2,010 research outputs found

    Desigualdades regionais no Rio Grande do Sul: uma abordagem multidimensional, utilizando o Índice de Desenvolvimento Socioeconômico (Idese), 2007-10

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    Resumo Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar as desigualdades regionais gaúchas por meio dos resultados do novo Idese. Considera-se, portanto, que as populações de regiões pobres do RS sofrem privações não apenas por conta de insuficiência de renda, como também por acesso inadequado a serviços de educação e saúde, ou seja, utiliza-se uma noção mais abrangente de desigualdades regionais. Essa avaliação considera como recorte as Regiões Funcionais de Planejamento (RFs) e os Conselhos Regionais de Desenvolvimento (Coredes), divisões territoriais utilizadas para fins de planejamento no Estado. Para a mensuração das desigualdades, optou-se pelo índice de desigualdade de Theil, adaptado para indicadores multidimensionais. Os resultados do trabalho sugerem que a desigualdade de Idese entre municípios do Estado deve-se mais à desigualdade dentro dos Coredes do que entre Coredes ou entre Regiões Funcionais. Além disso, 60% da desigualdade “intra-Coredes” provêm de diferenças dentre os municípios do Corede Metropolitano Delta do Jacuí, onde se localiza a capital, Porto Alegre, e alguns municípios periféricos. Palavras-chave: Desigualdades regionais; Idese; índice de Theil. TÍTULO EM INGLÊS Regional inequalities in Rio Grande do Sul: a multidimensional approach using the Índice de Desenvolvimento Socioeconômico (Socioeconomic Development Index), 2007-10 Abstract This paper aims to explore regional inequalities in Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost Brazilian state, through the results of the new Socioeconomic Development Index (Idese), a multidimensional development index. We assume that the populations of the poor regions of Rio Grande do Sul undergo deprivations not only because of insufficient income levels, but also due to inadequate access to education and health services. Therefore, we use a broader concept of regional inequalities. Our analysis is based upon territorial divisions used for planning purposes within the State: the Functional Regions of Planning (RFs) and the Regional Development Council (Coredes). In order to measure regional inequalities, we opted for the Theil inequality index adapted for multidimensional indexes. Our results suggest that Idese inequality between municipalities in the State is due more to inequality within the Coredes than between the Coredes or the Functional Regions. In addition, 60% of "intra-Coredes" inequality arise from differences between the municipalities of the Corede Metropolitano Delta do Jacuí, home to the capital city, Porto Alegre, and some peripheral municipalities. Keywords: Regional inequalities; Idese; Theil index. Artigo recebido em 13 out. 2014

    Use of Limpograss as an Alternative Feed During the Fall Forage Gap in Beef and Dairy Systems in Central and North Florida

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    In central and North Florida, the use of limpograss [Hemarthria altissima (Poir.) Stapf & C. E. Hubb.] for beef and dairy operations is limited and its potential use is not well documented. Two on-farm projects have been conducted in Central and North Florida to explore the use of limpograss as an alternative conserved forage during late fall and winter. The potential use of this forage as baleage for dairy farmers and as stockpiling for livestock producers would offer another alternative to reduce feed costs and fill the forage gap in the area when typical warm-season forages go dormant. In addition, the on-farm limpograss establishment would serve as dissemination for the limpograss planting material. Four dairy farms in Central and North Florida were enrolled in the study to evaluate two cultivars of limpograss for their potential when conserved as baleage. Four 0.2 ha strips were planted per farm, two for each variety (‘Kenhy’ and ‘Gibtuck’). The strips were arranged in a randomized complete block design, with two replicates in each location. Before wrapping the harvested forage for baleage, samples were taken to evaluate crude protein (CP) and in vitro digestible organic matter concentration (IVDOM). In addition, samples of fresh baleage at 60 and 90 d were analyzed for fermentation profile (pH, organic acids, and ammonia). Four beef cattle farms in North Florida allowed us to plant 1 ha of ‘Gibtuck’ for stockpiling evaluating the nutritive value at 30, 60, 90, and 120 days. Each plot was replicated four times and allocated in a randomized complete block design. The fermentation profile from the bales does not show differences between cultivars (P \u3e 0.05) and the pH is lower than 5 indicating that the fermentation process was successful. The CP and IVDOM of the stockpiling limpograss were different among the treatments (P \u3c 0.001)

    Curved Tails in Polymerization-Based Bacterial Motility

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    The curved actin ``comet-tail'' of the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes is a visually striking signature of actin polymerization-based motility. Similar actin tails are associated with Shigella flexneri, spotted-fever Rickettsiae, the Vaccinia virus, and vesicles and microspheres in related in vitro systems. We show that the torque required to produce the curvature in the tail can arise from randomly placed actin filaments pushing the bacterium or particle. We find that the curvature magnitude determines the number of actively pushing filaments, independent of viscosity and of the molecular details of force generation. The variation of the curvature with time can be used to infer the dynamics of actin filaments at the bacterial surface.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Latex2

    A Novel Technique to Label Cover Crop Biomass Using Stable Isotopes

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    Stable isotopes can be used as tracers for carbon and nitrogen pathways being a great tool to track nutrients in integrated systems. The objective of this experiment was to understand the partitioning of 15N and 13C within cover crop plants when they were labeled with stable isotopes, using chambers under field conditions. Cover crops were planted at the University of Florida, North Florida Research and Education Center-Marianna, located in Marianna, FL. Treatments were four cover crops, in which one was considered a typical cover crop system and the other three consisted of an integrated crop-livestock system with or without the inclusion of legume or different nitrogen fertilizer rates grazed every two weeks. All treatments were replicated three times in a randomized complete block design. Two chambers were built and placed in each plot to label the cover crop plants. For the 15N labeling, 15N2-labeled urea (98 atom% 15N) was applied at a rate of 0.5 kg N ha-1 only once. The target amount of 13CO2 (99 atom% 13C) was determined considering a 20% enrichment of the CO2 concentration present inside the chamber’s volume. The 13CO2 labeling was performed for 28 consecutive days. The labeling technique using chambers and stable isotopes to enrich cover crop species worked under field conditions for both, grass and legume species. Moving forward, this labeling technique can be a useful tool to track nutrient pathways, especially litter decomposition in diversified integrated crop and livestock systems under different management practices

    Update on the correlation of the highest energy cosmic rays with nearby extragalactic matter

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    Data collected by the Pierre Auger Observatory through 31 August 2007 showed evidence for anisotropy in the arrival directions of cosmic rays above the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuz'min energy threshold, \nobreak{6×10196\times 10^{19}eV}. The anisotropy was measured by the fraction of arrival directions that are less than 3.1∘3.1^\circ from the position of an active galactic nucleus within 75 Mpc (using the V\'eron-Cetty and V\'eron 12th12^{\rm th} catalog). An updated measurement of this fraction is reported here using the arrival directions of cosmic rays recorded above the same energy threshold through 31 December 2009. The number of arrival directions has increased from 27 to 69, allowing a more precise measurement. The correlating fraction is (38−6+7)(38^{+7}_{-6})%, compared with 2121% expected for isotropic cosmic rays. This is down from the early estimate of (69−13+11)(69^{+11}_{-13})%. The enlarged set of arrival directions is examined also in relation to other populations of nearby extragalactic objects: galaxies in the 2 Microns All Sky Survey and active galactic nuclei detected in hard X-rays by the Swift Burst Alert Telescope. A celestial region around the position of the radiogalaxy Cen A has the largest excess of arrival directions relative to isotropic expectations. The 2-point autocorrelation function is shown for the enlarged set of arrival directions and compared to the isotropic expectation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physics on 31 August 201

    The Fluorescence Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory is a hybrid detector for ultra-high energy cosmic rays. It combines a surface array to measure secondary particles at ground level together with a fluorescence detector to measure the development of air showers in the atmosphere above the array. The fluorescence detector comprises 24 large telescopes specialized for measuring the nitrogen fluorescence caused by charged particles of cosmic ray air showers. In this paper we describe the components of the fluorescence detector including its optical system, the design of the camera, the electronics, and the systems for relative and absolute calibration. We also discuss the operation and the monitoring of the detector. Finally, we evaluate the detector performance and precision of shower reconstructions.Comment: 53 pages. Submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section

    Hereditary renal adysplasia, pulmonary hypoplasia and Mayer-Rokitansky-KĂźster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hereditary renal adysplasia is an autosomal dominant trait with incomplete penetrance and variable expression that is usually associated with malformative combinations (including MĂźllerian anomalies) affecting different mesodermal organs such as the heart, lung, and urogenital system.</p> <p>Case report</p> <p>A case showing pulmonary hypoplasia, hip dysplasia, hereditary renal adysplasia, and Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome in adulthood is reported here. The i.v. pyelography showed right renal agenesis with a normal left kidney and ureter. Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging also showed right renal agenesis with multicystic embryonary remnants in the right hemipelvis probably corresponding to a dysgenetic kidney. An uretrocystoscopy showed absence of ectopic ureter and of the right hemitrigone. She was scheduled for a diagnostic laparoscopy and creation of a neovagina according to the McIndoe technique with a prosthesis and skin graft. Laparoscopy confirmed the absence of the uterus. On both sides, an elongated, solid, rudimentary uterine horn could be observed. Both ovaries were also elongated, located high in both abdominal flanks and somewhat dysgenetics. A conventional cytogenetic study revealed a normal female karyotype 46, XX at a level of 550 GTG bands. A CGH analysis was performed using a 244K oligoarray CGH detecting 11 copy number variants described as normal variants in the databases. The 17q12 and 22q11.21 microdeletions described in other MRKH patients were not present in this case. Four years after operation her evolution is normal, without symptoms and the neovagina is adequately functional. The geneticists have studied her family history and the pedigree of the family is shown.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We suggest that primary damage to the mesoderm (paraaxil, intermediate, and lateral) caused by mutations in a yet unidentified gene is responsible for: 1) skeletal dysplasia, 2) inappropriate interactions between the bronchial mesoderm and endodermal lung bud as well as between the blastema metanephric and ureteric bud, and eventually 3) MĂźllerian anomalies (peritoneal mesothelium) at the same level. These anomalies would be transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait with incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity.</p

    Performance of CMS muon reconstruction in pp collision events at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV

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    The performance of muon reconstruction, identification, and triggering in CMS has been studied using 40 inverse picobarns of data collected in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV at the LHC in 2010. A few benchmark sets of selection criteria covering a wide range of physics analysis needs have been examined. For all considered selections, the efficiency to reconstruct and identify a muon with a transverse momentum pT larger than a few GeV is above 95% over the whole region of pseudorapidity covered by the CMS muon system, abs(eta) < 2.4, while the probability to misidentify a hadron as a muon is well below 1%. The efficiency to trigger on single muons with pT above a few GeV is higher than 90% over the full eta range, and typically substantially better. The overall momentum scale is measured to a precision of 0.2% with muons from Z decays. The transverse momentum resolution varies from 1% to 6% depending on pseudorapidity for muons with pT below 100 GeV and, using cosmic rays, it is shown to be better than 10% in the central region up to pT = 1 TeV. Observed distributions of all quantities are well reproduced by the Monte Carlo simulation.Comment: Replaced with published version. Added journal reference and DO
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