169 research outputs found

    ¿Qué es esa cosa llamada PAS? Entrelazamientos con la detección de metales en Inglaterra y Gales

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    El Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) se estableció en 1997 para registrar objetos antiguos y otros hallazgos fortuitos, descubiertos con detectores de metales en Inglaterra y Gales, con el objetivo de hacerlos accesibles para el estudio académico. Aunque otras tecnologías y políticas han colaborado de forma sinérgica con el PAS para potenciar la investigación de estos objetos registrados, el PAS está siendo abiertamente criticado debido al recalcitrante problema de los hallazgos no declarados. Paralelo a la creación del PAS, el mercado de antigüedades en internet ha aumentado hasta convertirse en el principal medio para la comercialización de los hallazgos realizados con detectores de metales. La teoría del entrelazamiento de Ian Hodder aporta cierto sentido a estos recientes desarrollos y sus impactos sobre la investigación y las comunidades de detectores de metales.The Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) was established in 1997 to record metal-detecting and other chance finds of antiquities in England and Wales and to make them available for scholarly study. Other technologies and policies have worked synergistically with the PAS to realise the research potential of its recorded antiquities, but the PAS itself is still open to criticism because of the recalcitrant problem of unreported finds. Alongside the PAS, over the same time period, the Internet market in antiquities grew to become a major commercial outlet for metal-detecting finds. Ian Hodder’s theory of entanglement allows some sense to be made of these recent developments and their impacts upon the research and metal-detecting communities


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    The international trade in illegally-acquired antiquities continues to cause damage to cultural heritage worldwide. This paper reflects upon the author’s experience working in two universitybased projects in the United Kingdom that have tried to engage with the problem. The Illicit Antiquities Research Centre (1996-2007) approached the problem from within an archaeology department. In contrast, the Trafficking Culture project (2014-2016) exists within a criminology department. The paper considers the comparative strengths and weaknesses of these different disciplinary contexts and perspectives. It also discusses some of the difficulties posed by a university environment for scholars wishing to study the antiquities trade.El comercio internacional de antigüedades ilegalmente adquiridas continúa causando un daño al patrimonio cultural en todo el mundo. Este trabajo refleja las experiencia de trabajo del autor en dos proyectos universitarios en el Reino Unido que han intentado abordar el problema. The Illicit Antiquities Research Centre (1996-2007) se acercó al problema desde el interior de un departamento de arqueología. Por el contrario, el proyecto Trafficking Culture (2007- hasta el presente) existe dentro de un departamento de criminología. El trabajo consideras comparativamente las fortalezas y debilidades de estos contextos y perspectivas disciplinares. También trata algunas de las dificultades planteadas por un entorno universitario para investigadores que deseen estudiar el comercio de antigüedades

    Kinky D-Strings

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    We study two-dimensional SQED viewed as the world-volume theory of a D-string in the presence of D5-branes with non-zero background fields that induce attractive forces between the branes. In various approximations, the low-energy dynamics is given by a hyperKahler, or hyperKahler with torsion, massive sigma-model. We demonstrate the existence of kink solutions corresponding to the string interpolating between different D5-branes. Bound states of the D-string with fundamental strings are identified with Q-kinks which, in turn, are identified with dyonic instanton strings on the D5-brane world-volume.Comment: Latex. 23 pages. 1 figur

    Beni culturali e sistema penale

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    Il volume comprende una serie di studi sui reati contro il patrimonio culturale e le relative tecniche di prevenzione e repressione. Si offre così al lettore un’agile ma completa panoramica delle questioni più attuali e rilevanti, a livello sia interno sia internazionale, in tema di tutela del patrimonio culturale da forme di aggressione (come il saccheggio di siti archeologici, il traffico di beni culturali, gli atti di vandalismo o le frodi nel mercato dell’arte) che negli ultimi anni attirano sempre più l’attenzione dei vari legislatori nazionali (a cominciare da quello italiano) e delle Nazioni Unite. La disamina degli illeciti è condotta seguendo la più avanzata impostazione interdisciplinare, che integra strettamente la prospettiva del diritto penale (sia vigente sia nelle sue linee di riforma) con l’analisi criminologica del fenomeno e con i profili della cooperazione internazionale, tanto nelle attività investigative e giudiziarie, quanto rispetto alle complesse questioni legate alla restituzione e al rimpatrio dei beni culturali contesi.This book is a collection of essays dealing with the topic of cultural heritage protection against offences which may impinge upon it. The problem is analyzed through a brief but complete overview of the most compelling and up-to-date questions related, at both national and international level, to the prevention and fight against crimes involving cultural property (such as looting of archaeological sites, illicit trafficking in cultural objects, episodes of vandalism, or frauds in the art market), which, of late, are an object of ever growing interest for national legislators (particularly for Italian lawmakers), as well as for international agencies such as UNESCO and UNODC. The issue is addressed according to an advanced inter-disciplinary approach, encompassing the criminal law perspective (attentive to possible reforms and new criminal policy strategies), together with a criminological evaluation of the phenomenon, a specific attention to the ways of enforcing more effective international police and judicial cooperation, as well as an overview of the main questions related to the return and restitution of disputed cultural objects

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy

    Genetic variation in CFH predicts phenytoin-induced maculopapular exanthema in European-descent patients

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    Objective To characterize, among European and Han Chinese populations, the genetic predictors of maculopapular exanthema (MPE), a cutaneous adverse drug reaction common to antiepileptic drugs. Methods We conducted a case-control genome-wide association study of autosomal genotypes, including Class I and II human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles, in 323 cases and 1,321 drug-tolerant controls from epilepsy cohorts of northern European and Han Chinese descent. Results from each cohort were meta-analyzed. Results We report an association between a rare variant in the complement factor H–related 4 (CFHR4) gene and phenytoin-induced MPE in Europeans (p = 4.5 × 10–11; odds ratio [95% confidence interval] 7 [3.2–16]). This variant is in complete linkage disequilibrium with a missense variant (N1050Y) in the complement factor H (CFH) gene. In addition, our results reinforce the association between HLA-A*31:01 and carbamazepine hypersensitivity. We did not identify significant genetic associations with MPE among Han Chinese patients. Conclusions The identification of genetic predictors of MPE in CFHR4 and CFH, members of the complement factor H–related protein family, suggest a new link between regulation of the complement system alternative pathway and phenytoin-induced hypersensitivity in European-ancestral patients

    Fate of nitrate in seepage from a restored wetland receiving agricultural tailwater

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    Constructed and restored wetlands are a common practice to filter agricultural runoff, which often contains high levels of pollutants, including nitrate. Seepage waters from wetlands have potential to contaminate groundwater. This study used soil and water monitoring and hydrologic and nitrogen mass balances to document the fate and transport of nitrate in seepage and surface waters from a restored flow-through wetland adjacent to the San Joaquin River, California. A 39% reduction in NO3-N concentration was observed between wetland surface water inflows (12.87±6.43mgL-1; mean±SD) and outflows (7.87±4.69mgL-1). Redox potentials were consistently below the nitrate reduction threshold (~250mV) at most sites throughout the irrigation season. In the upper 10cm of the main flowpath, denitrification potential (DNP) for soil incubations significantly increased from 151 to 2437mgNO3-Nm-2d-1 when nitrate was added, but showed no response to carbon additions indicating that denitrification was primarily limited by nitrate. Approximately 72% of the water entering the wetland became deep seepage, water that percolated beyond 1-m depth. The wetland was highly effective at removing nitrate (3866kgNO3-N) with an estimated 75% NO3-N removal efficiency calculated from a combined water and nitrate mass balance. The mass balance results were consistent with estimates of NO3-N removed (5085kgNO3-N) via denitrification potential. Results indicate that allowing seepage from wetlands does not necessarily pose an appreciable risk for groundwater nitrate contamination and seepage can facilitate greater nitrate removal via denitrification in soil compared to surface water transport alone
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