165 research outputs found

    Strategies for Effective Mentoring and for Being Effectively Mentored: A Focus on Research Institutions

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    This article focuses on the positive aspects of mentoring teachers within the field of communication. Department chairs ought to question the usefulness and effectiveness of this type of mentoring and consider strategies that will be helpful when new faculty are ultimately reviewed for promotion and tenure. The article examines the mentor\u27s functions and indicate special concerns that may affect mentoring in academia. The paper argues that a formal mentoring process benefits the new hiree. The paper provides concrete guidance that a mentor can offer in the areas of scholarship, teaching, and service. These strategies focus on institutions where scholarship counts heavily in tenure and promotion decisions. Similar works are needed by those who teach at institutions where different criteria may apply

    Manual Wheelchair Downhill Stability: An Analysis of Factors Affecting Tip Probability

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    Background  For people who use manual wheelchairs, tips and falls can result in serious injuries including bone fractures, concussions, and traumatic brain injury. We aimed to characterize how wheelchair configuration changes (including on-the-fly adjustments), user variables, and usage conditions affected dynamic tip probability while rolling down a slope and contacting a small block. Methods  Rigid body dynamic models of a manual wheelchair and test dummy were created using multi-body software (Madymo, TASS International, Livonia, MI), and validated with 189 experiments. Dynamic stability was assessed for a range of seat angles (0 to 20° below horizontal), backrest angles (0 to 20°), rear axle positions (0 to 20 cm from base of backrest), ground slopes (0 to 15°), bump heights (0 to 4 cm), wheelchair speeds (0 to 20 km/hr), user masses (50 to 115 kg), and user positions (0 to 10 cm from base of backrest). The tip classifications (forward tip, backward tip, rolled over bump, or stopped by bump) were investigated using a nominal logistic regression analysis. Results  Faster wheelchair speeds significantly increased the probability of tipping either forward or backward rather than stopping, but also increased the probability of rolling over the bump (p < 0.001). When the rear axle was positioned forward, this increased the risk of a backward tip compared to all other outcomes (p < 0.001), but also reduced the probability of being stopped by the bump (p < 0.001 compared to forward tip, p < 0.02 compared to rolling over). Reclining the backrest reduced the probability of a forward tip compared to all other outcomes (p < 0.001), and lowering the seat increased the probability of either rolling over the bump or tipping backwards rather than tipping forward (p < 0.001). In general, the wheelchair rolled over bumps < 1.5 cm, and forwards tipping was avoided by reducing the speed to 1 km/hr. Conclusions  The probability of forward tipping, corresponding to the greatest risk of injury, was significantly reduced for decreased speeds, smaller bumps, a reclined backrest, and a lower rear seat height. For wheelchairs with dynamic seating adjustability, when travelling downhill, on-the-fly adjustments to the seat or backrest can increase the likelihood of safely rolling over a bump. Background  For people who use manual wheelchairs, tips and falls can result in serious injuries including bone fractures, concussions, and traumatic brain injury. We aimed to characterize how wheelchair configuration changes (including on-the-fly adjustments), user variables, and usage conditions affected dynamic tip probability while rolling down a slope and contacting a small block. Methods  Rigid body dynamic models of a manual wheelchair and test dummy were created using multi-body software (Madymo, TASS International, Livonia, MI), and validated with 189 experiments. Dynamic stability was assessed for a range of seat angles (0 to 20° below horizontal), backrest angles (0 to 20°), rear axle positions (0 to 20 cm from base of backrest), ground slopes (0 to 15°), bump heights (0 to 4 cm), wheelchair speeds (0 to 20 km/hr), user masses (50 to 115 kg), and user positions (0 to 10 cm from base of backrest). The tip classifications (forward tip, backward tip, rolled over bump, or stopped by bump) were investigated using a nominal logistic regression analysis. Results  Faster wheelchair speeds significantly increased the probability of tipping either forward or backward rather than stopping, but also increased the probability of rolling over the bump (p < 0.001). When the rear axle was positioned forward, this increased the risk of a backward tip compared to all other outcomes (p < 0.001), but also reduced the probability of being stopped by the bump (p < 0.001 compared to forward tip, p < 0.02 compared to rolling over). Reclining the backrest reduced the probability of a forward tip compared to all other outcomes (p < 0.001), and lowering the seat increased the probability of either rolling over the bump or tipping backwards rather than tipping forward (p < 0.001). In general, the wheelchair rolled over bumps < 1.5 cm, and forwards tipping was avoided by reducing the speed to 1 km/hr. Conclusions  The probability of forward tipping, corresponding to the greatest risk of injury, was significantly reduced for decreased speeds, smaller bumps, a reclined backrest, and a lower rear seat height. For wheelchairs with dynamic seating adjustability, when travelling downhill, on-the-fly adjustments to the seat or backrest can increase the likelihood of safely rolling over a bump. &nbsp


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    School districts across the country are implementing bilingual education models such as two-way immersion, also known as dual language programs. The goals of two-way immersion programs are to assist students to obtain high academic achievement, to help students develop high levels of native language proficiency and target language proficiency, and to facilitate the development of cross-cultural competence. Most research on effective schools cites the fundamental role of assessment and accountability in evaluating student outcomes to measure program effectiveness.   The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the assessment and accountability features of a school district's two-way immersion program aligned with research-based guidelines, and to identify strengths and weaknesses of the program in the area of assessment and accountability.   The researcher carried out a formative program evaluation using a case study methodology. The researcher conducted a qualitative study using interviews with stakeholders from the two-way immersion program. The researcher also engaged in a review of historical documents, assessment data, websites, instructional resources in the classroom, and school and classroom artifacts related to assessment and accountability. The researcher utilized the Strand 1 Assessment and Accountability rubric from the Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education (Howard, Sugarman, Christian, Lindholm-Leary, & Rogers, 2007) to guide the data collection. By triangulating data from both the stakeholder interviews and the review of historical documents and other artifacts, the researcher provided a detailed description of the two-way immersion program and ascertained to what extent the program aligned with research-based assessment and accountability practices. The results of the rubric allowed for an evaluation of program strengths and weaknesses.   Strengths of the program were evident in the area of gathering student demographic data and academic achievement data, as well as the analysis of student achievement data. Weaknesses of the program included a lack of assessment of the program goals of bilingualism/biliteracy and cross-cultural competence, as well as a lack of community support for the program.  Ed.D

    Development of the Standardized Navigation Of Winter Mobility & Accessibility Network (SNOWMAN) course

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    IntroductionManual wheelchairs (MWC) users have limited mobility during winter months as they encounter many environmental barriers that restrict their community participation. This paper outlines the creation and standardization of an outdoor environment designed to simulate the real-life conditions and obstacles experienced by MWC users in winter.Methods and resultsThis study consisted of four phases. In Phase 1, researchers used a qualitative ethnographic approach to document the specific challenges and adaptive strategies used by MWC users in winter conditions. In Phase 2, key informants with expertise in MWC winter mobility were invited to co-design the Standardized Navigation Of Winter Mobility & Accessibility Network (SNOWMAN) course. Participants reviewed draft design solutions and offered their input and suggestions to expand upon the initial design. A second co-design workshop included additional key informants, including service providers, policymakers, and professionals with expertise in landscape architecture and engineering, to validate the design solution. The workshops resulted in a detailed illustration of the SNOWMAN course, including five sections: platforms with side slopes, a miniature ice rink, curbs and curb cuts, a path with uneven winter surfaces, and modular ramps at various slopes. Phases 3 and 4 marked the conclusion of the study and involved fabrication of the SNOWMAN course and establishment of a standardized protocol for course setup and maintenance.DiscussionThe project aimed to offer several additional potential benefits, supported by the various stakeholders across the study phases, that extend beyond creation of a controlled and safe environment for wheelchair users to develop their winter mobility skills. Practicing wheelchair skills in this area may assist wheelchair users in gaining confidence which may ultimately translate to increased participation in the community

    Good, bad or just good enough: representations of motherhood and the maternal role on the small screen

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    This article seeks to introduce the contemporary maternal experience and the ‘good’ mother myth as it exists within the media landscape before considering the ways in which the situation comedy in general and the new American comedy, Mom (2013– ) in particular have negotiated ideal images of home, hearth, family and motherhood

    Dynamic Wheelchair Seating Positions Impact Cardiovascular Function after Spinal Cord Injury

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    Background Innovative wheelchairs allow individuals to change position easily for comfort and social situations. While these wheelchairs are beneficial in multiple ways, the effects of position changes on blood pressure might exacerbate hypotension and cerebral hypoperfusion, particularly in those with spinal cord injury (SCI) who can have injury to autonomic nerves that regulate cardiovascular control. Conversely, cardiovascular benefits may be obtained with lowered seating. Here we investigate the effect of moderate changes in wheelchair position on orthostatic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular reflex control. Methods Nineteen individuals with SCI and ten neurologically-intact controls were tested in supine and seated positions (neutral, lowered, and elevated) in the Elevation™ wheelchair. Participants with SCI were stratified into two groups by the severity of injury to cardiovascular autonomic pathways. Beat-to-beat blood pressure, heart rate and middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity (MCAv) were recorded non-invasively. Results Supine blood pressure and MCAv were reduced in individuals with lesions to autonomic pathways, and declined further with standard seating compared to those with preserved autonomic control. Movement to the elevated position triggered pronounced blood pressure and MCAv falls in those with autonomic lesions, with minimum values significantly reduced compared to the seated and lowered positions. The cumulative duration spent below supine blood pressure was greatest in this group. Lowered seating bolstered blood pressure in those with lesions to autonomic pathways. Conclusions Integrity of the autonomic nervous system is an important variable that affects cardiovascular responses to orthostatic stress and should be considered when individuals with SCI or autonomic dysfunction are selecting wheelchairs

    Non-muscle myosin II in disease: mechanisms and therapeutic opportunities

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    Verkkosivujen rakentaminen aloittavalle liiketoiminnalle digitaalisen markkinoinnin kanavaksi

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    Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia, millaisista elementeistä toimivat verkkosivut rakentuvat, sekä mitä voidaan tehdä, että asiakkaat löytäisivät verkkosivut Google -haun kautta. Tutkimuksen tulosten pohjalta tavoitteena oli rakentaa toimeksiantajalleni toimivat verkkosivut. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, koska lähteitä oli paljon ja niistä haluttiin saada kokonaisvaltainen ymmärrys. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuus kokosi yhteen alan kirjallisuutta ja ammattilaisten mielipiteitä siitä, millaisia elementtejä toimivilla verkkosivuilla pitää olla. Tärkeimmät elementit verkkosivujen rakentumisen osalta jakautuivat verkkosivujen rakenteellisiin, sekä visuaalisiin elementteihin. Asiakashankinnan osalta keskityttiin siihen, millaisia toimenpiteitä voidaan verkkosivuille tehdä, jotta potentiaaliset asiakkaat löytäisivät toimeksiantajani tarjoaman palvelun Googlesta. Laillisuuden toteutumisen vuoksi verkkosivuille toteutettiin myös tietosuojaseloste. Tutkimustulokset paljastivat, että toimivat verkkosivut ovat yhtä kuin käyttäjäystävälliset verkkosivut. Käyttäjäystävällisyys on kokonaisuus, joka muodostuu monesta elementistä. Niitä ovat oikeanlainen tekninen rakenne, verkkosivujen nopeus, helppo navigointi, silmäiltävät verkkosivut, miellyttävä visuaalinen panostus, sekä sisällön elävöittäminen. Parhaimpien hakukoneoptimoinnin keinojen todettiin olevan avainsanojen käyttö, verkkosivujen otsikoinnit ja metakuvaukset, sekä verkkosivuille ladattujen kuvien optimointi. Tuloksellinen hakukoneoptimointi ilmeni olevan myös riippuvainen verkkosivujen rakenteellisesta toimivuudesta. Teoriaosuuden yhteen kokoamisen jälkeen tuloksena oli kokonaisuus, jonka avulla oli helppo rakentaa toimivat verkkosivut, sekä suorittaa niihin hakukoneoptimointia. Työn empiirisessä osiossa käytiin prosessimaisesti läpi mitä toimenpiteitä kunkin elementin kohdalla tehtiin toimeksiantajan verkkosivuilla, sekä miksi tällaisiin valintoihin päädyttiin. Kun verkkosivut olivat teknisesti ja visuaalisesti rakentuneet, suoritettiin verkkosivuille hakukoneoptimointia, joka tulevaisuudessa vaikuttanee parempaan sijoitukseen Googlen hakutuloksissa. Työn empiirisessä osuudessa kuvailtiin millaisia toimenpiteitä hakukoneoptimointi lampopude.fi verkkosivuilla konkreettisesti tarkoitti. Tutkimuksen tuloksena saatiin julkaisuvalmiit ja käyttäjäystävälliset hakukoneoptimoidut verkkosivut toimeksiantajani liiketoiminnan aloitukseen

    Intrinsic neuronal determinants of neurite regrowth

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    Traumatic injury to the central nervous system (CNS) results in neurological deficits, in part, due to axonal regeneration failure. This is functionally exemplified in spinal cord injury by motor and sensory paralysis. Regeneration failure has been attributed to several factors, including intrinsic neuronal limitations to regeneration, as well as numerous inhibitory molecules present in the injured CNS environment. The impact of intrinsic neuronal factors is investigated here. A transition from a permissive to a restrictive repair period exists in the developing chick on approximately embryonic day (E) 13, possibly due to the formation of an extrinsic inhibitory environment preventing axonal growth, and/or an intrinsic inability of mature neurons to regenerate. By fluorescent labeling of brainstem-spinal neurons in ovo, I was able to subsequently track the capacity of specific populations of young (E8) versus mature (El 7) brainstem-spinal neurons to regrow neurites (i.e. presumptive axons) in vitro on permissive growth substrates. When cultured on E8, robust neurite growth was observed from all brainstem populations examined. In contrast, when cultured on El7, significant neurite growth was seen only from raphe-spinal neurons. Thus, brainstem-spinal neurite regrowth may dependent on both neuronal age and phenotype, suggesting that intrinsic neuronal properties may contribute to axonal regeneration failure. Because regeneration may depend on intrinsic neuronal properties, it may be beneficial to pharmacologically enhance the axonal growth capacity of neurons. Injured neurons respond characteristically (i.e. growth cone collapse or neurite retraction) to various molecules that inhibit axonal growth, including myelin proteins and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPG). Accordingly, it is possible that intracellular signaling from several inhibitory molecules converge onto a common regulatory pathway of axonal growth inhibition, i.e. the Rho-GTPase. I tested in vitro whether pharmacological inhibition of a major downstream effector of Rho, Rho-kinase (ROCK), promoted neurite outgrowth of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons grown on inhibitory substrates of aggrecan (a CSPG), myelin, and spinal cord cryosections. Indeed, ROCK inhibition promoted neurite outgrowth several-fold, as well as significantly altering the actin-based morphology of growth cones. The data support the notion that suppression of Rho-pathway activity may be a viable therapeutic avenue for enhancing axonal regeneration within the injured adult CNS.Medicine, Faculty ofGraduat