452 research outputs found

    MasculinitĂ© blanche hĂ©roĂŻque et bricolage gĂ©nĂ©rique dans 24 heures chrono (24 – Fox, 2001-2014)

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    L’article essaie de montrer comment la sĂ©rie 24 heures chrono participe Ă  une tendance culturelle fondamentale dans la sociĂ©tĂ© amĂ©ricaine des annĂ©es George W. Bush, celle d’un nouveau projet de re-masculinisation qui succĂšde Ă  celui menĂ© sous Ronald Reagan. Alors que c’est au cinĂ©ma qu’on soigne le traumatisme de la dĂ©faite au Vietnam, c’est Ă  la tĂ©lĂ©vision que s’organise la rĂ©ponse au choc des attentats du 11 septembre 2001. Jack Bauer, hĂ©ros de la sĂ©rie, qui incarne une nouvelle masculinitĂ© hĂ©gĂ©monique, est proposĂ© aux spectateurs Ă  travers la redĂ©finition d’un hĂ©roĂŻsme guerrier qui enregistre les Ă©volutions sociĂ©tales amĂ©ricaines de la fin du XXe siĂšcle. La dimension raciale de cet hĂ©roĂŻsme est dĂ©crite sur un mode victimaire qui nĂ©cessite un remarquable bricolage gĂ©nĂ©rique et offre aux spectateurs une tension permanente entre l’action et le mĂ©lodrame. Ce genre, proposĂ© dans une version rĂ©visĂ©e par Linda Williams, se rĂ©vĂšle essentiel pour comprendre les enjeux politiques et identitaires de la sĂ©rie.This article describes the cultural importance of the TV show 24 for the American audience under the presidency of George W. Bush. It is analyzed in order to reveal a new project of remasculinization of the American society, which recalls the one undertaken under the presidency of Ronald Reagan. In that time, film was the preferred medium. After 9/11, TV series take over and organize a cultural answer to the attacks. In this paper, the main character, Jack Bauer, is seen as a new hegemonic model of masculinity. As a new type of modern American warrior, this hero is shaped in order to embed the new cultural realities of the American society towards the end of the 20th century. The white hero described as a victim is also the result of a complex generic formula that leaves 24 somewhere between action and melodrama. Following Linda Williams’ revised definition of melodrama helps to understand the cultural and political agendas of the most popular TV show of the decade

    Prospective Identification and Isolation of Enteric Nervous System Progenitors Using Sox2

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    The capacity to identify and isolate lineage-specific progenitor cells from developing and mature tissues would enable the development of cell replacement therapies for disease treatment. The enteric nervous system (ENS) regulates important gut functions, including controlling peristaltic muscular contractions, and consists of interconnected ganglia containing neurons and glial cells. Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR), one of the most common and best understood diseases affecting the ENS, is characterized by absence of enteric ganglia from the distal gut due to defects in gut colonization by neural crest progenitor cells and is an excellent candidate for future cell replacement therapies. Our previous microarray experiments identified the neural progenitor and stem cell marker SRY-related homoebox transcription factor 2 (Sox2) as expressed in the embryonic ENS. We now show that Sox2 is expressed in the ENS from embryonic to adult stages and constitutes a novel marker of ENS progenitor cells and their glial cell derivatives. We also show that Sox2 expression overlaps significantly with SOX10, a well-established marker of ENS progenitors and enteric glial cells. We have developed a strategy to select cells expressing Sox2, by using G418 selection on cultured gut cells derived from Sox2ÎČgeo/+ mouse embryos, thus allowing substantial enrichment and expansion of neomycin-resistant Sox2-expressing cells. Sox2ÎČgeo cell cultures are enriched for ENS progenitors. Following transplantation into embryonic mouse gut, Sox2ÎČgeo cells migrate, differentiate, and colocalize with the endogenous ENS plexus. Our studies will facilitate development of cell replacement strategies in animal models, critical to develop human cell replacement therapies for HSCR. Stem Cells 2011;29:128–14

    The transcription factor Sox5 modulates Sox10 function during melanocyte development

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    The transcription factor Sox5 has previously been shown in chicken to be expressed in early neural crest cells and neural crest-derived peripheral glia. Here, we show in mouse that Sox5 expression also continues after neural crest specification in the melanocyte lineage. Despite its continued expression, Sox5 has little impact on melanocyte development on its own as generation of melanoblasts and melanocytes is unaltered in Sox5-deficient mice. Loss of Sox5, however, partially rescued the strongly reduced melanoblast generation and marker gene expression in Sox10 heterozygous mice arguing that Sox5 functions in the melanocyte lineage by modulating Sox10 activity. This modulatory activity involved Sox5 binding and recruitment of CtBP2 and HDAC1 to the regulatory regions of melanocytic Sox10 target genes and direct inhibition of Sox10-dependent promoter activation. Both binding site competition and recruitment of corepressors thus help Sox5 to modulate the activity of Sox10 in the melanocyte lineage

    A curated online resource for SOX10 and pigment cell molecular genetic pathways

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    We describe the creation of a specialized web-accessible database named the Pigment Cell Gene Resource, which contains information on the genetic pathways that regulate pigment cell development and function. This manually curated database is comprised of two sections, an annotated literature section and an interactive transcriptional network diagram. Initially, this database focuses on the transcription factor SOX10, which has essential roles in pigment cell development and function, but the database has been designed with the capacity to expand in the future, allowing inclusion of many more pigmentation genes

    White paper on guidelines concerning enteric nervous system stem cell therapy for enteric neuropathies.

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    Over the last 20 years, there has been increasing focus on the development of novel stem cell based therapies for the treatment of disorders and diseases affecting the enteric nervous system (ENS) of the gastrointestinal tract (so-called enteric neuropathies). Here, the idea is that ENS progenitor/stem cells could be transplanted into the gut wall to replace the damaged or absent neurons and glia of the ENS. This White Paper sets out experts' views on the commonly used methods and approaches to identify, isolate, purify, expand and optimize ENS stem cells, transplant them into the bowel, and assess transplant success, including restoration of gut function. We also highlight obstacles that must be overcome in order to progress from successful preclinical studies in animal models to ENS stem cell therapies in the clinic

    A MITF Mutation Associated with a Dominant White Phenotype and Bilateral Deafness in German Fleckvieh Cattle

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    A dominantly inherited syndrome associated with hypopigmentation, heterochromia irides, colobomatous eyes and bilateral hearing loss has been ascertained in Fleckvieh cattle (German White Fleckvieh syndrome). This syndrome has been mapped to bovine chromosome (BTA) 22 using a genome-wide association study with the bovine high density single nucleotide polymorphism array. An R210I missense mutation has been identified within microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) as responsible for this syndrome. The mutation is located in the highly conserved basic region of the protein and causes a negative-dominant effect. SOX10 and PAX3 promoter binding site mutations in MITF could be ruled out as causative for the German White Fleckvieh syndrome. Molecular characterization of this newly detected bovine syndrome means a large animal model is now available for the Tietz syndrome in humans

    Phox2b function in the enteric nervous system is conserved in zebrafish and is sox10-dependent

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    Zebrafish lacking functional sox10 have defects in non-ectomesenchymal neural crest derivatives including the enteric nervous system (ENS) and as such provide an animal model for human Waardenburg Syndrome IV. Here, we characterize zebrafish phox2b as a functionally conserved marker of the developing ENS. We show that morpholino-mediated knockdown of Phox2b generates fish modeling Hirschsprung disease. Using markers, including phox2b, we investigate the ontogeny of the sox10 ENS phenotype. As previously shown for melanophore development, ENS progenitor fate specification fails in these mutant fish. However, in addition, we trace back the sox10 mutant ENS defect to an even earlier time point, finding that most neural crest cells fail to migrate ventrally to the gut primordium. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Medical Research Council [G0300415
