736 research outputs found

    Efficient and robust reconstruction of botanical branching structure from laser scanned points

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    This paper presents a reconstruction pipeline for recovering branching structure of trees from laser scanned data points. The process is made up of two main blocks: segmentation and reconstruction. Based on a variational k-means clustering algorithm, cylindrical components and ramified regions of data points are identified and located. An adjacency graph is then built from neighborhood information of components. Simple heuristics allow us to extract a skeleton structure and identify branches from the graph. Finally, a B-spline model is computed to give a compact and accurate reconstruction of the branching system. © 2009 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD/Graphics '09), Huangshan, China, 19-21 August 2009. In Proceedings of 11th CAD/Graphics, 2009, p. 572-57

    What factors control superficial lava dome explosivity?

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    Dome-forming eruption is a frequent eruptive style and a major hazard on numerous volcanoes worldwide. Lava domes are built by slow extrusion of degassed, viscous magma and may be destroyed by gravitational collapse or explosion. The triggering of lava dome explosions is poorly understood: here we propose a new model of superficial lava-dome explosivity based upon a textural and geochemical study (vesicularity, microcrystallinity, cristobalite distribution, residual water contents, crystal transit times) of clasts produced by key eruptions. Superficial explosion of a growing lava dome may be promoted through porosity reduction caused by both vesicle flattening due to gas escape and syn-eruptive cristobalite precipitation. Both processes generate an impermeable and rigid carapace allowing overpressurisation of the inner parts of the lava dome by the rapid input of vesiculated magma batches. The relative thickness of the cristobalite-rich carapace is an inverse function of the external lava dome surface area. Explosive activity is thus more likely to occur at the onset of lava dome extrusion, in agreement with observations, as the likelihood of superficial lava dome explosions depends inversely on lava dome volume. This new result is of interest for the whole volcanological community and for risk management

    Does shade improve light interception efficiency? A comparison among seedlings from shade-tolerant and -intolerant temperate deciduous tree species

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    ‱ Here, we tested two hypotheses: shading increases light interception efficiency (LIE) of broadleaved tree seedlings, and shade-tolerant species exhibit larger LIEs than do shade-intolerant ones. The impact of seedling size was taken into account to detect potential size-independent effects on LIE. LIE was defined as the ratio of mean light intercepted by leaves to light intercepted by a horizontal surface of equal area. ‱ Seedlings from five species differing in shade tolerance (Acer saccharum, Betula alleghaniensis, A. pseudoplatanus, B. pendula, Fagus sylvatica) were grown under neutral shading nets providing 36, 16 and 4% of external irradiance. Seedlings (1- and 2-year-old) were three-dimensionally digitized, allowing calculation of LIE. ‱ Shading induced dramatic reduction in total leaf area, which was lowest in shade-tolerant species in all irradiance regimes. Irradiance reduced LIE through increasing leaf overlap with increasing leaf area. There was very little evidence of significant size-independent plasticity of LIE. ‱ No relationship was found between the known shade tolerance of species and LIE at equivalent size and irradiance

    Submarine record of volcanic island construction and collapse in the Lesser Antilles arc: First scientific drilling of submarine volcanic island landslides by IODP Expedition 340

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    IODP Expedition 340 successfully drilled a series of sites offshore Montserrat, Martinique and Dominica in the Lesser Antilles from March to April 2012. These are among the few drill sites gathered around volcanic islands, and the first scientific drilling of large and likely tsunamigenic volcanic island-arc landslide deposits. These cores provide evidence and tests of previous hypotheses for the composition and origin of those deposits. Sites U1394, U1399, and U1400 that penetrated landslide deposits recovered exclusively seafloor-sediment, comprising mainly turbidites and hemipelagic deposits, and lacked debris avalanche deposits. This supports the concepts that i/ volcanic debris avalanches tend to stop at the slope break, and ii/ widespread and voluminous failures of pre-existing low-gradient seafloor sediment can be triggered by initial emplacement of material from the volcano. Offshore Martinique (U1399 and 1400), the landslide deposits comprised blocks of parallel strata that were tilted or micro-faulted, sometimes separated by intervals of homogenized sediment (intense shearing), while Site U1394 offshore Montserrat penetrated a flat-lying block of intact strata. The most likely mechanism for generating these large-scale seafloor-sediment failures appears to be propagation of a decollement from proximal areas loaded and incised by a volcanic debris avalanche. These results have implications for the magnitude of tsunami generation. Under some conditions, volcanic island landslide deposits comprised of mainly seafloor sediment will tend to form smaller magnitude tsunamis than equivalent volumes of subaerial block-rich mass flows rapidly entering water. Expedition 340 also successfully drilled sites to access the undisturbed record of eruption fallout layers intercalated with marine sediment which provide an outstanding high-resolution dataset to analyze eruption and landslides cycles, improve understanding of magmatic evolution as well as offshore sedimentation processes. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Quantifying methane vibrational and rotational temperature with Raman scattering

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    This work describes the theoretical basis and implementation of the measurement of vibrational (T vib) and rotational (T rot) temperatures in CH4 by fitting spontaneous Raman scattering spectra in the Pentad region. This method could be applied for thermal equilibrium temperature measurements applications, e.g. in combustion, or vibrational-rotational non-equilibrium applications, such as in plasma chemistry. The method of calculating these temperatures is validated against known temperature thermal equilibrium spectra up to 860 K from published data, giving an estimated relative error of 10%. This demonstrates that both the calculated stick spectrum and the algorithm to determine T vib and T rot for CH4 is robust to 860 K, but we expect it is valid to 1500 K. Additionally, a number of non-equilibrium spectra generated with a pulsed microwave plasma are fitted to find T vib and T rot, further demonstrating the applicability of this method in fitting non-equilibrium spectra.</p

    Comprendre les comportements face Ă  un risque modĂ©rĂ© d’inondation. Etude de cas dans le pĂ©riurbain toulousain (Sud-Ouest de la France)

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    Les espaces urbanisĂ©s soumis Ă  des risques modĂ©rĂ©s d’inondation pour les vies humaines sont souvent peu considĂ©rĂ©s dans les Ă©tudes sur la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© aux risques naturels en dĂ©pit des enjeux qu’ils reprĂ©sentent en termes de gestion de crise. Comment les riverains y font-ils face au danger et quelles sont leurs « bonnes raisons » d’agir? A partir de l’étude socio-gĂ©ographique de deux inondations rĂ©centes (2000 et 2003) dans la pĂ©riphĂ©rie toulousaine (Sud-Ouest de la France), nous montrons que les caractĂ©ristiques de l’alĂ©a dans les vallĂ©es Ă©tudiĂ©es influencent les reprĂ©sentations du risque et par consĂ©quent les motivations Ă  se protĂ©ger. Face au risque majeur, la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© sociale se trouve ainsi augmentĂ©e. Pour amĂ©liorer la rĂ©silience des populations, il convient d’adapter la communication sur les risques: personnaliser l’information, amĂ©liorer la comprĂ©hension de l’évĂ©nement vĂ©cu et mobiliser de nouvelles formes de mĂ©diation entre gestionnaires et riverains

    "Meaning" as a sociological concept: A review of the modeling, mapping, and simulation of the communication of knowledge and meaning

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    The development of discursive knowledge presumes the communication of meaning as analytically different from the communication of information. Knowledge can then be considered as a meaning which makes a difference. Whereas the communication of information is studied in the information sciences and scientometrics, the communication of meaning has been central to Luhmann's attempts to make the theory of autopoiesis relevant for sociology. Analytical techniques such as semantic maps and the simulation of anticipatory systems enable us to operationalize the distinctions which Luhmann proposed as relevant to the elaboration of Husserl's "horizons of meaning" in empirical research: interactions among communications, the organization of meaning in instantiations, and the self-organization of interhuman communication in terms of symbolically generalized media such as truth, love, and power. Horizons of meaning, however, remain uncertain orders of expectations, and one should caution against reification from the meta-biological perspective of systems theory
