86 research outputs found

    Medida del impacto económico de la salida del mercado laboral de trabajadores inmigrantes en la Comunidad de Madrid

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    This paper analyses the economic impact of the loss of employment suffered by the immigrant population in Madrid’s regional economy during the years of the latest economic crisis, specifically during the period 2010-2016. First, it examines the labour characteristics of the immigrant population, a community mainly employed in unstable and low-skilled jobs and overrepresented in economic sectors that are sensitive to fluctuations in the labour market. Financial crisis forced these workers exiting labour market and the present work focuses on the modelling of this phenomenon by means of the construction of a multisectoral model of the supply-side type, also known as Ghosh model. This analytic approach provides estimates of the direct impacts of the immigrant working population leaving the labour market, and of its indirect and induced impacts on the greater economy.Este trabajo analiza el coste para la economía madrileña de la pérdida de empleos que ha sufrido la población activa extranjera en los años de la crisis, en concreto en el período 2010-2016. En primer lugar, se analizan las características laborales de la población inmigrante, población que en su mayoría cubre puestos de trabajo inestables y de baja cualificación, estando sobrerrepresentada en sectores económicos que son muy sensibles a las fluctuaciones del mercado laboral. La crisis financiera obligó a estos trabajadores a abandonar el mercado laboral y el presente trabajo se centra en la modelización de este fenómeno mediante la construcción de un modelo multisectorial de oferta, también conocido como modelo Ghosh. Este enfoque analítico proporciona estimaciones de los impactos directos en la población trabajadora inmigrante que abandona el mercado laboral, y de los impactos indirectos e inducidos en la economía en general

    Electric and magnetic dipolar response of Germanium spheres: Interference effects, scattering anisotropy and optical forces

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    We address the scattering cross sections, and their consequences, for submicrometer Germanium spheres. It is shown that there is a wide window in the near infrared where light scattering by these particles is fully described by their induced electric and magnetic dipoles. In this way, we observe remarkable anisotropic scattering angular distributions, as well as zero forward or backward scattered intensities, which until recently was theoretically demonstrated only for hypothetically postulated magnetodielectric spheres. Also, interesting new effects of the optical forces exerted on these objects are now obtained.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Análisis exploratorio de la percepción en niños preescolares sobre la interacción recíproca con sus madres

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    Objective. Although conceptual advances and empirical evidence with school-age children and adolescents suggest that children’s perceptions are relevant in understanding the reciprocal reactions between parents and children, the level of knowledge in the case of pre - school children is almost non - existent. The main objective of this study was to explore the perception of preschool children of the relationships with their mothers, and to determine whether scores were related with differences on parenting competence, as well as with other parenting factors. Method. Data were collected from 50 mothers who responded to several questionnaires and their children ( n = 50) , who answered a pictorial test of perception of the relationships with their mothers. Results. Results indicated that scores from the questionnaires were consistent with perceptions of children regarding appropriate or inappropriate interactions: for mothers on parental competence, stress, and subjective well - being, and for children on psychosocial adaptation, stress, and behavior problems; as well as with scores relating to the temperament of both. Conclusion. The results and their implications are discussed in terms of establishing coherence between conceptual advances and the empirical evidence on reciprocal interactions.Objetivo. Aunque los avances conceptuales y las evidencias empíricas con niños en edad escolar y adolescentes sugieren que las percepciones de los niños son relevantes para comprender las interacciones recíprocas padres - hijos, el estado de conocimiento es prácticamente nulo en niños preescolares. El principal objetivo de este estudio buscó explorar la percepción de niños preescolares sobre las relaciones con sus madres y analizar si los puntajes diferenciales de la percepción de los niños indican diferencias en la competencia parental, así como en otros factores que tienen relación con su crianza. Método . La muestra estuvo conformada por 50 mamás que contestaron los autorreportes y sus niños ( n = 50) que contestaron una prueba pictórica de percepción de las relaciones con sus madres. Resultados . Los resultados indicaron que las percepciones de los niños sobre las interacciones adecuadas o inadecuadas fueron congruentes con los puntajes de los cuestionarios, en particular, con la competencia parental, el estrés y el bienestar subjetivo maternos y con la adaptación psicosocial, el estrés y los problemas de comportamiento de los niños, así como con el temperamento de ambos. Conclusión . Se discuten los resultados y sus implicaciones para establecer congruencia entre el avance conceptual y las evidencias empíricas sobre las interacciones recíprocas.Escopo . Ainda que os avanços conceituais e as evidencias empíricas com crianças em idade escolar e adolescentes sugerem que as percepções das crianças são relevantes para compreender as interações recíprocas pais-filhos, o estado de conhecimento é praticamente nulo com crianças pré - escolares. O principal escopo de este estudo foi o de explorar a percepção de crianças pré - escolares sobre as relações com suas mães e analisar sim pontuações diferentes da percepção das crianças indicam diferencias na competência parental, assim como em outros fatores que tem relação com a educação. Metodologia . A mostra foi formada com 50 mães que contestaram os auto - reportes e suas crianças ( n = 50) que contestaram uma prova pictórica de percepção das relações com suas mães. Resultados . Os resultados indicaram que as percepções das crianças sobre as interações adequadas ou inadequadas foram congruentes com as pontuações dos questionários; em particular, com a competência parental, o stress e o bem-estar subjetivo maternos e com a adaptação psicossocial, o stress e os problemas de comportamento das crianças; assim como o temperamento de ambos. Conclusão. Foram discutidos os resultados e suas implicações para estabelecer congruência entre o avanço conceitual e as evidencias empíricas sobre interações recíprocas

    Asynchronous processing for latent fingerprint identification on heterogeneous CPU-GPU systems

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    Latent fingerprint identification is one of the most essential identification procedures in criminal investigations. Addressing this task is challenging as (i) it requires analyzing massive databases in reasonable periods and (ii) it is commonly solved by combining different methods with very complex data-dependencies, which make fully exploiting heterogeneous CPU-GPU systems very complex. Most efforts in this context focus on improving the accuracy of the approaches and neglect reducing the processing time. Indeed, the most accurate approach was designed for one single thread. This work introduces the fastest methodology for latent fingerprint identification maintaining high accuracy called Asynchronous processing for Latent Fingerprint Identification (ALFI). ALFI fully exploits all the resources of CPU-GPU systems using asynchronous processing and fine-coarse parallelism for analyzing massive databases. Our approach reduces idle times in processing and exploits the inherent parallelism of comparing latent fingerprints to fingerprint impressions. We analyzed the performance of ALFI on Linux and Windows operating systems using the well-known NIST/FVC databases. Experimental results reveal that ALFI is in average 22x faster than the state-of-the-art algorithm, reaching a value of 44.7x for the best-studied case

    Autoconcepto y rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de la Facultad Ciencias de la Salud

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    El propósito principal de esta investigación fue valorar el autoconcepto y los resultados del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de uno de los seis programas educativos de la Facultad. Las dos categorías se compararon para conocer sus características y comprobar si existían relaciones entre las diferentes dimensiones del autoconcepto y los resultados académicos alcanzados por los estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Educación Física y Deporte que fue el primer programa educativo que se estudió. Se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico como el histórico lógico para determinar las trayectorias de los estudiantes dentro del programa educativo y la Facultad. Se aplicaron métodos científicos como el análisis y la síntesis, mismos que sirvieron para valorar las diferentes categorías o dimensiones del autoconcepto y establecer sus similitudes y diferencias. Se utilizó el método inductivo deductivo para conformar varias partes del informe final de investigación y del nivel empírico se utilizó el método del análisis de documentos para consultar textos y documentos. La técnica de la encuesta favoreció la obtención de los datos de la investigación. Para la estadística se trabajó con el sistema SPSS. Los resultados del trabajo favorecen el diseño y desarrollo de estrategias didácticas que vinculen los resultados del autoconcepto de cada grupo con la capacidad de estudiar para mejorar las calificaciones de los estudiantes en las materias que deberán cursar en semestres posteriores. La contribución de la investigación es fuerte porque permite el perfeccionamiento de la labor educativa que llevan a cabo los docentes. Palabras clave: Autoconcepto, rendimiento académico, estudiantes.   ABSTRACT The main purpose of this research was to assess the self-concept and the results of the academic performance of the students of one of the six educational programs of the Faculty. The two categories were compared in order to know their characteristics and to check if there were relationships between the different dimensions of self-concept and the academic results achieved by the students of the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education and Sports, which was the first educational program to be studied. Theoretical level methods such as the historical-logical were used to determine the trajectories of the students within the educational program and the Faculty. Scientific methods such as analysis and synthesis were applied, which were used to evaluate the different categories or dimensions of self-concept and to establish their similarities and differences. The inductive-deductive method was used to conform several parts of the final research report and at the empirical level, the document analysis method was used to consult texts and documents. The survey technique was used to obtain the research data. We worked with the SPSS system for the statistics process. The results of the work favor the design and development of didactic strategies that link the results of the self-concept of each group with the ability to study in order to improve the students' grades in the subjects they will have to take in subsequent semesters. The contribution of research is strong because it allows for the improvement of the educational work carried out by teachers. Keywords: Self-concept, academic performance, students

    On-line surveys application to develop open choice and correlated food internships

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    Se han desarrollado encuestas on-line en diferentes asignaturas que tenían el uso de este tipo de herramientas como elementos de apoyo para el desarrollo de alguna de sus competencias. En función de los conocimientos previos de los alumnos y el nivel de formación, la implementación de las encuestas ha requerido una implicación más o menos profunda de los alumnos. En este sentido el grado máximo de implicación se ha realizado en la asignatura Nutrición Aplicada del Grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos, en el que los alumnos han decido e implementado absolutamente todos los aspectos inherentes a la encuesta (supervisado por los profesores). El resultado docente ha sido muy satisfactorio, cubriendo en cada asignatura una o varias competencias transversales y obviamente las específicas relativas al tema de la encuesta. El grado de satisfacción de los alumnos también ha sido elevado. Además la información recopilada tiene un elevado interés en cuanto a conocer aspectos relacionados con la forma de alimentarse de diferentes colectivos.On line-surveys were developed in several subjects which employ this kind of tools in order to achieve some of its competences. The implementations of surveys were made in different degrees according with the previous level of knowledge of the students. In this way, students of the subject “Nutrición Aplicada” which belong from the Degree of “Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos”, achieved the highest level of implication, developing all the items of the surveys (with supervision of their professors). The educational results were very satisfactory, covering all the transversal and specific competences of multiple subjects. The satisfaction level of the students was also very high. Furthermore, relevant information about dietetic habits of different population groups was obtained

    Diversidad, Música y Competencia Social y Ciudadana: contribuciones de la experiencia musical

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    La legislación educativa tiene la obligación de garantizar las adaptaciones curriculares necesarias para desarrollar al máximo las Competencias Básicas. El profesorado debe diferenciar el currículo de los educandos en función de sus limitaciones cognitivas, culturales y sociales, para que todos puedan convertirse en ciudadanos competentes socialmente. Este artículo muestra cómo la experiencia musical es accesible, efectiva y motivadora para el alumnado incluido en la atención a la diversidad, y cómo debido a ello podrá contribuir a la adquisición de la competencia social y ciudadana por este colectivo. Entonces, la Música en la atención a la diversidad en Primaria tiene un papel vital, puesto que además de incrementar la autoestima, la autonomía, la iniciativa personal, contribuirá al desarrollo de la competencia social y ciudadana considerada imprescindible para un adecuado desarrollo sociocultural

    Diversity in composition of scarlet (S. aethiopicum) and gboma (S. macrocarpon) eggplants and of interspecific hybrids between S. aethiopicum and common eggplant (S. melongena)

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    [EN] Scarlet (Solanum aethiopicum) and gboma (S. macrocarpon) eggplants are cultivated vegetable crops native to Africa, for which no comprehensive reports exist on composition and diversity. We have evaluated diversity in composition of three varieties of scarlet eggplant and four varieties of gboma eggplant, as well as of four interspecific hybrids between scarlet and common eggplant (S. melongena) and their respective parents. With the exception of moisture (between 85.8 and 88.3 g/100 g) and pH (between 5.32 and 5.89), there was a wide diversity among varieties within each of the species for the composition traits evaluated, revealing ample possibilities for selection of varieties with improved fruit composition. Scarlet eggplant varieties evaluated presented, on average, lower content than gboma eggplant varieties for carbohydrates (3.60 vs 6.48 g/100 g), starch (3.18 vs 6.15 g/100 g), vitamin C (11.6 vs 18.9 mg/100 g), and total phenolics (24.4 vs 144 mg/100 g) and higher values for soluble sugars content and for the ascorbic/dehydroascorbic acid ratio. Interspecific hybrids between scarlet and gboma eggplants presented moisture content (79.0 g/100 g) and pH (5.15) values below those of any of the parents. For the rest of traits, values were intermediate between both parents, although much more similar to the scarlet eggplant parent. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This work was partially financed by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologı´a and FEDER (AGL2012-34213) and project OTRI-UCMFundacio´n Sabor y Salud (323-2012).San José, R.; Plazas Ávila, MDLO.; Sánchez-Mata, MC.; Cámara Hurtado, MM.; Prohens Tomás, J. (2016). Diversity in composition of scarlet (S. aethiopicum) and gboma (S. macrocarpon) eggplants and of interspecific hybrids between S. aethiopicum and common eggplant (S. melongena). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 45:130-140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfca.2015.10.009S1301404