186 research outputs found

    Mujer religiosa y pueblos indígenas del Ecuador

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    Los aportes y diálogos que iluminaron la reflexión se reflejan en los artículos y contribuciones del presente texto elaboradas desde perspectivas distintas que expresan lugares de pensamiento plurales (la pastoral, la teología, los liderazgos indígenas, la academia, etc.). Su riqueza nos proporciona signos de esperanza en un futuro equitativo y solidario y abren nuevos horizontes para un trabajo pastoral liberador con y desde los pueblos indígenas

    Enredando Personas, Tejiendo Comunidad

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    “Getting people involved, knitting up a Community” is a project aiming at creating a volunteering network in the town of Borja (Zaragoza). It consists in a group of volunteers to carry out leisure time activities with elderly people in both residences in the municipality, all of it taking advantage of the current social network already made up by the neighbourhood.The starting point of the project is to plan a schedule of activities, from September 2020 until June 2021, in the two residences, to be accomplished by different associations, institutions and schools.The main proposal is to develop within the neighbourhood a feeling of belonging to a community, usefulness, personal growth and the acquisition of roles of commitment and responsibility. This project is to be included in the Master on Leadership and Management of Social Services of the University of Zaragoza. This master starts with an introduction where the development, motivations, objectives and main hypotheses of the project are explained. Next, the methodology of the investigation is clarified. The conceptual and legal framework include topics such as volunteering and unwanted loneliness among elderly people, whereas the analysis of the context shows an increasingly ageing society, as much as an analysis of institutions and volunteering projects. It also includes a reference to the influence of the coronavirus pandemic in the residential field. After that, the results of the research are detailed and the TFM proposal is developed. This proposal includes a definition, objectives, schedule, resources, funding, communication, training and evaluation, together with the point of view of social responsibility. Finally, the main drawbacks and final conclusions are reflected.<br /

    La ciencia y las religiones: Perspectivas ante un nuevo milenio

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    En las páginas siguientes se recoge el contenido que desarrollaron los ponentes del Seminario-Debate multidisciplinar, organizado por esta revista, sobre La Ciencia y las Religiones: Perspectivas ante un nuevo milenio, celebrado el pasado 28 de Junio en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. El texto corresponde fundamentalmente al contenido de las intervenciones de tales ponentes, así como también al de algunos otros participantes ique ntervinieron en dicho debate. Los citados ponentes fueron (por orden de intervención): Enrique Romerales Espinosa (Profesor Titular de Filosofía), Manuel Alfonseca Moreno (Profesor Titular de Ingeniería Informática), Ricardo Sanz Bravo (Profesor Titular de Ingeniería de Sistemas), Carlos Muñoz López (Profesor Titular de Física Teórica), Pedro González Blasco (Catedrático de Sociología), Fernando Sols Lucía (Profesor Titular de Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada), y Angel Casado Marcos de León (Catedrático de Filosofía de la Educació

    Cost of asthma in children: A nationwide, population-based, cost-of-illness study

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    BACKGROUND: Childhood asthma is very prevalent and costs can be high, especially in severe disease. This study aimed to estimate the cost of asthma in Portuguese children and the variations by level of asthma control. METHODS: A nationwide, population- and prevalence-based cost-of-illness study with a societal perspective was conducted. We measured direct and indirect costs using a bottom-up approach and a human capital method, respectively, for 208 children (<18 years), from two national repositories. Generalized linear modelling for analysis of asthma costs' determinants and sensitivity analysis to assess uncertainty were performed. RESULTS: The mean annualized asthma cost per child was €929.35 (95% CI, 809.65-1061.11): €698.65 (95% CI, 600.88-798.27) for direct costs and €230.70 (95% CI, 197.36-263.81) for indirect costs. Extrapolations for the Portuguese children amounted to €161 410 007.61 (95% CI, 140 620 769.55-184 293 968.55) for total costs. Direct costs represent 75.2% with the costliest domain (51.1% of total costs) being the healthcare service use: 20.7% for scheduled medical visits and 30.4% for acute asthma care-non-scheduled medical visits (7.9%, €12 766 203.20), emergency department visits (11.7%, €18 932 464.80) and hospitalizations (10.8%, €17 406 946.00). Children with partly controlled and uncontrolled asthma had higher mean costs per year (adjusted coefficients: 1.46 [95% CI, 1.12-1.90] and 2.25 [95% CI, 1.56-3.24], respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Costs of childhood asthma are high (0.9% of the healthcare expenditures in Portugal). Direct costs represented three-fourth of total costs, mainly related to the use of healthcare services for acute asthma care. Policies and interventions to improve asthma control and reduce acute use of healthcare services have the potential to reduce asthma costs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aggregation methods in dynamical systems and applications in population and community dynamics

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    Approximate aggregation techniques allow one to transform a complex system involving many coupled variables into a simpler reduced model with a lesser number of global variables in such a way that the dynamics of the former can be approximated by that of the latter. In ecology, as a paradigmatic example, we are faced with modelling complex systems involving many variables corresponding to various interacting organization levels. This review is devoted to approximate aggregation methods that are based on the existence of different time scales, which is the case in many real systems as ecological ones where the different organization levels (individual, population, community and ecosystem) possess a different characteristic time scale. Two main goals of variables aggregation are dealt with in this work. The first one is to reduce the dimension of the mathematical model to be handled analytically and the second one is to understand how different organization levels interact and which properties of a given level emerge at other levels. The review is organized in three sections devoted to aggregation methods associated to different mathematical formalisms: ordinary differential equations, infinite-dimensional evolution equations and difference equations

    Miradas alternativas desde la diferencia y las subalternidades

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    Este libro colectivo es una anomalía no sólo por su posicionamiento geopolítico y geoepistémico para incidir en el papel y más allá de él, sino también por entrelazar voces y perspectivas de mujeres y hombres de Brasil, Bolivia, Colombia y Ecuador que se entusiasman y esfuerzan por, conjuntamente, relevar el poder de la colonialidad que aún continúa, e imaginar y encaminar lo decolonial. Así también problematiza y desafía el pensamiento occidental como patrón único universal; al mismo tiempo que plantea consideraciones, propone rutas y provoca nuevas formas y perspectivas de criticidad desde y con los grupos humanos, los conocimientos y las experiencias y prácticas de nuestra América del Sur

    Modulating Vaccinia Virus Immunomodulators to Improve Immunological Memory.

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    The increasing frequency of monkeypox virus infections, new outbreaks of other zoonotic orthopoxviruses and concern about the re-emergence of smallpox have prompted research into developing antiviral drugs and better vaccines against these viruses. This article considers the genetic engineering of vaccinia virus (VACV) to enhance vaccine immunogenicity and safety. The virulence, immunogenicity and protective efficacy of VACV strains engineered to lack specific immunomodulatory or host range proteins are described. The ultimate goal is to develop safer and more immunogenic VACV vaccines that induce long-lasting immunological memory

    Miradas alternativas desde la diferencia y las subalternidades

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    Este libro colectivo es una anomalía no sólo por su posicionamiento geopolítico y geoepistémico para incidir en el papel y más allá de él, sino también por entrelazar voces y perspectivas de mujeres y hombres de Brasil, Bolivia, Colombia y Ecuador que se entusiasman y esfuerzan por, conjuntamente, relevar el poder de la colonialidad que aún continúa, e imaginar y encaminar lo decolonial. Así también problematiza y desafía el pensamiento occidental como patrón único universal; al mismo tiempo que plantea consideraciones, propone rutas y provoca nuevas formas y perspectivas de criticidad desde y con los grupos humanos, los conocimientos y las experiencias y prácticas de nuestra América del Sur

    Impacto de la variabilidad intrapaciente en la concentración sanguínea de anticalcineurínicos en los resultados del trasplante cardiaco

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. Intrapatient blood level variability (IPV) of calcineurin inhibitors has been associated with poor outcomes in solid-organ transplant, but data for heart transplant are scarce. Our purpose was to ascertain the clinical impact of IPV in a multi-institutional cohort of heart transplant recipients. Methods. We retrospectively studied patients aged ≥ 18 years, with a first heart transplant performed between 2000 and 2014 and surviving ≥ 1 year. IPV was assessed by the coefficient of variation of trough levels from posttransplant months 4 to 12. A composite of rejection or mortality/graft loss or rejection and all-cause mortality/graft loss between years 1 to 5 posttransplant were analyzed by Cox regression analysis. Results. The study group consisted of 1581 recipients (median age, 56 years; women, 21%). Cyclosporine immediate-release tacrolimus and prolonged-release tacrolimus were used in 790, 527 and 264 patients, respectively. On multivariable analysis, coefficient of variation > 27.8% showed a nonsignificant trend to association with 5-year rejection-free survival (HR, 1.298; 95%CI, 0.993-1.695; P = .056) and with 5-year mortality (HR, 1.387; 95%CI, 0.979-1.963; P = .065). Association with rejection became significant on analysis of only those patients without rejection episodes during the first year posttransplant (HR, 1.609; 95%CI, 1.129-2.295; P = .011). The tacrolimus-based formulation had less IPV than cyclosporine and better results with less influence of IPV. Conclusions. IPV of calcineurin inhibitors is only marginally associated with mid-term outcomes after heart transplant, particularly with the tacrolimus-based immunosuppression, although it could play a role in the most stable recipients.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. El objetivo es estudiar el impacto clínico de la variabilidad intrapaciente (VIP) de la concentración sanguínea de los anticalcineurínicos en el trasplante cardiaco, pues la información actual es escasa. Métodos. Se analizó retrospectivamente a pacientes de edad ≥ 18 años con un trasplante cardiaco realizado entre 2000 y 2014 y con supervivencia ≥ 1 año. La VIP se valoró mediante el coeficiente de variación de concentraciones entre los meses 4 a 12 postrasplante. El compuesto de rechazo, mortalidad o pérdida del injerto y la mortalidad o pérdida del injerto 1-5 años tras el trasplante se analizaron mediante regresión de Cox. Resultados. Se estudió a 1.581 receptores (edad, 56 años; mujeres, 21%), tratados con ciclosporina (790 pacientes) o tacrolimus (791 pacientes). En el análisis multivariable, un coeficiente de variación > 27,8% tendió a asociarse con el compuesto de rechazo/mortalidad (HR = 1,298; IC95%, 0,993-1,695; p = 0,056) y con la mortalidad (HR = 1,387; IC95%, 0,979-1,963; p = 0,065) a los 5 años. La asociación con el rechazo fue significativa al analizar a la población sin rechazos durante el primer año del trasplante (HR = 1,609; IC95%, 1,129-2,295; p = 0,011). El tacrolimus tuvo menos VIP que la ciclosporina, junto con unos mejores resultados por la menor influencia de la VIP. Conclusiones. La VIP de los anticalcineurínicos, especialmente con la inmunosupresión basada en el tacrolimus, se asocia solo marginalmente con los resultados a medio plazo del trasplante cardiaco, aunque puede tener influencia en los pacientes más estables durante el primer año tras el trasplante