139 research outputs found

    Recall of paired-associates as a function of overt and covert rehearsal procedures

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    Effect on memory of mode of studying paired associates, and mathematical model employing short term rehearsal buffer and long term memor

    Dmrt1 polymorphism covaries with sex-determination patterns in Rana temporaria.

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    Patterns of sex-chromosome differentiation and gonadal development have been shown to vary among populations of Rana temporaria along a latitudinal transect in Sweden. Frogs from the northern-boreal population of Ammarnäs displayed well-differentiated X and Y haplotypes, early gonadal differentiation, and a perfect match between phenotypic and genotypic sex. In contrast, no differentiated Y haplotypes could be detected in the southern population of Tvedöra, where juveniles furthermore showed delayed gonadal differentiation. Here, we show that Dmrt1, a gene that plays a key role in sex determination and sexual development across all metazoans, displays significant sex differentiation in Tvedöra, with a Y-specific haplotype distinct from Ammarnäs. The differential segment is not only much shorter in Tvedöra than in Ammarnäs, it is also less differentiated and associates with both delayed gonadal differentiation and imperfect match between phenotypic and genotypic sex. Whereas Tvedöra juveniles with a local Y haplotype tend to ultimately develop as males, those without it may nevertheless become functional XX males, but with strongly female-biased progeny. Our findings suggest that the variance in patterns of sex determination documented in common frogs might result from a genetic polymorphism within a small genomic region that contains Dmrt1. They also substantiate the view that recurrent convergences of sex determination toward a limited set of chromosome pairs may result from the co-option of small genomic regions that harbor key genes from the sex-determination pathway

    Patterns in the spectral composition of sunlight and biologically meaningful spectral photon ratios as affected by atmospheric factors

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    Plants rely on spectral cues present in their surroundings, generated by the constantly changing light environment, to guide their growth and reproduction. Photoreceptors mediate the capture of information by plants from the light environment over a wide range of wavelengths, but despite extensive evidence that plants respond to various light cues, only fragmentary data have been published showing patterns of diurnal, seasonal and geographical variation in the spectral composition of daylight. To illustrate patterns in spectral photon ratios, we measured time series of irradiance spectra at two distinct geographical and climatological locations, Helsinki, Finland and Gual Pahari, India. We investigated the drivers behind variation of the spectral photon ratios measured at these two locations, based on the analysis of over 400 000 recorded spectra. Differences in spectral irradiance were explained by different atmospheric factors identified through multiple regression model analysis and comparison to spectral irradiance at ground level simulated with a radiative transfer model. Local seasonal and diurnal changes in spectral photon ratios were related to solar elevation angle, atmospheric water-vapour content and total ozone column thickness and deviated from their long-term averages to an extent likely to affect plant photobiology. We suggest that future studies should investigate possible effects of varying photon ratios on terrestrial plants. Solar elevation angle especially affects the patterns of B:G and B:R ratios. Water vapour has a large effect on the R:FR photon ratio and modelled climate scenarios predict that increasing global temperatures will result in increased atmospheric water vapour. The development of proxy models, utilising available data from weather and climate models, for relevant photon ratios as a function of solar elevation angle and atmospheric factors would facilitate the interpretation of results from past, present and future field studies of plants and vegetation.Peer reviewe

    Ants exhibit asymmetric hybridization in a mosaic hybrid zone

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    Research on hybridization between species provides unparalleled insights into the pre- and postzygotic isolating mechanisms that drive speciation. In social organisms, colony-level incompatibilities may provide additional reproductive barriers not present in solitary species, and hybrid zones offer an opportunity to identify these barriers. Here, we use genotyping-by-sequencing to sequence hundreds of markers in a hybrid zone between two socially polymorphic ant species, Formica selysi and Formica cinerea. We characterize the zone, determine the frequency of hybrid workers, infer whether hybrid queens or males are produced and investigate whether hybridization is influenced by colony social organization. We also compare cuticular hydrocarbon profiles and aggression levels between the two species. The hybrid zone exhibits a mosaic structure. The asymmetric distribution of hybrids skewed towards F. cinerea suggests a pattern of unidirectional nuclear gene flow from F. selysi into F. cinerea. The occurrence of backcrossed individuals indicates that hybrid queens and/or males are fertile, and the presence of the F. cinerea mitochondrial haplotype in 97% of hybrids shows that successful F1 hybrids will generally have F. cinerea mothers and F. selysi fathers. We found no evidence that social organization contributes to speciation, because hybrids occur in both single-queen and multiple-queen colonies. Strongly differentiated cuticular hydrocarbon profiles and heightened interspecific aggression further reveal that species recognition cues are both present and perceived. The discovery of fertile hybrids and asymmetrical gene flow is unusual in ants, and this hybrid zone will therefore provide an ideal system with which to investigate speciation in social insects

    Vaccination with Human Hookworm Vaccine Necator americanus Aspartic Protease-1 M74 Generates Neutralizing Antibodies and a Potent Immune Response in BALB/c Mice

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    Backgound: Human Hookworm Infection, a neglected tropical disease infects more than 600 million people around the world. Hookworms ingest hemoglobin containing erythrocytes and Necator americanus Aspartic Protease-1 wild type (Na-APR-1wt) a hemoglobinase cleaves hemoglobin to form Heme and Globin. Globin is further digested by other gut enzymes and the nutritional end products are absorbed by the hookworm’s gut wall. Also, Heme which is toxic to hookworm is detoxified by the Necator americanus Glutathione Transferase-1 (Na-GST-1) a detoxification enzyme secreted by the gut of the hookworm. Necator americanus Aspartic Protease-1 M74 (Na-APR-1 M74) is the new vaccine for the Human Hookworm Infection which is currently under pre-clinical development. Na-APR-1 M74 vaccine is an Alhydrogel® adjuvanted vaccine containing the mutant form of the Na-APR-1wt. Neutralizing Na-APR-1wt by potent antibodies (IgG) in the vaccinees will block the initiation of the hemoglobin digestion cascade and starve the hookworms from essential nutrition, leading to their death. Here, we report the results of the neutralizing capacity of antibodies and potency (immunogenicity) of Na-APR-1 M74 vaccine in BALB/c mice. Methods: Serum for IgG was generated by vaccinating BALB/c mice twice subcutaneously with Na-APR-1 M74 an enzymatically inactive mutant form of Na-APR-1wt formulated with Alhydrogel®. Assessment of neutralizing capacity of IgG was performed using the standard Cathepsin-D protease assay using MOCAc substrate. Dose response (% Inhibition vs Dose) was assessed using linear regression analysis. Potency testing of the Na-APR-1M74 clinical drug product was performed by standard bioassay. Median Effective Dose 50 (ED50) with the 95% fiducial limits (95%FL) was estimated using Probit Analysis (SAS® 9.3). Also, Relative Potency (RP) was estimated by the methods described in European Pharmacopeia\u27s Chapter 5.3. Results: Five microgram of IgG neutralized 51.06% of the enzymatic activity of 250ng of Na-APR-1wt. An excellent dose response was also observed. ED50 of 14.15μg (95%FL = 10.47μg -- 18.93μg) and 11.46μg (95%FL = 4.86μg --27.42μg) was estimated for time 1 and 7 month post manufacture respectively. RP at 7 months was found to be 1.23 (95%FL = 0.792--1.917). Conclusion: These preclinical results of the Na-APR-1 M74 vaccine lay the foundation for a Phase 1 Clinical Trial in USA and Brazil. This Na-APR-1 M74 vaccine will be subsequently combined with Necator americanus Glutathione transferase-1 (Na-GST-1) vaccine to form a multivalent human hookworm vaccine

    A Cost Model for 3D Woven Preforms

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    Lack of cost information is a barrier to acceptance of 3D woven preforms as reinforcements for composite materials, compared with 2D preforms. A parametric, resource-based technical cost model (TCM) was developed for 3D woven preforms based on a novel relationship equating manufacturing time and 3D preform complexity. Manufacturing time, and therefore cost, was found to scale with complexity for seventeen bespoke manufactured 3D preforms. Two sub-models were derived for a Weavebird loom and a Jacquard loom. For each loom, there was a strong correlation between preform complexity and manufacturing time. For a large, highly complex preform, the Jacquard loom is more efficient, so preform cost will be much lower than for the Weavebird. Provided production is continuous, learning, either by human agency or an autonomous loom control algorithm, can reduce preform cost for one or both looms to a commercially acceptable level. The TCM cost model framework could incorporate appropriate learning curves with digital twin/multi-variate analysis so that cost per preform of bespoke 3D woven fabrics for customised products with low production rates may be predicted with greater accuracy. A more accurate model could highlight resources such as tooling, labour and material for targeted cost reduction

    Developing a sustainability science approach for water systems

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    We convened a workshop to enable scientists who study water systems from both social science and physical science perspectives to develop a shared language. This shared language is necessary to bridge a divide between these disciplines’ different conceptual frameworks. As a result of this workshop, we argue that we should view socio-hydrological systems as structurally co-constituted of social, engineered, and natural elements and study the “characteristic management challenges” that emerge from this structure and reoccur across time, space, and socioeconomic contexts. This approach is in contrast to theories that view these systems as separately conceptualized natural and social domains connected by bi-directional feedbacks, as is prevalent in much of the water systems research arising from the physical sciences. A focus on emergent characteristic management challenges encourages us to go beyond searching for evidence of feedbacks and instead ask questions such as: What types of innovations have successfully been used to address these challenges? What structural components of the system affect its resilience to hydrological events and through what mechanisms? Are there differences between successful and unsuccessful strategies to solve one of the characteristic management challenges? If so, how are these differences affected by institutional structure and ecological and economic contexts? To answer these questions, social processes must now take center stage in the study and practice of water management. We also argue that water systems are an important class of coupled systems with relevance for sustainability science because they are particularly amenable to the kinds of systematic comparisons that allow knowledge to accumulate. Indeed, the characteristic management challenges we identify are few in number and recur over most of human history and in most geographical locations. This recurrence should allow us to accumulate knowledge to answer the above questions by studying the long historical record of institutional innovations to manage water systems

    Sex-Chromosome Homomorphy in Palearctic Tree Frogs Results from Both Turnovers and X-Y Recombination.

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    Contrasting with birds and mammals, poikilothermic vertebrates often have homomorphic sex chromosomes, possibly resulting from high rates of sex-chromosome turnovers and/or occasional X-Y recombination. Strong support for the latter mechanism was provided by four species of European tree frogs, which inherited from a common ancestor (∼ 5 Ma) the same pair of homomorphic sex chromosomes (linkage group 1, LG1), harboring the candidate sex-determining gene Dmrt1. Here, we test sex linkage of LG1 across six additional species of the Eurasian Hyla radiation with divergence times ranging from 6 to 40 Ma. LG1 turns out to be sex linked in six of nine resolved cases. Mapping the patterns of sex linkage to the Hyla phylogeny reveals several transitions in sex-determination systems within the last 10 My, including one switch in heterogamety. Phylogenetic trees of DNA sequences along LG1 are consistent with occasional X-Y recombination in all species where LG1 is sex linked. These patterns argue against one of the main potential causes for turnovers, namely the accumulation of deleterious mutations on nonrecombining chromosomes. Sibship analyses show that LG1 recombination is strongly reduced in males from most species investigated, including some in which it is autosomal. Intrinsically low male recombination might facilitate the evolution of male heterogamety, and the presence of important genes from the sex-determination cascade might predispose LG1 to become a sex chromosome