y ambientales. Los resultados presentan una alta similitud de agrupamiento tanto en las observaciones y entre variables, demostrando el alto impacto que tienen las variables influyentes, especialmente las relacionadas a la producción (época de siembra, superficie de siembra, disponibilidad de agua de riego) y económicas (facturación anual, cantidad de empleados), en tanto la diversidad en las observaciones están afectadas con menores distancias, para las variables relacionadas en la toma de decisiones, sociales, políticas y ambientales generando un impacto positivo en los productores

    Stacked or folded? impact of chelate cooperativity on the self-assembly pathway to helical nanotubes from dinucleobase monomers

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    Self-assembled nanotubes exhibit impressive biological functions that have always inspired supramolecular scientists in their efforts to develop strategies to build such structures from small molecules through a bottom-up approach. One of these strategies employs molecules endowed with self-recognizing motifs at the edges, which can undergo either cyclization-stacking or folding-polymerization processes that lead to tubular architectures. Which of these self-assembly pathways is ultimately selected by these molecules is, however, often difficult to predict and even to evaluate experimentally. We show here a unique example of two structurally related molecules substituted with complementary nucleobases at the edges (i.e., G:C and A:U) for which the supramolecular pathway taken is determined by chelate cooperativity, that is, by their propensity to assemble in specific cyclic structures through Watson-Crick pairing. Because of chelate cooperativities that differ in several orders of magnitude, these molecules exhibit distinct supramolecular scenarios prior to their polymerization that generate self-assembled nanotubes with different internal monomer arrangements, either stacked or coiled, which lead at the same time to opposite helicities and chiroptical propertiesFunding from the European Research Council (ERC-Starting Grant 279548 PROGRAM-NANO) MCIN (RED2018- 102331-T, PID2020-116921GB-I00, and TED2021-132602BI00), the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (PRIN project prot. 2017A4XRCA_003), the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000754, e-INFRA CZ (ID:90254)), the Swedish Research Council (2018- 4343), and the Swedish e-Science Research Centre (SeRC) is gratefully acknowledged. The authors also acknowledge the provision of supercomputer resources from the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC). F.A. is grateful to MCIN and Next Generation EU funding for a “Ramon-yCajal” fellowship (RyC-2021-031538-I). A.dJ. is grateful to EU funding from a MSCA-IEF action (897507-SuprAlloCat