132 research outputs found

    Blinded by the light: on the relationship between CO first overtone emission and mass accretion rate in massive young stellar objects

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    To date, there is no explanation as to why disc-tracing CO first overtone (or ‘bandhead’) emission is not a ubiquitous feature in low- to medium-resolution spectra of massive young stellar objects (MYSOs), but instead is only detected towards approximately 25 per cent of their spectra. In this paper, we investigate the hypothesis that only certain mass accretion rates result in detectable bandhead emission in the near-infrared spectra of MYSOs. Using an analytic disc model combined with an LTE model of the CO emission, we find that high accretion rates (≳10⁻⁎ M⊙ yr⁻Âč) result in large dust sublimation radii, a larger contribution to the K-band continuum from hot dust at the dust sublimation radius, and therefore correspondingly lower CO emission with respect to the continuum. On the other hand, low accretion rates (â‰Č10⁻⁶ M⊙ yr⁻Âč) result in smaller dust sublimation radii, a correspondingly smaller emitting area of CO, and thus also lower CO emission with respect to the continuum. In general, moderate accretion rates produce the most prominent, and therefore detectable, CO first overtone emission. We compare our findings to a recent near-infrared spectroscopic survey of MYSOs, finding results consistent with our hypothesis. We conclude that the detection rate of CO bandhead emission in the spectra of MYSOs could be the result of MYSOs exhibiting a range of mass accretion rates, perhaps due to the variable accretion suggested by recent multi-epoch observations of these objects

    MOOC como herramienta para el aprendizaje de contenidos especĂ­ficos en el ĂĄrea de la FisiologĂ­a

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    Teniendo en cuenta que el aprendizaje integral y la implementaciĂłn de las TICs estĂĄn cada vez mĂĄs integradas en el sistema educativo, la creaciĂłn de “cĂĄpsulas educativas”-MOOCs son una herramienta creativa que puede ayudar al alumnado en la asimilaciĂłn de los conocimientos. AdemĂĄs, al ser una herramienta de duraciĂłn corta les obliga resumir la informaciĂłn, destacar la mĂĄs importante y ser capaces de trasmitirla. Para ello, el objetivo principal de esta propuesta de innovaciĂłn docente ha sido elaborar una nueva herramienta docente y aplicarla en el ĂĄrea de FisiologĂ­a, en concreto en la asignatura de FisiologĂ­a Celular y Humana del Grado en Farmacia. Para ello se formaron diferentes grupos de estudiantes a los que les asignĂł una temĂĄtica relacionada con el ĂĄrea de FisiologĂ­a y dos tutores (participantes en el equipo de investigaciĂłn) que los han acompañado en la creaciĂłn de MOOC. Por otro lado, se creĂł el grupo de evaluadores externos, responsables para la evaluaciĂłn de la capsula educativa definitiva. Para facilitar el desarrollo del proyecto, antes del comienzo del proyecto se elaboraron y se consensuaron las rĂșbricas necesarias para evaluar el proceso de la creaciĂłn de MOOC por parte de los tutores y evaluadores. La comunicaciĂłn entre los grupos de estudiantes y de los miembros del equipo de investigaciĂłn se ha realizado usando el correo electrĂłnico y con documentos compartidos en la nube de la UGR. Las diferentes tutorĂ­as entre los tutores asignados y los grupos de los alumnos, se han realizado por Google Meet. La nota final de las capsulas educativas, ha sido resultado de la interacciĂłn tanto del equipo de tutores como de evaluadores externos. Al final del proceso se ha hecho una exposiciĂłn de las capsulas educativas en la clase con los demĂĄs compañeros. Al finalizar el proceso, se ha utilizado la plataforma de Google Forms para recibir las opiniones de los estudiantes y recoger sus propuestas. SegĂșn las opiniones manifestadas, la iniciativa de aplicar esta herramienta en el ĂĄrea de FisiologĂ­a ha recibido muy buenas crĂ­ticas sobre todo sobre la innovaciĂłn de la propuesta. El alumnado por otro lado destacĂł que le gustarĂ­a encontrar esta herramienta en otras asignaturas. Sin embargo, tambiĂ©n mencionaron que les gustarĂ­a saber algo mĂĄs sobre aplicaciones disponibles para elaborar los videos y poder ser aĂșn mĂĄs creativos. Por Ășltimo, se usarĂĄ la plataforma zenodo para la difusiĂłn y divulgaciĂłn de los trabajos creados para que los demĂĄs estudiantes puedan consultarlos. Los resultados de esta propuesta se publicarĂĄn en congresos docentes nacionales e internacionales con el objetivo de compartir la experiencia con otros docentes e intentar implementar esta herramienta en asignaturas de ĂĄreas afines.Considering that comprehensive learning and the implementation of ICTs are increasingly integrated into the educational system, the creation of "educational capsules"-MOOCs are a creative tool that can help students assimilate knowledge. In addition, having a limited duration forces them to summarize the information, highlight the most important and be able to transmit it. For this, the main objective of this teaching proposal was the development of a new teaching tool and apply it in Physiology, specifically in the subject of Cellular and Human Physiology of the Degree in Pharmacy. For this, different groups of students were formed and a specific subject was assigned to them, related to the area of Physiology. Moreover, two tutors (member of the research team) were assigned to each group and have accompanied them in the creation of MOOCs. On the other hand, the group of external evaluators, responsible for the evaluation of the educational capsule, was created. To facilitate the development of the project, prior to the beginning of the project, the necessary rubrics were prepared and discussed between the different members, to be able to evaluate the process of creating MOOCs by both the tutors and evaluators. Communication between the student groups and the members of the research team was maintained using emails and documents were shared in the UGR cloud. The meetings between the assigned tutors and the student groups have been carried out through Google Meet. The grade of the educational capsules has resulted as the median of tutors as well the external evaluators. Once created, MOOCs were presented in the rest of the classroom with the other classmates. At the end of the process, the Google Forms platform has been used to fulfil a questionnaire and collect the opinions of the students and collect their proposals for future improvements. According to the opinions expressed, the initiative to apply this tool in the Physiology area has received very good reviews by the students, especially regarding the innovation of the proposal. The students, on the other hand, highlighted that they would like to be able to use this tool in other subjects of their carreer. However, they also mentioned that they would like to know more about available applications to make videos, a fact that would help them be even more creative. Finally, the zenodo platform will be used for the dissemination of the works created so that other students can consult them. The results of this proposal will be published in national and international teaching conferences with the aim of sharing the experience with other teachers and trying to implement this tool in subjects in related areas.Universidad de Granad

    ¿Quiénes gobiernan los municipios mexiquenses?

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    El objetivo general de la obra es explicar quiĂ©nes son los presidentes municipales del Estado de MĂ©xico. Se busca analizar el perfil profesional de los presidentes y presidentas municipales, a partir de su preparaciĂłn acadĂ©mica, perfil profesional y experiencia polĂ­tico-administrativa. En este libro ademĂĄs del nivel acadĂ©mico y profesional, se busca profundizar en la experiencia, trayectoria social y competencias adquiridas y mostradas en el desempeño de aquellas personas que ocupan el cargo de presidente municipal. Un valor agregado de esta obra consiste en enfocarse tanto en alcaldes de los grandes centros de la entidad (Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de MĂ©xico y del Valle de Toluca), como de las localidades ubicadas en regiones alejadas de los polos urbanos y de desarrollo econĂłmico. Se busca abordar todas las problemĂĄticas y particularidades del Estado de MĂ©xico, por lo que se seleccionarĂĄn localidades claves en las distintas regiones; los criterios serĂĄn de tipo econĂłmico, social, cultural y polĂ­tico (densidad de poblaciĂłn, partidos gobernantes, alternancia, gobernabilidad, gĂ©nero y desarrollo urbano). El estudio se justifica por la necesidad de relacionar planteamientos teĂłricos vinculados, que se han tratado por separado, nos referimos a la profesionalizaciĂłn y al desempeño gubernamental del presidente municipal. Se trata de aclarar aspectos fundamentales del cargo de mayor jerarquĂ­a en el nivel municipal, revelar certezas sobre su formaciĂłn, preparaciĂłn y experiencia para ocupar y desempañar un cargo de autoridad polĂ­tica, dotado de competencias de direcciĂłn, organizaciĂłn y toma de decisiones en la administraciĂłn local. En cuanto al tratamiento de la problemĂĄtica, si agregamos a la naturaleza del cargo del alcalde, las constantes alternancias que se han presentado en las Ășltimas dĂ©cadas, podemos entender por quĂ© la preparaciĂłn, perfil y experiencia del alcalde es de suma importancia. El presidente municipal que accede al poder por un partido distinto al que estaba gobernando, teĂłricamente suele mostrar diferencias positivas en su desempeño, con decisiones mĂĄs adecuadas a los problemas y buscando siempre el bien comĂșn; por ello es relevante conocer y explicar si la experiencia y el perfil profesional del alcalde se relaciona con su desempeño. Este es un estudio de caso, pues nos centramos en el presidente municipal, quien es la mĂĄxima autoridad polĂ­tica en las localidades mexiquenses. Debido a que nos ocuparemos del perfil profesional, preparaciĂłn, experiencia polĂ­tica y administrativa de los alcaldes mexiquenses, el enfoque teĂłrico de partida es el de la ProfesionalizaciĂłn, en tanto que se considera que en la medida en que haya una mejor formaciĂłn y capacitaciĂłn en las tareas de gobierno, en esa medida se posibilita mejor la ejecuciĂłn de decisiones que benefician a la sociedad y se vislumbrarĂĄ, asĂ­, un mejor gobierno.Miguel Ángel SĂĄnchez Ramo

    Ecological and Physiological Studies of Gymnodinium catenatum in the Mexican Pacific: A Review

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    This review presents a detailed analysis of the state of knowledge of studies done in Mexico related to the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum, a paralytic toxin producer. This species was first reported in the Gulf of California in 1939; since then most studies in Mexico have focused on local blooms and seasonal variations. G. catenatum is most abundant during March and April, usually associated with water temperatures between 18 and 25 ÂșC and an increase in nutrients. In vitro studies of G. catenatum strains from different bays along the Pacific coast of Mexico show that this species can grow in wide ranges of salinities, temperatures, and N:P ratios. Latitudinal differences are observed in the toxicity and toxin profile, but the presence of dcSTX, dcGTX2-3, C1, and C2 are usual components. A common characteristic of the toxin profile found in shellfish, when G. catenatum is present in the coastal environment, is the detection of dcGTX2-3, dcSTX, C1, and C2. Few bioassay studies have reported effects in mollusks and lethal effects in mice, and shrimp; however no adverse effects have been observed in the copepod Acartia clausi. Interestingly, genetic sequencing of D1-D2 LSU rDNA revealed that it differs only in one base pair, compared with strains from other regions

    Scientific output on transsexuality in the Spanish biomedical literature: Bibliometric and content analysis (1973-2011)

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    Objetivo: Explorar la evoluciĂłn del conocimiento cientĂ­fico sobre transexualidad durante los Ășltimos 40 años, a travĂ©s de un anĂĄlisis bibliomĂ©trico y de contenido de la producciĂłn de la literatura biomĂ©dica española sobre la transexualidad entre los años 1973 y 2011. MĂ©todo: Descriptivo y transversal. Universo: artĂ­culos biomĂ©dicos españoles sobre transexualidad publicados entre 1973 y 2011. Fuente: ÍndiceMĂ©dico Español e ISOC-Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. AnĂĄlisis: bibliomĂ©trico y de contenido de las publicaciones biomĂ©dicas. Resultados: 65 artĂ­culos biomĂ©dicos analizados. Entre 1973 y 1984, en España, el conocimiento sobre transexualidad se produce y circula en revistas mĂ©dicas. En 1996 se inicia una dĂ©cada de gran productividad, y en los años siguientes el nĂșmero de revistas que publican sobre transexualidad se multiplica. Hasta 2006, año de mayor productividad biomĂ©dica, los discursos biomĂ©dicos reproducen representaciones de la transexualidad ancladas en el determinismo biolĂłgico. En el perĂ­odo 2008-2011, los y las profesionales incorporan teorĂ­as feministas y perspectivas sociales en sus discursos. Conclusiones: En el Ășltimo cuarto del siglo xx, el discurso mĂ©dico dominante ha considerado las manifestaciones de las personas transexuales desde una perspectiva biologicista que concibe la transexualidad como un error de correspondencia sexo/gĂ©nero. En los Ășltimos años, la apariciĂłn de nuevas categorĂ­as de identidad y la reflexiĂłn desde posturas no esencialistas y normativas del gĂ©nero favorece la gestiĂłn clĂ­nica de la transexualidad.Objective: To explore the scientific output on transsexuality in the Spanish biomedical literature between 1973 and 2011, through bibliometric and content analyses. Methods: We carried out a descriptive, cross-sectional study of Spanish biomedical articles on transsexuality published between 1973 and 2011. The data sources consisted of Índice MĂ©dico Español and ISOC-Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. Bibliometric and content analyses were performed. Results: A total of 65 papers were analyzed. Knowledge on transsexuality in Spain began to appear in medical journals between 1973 and 1984. A decade of intense productivity began in 1996 and the number of journals publishing articles on transsexuality multiplied in the following years. Until 2006, the year with the most biomedical productivity, biomedical discourses reproduced representations of transsexuality anchored in biological determinism. From 2008-2011, professionals writing on the topic incorporated feminist theories and social perspectives in their discourses. Conclusions: In the last quarter of the twentieth century, the dominant medical discourse considered manifestations of transsexual people from a biologist perspective that conceives transsexuality as a configuration mismatch between sex and gender. The emergence of new identity categories and medical reflection from non-essentialist and non-normative gender perspectives has improved the clinical management of transsexuality

    Consenso colombiano de atenciĂłn, diagnĂłstico y manejo de la infecciĂłn por SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 en establecimientos de atenciĂłn de la salud Recomendaciones basadas en consenso de expertos e informadas en la evidencia

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    The “AsociaciĂłn Colombiana de InfectologĂ­a” (ACIN) and the “Instituto de EvaluaciĂłn de Nuevas TecnologĂ­as de la Salud” (IETS) created a task force to develop recommendations for Covid 19 health care diagnosis, management and treatment informed, and based, on evidence. Theses reccomendations are addressed to the health personnel on the Colombian context of health services. © 2020 Asociacion Colombiana de Infectologia. All rights reserved

    Antimicrobials: a global alliance for optimizing their rational use in intra-abdominal infections (AGORA)

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    Intra-abdominal infections (IAI) are an important cause of morbidity and are frequently associated with poor prognosis, particularly in high-risk patients. The cornerstones in the management of complicated IAIs are timely effective source control with appropriate antimicrobial therapy. Empiric antimicrobial therapy is important in the management of intra-abdominal infections and must be broad enough to cover all likely organisms because inappropriate initial antimicrobial therapy is associated with poor patient outcomes and the development of bacterial resistance. The overuse of antimicrobials is widely accepted as a major driver of some emerging infections (such as C. difficile), the selection of resistant pathogens in individual patients, and for the continued development of antimicrobial resistance globally. The growing emergence of multi-drug resistant organisms and the limited development of new agents available to counteract them have caused an impending crisis with alarming implications, especially with regards to Gram-negative bacteria. An international task force from 79 different countries has joined this project by sharing a document on the rational use of antimicrobials for patients with IAIs. The project has been termed AGORA (Antimicrobials: A Global Alliance for Optimizing their Rational Use in Intra-Abdominal Infections). The authors hope that AGORA, involving many of the world's leading experts, can actively raise awareness in health workers and can improve prescribing behavior in treating IAIs

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
