Enredando Personas, Tejiendo Comunidad


“Getting people involved, knitting up a Community” is a project aiming at creating a volunteering network in the town of Borja (Zaragoza). It consists in a group of volunteers to carry out leisure time activities with elderly people in both residences in the municipality, all of it taking advantage of the current social network already made up by the neighbourhood.The starting point of the project is to plan a schedule of activities, from September 2020 until June 2021, in the two residences, to be accomplished by different associations, institutions and schools.The main proposal is to develop within the neighbourhood a feeling of belonging to a community, usefulness, personal growth and the acquisition of roles of commitment and responsibility. This project is to be included in the Master on Leadership and Management of Social Services of the University of Zaragoza. This master starts with an introduction where the development, motivations, objectives and main hypotheses of the project are explained. Next, the methodology of the investigation is clarified. The conceptual and legal framework include topics such as volunteering and unwanted loneliness among elderly people, whereas the analysis of the context shows an increasingly ageing society, as much as an analysis of institutions and volunteering projects. It also includes a reference to the influence of the coronavirus pandemic in the residential field. After that, the results of the research are detailed and the TFM proposal is developed. This proposal includes a definition, objectives, schedule, resources, funding, communication, training and evaluation, together with the point of view of social responsibility. Finally, the main drawbacks and final conclusions are reflected.<br /

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