207 research outputs found

    TIA: A forward model and analyzer for Talbot interferometry experiments of dense plasmas

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    Producción CientíficaInterferometry is one of the most sensitive and successful diagnostic methods for plasmas. However, owing to the design of most common interferometric systems, the wavelengths of operation and, therefore, the range of densities and temperatures that can be probed are severely limited. Talbot–Lau interferometry offers the possibility of extending interferometry measurements to x-ray wavelengths by means of the Talbot effect. While there have been several proof-of-concept experiments showing the efficacy of this method, it is only recently that experiments to probe High Energy Density (HED) plasmas using Talbot–Lau interferometry are starting to take place. To improve these experimental designs, we present here the Talbot-Interferometry Analyzer (TIA) tool, a forward model for generating and postprocessing synthetic x-ray interferometry images from a Talbot–Lau interferometer. Although TIA can work with any two-dimensional hydrodynamic code to study plasma conditions as close to reality as possible, this software has been designed to work by default with output files from the hydrodynamic code FLASH, making the tool user-friendly and accessible to the general plasma physics community. The model has been built into a standalone app, which can be installed by anyone with access to the MATLAB runtime installer and is available upon request to the authors

    Long-term fire resilience of the Ericaceous Belt, Bale Mountains, Ethiopia

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    Fire is the most frequent disturbance in the Ericaceous Belt (ca 3000- 4300 m.a.s.l.), one of the most important plant communities of tropical African mountains. Through resprouting after fire, Erica establishes a positive fire feedback under certain burning regimes. However, present-day human activity in the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia includes fire and grazing systems that may have a negative impact on the resilience of the ericaceous ecosystem. Current knowledge of Erica-fire relationships is based on studies of modern vegetation, lacking a longer time perspective that can shed light on baseline conditions for the fire feedback. We hypothesize that fire has influenced Erica communities in the Bale Mountains at millennial timescales. To test this, we (1) identify the fire history of the Bale Mountains through a pollen and charcoal record from Garba Guracha, a lake at 3950 m.a.s.l., and (2) describe the long-term bidirectional feedback between wildfire and Erica, which may control the ecosystem's resilience. Our results support fire occurrence in the area since ca 14 000 years ago, with particularly intense burning during the early Holocene, 10.8-6.0 cal ka BP. We show that a positive feedback between Erica abundance and fire occurrence was in operation throughout the Lateglacial and Holocene, and interpret the Ericaceous Belt of the Ethiopian mountains as a long-term fire resilient ecosystem. We propose that controlled burning should be an integral part of landscape management in the Bale Mountains National Park

    Phase imaging of irradiated foils at the OMEGA EP facility using phase-stepping X-ray Talbot–Lau deflectometry

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    Producción CientíficaDiagnosing the evolution of laser-generated high energy density (HED) systems is fundamental to develop a correct understanding of the behavior of matter under extreme conditions. Talbot–Lau interferometry constitutes a promising tool, since it permits simultaneous single-shot X-ray radiography and phase-contrast imaging of dense plasmas. We present the results of an experiment at OMEGA EP that aims to probe the ablation front of a laser-irradiated foil using a Talbot–Lau X-ray interferometer. A polystyrene (CH) foil was irradiated by a laser of 133 J, 1 ns and probed with 8 keV laser-produced backlighter radiation from Cu foils driven by a short-pulse laser (153 J, 11 ps). The ablation front interferograms were processed in combination with a set of reference images obtained ex situ using phase-stepping. We managed to obtain attenuation and phase-shift images of a laser-irradiated foil for electron densities above 1e22 cm−3. These results showcase the capabilities of Talbot–Lau X-ray diagnostic methods to diagnose HED laser-generated plasmas through high-resolution imaging.The work has been supported by Research Grant No. PID2019-108764RB-I00 from the Spanish Min istry of Science and Innovatio

    Enhanced transport protocols

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    The book presents mechanisms, protocols, and system architectures to achieve end-to-end Quality-of-Service (QoS) over heterogeneous wired/wireless networks in the Internet. Particular focus is on measurement techniques, traffic engineering mechanisms and protocols, signalling protocols as well as transport protocol extensions to support fairness and QoS. It shows how those mechanisms and protocols can be combined into a comprehensive end-to-end QoS architecture to support QoS in the Internet over heterogeneous wired/wireless access networks. Finally, techniques for evaluation of QoS mechanisms such as simulation and emulation are presented. The book is aimed at graduate and post-graduate students in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering with focus in data communications and networking as well as for professionals working in this area

    Solving patients with rare diseases through programmatic reanalysis of genome-phenome data

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    Reanalysis of inconclusive exome/genome sequencing data increases the diagnosis yield of patients with rare diseases. However, the cost and efforts required for reanalysis prevent its routine implementation in research and clinical environments. The Solve-RD project aims to reveal the molecular causes underlying undiagnosed rare diseases. One of the goals is to implement innovative approaches to reanalyse the exomes and genomes from thousands of well-studied undiagnosed cases. The raw genomic data is submitted to Solve-RD through the RD-Connect Genome-Phenome Analysis Platform (GPAP) together with standardised phenotypic and pedigree data. We have developed a programmatic workflow to reanalyse genome-phenome data. It uses the RD-Connect GPAP’s Application Programming Interface (API) and relies on the big-data technologies upon which the system is built. We have applied the workflow to prioritise rare known pathogenic variants from 4411 undiagnosed cases. The queries returned an average of 1.45 variants per case, which first were evaluated in bulk by a panel of disease experts and afterwards specifically by the submitter of each case. A total of 120 index cases (21.2% of prioritised cases, 2.7% of all exome/genome-negative samples) have already been solved, with others being under investigation. The implementation of solutions as the one described here provide the technical framework to enable periodic case-level data re-evaluation in clinical settings, as recommended by the American College of Medical Genetics

    The genome sequencing of an albino Western lowland gorilla reveals inbreeding in the wild

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    Background The only known albino gorilla, named Snowflake, was a male wild born individual from Equatorial Guinea who lived at the Barcelona Zoo for almost 40 years. He was diagnosed with non-syndromic oculocutaneous albinism, i.e. white hair, light eyes, pink skin, photophobia and reduced visual acuity. Despite previous efforts to explain the genetic cause, this is still unknown. Here, we study the genetic cause of his albinism and making use of whole genome sequencing data we find a higher inbreeding coefficient compared to other gorillas. Results We successfully identified the causal genetic variant for Snowflake¿s albinism, a non-synonymous single nucleotide variant located in a transmembrane region of SLC45A2. This transporter is known to be involved in oculocutaneous albinism type 4 (OCA4) in humans. We provide experimental evidence that shows that this amino acid replacement alters the membrane spanning capability of this transmembrane region. Finally, we provide a comprehensive study of genome-wide patterns of autozygogosity revealing that Snowflake¿s parents were related, being this the first report of inbreeding in a wild born Western lowland gorilla. Conclusions In this study we demonstrate how the use of whole genome sequencing can be extended to link genotype and phenotype in non-model organisms and it can be a powerful tool in conservation genetics (e.g., inbreeding and genetic diversity) with the expected decrease in sequencing cost. Keywords: Gorilla; Albinism; Inbreeding; Genome; Conservatio

    Certificação de produtos orgânicos: obstáculos à implantação de um sistema participativo de garantia na Andaluzia, Espanha.

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    O trabalho analisa o processo de organização de produtores orgânicos da Andaluzia que estiveram envolvidos em uma tentativa de implantação de um sistema participativo de garantia. Esta iniciativa foi liderada pela administração dessa comunidade autônoma espanhola entre 2006 e 2008. O estudo baseia-se em entrevistas realizadas com atores sociais que estiveram implicados nesse processo, identificando os obstáculos políticos e organizativos que impediram que essa proposta pudesse avançar

    Recurrent presence of the PLCG1 S345F mutation in nodal peripheral T-cell lymphomas

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    This work was supported by grants from Asociación Española contra el Cancer (AECC), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) (SAF2013-47416-R), Instituto Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) – Fondos FEDER, MINECO-AES(RD012/0036/0060, PI10/00621, CP11/00018). RM is supported by the Fundación Conchita Rábago de la Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid (Spain). JG-R is supported by a predoctoral grant from the Fundacion Investigacion Biomedica Puerta de Hierro. Salary support to SG is provided by ISCIII-FEDER (CP11/00018). MS-B is supported by a Miguel Servet contract from ISCIII-FEDER (CP11/00018). The Instituto de Investigación Marqués de Valdecilla (IDIVAL) is partly funded by the Sociedad para el Desarrollo Regional de Cantabria (SODERCAN)