15 research outputs found


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    Geospatial monitoring of historic buildings has a valuable meaning for their restoration and preservation measures. The preparation and accomplishment of such monitoring have their features and cannot be standardized. Therefore, in each particular case, monitoring is carried out for specific requirements and conditions. The paper presents the results of geospatial monitoring for a part of the UNESCO object Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. The primary subject of geospatial monitoring is a retaining wall known as the Debosquette Wall. The wall was built in the XVIII century and underwent restoration in 2014. A geospatial monitoring system has been established to prevent undesirable damage and displacements. Assigning the necessary observation accuracy for such a complex object is difficult. In the paper, the modern approach to observation accuracy calculation has been suggested and studied. The approach is based on the application of structural mechanics principles. The structural analysis of the Debosquette Wall has been accomplished. The output of the analysis was applied to calculate the required observation accuracy. The geospatial network and monitoring scheme were developed based on the calculated accuracy. The monitoring proceeded for half a year in 2012-2013, was interrupted for one year, and kept on in 2015. The primary stress was made on the horizontal displacements in that these displacements are the primary threats to the wall stability. The in-depth analysis of the monitoring results has been accomplished. It was found that the displacements have stayed within the allowable values. The developed monitoring approach is recommended for similar projects

    Механізація садово-паркових робіт

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    У рекомендаціях наведено загальні відомості та основні схеми конструкцій тракторів, машин та механізмів, їхнього технологічного обладнання, призначених для створення зелених насаджень і догляду за ними, виконання комплексу інших робіт, пов’язаних із веденням садово-паркового господарства. Рекомендовано студентам 3 курсу біологічного факультету напряму підготовки 6.090103 – „Лісове та садово-паркове господарство”.Методичні рекомендації підготовлено у співавторстві з колективом кафедри технології лісогосподарського виробництва Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування України (м. Київ

    A crowdsourced global data set for validating built-up surface layers

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    Several global high-resolution built-up surface products have emerged over the last five years, taking full advantage of open sources of satellite data such as Landsat and Sentinel. However, these data sets require validation that is independent of the producers of these products. To fill this gap, we designed a validation sample set of 50 K locations using a stratified sampling approach independent of any existing global built-up surface products. We launched a crowdsourcing campaign using Geo-Wiki (https://www.geo-wiki.org/) to visually interpret this sample set for built-up surfaces using very high-resolution satellite images as a source of reference data for labelling the samples, with a minimum of five validations per sample location. Data were collected for 10 m sub-pixels in an 80 × 80 m grid to allow for geo-registration errors as well as the application of different validation modes including exact pixel matching to majority or percentage agreement. The data set presented in this paper is suitable for the validation and inter-comparison of multiple products of built-up areas

    Global forest management data for 2015 at a 100 m resolution

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    Spatially explicit information on forest management at a global scale is critical for understanding the status of forests, for planning sustainable forest management and restoration, and conservation activities. Here, we produce the first reference data set and a prototype of a globally consistent forest management map with high spatial detail on the most prevalent forest management classes such as intact forests, managed forests with natural regeneration, planted forests, plantation forest (rotation up to 15 years), oil palm plantations, and agroforestry. We developed the reference dataset of 226 K unique locations through a series of expert and crowdsourcing campaigns using Geo-Wiki (https://www.geo-wiki.org/). We then combined the reference samples with time series from PROBA-V satellite imagery to create a global wall-to-wall map of forest management at a 100 m resolution for the year 2015, with forest management class accuracies ranging from 58% to 80%. The reference data set and the map present the status of forest ecosystems and can be used for investigating the value of forests for species, ecosystems and their services

    Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village 2

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    The monograph is prepared based on the presentations and discussions made at the II International Conference “BUSINESS RISK IN CHANGING DYNAMICS OF GLOBAL VILLAGE (BRCDGV 2019)”, November, 7th-08th, 2019, in Ternopil, Ukraine. The aim of this scientific international conference is to provide a platform for professional debate with the participation of experts from around the globe in order to identify & analyze risks and opportunities in today’s global business, and specifically in Ukraine. The conference will provide a framework for researchers, business elites and decision makers to uplift the business ties and minimise the risk for creating a better world and better Ukraine.The Conference is designed to call experts around the globe from different sectors of practices which are effected by globalization and watching changes in Europe as well as in Ukraine. It is an excellent platform for interactions and communication between academicians, corporate representatives, policy makers, representatives of organizations and community, as well as individuals being the part of this globalized world. The 1st edition of this conference was held at the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland (2017); the 2nd edition took place at Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ukraine (2019); the 3rd edition will be organized at Patna University, India (2020) in cooperation with Indo-European Education Foundation (IEEF, Poland) and its partner universities from Poland, India, Europe and other part of the world.Under modern conditions of globalization nowadays, economic activity is undergoing changes. Innovative technologies, new forms of business, dynamic changes taking place in the world today result in the emergence of the necessity to minimize risks in order to maximize benefits. The cooperation between experts from different fields with the aim to ensure sustainable growth – policymakers, scientists, universities representatives and business elites is essential nowadays. With the purpose to bring them together and discuss the main issues of todays’ global world this conference took place in Ternopil, Ukraine. As Ukraine is now passing through a dynamic period of changes, recommendations coming up from such discussions can be very beneficial for building stronger society and meet the risks globalization brings up. This monograph provides a useful review of economic, financial and policy issues in the context of globalization processes and has proven extremely popular with practitioners and industry advisors. This edition is given the continued high demand and interest for experts form different areas working on diminishing of business risks wishing to keep abreast of current thinking on this subject. According to many experts process of managing risks is currently one of the most relevant business technologies and at the same time it is a complex process which requires ground knowledge in the research field and practical experience. The popularity of business risks management is due to objective reasons such as dynamics of society, interconnections and interdependence between different players in the society, increasing role of human capital in the country’s sustainable developmen

    The Forest Observation System, building a global reference dataset for remote sensing of forest biomass

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    International audienceForest biomass is an essential indicator for monitoring the Earth's ecosystems and climate. It is a critical input to greenhouse gas accounting, estimation of carbon losses and forest degradation, assessment of renewable energy potential, and for developing climate change mitigation policies such as REDD+, among others. Wall-to-wall mapping of aboveground biomass (aGB) is now possible with satellite remote sensing (RS). However, RS methods require extant, up-to-date, reliable, representative and comparable in situ data for calibration and validation. Here, we present the Forest Observation System (FOS) initiative, an international cooperation to establish and maintain a global in situ forest biomass database. aGB and canopy height estimates with their associated uncertainties are derived at a 0.25 ha scale from field measurements made in permanent research plots across the world's forests. all plot estimates are geolocated and have a size that allows for direct comparison with many RS measurements. The FOS offers the potential to improve the accuracy of RS-based biomass products while developing new synergies between the RS and ground-based ecosystem research communities

    Research of Methods for Determining the Accuracy of Metrological Measurements

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    The object of research in this work are individual branches and processes of metrology, namely algorithms and methods of global positioning, analysis and research of individual processes, and their implementation in the software model to analyze their accuracy. The existing problem is that some methods or devices that produce results based on these methods are not accurate enough or their accuracy is affected by a number of factors that worsen the result. During the work the methods and approaches of the global positioning system were analyzed, such as: precise point positioning, relative positioning of GPS, static and Fast static GPS-shooting and Stop-and-go shooting. Approaches were also divided into static and kinematic. Among the methods, the method of precise point positioning was chosen, as the most common and used among ordinary GPS users, for more detailed research and analysis of accuracy. Development methods are based on the means of interaction with open GPS services, and C#, ASP.NET Core, Angular framework, and development environment Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio 2022. In order to implement all the necessary functionality, the subject area was analyzed, the methods of determining metrological accuracy in general and within the system of global positioning as a direct object of work were considered. As a result of the work the analysis and modelling of the subject area was carried out, the methods of the global positioning system and the software system for the analysis of the accuracy of one of the GPS methods were investigated. The analysis results provided by the software help to understand the accuracy of the method and the GPS receivers that use it on different devices

    Current increment of ecosystem services in permanent sample plots within the forest stands of the Feofania park-monument

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    Despite the fact that forests in nature conservation areas are of mature and over-mature age, they have a leading role in the production of ecosystem services, in particular in ensuring biodiversity. In the typical sense, at the mature and over-mature age of stands, the growth of live biomass and carbon sequestration almost stops, and the death of trees leads to a negative change in the stock. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the ability of over-mature forests to accumulate live biomass under the condition of the formation of multi-tiered and different-age stands. The research was conducted on four permanent sample plots of the Feofania park-monument, which were established in 2016 and 2017. The method of approximate mensuration was used to study the current growth of ecosystem services. The method of dendrochronology was used to analyse annual rings. The age range of experimental stands is between 80 and 180 years. Experimental stands of all sample plots are characterized by high-level productivity, compared to model data on the productivity of stands in Ukraine and the European part of Eurasia. According to the results of the research, it was established that the biggest current increment of ecosystem services is formed in the uneven-aged stand with the centuries-old common oak trees of the overstory. The results of the research can be used in practice for the management of nature conservation areas and improvement of the management of over-mature forest