1,067 research outputs found

    Synchro-Mining: the New Sight

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    The analysis of Synchro-Mining alternatives, performed by the paper, has shown the multidimensionality being typical for the ideology and even controversy stipulating complexity of its understanding both by practices and by qualified scientists. It has been substantiated that it is expedient to base the Synchro-Mining phenomenon on Mining interpretation by Merriam-Webster Dictionary version relying upon the existence primacy of a mining enterprise (i.e. a mine, quarry, open pit, well etc.): Mining exists irrespective of the mineral extraction until the enterprise is liquidated physically. Thus, Synchro-Mining is diversification of the key activity of a mining enterprise performed in parallel with Mining whether it is coal or ore preparation, generation of electric energy and thermal energy, early Post-Mining measures, commercial extraction of methane, deep treatment of mine water, progress of circular economy etc. not only in the form of vertical integration of various businesses (i.e. hierarchical production method) but also in the form of heterarchies (i.e. network capitalism) or in the form of industrial parks.Виконаний у роботі з використанням методу кейсів аналіз варіантів побудови Synchro-Mining показав властиву самій ідеології багатоаспектність, а то й суперечливість, що обумовлює складність її сприйняття не тільки практиками, а й навіть підготовленими вченими. Обґрунтовано, що в основу феномена Synchro-Mining раціонально покласти тлумачення Mining (Гірництва) у версії словника Merriam-Webster, заснованого на приматі існування гірничодобувного підприємства (шахти, рудника, кар'єру, свердловини тощо): Mining існує незалежно від видобутку корисних копалин до тих пір, поки фізично не ліквідовано саме підприємство. Таким чином, Synchro-Mining – це диверсифікація основної діяльності гірничодобувного підприємства, яка проводиться синхронно з Mining, будь-то в напрямку збагачення вугілля або руди, виробництва й акумуляції електричної та теплової енергії, заздалегідь проведених заходів Post-Mining, комерційного видобутку метану, глибокого очищення шахтних вод, розвитку циркулярної економіки та ін., як у формі вертикальної інтеграції різнопрофільних бізнесів (ієрархічний спосіб виробництва), так і у вигляді гетерархій (мережевого капіталізму), чи індустріальних парків.Выполненный в работе с использованием метода кейсов анализ вариантов построения Synchro-Mining показал свойственную самой идеологии многоаспектность, а то и противоречивость, что обусловливает сложность ее восприятия не только практиками, но даже подготовленными учеными. Обосновано, что в основу феномена Synchro-Mining рационально положить толкование Mining (Горное дело) в версии словаря Merriam-Webster, основанного на примате существования горнодобывающего предприятия (шахты, рудника, карьера, скважины и т.д.): Mining существует независимо от добычи полезных ископаемых до тех пор, пока физически не ликвидировано само предприятие. Таким образом, Synchro-Mining – это диверсификация основной деятельности горнодобывающего предприятия, которая проводится синхронно с Mining, будь то в направлении обогащения угля или руды, производства и аккумуляции электрической и тепловой энергии, заранее проведенных мероприятий Post-Mining, коммерческой добычи метана, глубокой очистки шахтных вод, развития циркулярной экономики и др., как в форме вертикальной интеграции разнопрофильных бизнесов (иерархический способ производства), так и в виде гетерархий (сетевого капитализма), или индустриальных парков

    Simulation of the support-enclosing rock mass interaction for deep mining

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    Purpose. To develop analytical model for a support-enclosing rock interaction to determine parameters for operational stability of deep mine workings while decreasing metal consumption and increasing efficient use of resources. Methods. Involving various strength degradation functions and variations of physical and mechanical properties of rocks, mathematical modeling is used to consider the ranges of force action of a support on the enclosing rock mass of deep mine workings. Findings. Analytical dependence of a support effect on the rock border displacement as well as on the changes in cross section of the mine working has been obtained. Effective interval of the support force resistance to block limit zones of the rock mass deformations has been substantiated. Innovative approach relying on the priority of the support working capacity as well as its forming characteristics has been proposed. The results of the studies help regulate the use of available supports, and the development of new designs meeting the increased geomechanical requirements of deep mining. Originality. It has been determined for the first time that 150 – 250 kN/m2 interval of a support resistance is the most efficient and achievable; while mining deepening (more than 1000 m), a support resistance achieves 350 – 400 kN/m2. Higher values are not practical. Practical implications. The results of the studies help regulate the use of available supports, and the development of new designs meeting the increased geomechanical requirements of deep mining and to determine the required parameters of both force and deformational characteristics of supports making.Мета. Розробка аналітичної моделі взаємодії кріплення й масиву для визначення параметрів забезпечення експлуатаційної стійкості гірничих виробок на великих глибинах, зниження їх металоємності та підвищення ресурсозбереження. Методика. Математичним моделюванням із залученням різних функцій знеміцнення та варіації фізико-механічних властивостей гірських порід розглянуті діапазони силових впливів кріплення на масив, що містить виробку глибокого закладення. Результати. Встановлено аналітичну залежність впливу кріплення на зміщення породного контуру та зміну площі перерізу виробки. Обґрунтовано ефективний інтервал силового опору кріплення для блокування граничних зон деформацій масиву. Досліджено параметри працездатності кріплення та його утворюючих характеристик – робочого опору та конструктивної піддатливості як роботи, що забезпечує формування системи “кріплення – масив». Наукова новизна. Запропоновано новий науковий підхід, заснований на пріоритетності параметра працездатності кріплення та його утворюючих характеристик. Вперше встановлено, що найбільш ефективним і реально досяжним є інтервал опору кріплення 150 – 250 кН/м2, зі збільшенням глибини ведення гірничих робіт понад 1000 м опір кріплення сягає 350 – 400 кН/м2, а більш – є недоцільним. Практична значимість. Результати досліджень з достатньою для практичного застосування точністю можуть використовуватися для визначення необхідних параметрів силових і деформаційних характеристик кріплень, дозволяють регламентувати практику використання існуючих кріплень та розробку нових конструкцій, що відповідають підвищеним геомеханічним вимогам великих глибин розробки.Цель. Разработка аналитической модели взаимодействия крепи и вмещающего массива для определения параметров обеспечения эксплуатационной устойчивости горных выработок на больших глубинах, снижения их металлоемкости и повышения ресурсосбережения. Методика. Математическим моделированием с привлечением различных функций разупрочнения и вариации физико-механических свойств горных пород рассмотрены диапазоны силовых воздействий крепи на вмещающий массив выработок глубокого заложения. Результаты. Получена аналитическая зависимость влияния крепи на смещение породного контура и изменения площади сечения выработки. Обоснован эффективный интервал силового отпора крепи для блокировки предельных зон деформаций массива. Исследованы параметры работоспособности крепи и образующих его характеристик – рабочего сопротивления и конструктивной податливости как работы, обеспечивающей формирование системы “крепь – массив”. Научная новизна. Предложен новый научный подход, основанный на приоритетности параметра работоспособности крепи и его образующих характеристик. Впервые установлено, что наиболее эффективным и реально достижимым является интервал отпора крепи 150 – 250 кН/м2, с увеличением глубины ведения горных работ более 1000 м отпор крепи может достигать 350 – 400 кН/м2, а более – является нецелесообразным. Практическая значимость. Результаты исследований с достаточной для практического применения могут использоваться для определения необходимых параметров силовых и деформационных характеристик крепей, позволяют регламентировать практику использования существующих крепей и разработку новых конструкций, отвечающих повышенным геомеханическим требованием больших глубин разработки.The authors express particular gratitude to Hennadii Hor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Senior Researcher of Donetsk Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics for his help while carrying out the research and processing the results of the mathematical model


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    The urgency of the proposed Concept of the national program of military-patriotic education of children and students of Ukraine is due to: the need of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations to call up for military service citizens with a high level of moral, psychological and physical development; the lack in the state of an effective system of training citizens for military service and defense of the Fatherland, which can in a short time to restructure their activities in accordance with the requirements of the time; lack of a single scientific and methodological center for curriculum development, methods of preparing young people for military service, criteria for assessing military-patriotic education, lack of necessary educational facilities in secondary schools for pre-service training and military-patriotic education: low level of training for secondary schools in the subject «Defense of the Fatherland», which does not fully ensure the quality of teaching this subject. The purpose of the Concept is to create centers for military and patriotic education of children and students in all regions of Ukraine within the national system of training citizens for military service and defense of the Fatherland.The urgency of the proposed Concept of the national program of military-patriotic education of children and students of Ukraine is due to: the need of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations to call up for military service citizens with a high level of moral, psychological and physical development; the lack in the state of an effective system of training citizens for military service and defense of the Fatherland, which can in a short time to restructure their activities in accordance with the requirements of the time; lack of a single scientific and methodological center for curriculum development, methods of preparing young people for military service, criteria for assessing military-patriotic education, lack of necessary educational facilities in secondary schools for pre-service training and military-patriotic education: low level of training for secondary schools in the subject «Defense of the Fatherland», which does not fully ensure the quality of teaching this subject. The purpose of the Concept is to create centers for military and patriotic education of children and students in all regions of Ukraine within the national system of training citizens for military service and defense of the Fatherland


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    The purpose of the study is to highlight the process of preparation and disclosure of the technology of making works of art in the technique of hot enamel, as the basis of enamel art. The process of development of artistic enamel in Ukraine in the first quarter of the XXI century was supplemented by technological innovations. On the basis of the experimental approach, the artists developed the latest technologies, which became the basis of new directions of artistic and plastic expression – easel, monumental and plastic forms, artistic relief enamel. Systematic and complex approaches, chemical-physical and technical-technological methods were used to reveal the purpose of the research. The application of technical and technological method of enamel art research allows to reveal the attributive properties of the work, to assess the quality of its performance, to supplement the results of art analysis by revealing the essence of hot enamel technique and its impact on the author's style. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the formulation and development of a topical topic, which in the scientific dimension has received insufficient coverage. The combination of technological methods and academic art research methods creates a synergy of understanding the significance of enamel art. The study of the application of enamel technologies contributes to the disclosure of the process of development of enamel art. The technology of making a work of art in the technique of artistic hot enamel is a complex labor-intensive process that requires not only the creative inspiration of the artist, but also the knowledge, skills and competencies associated with the technology of making the work. Enameling technology is divided into four stages: preparation of the work under the enamel, application of enamel, firing of enamel and processing of the work. Technical conditions affect the possibility of realization of the figurative and stylistic idea of the author. The results of understanding the essence of the process of technology and methods of enamel works can serve as an important component of the study of modern problems of art history and the development of enamel art.Key words: enamel art, technique, technology, hot enamel, cold enamel, artistic enamel

    Artist Olexander Borodai: An Innovator in the Field of Hot Enamel and Monumental Art

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    The article is dedicated to the work of the artist Oleksander Andriyovych Borodai, an enameller who made transformations in the field of hot enamel in the late 20th – early 21st centuries in Ukraine, and whose name is associated with the transition from miniature decorative to experimental forms in the use of hot enamel. His works, including easel and monumental compositions, installations, art objects, sculptures, and jewelry, are a unique phenomenon that has no analogs in Ukraine and stands out against the backdrop of enamel work on a global scale. The purpose of this publication is to reveal the personality of Mr. Borodai as an artist, enameller, and teacher. To attain this objective, the publication reveals the main dates and facts in chronological order from the biography of the artist, which contributed to his formation as a leading enameller in Ukraine. At present, the works of the above-mentioned author, made in the technique of hot enamel, have gained significant importance in the field of construction and architecture. Due to the anti-corrosion properties and strength of the material, which retains its color despite weather conditions, the interior and exterior works of Mr. Borodai acquire particular significance as figurative and artistic dominants of large cities of Ukraine. As a result, it is emphasized that O. Borodai has become a phenomenon of modern enamel art. He left a significant creative legacy and students who continue to promote the enamel work at home and abroad. It was revealed that in the conditions of formation of the Ukrainian art market and taking into account active integration into the European art space, the artist’s work has become a kind of cultural asset of Ukraine, which requires deeper research and systematization

    Passportization, Diminished Citizenship Rights, and the Donbas Vote in Russia's 2021 Duma Elections

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    Referring in this paper to the extraterritorial naturalization of Donbas residents en masse, passportization is one of Russia’s preeminent foreign policy tools to deepen the potentially explosive deadlock in the implementation of the Minsk Agreements. In this deadlock, passportization can serve as a tool of ambiguous Russian extraterritorial governance over the Donbas while keeping violence at a comparatively low level, or as a tool to justify a full-scale Russian military intervention to "protect" its citizens from, for example, a purported "genocide." Russia does not necessarily want more citizens or territories: Russia’s ultimate goals are far-ranging security guarantees to prevent Ukraine’s further integration or membership with NATO. Passportization is one of the instruments to achieve this overarching goal. Passportization of residents of the non-government-controlled areas of the Donbas does not endow these Ukrainians with full membership of the Russian state; they are "second-class citizens" with diminished rights. This becomes especially apparent with regard to not only international non-recognition, but also pensions, social benefits, and voting rights. Due to this "diminished citizenship," Russia suffers from a legitimacy deficit in the self-proclaimed "People's Republics" of Donetsk and Luhansk - the "DPR" and "LPR." Enforcing voting rights for Donbas residents in the 2021 Duma elections therefore served the purpose of legitimizing Russia in the residents’ eyes: It suggested that integration with Russia is continuously advancing. In the 2021 Russian Duma (parliamentary) elections, the turnout among eligible passportized Donbas residents was above 40 percent. Of the roughly 200,000 voters, three quarters voted electronically at de facto polling stations (so-called "information centers") on the territory of the "DPR" and "LPR"; one quarter travelled to polling stations in the neighboring Rostov region in Russia. With the whole adult population of the "DPR" and "LPR" as a reference point, less than 10 percent of Donbas residents took part in the Duma elections. Donbas voters are pro-Russian: They have much more favorable views toward United Russia than Russians in the Rostov region. On average, the presence of Donbas residents at respective Rostov polling stations, and at the seven Rostov electoral districts, adds 25 percent to the United Russia result. This is paradoxical, as United Russia follows the official Russian reading of the Minsk Agreements - reintegration of the Donbas with Ukraine on Russian terms - while Donbas residents voted for integration with Russia. But the official results give a distorted picture of support for United Russia, as workplace mobilization and electoral manipulations were widely reported. Ukraine's policy to counteract passportization and the involvement of Ukrainian citizens in Russian elections has a legal foundation: Ukraine does not allow dual citizenship. The fast-track passports are not recognized, and passportized Donbas residents are still considered Ukrainian - and not Russian - citizens. Russian elections with the involvement of Donbas residents are declared illegal and the Russian parliament illegitimate. But beyond this legal foundation, Ukraine lacks a coherent, long-term strategy on how to reintegrate Ukrainians in the "DPR" and "LPR." The reaction of the United States and the EU to Russia's passportization has been weak; a mere non-recognition of these passports is not sufficient. Instead, the West should acknowledge that passportization and the development of Russian electoral infrastructure in the Donbas fundamentally erodes the political part of the Minsk Agreements by undermining the possibility of having free and fair local elections according to OSCE standards. The U.S. and the EU should reinvigorate their support of Ukrainian sovereignty without pushing Ukraine deeper into the "sequency trap" with political concessions. Ukraine urgently needs a coherent long-term policy toward its citizens in the non-government-controlled territories. Policy suggestions from various actors range from hawkish (stripping Donbas residents with Russian passports of Ukrainian citizenship) to conciliatory (de facto recognition of some documents issued by the "DPR" and "LPR"). This hodgepodge of proposed policy responses unmistakably sends the wrong signals to Donbas residents. Instead, Ukraine should deepen its engagement with Donbas residents by making public services more accessible, including by a speedy digital transformation of state services. Better Ukrainian public services would be a powerful tool to counteract Russia’s creeping passportization of the Donbas


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    Розглядаються джерела родючості в тотемному культі й світогляді первісних землеробів. У результаті зіставлення ведмежого свята північних народів з тотемним святом первісних мисливців доводиться, що елементи родючості, пов’язані з сексуальним началом, зберігаються й повторюються в подальшому з надзвичайною точністю. Порівняння елементів мисливського світогляду з землеробським дає підстави стверджувати, що один трансформувався в інший, оскільки в основі обох знаходиться статевий акт, як необхідна умова для розмноження звіра й отримання врожаю. Їх сталість і життєздатність дозволяють знаходити відповідники в  надбанні українського народу, зокрема традиційних звичаях і обрядах.Ключові слова: культ родючості, тотемізм, ведмеже свято, землеробство.Кухаренко А.А. Источники плодородия в древних культах / Харьковская государственная академия культуры, Украина, г. ХарьковРассматриваются источники плодородия в тотемном культе и мировоззрении первобытных земледельцев. В результате сопоставления медвежьего праздника северных народов с тотемным праздником первобытных охотников доказывается, что элементы плодородия, связанные с сексуальным началом, сохраняются и повторяются в дальнейшем с чрезвычайной точностью. Сравнение элементов охотничьего мировоззрения с земледельческим дает основания утверждать, что одно трансформировалось в другое, поскольку в основе обоих находится половой акт, как необходимое условие для размножения зверя и получения урожая. Их устойчивость и жизнеспособность позволяют находить соответствия в достоянии украинского народа, в частности в традиционных обычаях и обрядах.Ключевые слова: культ плодородия, тотемизм, медвежий праздник, земледелие.Kukharenko O. Sources of Fertility in ancient cult / Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Ukraine, c. KharkivSources of fertility in totemic cults and world outlook of primitive farmers are viewed. In the result of comparison of the bear holiday of the people of the North with totemic feast of primitive hunters it is proved that elements of fertility related to sexual rudiment, are preserved and repeated in the future with exceptional accuracy. Comparison of the elements of the hunting world outlook with the farming one, affords ground for affirming that one is transformed into another since at the bottom of both is sexual intercourse as a necessary condition for multiplication of animals and harvest. Their steadiness and vital capacity make possible to find correspondences in cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people, namely traditional national customs and ceremonies. Key words: cult of fertility, totemism, bear holiday, farming

    Co-infection of Trichuris vulpis and Toxocara canis in different aged dogs: Influence on the haematological indices

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    Trichuris vulpis and Toxocara canis are worldwide parasitic nematodes affecting dogs and mammals of the Canine family. Due to the special structure of the shells, the eggs of these geohelminths can maintain their viability in soil, sand, water and the environment for a long time. The study involved young (6–12 months old) and adult (1.5–8.0 years old) dogs affected by co-infection of T. vulpis + T. canis; the control group consisted of dewormed healthy animals of the same age. Parasitological examination of dogs' faeces was performed using a "Counting Chamber for Ovoscopic Researches"; morphological parameters, indicators of nutrient metabolism, mineral metabolism and activity of enzymatic systems were determined in blood and serum. According to the results of parasitological research on the dogs, it was found that young animals are more prone to toxocarosis, and adults – trichurosis. The co-infection of nematodes T. vulpis + T. canis in dogs develops several changes in haematological parameters: a significant decrease in erythrocytes, haemoglobin, MCV, MCH, and haematocrit, leukocytosis with basophils and eosinophilia in young infected animals; and eosinophilia and basophilia (15.9 times) in adults, compared with healthy dogs of the same age. Among the changes in serum biochemical parameters, young infected dogs showed a decrease in the concentration of total protein and albumin content, an increase in the content of "acute phase" proteins (α-1, α-2 and β-globulins), an increase in cholesterol and total bilirubin; in adult infected dogs, a decrease in albumin content, an increase in the content of α-1, α-2, and β-globulins, an increase in the concentration of cholesterol and total bilirubin, a decrease in the concentration of urea in comparison with healthy animals were determined. Also, among the indicators of mineral metabolism, a decrease in the concentration of calcium and magnesium in the serum was found in young infected dogs. Among the changes in the enzyme metabolism in the serum of infected dogs, there was an increase in the activity of all studied enzymes in animals of both research groups: ALT, AST, α-amylase, GGT and ALP. Thus, co-infection with nematodes T. vulpis + T. canis has a complex pathogenic effect on the body of dogs of all ages, which manifested itself in multiple changes in haematological parameters. In the future, the authors’ team plan to develop comprehensive measures to combat nematode infections in different living conditions of dogs, taking into account the results of the current research

    Calligraphy in Enamel Art: World and Ukrainian Experience

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    The article is devoted to the study of the application of calligraphy in enamel art. This publication is the first attempt in art history to analyze the use of inscriptions directly in enamel. The publication sheds light on the relations to the art of calligraphy in different countries. Samples from Ukrainian enamel art are analyzed on specific examples. The publication provides the author's own practical experience regarding all technologies of execution which can be applied in hot enamel at the image of calligraphic elements. Step-by-step instructions for using the technique will be useful for enamellers to implement their own ideas. The scope of calligraphy in enamel art, in particular in jewellery, easel works, monumental art is also outlined in the work. It is emphasized that this direction is quite promising for outdoor use (exterior). Moreover, it is due to the fact, that the anti-corrosion properties of enamel in combination with three-dimensionality, polychromy and durability allow to use it as advertising as an artistic dominant of the street or city. The development of calligraphy in enamel art is becoming increasingly popular, the active use of which requires attention and further study. © 2022 Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iasi. All rights reserved

    Measurement of the Depth of Maximum of Extensive Air Showers above 10^18 eV

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    We describe the measurement of the depth of maximum, Xmax, of the longitudinal development of air showers induced by cosmic rays. Almost four thousand events above 10^18 eV observed by the fluorescence detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory in coincidence with at least one surface detector station are selected for the analysis. The average shower maximum was found to evolve with energy at a rate of (106 +35/-21) g/cm^2/decade below 10^(18.24 +/- 0.05) eV and (24 +/- 3) g/cm^2/decade above this energy. The measured shower-to-shower fluctuations decrease from about 55 to 26 g/cm^2. The interpretation of these results in terms of the cosmic ray mass composition is briefly discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication by PR