11 research outputs found

    Metagenomic Profile of the Bacterial Communities Associated with Ixodes ricinus Ticks

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    Assessment of the microbial diversity residing in arthropod vectors of medical importance is crucial for monitoring endemic infections, for surveillance of newly emerging zoonotic pathogens, and for unraveling the associated bacteria within its host. The tick Ixodes ricinus is recognized as the primary European vector of disease-causing bacteria in humans. Despite I. ricinus being of great public health relevance, its microbial communities remain largely unexplored to date. Here we evaluate the pathogen-load and the microbiome in single adult I. ricinus by using 454- and Illumina-based metagenomic approaches. Genomic DNA-derived sequences were taxonomically profiled using a computational approach based on the BWA algorithm, allowing for the identification of known tick-borne pathogens at the strain level and the putative tick core microbiome. Additionally, we assessed and compared the bacterial taxonomic profile in nymphal and adult I. ricinus pools collected from two distinct geographic regions in Northern Italy by means of V6-16S rRNA amplicon pyrosequencing and community based ecological analysis. A total of 108 genera belonging to representatives of all bacterial phyla were detected and a rapid qualitative assessment for pathogenic bacteria, such as Borrelia, Rickettsia and Candidatus Neoehrlichia, and for other bacteria with mutualistic relationship or undetermined function, such as Wolbachia and Rickettsiella, was possible. Interestingly, the ecological analysis revealed that the bacterial community structure differed between the examined geographic regions and tick life stages. This finding suggests that the environmental context (abiotic and biotic factors) and host-selection behaviors affect their microbiome

    Erratum to: Incidence of neuroepithelial primary brain tumors among adult population of Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy

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    Erratum to: Neurol Sci DOI 10.1007/s10072-016-2747-y Unfortunately, some of the participants of the PERNO Study Group are missing in the original publication of the article. The correct details are given belo

    Impact of mitral regurgitation on the outcome of patients treated with CRT-D: data from the InSync ICD Italian Registry.

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    Background: We assessed the influence of clinically significant mitral regurgitation (MR) on clinical-echocardiographic response and outcome in heart failure (HF) patients treated with a biventricular defibrillator (cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator [CRT-D]). Methods and Results: A total of 659 HF patients underwent successful implantation of CRT-D and were enrolled in a multicenter prospective registry (median follow-up of 15 months). Following baseline echocardiographic evaluation, patients were stratified into two groups according to the severity of MR: 232 patients with more than mild MR (Group MR+: grade 2, 3, and 4 MR) versus 427 patients with mild (grade 1) or no functional MR (Group MR−). On 6- and 12-month echocardiographic evaluation, MR was seen to have improved in the vast majority of MR+ patients, while it remained unchanged in most MR− patients. On 12-month follow-up evaluation, a comparable response to CRT was observed in the two groups, in terms of the extent of left ventricular reverse remodeling and combined clinical and echocardiographic response. During long-term follow-up, event-free survival did not differ between MR+ and MR− patients, even when subpopulations of patients with ischemic heart disease and with dilated cardiomyopathy were analyzed separately. On multivariate analysis, the only independent predictor of death from any cause was the lack of β-blocker use. Conclusions: This observational analysis supports the use of CRT-D in HF patients with clinically significant MR; MR had no major influence on patient outcom

    L’attività dei Centri Antifumo italiani tra problematiche e aree da potenziare: i risultati di un’indagine svolta attraverso un questionario on-line

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    Introduzione. In Italia sono 295 i Servizi per la cessazione dal fumo di tabacco (Centri Antifumo - CA) afferenti al Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN) censiti nel 2011 dall’Osservatorio Fumo, Alcol e Droga (OssFAD) dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità. La presente indagine, condotta dall’OssFAD in collaborazione con i CA, è stata volta a rilevare alcune delle problematiche con le quali il personale dei CA si confronta per portare avanti la propria attività e le iniziative ritenute utili per migliorarla. Materiali e metodi. L’indagine è stata condotta dal 7 al 21 maggio 2012, mediante un questionario compilabile on-line composto da 5 brevi sezioni di domande con un totale di 38 items da completare. Il link al questionario on-line è stato inviato per e-mail a 322 indirizzi dei CA censiti nel 2011 dall’OssFAD. I dati raccolti sono stati elaborati statisticamente con il programma SPSS 20. Risultati. All’indagine hanno risposto 146 operatori dei CA (45,3%). Sebbene ci siano aspetti ormai consolidati dell’attività dei CA, sono ancora molte le criticità che gli operatori riscontrano nella loro attività. Le principali problematiche che influiscono in modo fondamentale/rilevante per la buona attività del centro sono le “Scarse o nulle risorse economiche” per il 60,7% del personale, “la mancanza di personale dedicato” per il 52,4% del personale; il “riconoscimento/mandato istituzionale del CA” per il 40,9% del personale. Tra le azioni ritenute più efficaci per facilitare l’accesso ai CA sono risultate la sensibilizzazione del personale sanitario (91%), in particolare dei medici di famiglia e l’inserimento delle prestazioni antitabagiche nei LEA (76,8%). Conclusioni. È auspicabile che l’attività dei CA riceva una maggiore attenzione, attraverso la dotazione di strutture, personale e finanziamenti adeguati a svolgere un importante ruolo nella tutela e promozione della salute