44 research outputs found
Am Genfer Neoliberalismus soll die Welt genesen: Rezension zu "Globalisten - Das Ende der Imperien und die Geburt des Neoliberalismus" von Quinn Slobodian
Quinn Slobodian: Globalisten - Das Ende der Imperien und die Geburt des Neoliberalismus. Berlin: Suhrkamp 2019. 978-3-518-42903-
Disciplining Europe – The Production of Economic Delinquency
The main goal of the following article is to offer a Foucaultian reading of the economic governance structure of the European Union after the reforms passed and implemented over the last six years. The starting point is a reconstruction of Foucault’s analytical framework to scrutinize disciplinary power as well as the respective apparatuses and how this framework has been integrated into the more encompassing governmentality perspective. In the second section I provide a brief survey of the strategic terrain of the European Union as a site of multi-level governance that poses unique challenges from a governing perspective. The following sections are structured according to some key characteristics of disciplinary/governmental power arrangements (visibilization, norm(aliz)ation, prevention, normalizing judgement) which I try to identify in the context of the European Semester, the Six-Pack and the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure as elements of a broader disciplinary framework. The final section draws on Foucault’s famous point about the ‘productive failure’ of the prison as a disciplinary apparatus that ends up serving ends and purposes quite distinct from the ones officially declared and suggests that we should also consider the European regime of economic discipline and surveillance as one, which is ‘failing forward’, creating opportunity structures to pursue political projects that may differ markedly from those officially stated
The Biopolitics of Ordoliberalism
This article examines the biopolitical dimension in ordoliberal thought using Wilhelm Röpke and Alexander Rüstow as exemplary figures of this tradition. Based on an explication of various biopolitical themes that can be extracted from Foucault’s writings and lectures the article argues that these biopolitical themes, although rarely touched on in Foucault’s lectures on ordoliberal governmentality, nevertheless constitute an integral aspect of the thought of Röpke and Rüstow. From the regulation of the population through the strategic lever of the family to the organicist concerns over the health of the social body, biopolitical themes pervade the socio-economic theories of ordoliberalism. The article suggests that critical evaluations of the ordoliberal approach to political economy, which has been gaining ground again in the aftermath of the financial crisis, should take into account the biopolitical–and rather illiberal–dimension of this approach as well
A. Maiolino: Politische Kultur in Zeiten des Neoliberalismus: Produktionsbedingungen politischer Kultur im 21. Jahrhundert
Angelo Maiolino: Politische Kultur in Zeiten des Neoliberalismus: Eine Hegemonieanalyse. Bielefeld: transcript 2014. 978383762760
Habermas, Foucault and Nietzsche: A Double Misunderstanding
The article analyses Habermas' interpretation of Foucault in the Philosophical Discourse of Modernity and argues that the former misunderstands the Foucaultian project of genealogy fundamentally. While Habermas assumes that Foucault aims at a strictly scientific approach to the writing of history it can be shown that Foucaultian genealogy is strongly characterised by rhetorical aspects, creating a hybrid model of critique that stands in between science and literature. The essay goes on arguing that this misreading can be explained with reference to Habermas' reconstruction of Nietzsche's philosophy in the Philosophical Discourse. On the basis of this clarification the article analyses what a Habermasian position vis-à-vis genealogy including the rhetorical element would look like. Making use of Habermas' remarks on Derrida in the Philosophical Discourse the essay concludes that, counter-intuitively, a rhetorically understood genealogy has to be considered a valid philosophical approach even on Habermas' own terms
Beschwörungen des Neoliberalismus : Theorien und Schauplätze
Was ist »Neoliberalismus« und wie ist es um ihn bestellt? Welche Rolle spielt der Begriff nach all den Abgesängen und Wiederbelebungen heute in Politik und den Sozialwissenschaften? Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrags ist es, das unübersichtliche Feld der Forschungsrichtungen, die sich mit dem Neoliberalismus befassen, in Augenschein zu nehmen und die wichtigsten Debatten sowie ihre Fortentwicklungen vorzustellen, um die Orientierung zu erleichtern. Ausgehend von einem kurzen Überblick über aktuelle Stellungnahmen zum Neoliberalismus im politischen Diskurs werden die beiden wichtigsten theoretischen Perspektiven wird – Hegemonietheorie und Governmentality Studies –vorgestellt, aus denen der Neoliberalismus untersucht wird, um dann verschiedene der wichtigsten Schauplätze des Neoliberalismus abzuschreiten. Das kritische Interesse der größtenteils aus einer der beiden Perspektiven heraus arbeitenden Forscher richtet sich unter anderem auf die Rolle des Nationalstaats, den Umbau urbaner Räume, seine Auswirkungen auf die Geschlechterverhältnisse oder die Art und Weise, wie das Leben im Neoliberalismus die Selbstverhältnisse der Subjekte transformiert. Der Artikel schließt mit Überlegungen zum theoretischen Preis, der für den ungeheuer weit gefasste Neoliberalismusbegriff zu zahlen ist und der nicht zuletzt in einer vermeintlichen Alternativlosigkeit besteht, die ironischerweise aus den zahllosen kritisch intendierten Beschwörungen des Neoliberalismus hervorgeht
Dissecting the Dynamics of HIV-1 Protein Sequence Diversity
10.1371/journal.pone.0059994PLoS ONE84
Redox regulation of hepatitis C in nonalcoholic and alcoholic liver
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an RNA virus of the Flaviviridae family that is estimated to have infected 170 million people worldwide. HCV can cause serious liver disease in humans, such as cirrhosis, steatosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. HCV induces a state of oxidative/nitrosative stress in patients through multiple mechanisms, and this redox perturbation has been recognized as a key player in HCV-induced pathogenesis. Studies have shown that alcohol synergizes with HCV in the pathogenesis of liver disease, and part of these effects may be mediated by reactive species that are generated during hepatic metabolism of alcohol. Furthenriore, reactive species and alcohol may influence HCV replication and the outcome of interferon therapy. Alcohol consumption has also been associated with increased sequence heterogeneity of the HCV RNA sequences, suggesting multiple modes of interaction between alcohol and HCV. This review summarizes the current understanding of oxidative and nitrosative stress during HCV infection and possible combined effects of HCV, alcohol, and reactive species in the pathogenesis of liver disease. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved