5 research outputs found
The African Middle Class in Zimbabwe
- Author
- Abel
- Abrams
- Abu-Lughod
- Acemoglu
- Adamovsky
- Adamovsky
- Adams
- Aguirre
- al-Rabbat
- AlanĂs Patiño
- Alexander
- Altamirano
- Altamirano
- Amin
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Andrews
- Appadurai
- Appelt
- Archetti
- Archila
- Arendt
- Arnold
- Asad
- Ascheson
- Auret
- Ayala
- Baines Junior
- Baldwin
- Ballantyne
- Balmori
- Banks
- Barnes
- Barnett
- Barr-Melej
- Barros
- Barry
- Barry
- Bauer
- Bayly
- Bayly
- Beban
- Beckert
- Bederman
- Bell
- Bell
- Belmonte
- Benhabib
- Benwell Community Project
- Berghoff
- Berman
- Berra Stoppa
- Besse
- Beteta
- Bhabha
- Bhambra
- Bieber
- Binfield
- Bingham
- Bisso
- Blackbourn
- Blaut
- Bledstein
- Blest Gana
- Bliss
- Bloom
- Bock
- Boulard Fernand, Yves Marie Hilaires and GĂ©rard Cholvy, eds
- Bourdieu
- Bourricaud
- Brading
- Briggs
- Briggs
- Briones
- Briones
- British Information Services
- Brodkin
- Brooks
- Bulmer
- Burton
- Burton
- Burton
- Bustamante y Rivero
- Butler
- Cain
- Calder
- Calhoun
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Cannadine
- Canning
- Carnes
- Carroll
- Carroy
- Casanova
- Cashman
- Chakrabarty
- Chakrabarty
- Chakrabarty
- Chakrabarty
- Chamunorwa Mutambirwa
- Chandavarkar
- Chaney
- Chapin
- Chapin
- Chatterjee
- Chatterjee
- ChavarrĂa
- Christidoulidis
- Clark
- Clarke
- Cobb
- Codovilla
- Cohen
- Coll
- Collins
- Combs
- Compagnon
- Conlon
- Contardo
- Cook
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Corfield
- Cornejo Chavez
- Currie
- Currie
- Curtis
- CĂłrdova
- Daniel
- Dann
- Daumard
- Daumard
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Dawisha
- De Giorgio
- De Grazia
- De LeĂłn
- del Campo
- Del Pomar
- Delgado O.
- Dintenfass
- Dirks
- Dobbin
- Donham
- Drinot
- Dubois
- Dubois
- Dumont
- Duprat
- Dussel
- Earle
- Easterly
- Edwards Bello
- Edwards Bello
- Eisenstadt
- Eley
- Eley
- Eley
- Eley
- Eley
- Elshtain
- Enke
- Ervin
- EscardĂł
- Escobar
- Escobar
- Estache
- Fals-Borda
- Fanon
- Farhni
- Ferber
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Fernandes
- Fernández
- Fernández
- Fernández MacGregor
- Fesseden
- Fléché
- Ford
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- François
- Frederick
- Freund
- Fridenson
- Friedman
- Gall
- Gamble
- GarcĂa Canclini
- GarcĂa Sebastiani
- GarcĂa-Bryce
- GarcĂa-Bryce
- Garon
- Gay
- Gay
- Gay
- Germani
- Germani
- Ghosh
- Gibson
- Giesecke
- Gilbert
- Gilkeson
- Gilroy
- Glassman
- Gleason
- Godoy Urzua
- Goldstein
- Goldstein
- Goldstene
- González Navarro
- Gooptu
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Goswami
- Gramsci
- Grandin
- Greenwald
- Grimson
- Groethuysen
- Guano
- Guano
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Gunn
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gutiérrez
- Guzmán Campos
- GĂłmez
- Göçek
- Habermas
- Hacker
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Halle
- Halperin Donghi
- Halsey
- Hancock
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hardtwig
- Harlan
- Harlan
- Harootunian
- Harrison
- Harrison
- Harrison
- Hartlyn
- Hartmann
- Harvey
- Harzig
- Hauser
- Hauteville
- Havelange
- Haya de la Torre
- Haya de la Torre
- Haya de la Torre
- Haya de la Torre
- Haya de la Torre
- Hayes
- Haynes
- Heinsohn
- Helg
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Hilton
- Hinsley
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hoffmann
- Hofstadter
- hooks
- Horne
- Hornstein
- Horowitz
- Horowitz
- Hourani
- Huber-Sperl
- Huffington
- Hunt
- Hutber
- Hylton
- HĂĽchtker
- Iacovetta
- Iacovetta
- Iacovetta
- Igo
- Ingham
- Inglehandt
- Isenberg
- Itié
- Jacobs
- Jacobson
- James
- James
- Jauretche
- Jayawardena
- Jimenez
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnston
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joshi
- Kant
- Kantor
- Kaplan
- Kaplan
- Karl
- Karnik
- Karpat
- Kaschuba
- Kaschuba
- Kasson
- Katz
- Kaufman
- Kaviraj
- Kelley
- Khoury
- Khoury
- Kidd
- Kidd
- Kill
- Killingray
- Kinsman
- Kirkpatrick
- Klaiber
- Klaren
- Klaren
- Klein
- Klubock
- Kocka
- Koditschek
- Korinek
- Koven
- Kriger
- Krishnaswamy
- Krugman
- Kumar
- Kunzru
- Kymlicka
- Kyrk
- KĂĽster
- La Vopa
- Laclau
- Laclau
- Lake
- Landes
- Langewiesche
- Langewiesche
- Langlois
- Lasch
- Lastarria
- Latcham
- Latham
- Latour
- Lausevic
- Lear
- Lears
- Lebret
- Lee
- Legrand
- Leidenberger
- Leidenberger
- Lemke
- Levine
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lietchty
- Light
- Lincoln
- Lind
- Lind
- Lipp
- Lipsitz
- Lipsitz
- Lister
- Loaeza
- Ludden
- Lukas
- Luna
- Lynd
- LĂłpez
- Löther
- Macaulay
- Mack
- Mackay
- MacLeod
- MacĂas-González
- Majumdar
- Malabari
- Mallon
- Mandler
- Mariátegui
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martz
- Marx
- Marx
- Marx
- Marx
- Marx
- Masselin
- Masterman
- Masterman
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Maza
- McBride
- McCord
- McDonald
- McEvoy Carreras
- McKibbin
- McNeely
- Mead
- Mehrtens
- Mehta
- Mehta
- Melfi
- Melfi
- Mendieta
- Mesa Manuel
- Mettele
- Mettele
- Meyer-Renschhausen
- Michael
- Michel
- Michel
- Michelet
- Michelet
- Michelguglielmo
- Mignolo
- Miguez
- Minault
- Minter
- Mintz
- Misra
- Mitchell
- Mitre
- Moncloa y Covarrubias
- Monicat
- Moran
- Morley
- Morris
- Morris
- Moskowitz
- Muller
- Muzumdar
- Möller
- MĂĽffelmann
- Naregal
- Neira
- Nicolls
- Nipperdey
- Nipperdey
- Nkrumah
- Nolte
- Nolte
- Oberoi
- Olcott
- Oldenburg
- Olney
- Omi
- Opitz
- Orrego Luco
- Orrego Luco
- Orrego Luco
- Owensby
- O’Connor
- O’Dougherty
- O’Hanlon
- Palacio
- Palacios
- Paletschek
- Paley
- Palmer
- Palmié
- Panayi
- Panayi
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Pateman
- Patrick
- Patrick
- Patrick
- Patrick
- Patten
- Peiss
- Peixotto
- Perkin
- Perkin
- Perkin
- Peruano
- PerĂłn
- Pettman
- Piccato
- Pieper
- Pike
- Pinto Gamboa
- Pizarro Guerrero
- Planas
- Portal
- Portes Gil
- Prakash
- Prelinger
- Price
- Putman
- PĂ©caut
- Quataert
- Quattrocci-Woisson
- Quesada Laos
- Quiroz
- Rabe
- Raftopoulos
- Ranger
- Ratier
- Rau
- Ravallion
- Reagin
- Reder
- Renneville
- Rennhak
- Renonciat
- Reulecke
- Reulecke
- Rice
- Rich
- Richard
- Riley
- Robert C
- Rock
- Rock
- Rodgers
- Roediger
- Rogers
- Romer
- Romero
- Rosa
- Rose
- Rosemblatt
- Ross
- Ross
- Roth
- Rousseau
- Rubin
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Ryan
- Sachsse
- Sachsse
- Sadavish Rao
- Sahai
- Salamini
- Salazar Bondy
- Saldaña Portillo
- Samkange
- Samuel
- Sanon
- Santos
- Sarkar
- Sarkar
- Savage
- Scalabrini Ortiz
- Scalabrini Ortiz
- Scarpa
- Schambach
- Schmidt
- Schnegg
- Schröder
- Schröder
- Schulz
- Schwab
- Schwenninger
- Schwenninger
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Seed
- Seeley
- Seeley
- Seeley
- Segato
- Seigel
- Sevegrand
- Shamuyarira
- Sharma
- Shukla
- Simon
- Simpson
- Sinha
- Sinha
- Sisters of India
- Sluglett
- Sluglett
- Smail
- Smiles
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Soto Rivera
- Sowerwine
- Spiegel
- Spree
- Stein
- Stein
- Steingart
- Steinhoff
- Stepan
- Stoehr
- Stoler
- Stoler
- Stoler
- Streightoff
- Streubel
- Stromquist
- Subercaseaux
- Subercaseaux
- Subrahmanyam
- Svampa
- Sábato
- Sánchez
- Tafett
- Talcherkar
- Talmaki
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Terán
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thurner
- Tikekar
- Tinsman
- Tischler
- Trevelyan
- Truman
- Tudesq
- Tyrell
- Valdes
- Valis
- Vambe
- Van der Veer
- Van Onselen
- Vatsala
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vega Centeno
- Vial Correa
- Vickery
- Villalobos
- Vinken
- Vogel
- von Saldern
- Vovelle
- Vázquez
- VĂ©liz
- Wacquant
- Wade
- Wahrman
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Wallech
- Wallerstein
- Warde
- Ware
- Watenpaugh
- Watenpaugh
- Weatherill
- Weinstein
- Weinstein
- Weinstein
- Wells
- Welter
- Werlich
- West
- West
- West
- West
- Whitaker
- Whitaker
- Wiebe
- Wiener
- Wilder
- Wile
- Williams
- Wilson
- Wolff
- Woolf
- Wrightson
- Wyckoff
- Young
- Young
- Zerback
- Zunz
- Zunz
- Zussman
- ’Aflaq
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
The Conundrum of the Middle-Class Worker in the Twentieth-Century United States
- Author
- Abel
- Abrams
- Abu-Lughod
- Acemoglu
- Adamovsky
- Adamovsky
- Adams
- Aguirre
- al-Rabbat
- AlanĂs Patiño
- Alexander
- Altamirano
- Altamirano
- Amin
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Andrews
- Appadurai
- Appelt
- Archetti
- Archila
- Arendt
- Arnold
- Asad
- Ascheson
- Auret
- Ayala
- Baines Junior
- Baldwin
- Ballantyne
- Balmori
- Banks
- Barnes
- Barnett
- Barr-Melej
- Barros
- Barry
- Barry
- Bauer
- Bayly
- Bayly
- Beban
- Beckert
- Bederman
- Bell
- Bell
- Belmonte
- Benhabib
- Benwell Community Project
- Berghoff
- Berman
- Berra Stoppa
- Besse
- Beteta
- Bhabha
- Bhambra
- Bieber
- Binfield
- Bingham
- Bisso
- Blackbourn
- Blaut
- Bledstein
- Blest Gana
- Bliss
- Bloom
- Bock
- Boulard Fernand, Yves Marie Hilaires and GĂ©rard Cholvy, eds
- Bourdieu
- Bourricaud
- Brading
- Briggs
- Briggs
- Briones
- Briones
- British Information Services
- Brodkin
- Brooks
- Bulmer
- Burton
- Burton
- Burton
- Bustamante y Rivero
- Butler
- Cain
- Calder
- Calhoun
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Cannadine
- Canning
- Carnes
- Carroll
- Carroy
- Casanova
- Cashman
- Chakrabarty
- Chakrabarty
- Chakrabarty
- Chakrabarty
- Chamunorwa Mutambirwa
- Chandavarkar
- Chaney
- Chapin
- Chapin
- Chatterjee
- Chatterjee
- ChavarrĂa
- Christidoulidis
- Clark
- Clarke
- Cobb
- Codovilla
- Cohen
- Coll
- Collins
- Combs
- Compagnon
- Conlon
- Contardo
- Cook
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Corfield
- Cornejo Chavez
- Currie
- Currie
- Curtis
- CĂłrdova
- Daniel
- Dann
- Daumard
- Daumard
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Dawisha
- De Giorgio
- De Grazia
- De LeĂłn
- del Campo
- Del Pomar
- Delgado O.
- Dintenfass
- Dirks
- Dobbin
- Donham
- Drinot
- Dubois
- Dubois
- Dumont
- Duprat
- Dussel
- Earle
- Easterly
- Edwards Bello
- Edwards Bello
- Eisenstadt
- Eley
- Eley
- Eley
- Eley
- Eley
- Elshtain
- Enke
- Ervin
- EscardĂł
- Escobar
- Escobar
- Estache
- Fals-Borda
- Fanon
- Farhni
- Ferber
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Fernandes
- Fernández
- Fernández
- Fernández MacGregor
- Fesseden
- Fléché
- Ford
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- François
- Frederick
- Freund
- Fridenson
- Friedman
- Gall
- Gamble
- GarcĂa Canclini
- GarcĂa Sebastiani
- GarcĂa-Bryce
- GarcĂa-Bryce
- Garon
- Gay
- Gay
- Gay
- Germani
- Germani
- Ghosh
- Gibson
- Giesecke
- Gilbert
- Gilkeson
- Gilroy
- Glassman
- Gleason
- Godoy Urzua
- Goldstein
- Goldstein
- Goldstene
- González Navarro
- Gooptu
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Goswami
- Gramsci
- Grandin
- Greenwald
- Grimson
- Groethuysen
- Guano
- Guano
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Gunn
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gutiérrez
- Guzmán Campos
- GĂłmez
- Göçek
- Habermas
- Hacker
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Halle
- Halperin Donghi
- Halsey
- Hancock
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hardtwig
- Harlan
- Harlan
- Harootunian
- Harrison
- Harrison
- Harrison
- Hartlyn
- Hartmann
- Harvey
- Harzig
- Hauser
- Hauteville
- Havelange
- Haya de la Torre
- Haya de la Torre
- Haya de la Torre
- Haya de la Torre
- Haya de la Torre
- Hayes
- Haynes
- Heinsohn
- Helg
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Hilton
- Hinsley
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hoffmann
- Hofstadter
- hooks
- Horne
- Hornstein
- Horowitz
- Horowitz
- Hourani
- Huber-Sperl
- Huffington
- Hunt
- Hutber
- Hylton
- HĂĽchtker
- Iacovetta
- Iacovetta
- Iacovetta
- Igo
- Ingham
- Inglehandt
- Isenberg
- Itié
- Jacobs
- Jacobson
- James
- James
- Jauretche
- Jayawardena
- Jimenez
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnston
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joshi
- Kant
- Kantor
- Kaplan
- Kaplan
- Karl
- Karnik
- Karpat
- Kaschuba
- Kaschuba
- Kasson
- Katz
- Kaufman
- Kaviraj
- Kelley
- Khoury
- Khoury
- Kidd
- Kidd
- Kill
- Killingray
- Kinsman
- Kirkpatrick
- Klaiber
- Klaren
- Klaren
- Klein
- Klubock
- Kocka
- Koditschek
- Korinek
- Koven
- Kriger
- Krishnaswamy
- Krugman
- Kumar
- Kunzru
- Kymlicka
- Kyrk
- KĂĽster
- La Vopa
- Laclau
- Laclau
- Lake
- Landes
- Langewiesche
- Langewiesche
- Langlois
- Lasch
- Lastarria
- Latcham
- Latham
- Latour
- Lausevic
- Lear
- Lears
- Lebret
- Lee
- Legrand
- Leidenberger
- Leidenberger
- Lemke
- Levine
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lietchty
- Light
- Lincoln
- Lind
- Lind
- Lipp
- Lipsitz
- Lipsitz
- Lister
- Loaeza
- Ludden
- Lukas
- Luna
- Lynd
- LĂłpez
- Löther
- Macaulay
- Mack
- Mackay
- MacLeod
- MacĂas-González
- Majumdar
- Malabari
- Mallon
- Mandler
- Mariátegui
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martz
- Marx
- Marx
- Marx
- Marx
- Marx
- Masselin
- Masterman
- Masterman
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Maza
- McBride
- McCord
- McDonald
- McEvoy Carreras
- McKibbin
- McNeely
- Mead
- Mehrtens
- Mehta
- Mehta
- Melfi
- Melfi
- Mendieta
- Mesa Manuel
- Mettele
- Mettele
- Meyer-Renschhausen
- Michael
- Michel
- Michel
- Michelet
- Michelet
- Michelguglielmo
- Mignolo
- Miguez
- Minault
- Minter
- Mintz
- Misra
- Mitchell
- Mitre
- Moncloa y Covarrubias
- Monicat
- Moran
- Morley
- Morris
- Morris
- Moskowitz
- Muller
- Muzumdar
- Möller
- MĂĽffelmann
- Naregal
- Neira
- Nicolls
- Nipperdey
- Nipperdey
- Nkrumah
- Nolte
- Nolte
- Oberoi
- Olcott
- Oldenburg
- Olney
- Omi
- Opitz
- Orrego Luco
- Orrego Luco
- Orrego Luco
- Owensby
- O’Connor
- O’Dougherty
- O’Hanlon
- Palacio
- Palacios
- Paletschek
- Paley
- Palmer
- Palmié
- Panayi
- Panayi
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Pateman
- Patrick
- Patrick
- Patrick
- Patrick
- Patten
- Peiss
- Peixotto
- Perkin
- Perkin
- Perkin
- Peruano
- PerĂłn
- Pettman
- Piccato
- Pieper
- Pike
- Pinto Gamboa
- Pizarro Guerrero
- Planas
- Portal
- Portes Gil
- Prakash
- Prelinger
- Price
- Putman
- PĂ©caut
- Quataert
- Quattrocci-Woisson
- Quesada Laos
- Quiroz
- Rabe
- Raftopoulos
- Ranger
- Ratier
- Rau
- Ravallion
- Reagin
- Reder
- Renneville
- Rennhak
- Renonciat
- Reulecke
- Reulecke
- Rice
- Rich
- Richard
- Riley
- Robert C
- Rock
- Rock
- Rodgers
- Roediger
- Rogers
- Romer
- Romero
- Rosa
- Rose
- Rosemblatt
- Ross
- Ross
- Roth
- Rousseau
- Rubin
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Ryan
- Sachsse
- Sachsse
- Sadavish Rao
- Sahai
- Salamini
- Salazar Bondy
- Saldaña Portillo
- Samkange
- Samuel
- Sanon
- Santos
- Sarkar
- Sarkar
- Savage
- Scalabrini Ortiz
- Scalabrini Ortiz
- Scarpa
- Schambach
- Schmidt
- Schnegg
- Schröder
- Schröder
- Schulz
- Schwab
- Schwenninger
- Schwenninger
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Seed
- Seeley
- Seeley
- Seeley
- Segato
- Seigel
- Sevegrand
- Shamuyarira
- Sharma
- Shukla
- Simon
- Simpson
- Sinha
- Sinha
- Sisters of India
- Sluglett
- Sluglett
- Smail
- Smiles
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Soto Rivera
- Sowerwine
- Spiegel
- Spree
- Stein
- Stein
- Steingart
- Steinhoff
- Stepan
- Stoehr
- Stoler
- Stoler
- Stoler
- Streightoff
- Streubel
- Stromquist
- Subercaseaux
- Subercaseaux
- Subrahmanyam
- Svampa
- Sábato
- Sánchez
- Tafett
- Talcherkar
- Talmaki
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Terán
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thurner
- Tikekar
- Tinsman
- Tischler
- Trevelyan
- Truman
- Tudesq
- Tyrell
- Valdes
- Valis
- Vambe
- Van der Veer
- Van Onselen
- Vatsala
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vega Centeno
- Vial Correa
- Vickery
- Villalobos
- Vinken
- Vogel
- von Saldern
- Vovelle
- Vázquez
- VĂ©liz
- Wacquant
- Wade
- Wahrman
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Wallech
- Wallerstein
- Warde
- Ware
- Watenpaugh
- Watenpaugh
- Weatherill
- Weinstein
- Weinstein
- Weinstein
- Wells
- Welter
- Werlich
- West
- West
- West
- West
- Whitaker
- Whitaker
- Wiebe
- Wiener
- Wilder
- Wile
- Williams
- Wilson
- Wolff
- Woolf
- Wrightson
- Wyckoff
- Young
- Young
- Zerback
- Zunz
- Zunz
- Zussman
- ’Aflaq
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
Thinking about Modernity from the Margins
- Author
- Abel
- Abrams
- Abu-Lughod
- Acemoglu
- Adamovsky
- Adamovsky
- Adams
- Aguirre
- al-Rabbat
- AlanĂs Patiño
- Alexander
- Altamirano
- Altamirano
- Amin
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Andrews
- Appadurai
- Appelt
- Archetti
- Archila
- Arendt
- Arnold
- Asad
- Ascheson
- Auret
- Ayala
- Baines Junior
- Baldwin
- Ballantyne
- Balmori
- Banks
- Barnes
- Barnett
- Barr-Melej
- Barros
- Barry
- Barry
- Bauer
- Bayly
- Bayly
- Beban
- Beckert
- Bederman
- Bell
- Bell
- Belmonte
- Benhabib
- Benwell Community Project
- Berghoff
- Berman
- Berra Stoppa
- Besse
- Beteta
- Bhabha
- Bhambra
- Bieber
- Binfield
- Bingham
- Bisso
- Blackbourn
- Blaut
- Bledstein
- Blest Gana
- Bliss
- Bloom
- Bock
- Boulard Fernand, Yves Marie Hilaires and GĂ©rard Cholvy, eds
- Bourdieu
- Bourricaud
- Brading
- Briggs
- Briggs
- Briones
- Briones
- British Information Services
- Brodkin
- Brooks
- Bulmer
- Burton
- Burton
- Burton
- Bustamante y Rivero
- Butler
- Cain
- Calder
- Calhoun
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Cannadine
- Canning
- Carnes
- Carroll
- Carroy
- Casanova
- Cashman
- Chakrabarty
- Chakrabarty
- Chakrabarty
- Chakrabarty
- Chamunorwa Mutambirwa
- Chandavarkar
- Chaney
- Chapin
- Chapin
- Chatterjee
- Chatterjee
- ChavarrĂa
- Christidoulidis
- Clark
- Clarke
- Cobb
- Codovilla
- Cohen
- Coll
- Collins
- Combs
- Compagnon
- Conlon
- Contardo
- Cook
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Corfield
- Cornejo Chavez
- Currie
- Currie
- Curtis
- CĂłrdova
- Daniel
- Dann
- Daumard
- Daumard
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Dawisha
- De Giorgio
- De Grazia
- De LeĂłn
- del Campo
- Del Pomar
- Delgado O.
- Dintenfass
- Dirks
- Dobbin
- Donham
- Drinot
- Dubois
- Dubois
- Dumont
- Duprat
- Dussel
- Earle
- Easterly
- Edwards Bello
- Edwards Bello
- Eisenstadt
- Eley
- Eley
- Eley
- Eley
- Eley
- Elshtain
- Enke
- Ervin
- EscardĂł
- Escobar
- Escobar
- Estache
- Fals-Borda
- Fanon
- Farhni
- Ferber
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Fernandes
- Fernández
- Fernández
- Fernández MacGregor
- Fesseden
- Fléché
- Ford
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- François
- Frederick
- Freund
- Fridenson
- Friedman
- Gall
- Gamble
- GarcĂa Canclini
- GarcĂa Sebastiani
- GarcĂa-Bryce
- GarcĂa-Bryce
- Garon
- Gay
- Gay
- Gay
- Germani
- Germani
- Ghosh
- Gibson
- Giesecke
- Gilbert
- Gilkeson
- Gilroy
- Glassman
- Gleason
- Godoy Urzua
- Goldstein
- Goldstein
- Goldstene
- González Navarro
- Gooptu
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Goswami
- Gramsci
- Grandin
- Greenwald
- Grimson
- Groethuysen
- Guano
- Guano
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Gunn
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gutiérrez
- Guzmán Campos
- GĂłmez
- Göçek
- Habermas
- Hacker
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Halle
- Halperin Donghi
- Halsey
- Hancock
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hardtwig
- Harlan
- Harlan
- Harootunian
- Harrison
- Harrison
- Harrison
- Hartlyn
- Hartmann
- Harvey
- Harzig
- Hauser
- Hauteville
- Havelange
- Haya de la Torre
- Haya de la Torre
- Haya de la Torre
- Haya de la Torre
- Haya de la Torre
- Hayes
- Haynes
- Heinsohn
- Helg
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Hilton
- Hinsley
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hoffmann
- Hofstadter
- hooks
- Horne
- Hornstein
- Horowitz
- Horowitz
- Hourani
- Huber-Sperl
- Huffington
- Hunt
- Hutber
- Hylton
- HĂĽchtker
- Iacovetta
- Iacovetta
- Iacovetta
- Igo
- Ingham
- Inglehandt
- Isenberg
- Itié
- Jacobs
- Jacobson
- James
- James
- Jauretche
- Jayawardena
- Jimenez
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnston
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joshi
- Kant
- Kantor
- Kaplan
- Kaplan
- Karl
- Karnik
- Karpat
- Kaschuba
- Kaschuba
- Kasson
- Katz
- Kaufman
- Kaviraj
- Kelley
- Khoury
- Khoury
- Kidd
- Kidd
- Kill
- Killingray
- Kinsman
- Kirkpatrick
- Klaiber
- Klaren
- Klaren
- Klein
- Klubock
- Kocka
- Koditschek
- Korinek
- Koven
- Kriger
- Krishnaswamy
- Krugman
- Kumar
- Kunzru
- Kymlicka
- Kyrk
- KĂĽster
- La Vopa
- Laclau
- Laclau
- Lake
- Landes
- Langewiesche
- Langewiesche
- Langlois
- Lasch
- Lastarria
- Latcham
- Latham
- Latour
- Lausevic
- Lear
- Lears
- Lebret
- Lee
- Legrand
- Leidenberger
- Leidenberger
- Lemke
- Levine
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lietchty
- Light
- Lincoln
- Lind
- Lind
- Lipp
- Lipsitz
- Lipsitz
- Lister
- Loaeza
- Ludden
- Lukas
- Luna
- Lynd
- LĂłpez
- Löther
- Macaulay
- Mack
- Mackay
- MacLeod
- MacĂas-González
- Majumdar
- Malabari
- Mallon
- Mandler
- Mariátegui
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martz
- Marx
- Marx
- Marx
- Marx
- Marx
- Masselin
- Masterman
- Masterman
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Maza
- McBride
- McCord
- McDonald
- McEvoy Carreras
- McKibbin
- McNeely
- Mead
- Mehrtens
- Mehta
- Mehta
- Melfi
- Melfi
- Mendieta
- Mesa Manuel
- Mettele
- Mettele
- Meyer-Renschhausen
- Michael
- Michel
- Michel
- Michelet
- Michelet
- Michelguglielmo
- Mignolo
- Miguez
- Minault
- Minter
- Mintz
- Misra
- Mitchell
- Mitre
- Moncloa y Covarrubias
- Monicat
- Moran
- Morley
- Morris
- Morris
- Moskowitz
- Muller
- Muzumdar
- Möller
- MĂĽffelmann
- Naregal
- Neira
- Nicolls
- Nipperdey
- Nipperdey
- Nkrumah
- Nolte
- Nolte
- Oberoi
- Olcott
- Oldenburg
- Olney
- Omi
- Opitz
- Orrego Luco
- Orrego Luco
- Orrego Luco
- Owensby
- O’Connor
- O’Dougherty
- O’Hanlon
- Palacio
- Palacios
- Paletschek
- Paley
- Palmer
- Palmié
- Panayi
- Panayi
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Pateman
- Patrick
- Patrick
- Patrick
- Patrick
- Patten
- Peiss
- Peixotto
- Perkin
- Perkin
- Perkin
- Peruano
- PerĂłn
- Pettman
- Piccato
- Pieper
- Pike
- Pinto Gamboa
- Pizarro Guerrero
- Planas
- Portal
- Portes Gil
- Prakash
- Prelinger
- Price
- Putman
- PĂ©caut
- Quataert
- Quattrocci-Woisson
- Quesada Laos
- Quiroz
- Rabe
- Raftopoulos
- Ranger
- Ratier
- Rau
- Ravallion
- Reagin
- Reder
- Renneville
- Rennhak
- Renonciat
- Reulecke
- Reulecke
- Rice
- Rich
- Richard
- Riley
- Robert C
- Rock
- Rock
- Rodgers
- Roediger
- Rogers
- Romer
- Romero
- Rosa
- Rose
- Rosemblatt
- Ross
- Ross
- Roth
- Rousseau
- Rubin
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Ryan
- Sachsse
- Sachsse
- Sadavish Rao
- Sahai
- Salamini
- Salazar Bondy
- Saldaña Portillo
- Samkange
- Samuel
- Sanon
- Santos
- Sarkar
- Sarkar
- Savage
- Scalabrini Ortiz
- Scalabrini Ortiz
- Scarpa
- Schambach
- Schmidt
- Schnegg
- Schröder
- Schröder
- Schulz
- Schwab
- Schwenninger
- Schwenninger
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Seed
- Seeley
- Seeley
- Seeley
- Segato
- Seigel
- Sevegrand
- Shamuyarira
- Sharma
- Shukla
- Simon
- Simpson
- Sinha
- Sinha
- Sisters of India
- Sluglett
- Sluglett
- Smail
- Smiles
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Soto Rivera
- Sowerwine
- Spiegel
- Spree
- Stein
- Stein
- Steingart
- Steinhoff
- Stepan
- Stoehr
- Stoler
- Stoler
- Stoler
- Streightoff
- Streubel
- Stromquist
- Subercaseaux
- Subercaseaux
- Subrahmanyam
- Svampa
- Sábato
- Sánchez
- Tafett
- Talcherkar
- Talmaki
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Terán
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thurner
- Tikekar
- Tinsman
- Tischler
- Trevelyan
- Truman
- Tudesq
- Tyrell
- Valdes
- Valis
- Vambe
- Van der Veer
- Van Onselen
- Vatsala
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vega Centeno
- Vial Correa
- Vickery
- Villalobos
- Vinken
- Vogel
- von Saldern
- Vovelle
- Vázquez
- VĂ©liz
- Wacquant
- Wade
- Wahrman
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Wallech
- Wallerstein
- Warde
- Ware
- Watenpaugh
- Watenpaugh
- Weatherill
- Weinstein
- Weinstein
- Weinstein
- Wells
- Welter
- Werlich
- West
- West
- West
- West
- Whitaker
- Whitaker
- Wiebe
- Wiener
- Wilder
- Wile
- Williams
- Wilson
- Wolff
- Woolf
- Wrightson
- Wyckoff
- Young
- Young
- Zerback
- Zunz
- Zunz
- Zussman
- ’Aflaq
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
Conscripts of Democracy
- Author
- Abel
- Abrams
- Abu-Lughod
- Acemoglu
- Adamovsky
- Adamovsky
- Adams
- Aguirre
- al-Rabbat
- AlanĂs Patiño
- Alexander
- Altamirano
- Altamirano
- Amin
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Andrews
- Appadurai
- Appelt
- Archetti
- Archila
- Arendt
- Arnold
- Asad
- Ascheson
- Auret
- Ayala
- Baines Junior
- Baldwin
- Ballantyne
- Balmori
- Banks
- Barnes
- Barnett
- Barr-Melej
- Barros
- Barry
- Barry
- Bauer
- Bayly
- Bayly
- Beban
- Beckert
- Bederman
- Bell
- Bell
- Belmonte
- Benhabib
- Benwell Community Project
- Berghoff
- Berman
- Berra Stoppa
- Besse
- Beteta
- Bhabha
- Bhambra
- Bieber
- Binfield
- Bingham
- Bisso
- Blackbourn
- Blaut
- Bledstein
- Blest Gana
- Bliss
- Bloom
- Bock
- Boulard Fernand, Yves Marie Hilaires and GĂ©rard Cholvy, eds
- Bourdieu
- Bourricaud
- Brading
- Briggs
- Briggs
- Briones
- Briones
- British Information Services
- Brodkin
- Brooks
- Bulmer
- Burton
- Burton
- Burton
- Bustamante y Rivero
- Butler
- Cain
- Calder
- Calhoun
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Cannadine
- Canning
- Carnes
- Carroll
- Carroy
- Casanova
- Cashman
- Chakrabarty
- Chakrabarty
- Chakrabarty
- Chakrabarty
- Chamunorwa Mutambirwa
- Chandavarkar
- Chaney
- Chapin
- Chapin
- Chatterjee
- Chatterjee
- ChavarrĂa
- Christidoulidis
- Clark
- Clarke
- Cobb
- Codovilla
- Cohen
- Coll
- Collins
- Combs
- Compagnon
- Conlon
- Contardo
- Cook
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Corfield
- Cornejo Chavez
- Currie
- Currie
- Curtis
- CĂłrdova
- Daniel
- Dann
- Daumard
- Daumard
- Davidoff
- Davidoff
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Dawisha
- De Giorgio
- De Grazia
- De LeĂłn
- del Campo
- Del Pomar
- Delgado O.
- Dintenfass
- Dirks
- Dobbin
- Donham
- Drinot
- Dubois
- Dubois
- Dumont
- Duprat
- Dussel
- Earle
- Easterly
- Edwards Bello
- Edwards Bello
- Eisenstadt
- Eley
- Eley
- Eley
- Eley
- Eley
- Elshtain
- Enke
- Ervin
- EscardĂł
- Escobar
- Escobar
- Estache
- Fals-Borda
- Fanon
- Farhni
- Ferber
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Fernandes
- Fernández
- Fernández
- Fernández MacGregor
- Fesseden
- Fléché
- Ford
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- François
- Frederick
- Freund
- Fridenson
- Friedman
- Gall
- Gamble
- GarcĂa Canclini
- GarcĂa Sebastiani
- GarcĂa-Bryce
- GarcĂa-Bryce
- Garon
- Gay
- Gay
- Gay
- Germani
- Germani
- Ghosh
- Gibson
- Giesecke
- Gilbert
- Gilkeson
- Gilroy
- Glassman
- Gleason
- Godoy Urzua
- Goldstein
- Goldstein
- Goldstene
- González Navarro
- Gooptu
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Goswami
- Gramsci
- Grandin
- Greenwald
- Grimson
- Groethuysen
- Guano
- Guano
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Guha
- Gunn
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gutiérrez
- Guzmán Campos
- GĂłmez
- Göçek
- Habermas
- Hacker
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Halle
- Halperin Donghi
- Halsey
- Hancock
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hardtwig
- Harlan
- Harlan
- Harootunian
- Harrison
- Harrison
- Harrison
- Hartlyn
- Hartmann
- Harvey
- Harzig
- Hauser
- Hauteville
- Havelange
- Haya de la Torre
- Haya de la Torre
- Haya de la Torre
- Haya de la Torre
- Haya de la Torre
- Hayes
- Haynes
- Heinsohn
- Helg
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Hilton
- Hinsley
- Hobsbawm
- Hobsbawm
- Hoffmann
- Hofstadter
- hooks
- Horne
- Hornstein
- Horowitz
- Horowitz
- Hourani
- Huber-Sperl
- Huffington
- Hunt
- Hutber
- Hylton
- HĂĽchtker
- Iacovetta
- Iacovetta
- Iacovetta
- Igo
- Ingham
- Inglehandt
- Isenberg
- Itié
- Jacobs
- Jacobson
- James
- James
- Jauretche
- Jayawardena
- Jimenez
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnston
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joshi
- Kant
- Kantor
- Kaplan
- Kaplan
- Karl
- Karnik
- Karpat
- Kaschuba
- Kaschuba
- Kasson
- Katz
- Kaufman
- Kaviraj
- Kelley
- Khoury
- Khoury
- Kidd
- Kidd
- Kill
- Killingray
- Kinsman
- Kirkpatrick
- Klaiber
- Klaren
- Klaren
- Klein
- Klubock
- Kocka
- Koditschek
- Korinek
- Koven
- Kriger
- Krishnaswamy
- Krugman
- Kumar
- Kunzru
- Kymlicka
- Kyrk
- KĂĽster
- La Vopa
- Laclau
- Laclau
- Lake
- Landes
- Langewiesche
- Langewiesche
- Langlois
- Lasch
- Lastarria
- Latcham
- Latham
- Latour
- Lausevic
- Lear
- Lears
- Lebret
- Lee
- Legrand
- Leidenberger
- Leidenberger
- Lemke
- Levine
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lietchty
- Light
- Lincoln
- Lind
- Lind
- Lipp
- Lipsitz
- Lipsitz
- Lister
- Loaeza
- Ludden
- Lukas
- Luna
- Lynd
- LĂłpez
- Löther
- Macaulay
- Mack
- Mackay
- MacLeod
- MacĂas-González
- Majumdar
- Malabari
- Mallon
- Mandler
- Mariátegui
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martz
- Marx
- Marx
- Marx
- Marx
- Marx
- Masselin
- Masterman
- Masterman
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Maza
- McBride
- McCord
- McDonald
- McEvoy Carreras
- McKibbin
- McNeely
- Mead
- Mehrtens
- Mehta
- Mehta
- Melfi
- Melfi
- Mendieta
- Mesa Manuel
- Mettele
- Mettele
- Meyer-Renschhausen
- Michael
- Michel
- Michel
- Michelet
- Michelet
- Michelguglielmo
- Mignolo
- Miguez
- Minault
- Minter
- Mintz
- Misra
- Mitchell
- Mitre
- Moncloa y Covarrubias
- Monicat
- Moran
- Morley
- Morris
- Morris
- Moskowitz
- Muller
- Muzumdar
- Möller
- MĂĽffelmann
- Naregal
- Neira
- Nicolls
- Nipperdey
- Nipperdey
- Nkrumah
- Nolte
- Nolte
- Oberoi
- Olcott
- Oldenburg
- Olney
- Omi
- Opitz
- Orrego Luco
- Orrego Luco
- Orrego Luco
- Owensby
- O’Connor
- O’Dougherty
- O’Hanlon
- Palacio
- Palacios
- Paletschek
- Paley
- Palmer
- Palmié
- Panayi
- Panayi
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Pateman
- Patrick
- Patrick
- Patrick
- Patrick
- Patten
- Peiss
- Peixotto
- Perkin
- Perkin
- Perkin
- Peruano
- PerĂłn
- Pettman
- Piccato
- Pieper
- Pike
- Pinto Gamboa
- Pizarro Guerrero
- Planas
- Portal
- Portes Gil
- Prakash
- Prelinger
- Price
- Putman
- PĂ©caut
- Quataert
- Quattrocci-Woisson
- Quesada Laos
- Quiroz
- Rabe
- Raftopoulos
- Ranger
- Ratier
- Rau
- Ravallion
- Reagin
- Reder
- Renneville
- Rennhak
- Renonciat
- Reulecke
- Reulecke
- Rice
- Rich
- Richard
- Riley
- Robert C
- Rock
- Rock
- Rodgers
- Roediger
- Rogers
- Romer
- Romero
- Rosa
- Rose
- Rosemblatt
- Ross
- Ross
- Roth
- Rousseau
- Rubin
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Rubinstein
- Ryan
- Sachsse
- Sachsse
- Sadavish Rao
- Sahai
- Salamini
- Salazar Bondy
- Saldaña Portillo
- Samkange
- Samuel
- Sanon
- Santos
- Sarkar
- Sarkar
- Savage
- Scalabrini Ortiz
- Scalabrini Ortiz
- Scarpa
- Schambach
- Schmidt
- Schnegg
- Schröder
- Schröder
- Schulz
- Schwab
- Schwenninger
- Schwenninger
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Seed
- Seeley
- Seeley
- Seeley
- Segato
- Seigel
- Sevegrand
- Shamuyarira
- Sharma
- Shukla
- Simon
- Simpson
- Sinha
- Sinha
- Sisters of India
- Sluglett
- Sluglett
- Smail
- Smiles
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Soto Rivera
- Sowerwine
- Spiegel
- Spree
- Stein
- Stein
- Steingart
- Steinhoff
- Stepan
- Stoehr
- Stoler
- Stoler
- Stoler
- Streightoff
- Streubel
- Stromquist
- Subercaseaux
- Subercaseaux
- Subrahmanyam
- Svampa
- Sábato
- Sánchez
- Tafett
- Talcherkar
- Talmaki
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Terán
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thurner
- Tikekar
- Tinsman
- Tischler
- Trevelyan
- Truman
- Tudesq
- Tyrell
- Valdes
- Valis
- Vambe
- Van der Veer
- Van Onselen
- Vatsala
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vega Centeno
- Vial Correa
- Vickery
- Villalobos
- Vinken
- Vogel
- von Saldern
- Vovelle
- Vázquez
- VĂ©liz
- Wacquant
- Wade
- Wahrman
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Wallech
- Wallerstein
- Warde
- Ware
- Watenpaugh
- Watenpaugh
- Weatherill
- Weinstein
- Weinstein
- Weinstein
- Wells
- Welter
- Werlich
- West
- West
- West
- West
- Whitaker
- Whitaker
- Wiebe
- Wiener
- Wilder
- Wile
- Williams
- Wilson
- Wolff
- Woolf
- Wrightson
- Wyckoff
- Young
- Young
- Zerback
- Zunz
- Zunz
- Zussman
- ’Aflaq
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
The Gatekeepers
- Author
- Abel
- Abrams
- Abu-Lughod
- Acemoglu
- Adamovsky
- Adamovsky
- Adams
- Aguirre
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- Scalabrini Ortiz
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- Taylor
- Taylor
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- Thompson
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- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
- Walkowitz
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- Weinstein
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- West
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- Whitaker
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- Young
- Zerback
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- Zunz
- Zussman
- ’Aflaq
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study