157 research outputs found


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    En la acuicultura intensiva existe una práctica creciente encaminada a maximizar tanto el crecimiento como la productividad de los peces mediante altas densidades de producción, dietas altamente energéticas y elevados regímenes de alimentación. Sin embargo, debido al interés en aumentar los mecanismos de control y mejora del bienestar animal, es necesario encontrar nuevos marcadores que evalúen la actividad piscícola. En este sentido, el uso de marcadores mitocondriales de estrés oxidativo y lipotoxicidad constituyen una herramienta indispensable para evaluar los riesgos sobre el bienestar de los peces. Es importante reseñar que cada uno de estos marcadores ofrece una información complementaria e integradora de especial interés cuando se considera una determinada especie, tejido y factor de estrés. Uno de esos mecanismos es la chaperona mitocondrial de la familia de las proteínas de choque térmico 70 (proteína regulada por la glucosa 75, GRP75/mortalina), que protege a los componentes mitocondriales de las especies reactivas de oxígeno (ROS). Un segundo mecanismo es el llevado a cabo por las proteínas desacopladoras (UCP), una familia de transportadores mitocondriales que desacoplan la fosforilación oxidativa mediante la descarga neta del gradiente de protones y la disminución de la producción de ROS en un ambiente rico en ácidos grasos. La caracterización molecular de la GRP75/mortalina y las UCPs en dorada (Sparus aurata) reveló un alto grado de conservación de los rasgos estructurales y parentesco evolutivo de estas familias de proteínas. En el caso de la GRP75/mortalina, esto permitió el uso de anticuerpos heterólogos para el análisis de expresión a nivel de proteína. Sin embargo, para la UCP1 y UCP3 fue necesario la evaluación de la actividad mediante medidas de respiración mitocondrial y la producción de anticuerpos específicos.Bermejo Nogales, A. (2012). MARCADORES MITOCONDRIALES DE ESTRÉS OXIDATIVO Y LIPOTOXICIDAD EN DORADA (Sparus aurata) [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/15189Palanci

    Physic-chemical study of the marismeña cattle breed meat in different fattening systems

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    Marismeña cattle breed is a feral population included in a pre-zootechnic agro-ecosystem, the Doñana protected area. In spite of these characteristics so exclusives, the absence of characterization of their products difficults the finding of a way of commercialization differentiated of the typical commerce, adding value to product by way of a differentiated quality. The preliminary results of a meat physic-chemical study are presented. Seventeen animals of the breed have been studied reared in two different systems of fattening: its natural context and a commercial fattening station. Meat shown significant differences between the management systems for the results of the chemical analysis and colour at 24 hours posmortem. Animals belonging to the extensive system shown meat low in fat, with a high percentage of humidity, and colour with lower tone of red (p<0.01) and yellow (p<0.001), when compared with intensive animals. Results demonstrated a differentiation between both systems, together with some arguments to differentiate the products of this breed in the market.El bovino Marismeño es una entidad racial asilvestrada incluida en un sistema agroecológico prezootécnico, el Espacio Natural de Doñana que no encuentra una vía de comercialización adecuada que la diferencie de lo típicamente comercial, y, por tanto, agregue valor para competir mediante una calidad diferenciada. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados preliminares del estudio físico-químico de la carne. Se han estudiado 17 animales de la raza en dos sistemas de terminación diferentes, su entorno natural (extensivo) y un cebadero comercial (intensivo). La carne mostró diferencias significativas entre los sistemas de producción para los resultados de los análisis químicos y el color a las 24 horas postmortem. Los animales del sistema extensivo mostraron carnes magras, con un alto porcentaje de humedad, y una coloración con menores intensidades de rojo (p<0,01) y amarillo (p<0,001), comparada con los animales del intensivo. Los resultados demuestran una diferenciación entre ambos sistemas, a la vez que se hallan algunas características que conducen a la diferenciación del producto de esta raza bovina en el mercado

    First results in the study of the morphology present status of the andalusian black cattle breed

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    Andalusian Black cattle breed is in danger of extinction alter to go out of the border of the disappearance. Moreover, the present situation of the Spanish farming, its belonging to the Iberian Black branch, producing a high pressure from other related breeds with a better productive potentiality. Studies for the breed conservation have begun, among them, the morphological study. By the moment 3 different farms without known influences from other breeds and 24 adult females have been recorded for 14 quantitative morphological traits, and some qualitative such as front profile and coat colour. Studied individuals presented few morphological variation and it put the breed near of the breed morphological pattern updating.La raza Negra Andaluza se encuentra en peligro de extinción tras haber estado al borde de la desaparición. Además de la actual situación de la ganadería española, a lo anterior ha contribuido su pertenencia al tronco Negro Ibérico, y la gran presión que razas con un potencial más desarrollado han ejercido sobre ésta. Se han comenzado los estudios necesarios para la conservación de este recurso genético, entre ellos, el estudio morfológico. Hasta el momento se han estudiado 3 ganaderías diferentes sin influencia genética de otras razas y un total de 24 hembras adultas en las que se han tomado 14 medidas morfológicas. Además se han observado variables cualitativas, como el perfil y la capa. Los individuos estudiados presentan poca variación morfológica entre ellos y, por tanto, acercan a la actualización del patrón morfológico de la raza

    Camel Genetic Resources Conservation through Tourism: A Key Sociocultural Approach of Camelback Leisure Riding

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    Camels are exotic elements, which can be comprised within adventure travel companies promoting ecotourism activities. Such recreations contribute to sustainable livelihoods for local communities and educational empowerment towards nature and its conservation. At present, some local camel breeds’ survival reduces to this animal-based leisure industry and its reliability to perform and promote customized services accurately. By conducting an on-site questionnaire to customers participating in camelback riding tours, we assessed the motivational factors affecting participation, satisfaction, and loyalty in this tourism segment that may have made it socially differentiated. The sixfold combination of staff performance, culture geography, diverse and humane close interaction, camel behavior and performance, sociotemporal context, and positive previous experience involves the elemental dimensions that explain customer satisfaction and return intention probability within this entertainment business. Customer knowledge is essential for stakeholders to build personalized riding experiences and align profits with environmental sustainability and biodiversity mainstream concerns into their everyday operations. In turn, domestic camel tourist rides could be managed as a viable path to nature conservation by helping endangered local breeds to avoid their functional devaluation and potential extinction

    Genetic evolution of weights and growing in segureño sheep in a decade of mass selection

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    The evolution of the mean breeding values and its mean fiability of the weight and growing traits are descrived in the Segureño sheep breed have been studied using the information of the breeding program of the breed. These values have been obtained using BLUP animal model enclosing maternal effects, what permited observe the evolution along a decade of mass selection. In this estimation have been employed 36000 values from 105 herds of the meat control program of the breed collected during the period 1999-2002.Se describen la evolución de los valores genéticos promedio así como de la fiabilidad media de los mismos en los caracteres productivos de peso y crecimiento en el ovino Segureño utilizando la información resultante del esquema de selección de la raza. Los mencionados valores se han obtenido utilizando un BLUP modelo animal con efectos maternos, obteniéndose así tanto los valores genéticos directos como maternos, lo que nos ha permitido observar la evolución de los mismos durante una década de selección masal. En esta estimación se han utilizado más de 36000 observaciones obtenidas en 105 rebaños del núcleo de control de rendimientos cárnicos de la raza, recogidos entre los años 1999 y 2002

    The Study of Growth and Performance in Local Chicken Breeds and Varieties: A Review of Methods and Scientific Transference

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    A review of the scientific advances in the study of the growth and performance in native chicken breeds and varieties over the past 20 years was performed. Understanding the growth patterns of native breeds can only be achieved if the constraints characterizing these populations are considered and treated accordingly. Contextually, the determination of researchers to use the same research methods and study designs applied in international commercial poultry populations conditions the accuracy of the model, variability capturing ability, and the observational or predictive performance when the data of the local population are fitted. Highly skewed sex ratios favouring females, an inappropriate census imbalance compensation and a lack of population structure render models that are regularly deemed effective as invalid to issue solid and sound conclusions. The wider the breed diversity is in a country, the higher the scientific attention paid to these populations. A detailed discussion of the most appropriate models and underlying reasons for their suitability and the reasons preventing the use of others in these populations is provided. Furthermore, the factors conditioning the scientific reception and impact of related publications used to transfer these results to the broad scientific public were evaluated to serve as guidance for the maximization of the success and dissemination of local breed information

    Metabolic and transcriptional responses of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) to environmental stress: New insights in fish mitochondrial phenotyping

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    The aim of the current study was to phenotype fish metabolism and the transcriptionally-mediated response of hepatic mitochondria of gilthead sea bream to intermittent and repetitive environmental stressors: (i) changes in water temperature (T-ST), (ii) changes in water level and chasing (C-ST) and (iii) multiple sensory perception stressors (M-ST). Gene expression profiling was done using a quantitative PCR array of 60 mitochondria-related genes, selected as markers of transcriptional regulation, oxidative metabolism, respiration uncoupling, antioxidant defense, protein import/folding/assembly, and mitochondrial dynamics and apoptosis. The mitochondrial phenotype mirrored changes in fish performance, haematology and lactate production. T-ST especially up-regulated transcriptional factors (PGC1α, NRF1, NRF2), rate limiting enzymes of fatty acid β-oxidation (CPT1A) and tricarboxylic acid cycle (CS), membrane translocases (Tim/TOM complex) and molecular chaperones (mtHsp10, mtHsp60, mtHsp70) to improve the oxidative capacity in a milieu of a reduced feed intake and impaired haematology. The lack of mitochondrial response, increased production of lactate and negligible effects on growth performance in C-ST fish were mostly considered as a switch from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism. A strong down-regulation of PGC1α, NRF1, NRF2, CPT1A, CS and markers of mitochondrial dynamics and apoptosis (BAX, BCLX, MFN2, MIRO2) occurred in M-ST fish in association with the greatest circulating cortisol concentration and a reduced lactate production and feed efficiency, which represents a metabolic condition with the highest allostatic load score. These findings evidence a high mitochondrial plasticity against stress stimuli, providing new insights to define the threshold level of stress condition in fish. © 2014 Elsevier Inc.This work was funded by the EU AQUAEXCEL (Aquaculture Infrastructures for Excellence in European Fish Research, FP7/2007/2013; grant agreement No. 262336), and the Spanish AQUAGENOMICS (CSD2007-00002, Improvement of aquaculture production by the use of biotechnological tools) projects. Additional funding was obtained by Generalitat Valenciana (research grant PROMETEO 2010/006).Peer Reviewe

    Characterisation of biological growth curves of different varieties of an endangered native hen breed kept under free range conditions

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    The aim of this study is to model the growth samples of four varieties (White, Black, Partridge, Franciscan) of Spanish Utrerana hen breed, which is endangered, by using Brody, Von Bertalanffy, Verhulst, Logistic and Gompertz models. For this purpose, a total of 16,235 weight data observations from 2004 animals reared in free range system were collected. Logistic was the best suited model for predicting the biological growth curve of White variety in both sexes, while Von Bertalanffy was the best fitting model for the rest of individuals of the breed, based on the 5 goodness-of-fit and flexibility criteria: Pseudo-R2 , mean squared error, Akaike information criterion, Bayesian information criterion and the biological coherence of the estimated parameters. Black variety was the heaviest, with values of 2605.96 and 2032.61 g (for males and females, respectively) for a parameter, while White variety presented the lowest maturity weight (a ¼ 2442.99 and 1874.24 g, for males and females, respectively). Conclusively, this growth characterisation is essential for the conservation of the Utrerana hen, to search for new market niches and a greater profitability to this differentiated product.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tissue-Specific Orchestration of Gilthead Sea Bream Resilience to Hypoxia and High Stocking Density

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    Two different O-2 levels (normoxia: 75-85% O-2 saturation; moderate hypoxia: 42-43% O-2 saturation) and stocking densities (LD: 9.5, and HD: 19 kg/m(3)) were assessed on gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) in a 3-week feeding trial. Reduced O-2 availability had a negative impact on feed intake and growth rates, which was exacerbated by HD despite of the improvement in feed efficiency. Blood physiological hallmarks disclosed the enhancement in O-2-carrying capacity in fish maintained under moderate hypoxia. This feature was related to a hypo-metabolic state to cope with a chronic and widespread environmental O-2 reduction, which was accompanied by a differential regulation of circulating cortisol and growth hormone levels. Customized PCR-arrays were used for the simultaneous gene expression profiling of 34-44 selected stress and metabolic markers in liver, white skeletal muscle, heart, and blood cells. The number of differentially expressed genes ranged between 22 and 19 in liver, heart, and white skeletal muscle to 5 in total blood cells. Partial Least-Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) explained [R2Y(cum)] and predicted [Q2Y(cum)] up to 95 and 65% of total variance, respectively. The first component (R2Y = 0.2889) gathered fish on the basis of O-2 availability, and liver and cardiac genes on the category of energy sensing and oxidative metabolism (cs, hif-1 alpha, pgc1 alpha, pgc1 beta, sirts 1-2-4-5-6-7), antioxidant defense and tissue repair (prdx5, sod2, mortalin, gpx4, gr, grp-170, and prdx3) and oxidative phosphorylation (nd2, nd5, and coxi) highly contributed to this separation. The second component (R2Y = 0.2927) differentiated normoxic fish at different stocking densities, and the white muscle clearly promoted this separation by a high over-representation of genes related to GH/IGF system (ghr-i, igfbp6b, igfbp5b, insr, igfbp3, and igf-i). The third component (R2Y = 0.2542) discriminated the effect of stocking density in fish exposed to moderate hypoxia by means of hepatic fatty acid desaturases (fads2, scd1a, and scd1b) and muscle markers of fatty acid oxidation (cpt1a). All these findings disclose the different contribution of analyzed tissues (liver >= heart > muscle > blood) and specific genes to the hypoxic- and crowding stress-mediated responses. This study will contribute to better explain and understand the different stress resilience of farmed fish across individuals and species