10 research outputs found

    Inflation of water to the soil in the fields of drop irrigation

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    The article presents theoretical and field experimental data on determining the rates of infiltration and filtration of irrigation water in the soil - grounds of the calculated layer in the cotton fields of the Dzharkurgan massif in the Surkhandarya region. Based on the established values of the rates of infiltration of irrigation water, the drip irrigation regime for cotton of the new Sultan variety has been determined, the parameters of the innovative drip irrigation technology have been determined


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    Scientific substantiation of technology of efficient use of water resources in irrigation of cotton

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    Today, due to global climate change, the demand for irrigation water is growing in every part of the world, so the rational use of available water resources requires the management of water resources through water-saving technologies. It is necessary to analyze data on the rational management and efficient use of limited water resources in the country, to continuously increase the efficiency of water resources in the field, to expand the use of water-saving irrigation technologies and their application in production, and to eliminate excess water loss

    Provision of remote methods for estimating soil salinity on meliorated lands

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    The proposed methodological recommendation on the ground support of remote methods for assessing salinization of soil in reclaimed lands is devoted to the operational monitoring of salinity of reclaimed lands. The assessment and forecasting of cotton yield in the Hungry Steppe and the lower reaches of the Amu Darya, by direct signs of determining salinity at farms, a separate irrigated plot, based on remote information (aerial and space photography - APS and KFS). The task of the under investigations study is visual assessment of soil salinity level by indirect signs: condition of crops, fall of plants, salt bloom, etc. The results of the established check are recorded in the field journal. Salinity map with salinity contours; slightly saline, moderately saline and strongly saline soils are created based on the studied research materials. Number and location of the main sites for determination of soil salinity features are determined on the basis of analysis of the research materials determined with involvement of other available materials on the soil cover characteristics. Classification of soils according to the degree of salinity is carried out according to the formula WP = PVU + VJp; WP = 51.42 - 96.28 Jp ± 1.12 g ha-1. It is presented in Table 2 for Amu-Darya lower reaches (Khorezm province and the Republic of Karakalpakstan), where + Y - yield calculation; PVU - maximum yield. This program is designed for use in the educational process during practical lessons on agricultural reclamation directions

    Provision of remote methods for estimating soil salinity on meliorated lands

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    The proposed methodological recommendation on the ground support of remote methods for assessing salinization of soil in reclaimed lands is devoted to the operational monitoring of salinity of reclaimed lands. The assessment and forecasting of cotton yield in the Hungry Steppe and the lower reaches of the Amu Darya, by direct signs of determining salinity at farms, a separate irrigated plot, based on remote information (aerial and space photography - APS and KFS). The task of the under investigations study is visual assessment of soil salinity level by indirect signs: condition of crops, fall of plants, salt bloom, etc. The results of the established check are recorded in the field journal. Salinity map with salinity contours; slightly saline, moderately saline and strongly saline soils are created based on the studied research materials. Number and location of the main sites for determination of soil salinity features are determined on the basis of analysis of the research materials determined with involvement of other available materials on the soil cover characteristics. Classification of soils according to the degree of salinity is carried out according to the formula WP = PVU + VJp; WP = 51.42 - 96.28 Jp ± 1.12 g ha-1. It is presented in Table 2 for Amu-Darya lower reaches (Khorezm province and the Republic of Karakalpakstan), where + Y - yield calculation; PVU - maximum yield. This program is designed for use in the educational process during practical lessons on agricultural reclamation directions

    Flavonoids in Subtribe Centaureinae (Cass.) Dumort. (Tribe Cardueae, Asteraceae): Distribution and 13C-NMR Spectral Data

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    Flavonoids in Subtribe Centaureinae ( Cass.

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