25 research outputs found

    Creando comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje en las prácticas curriculares: factores para su desarrollo

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    Las prácticas curriculares son un momento especialmente significativo en la carrera académica de los estudiantes. Significan su primer contacto directo con la profesión después de años de trabajo intelectual, por lo que parece conveniente articular procesos de praxis que faciliten la convergencia entre conocimientos teóricos, situaciones prácticas y toma de decisiones. Por otra parte, nos planteamos que esta riqueza de experiencias diversas de aprendizaje práctico e individual podríamos aprovecharla mejor si las compartimos entre todos los estudiantes del prácticum. Por estas razones, nos propusimos el uso didáctico de la plataforma formativa disponible para la universidad de huelva en el curso 2004-2005 con el propósito de que nos sirviera de apoyo para la creación y desarrollo de una comunidad de aprendizaje entre los estudiantes del prácticum de la diplomatura de educación social. Por tanto, además de ser un vehículo de comunicación entre el tutor y los estudiantes, la finalidad fue servir de espacio para el intercambio y debate de experiencias prácticas vividas y plateadas a modo de problema o caso a resolver .The curricular practices are an especially significant moment in the academic career of the students. They mean their first direct contact with the profession after years of work intellectual, for what seems convenient to articulate practice processes that facilitate the convergence among theoretical knowledge, practical situations and taking of decisions. On the other hand, we think about that this wealth of diverse experiences of practical learning and singular could take advantage of it better if we share them among all the students of the prácticum. For these reasons, we intended the didactic use of the available formative platform for the Huelva University in the course 2004-2005 with the purpose him to serve us as support for the creation and development of a learning community among the students of the prácticum of the career of social education. Therefore, besides being a communication vehicle among the tutor and the students, the purpose it was to serve as space for the exchange and debate of lived practical experiences and silver by way of problem or case to solve

    Efecto financiero del cumplimiento de la resolución No. Nac-dgercgc17-00000295 referente al punto de emisión en el sector de transporte pesado, ubicada en la zona Sur del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, en el año 2021.

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    El presente estudio profundiza el analisis de los efectos financieros de las operadoras que se obtuvieron durante el año 2021, tomando en cuenta el pago del impuesto a la renta que se realizaba en el sector del transporte pesado en la ciudad de Quito, que se encuentran bajo el control del Servicio de Rentas Internas y de la Superintendencia de Compañias. Además de proporcionar información valida con la cual los representantes legales y socios puedan tener una guía sobre como solicitar y emitir el punto de emisión. Este articulo académico intenta conocer los efectos que hubo con esta nueva resolución NO.NAC-DGERCGC17-00000295, donde tomamos en cuenta los puntos más importantes de la norma general para las operadoras del sector del transporte pesado o que ejerzan actividades comerciales excepto taxis, para así poder conocer que beneficios obtuvieron las operadoras después de dicha aplicación, utilizando el método deductivo ya que se fundamentó la idea general que se relaciona con las charlas realizadas con los distintos socios y representantes legales, los cuales nos permitió conocer que actualmente están al día con la resolución del punto de emisión y lo manejan de mejor manera.This study deepens the analysis of the financial effects of the operators that were obtained during the year 2021, taking into account the payment of income tax that was made in the heavy transport sector in the city of Quito, which are under the control of the Internal Revenue Service and the Superintendency of Companies. In addition to providing valid information with which legal representatives and partners can have a guide on how to request and issue the point of issue. This academic article tries to know the effects that there were with this new resolution NO. NACDGERCGC17-00000295, where we take into account the most important points of the general rule for operators in the heavy transport sector or that exercise commercial activities except taxis, in order to know what benefits the operators had after said application, using the deductive method since the general idea that relates to the talks made with the different partners was based and legal representatives, which allowed us to know that they are currently up to date with the resolution of the issue point and handle it in a better way

    Diseño del sistema de seguridad industrial y salud ocupacional de la Empresa “Creaciones Gusmar” conforme las normas técnicas NTE_INEN OHSAS 18001.2010 y 18002, 2010, período 2017

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    El Diseño del Sistema de Seguridad Industrial y Salud Ocupacional de la Empresa Creaciones “GUSMAR” conforme a las normas técnicas NTE_INEN OHSAS 18001.2010 y 18002, 2010, período 2017 fue realizado con la finalidad de ayudar a la empresa a crear una cultura segura dentro de sus instalaciones ya que este sistema sería un apoyo para que la empresa alcance sus objetivos organizacionales; la elaboración del sistema busca mejorar la seguridad dentro de los procesos que se realicen dentro de la empresa en especial en la planta de producción; así mismo busca la eficiencia de sus trabajadores ayudando a reducir los accidentes en sus lugares de trabajo. Los beneficiarios serán los trabajadores de la empresa y sus clientes ya que podrán sentirse seguros realizando sus actividades y los clientes sabiendo que compran su calzado a una empresa responsable con su talento humano. La metodología utilizada nos ayudó a recabar la información necesaria para poder identificar los problemas y las posibles soluciones a las mismas. La importancia de la creación del sistema radica en la reducción de los accidentes y lograr el máximo rendimiento de sus recursos en especial del talento humano pues se fomentará el sentimiento de empoderamiento entre sus trabajadores. Para poder conformar el sistema el mismo que consta de un manual, programa, reglamento, formatos y procedimientos todos estos basados en las normas técnicas NTE_INEN OHSAS 18001.2010 y 18002.2010 los cuales están orientados conjuntamente a cumplir con las expectativas de la gerencia y siempre buscando el beneficio de sus trabajadores.The design of the industrial safety and Occupational health System of Creations “GUSMAR” according to the technical standards NTE_INEN OHSAS 18001.2010 and 18022,2010, period 2014 is intended to help the company to create a safe culture as well as decrease accidents at work and occupational diseases in the production processes as well as all the facilities of the organization. The importance of creating the system lies in the reduction of accidents and the maximum performance of the resources, especially human talent. The NTE_INEN OHSAS 18001.2010 standards deals with “Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – Requirements” and the 18002.2010 are the guidelines for the implementation of the previous standard. Without doubt, these were the basis of the conformation of the system, which contains a manual, a program, regulations, formats, and procedures that are oriented to comply efficiently with the guidelines of the feel at ease within their jobs, since this will be able to promote the empowerment and the increase of the productivity of employees. Therefore, it is recommended to develop constant training programs for all personnel and finally to implement the system proposed in this research work

    Desarrollo de estrategias de marketing y planificación financiera de una distribuidora de productos dermatológicos en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito - Ecuador

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    La propuesta de éste proyecto consiste en desarrollar estrategias de marketing para una distribuidora dermatológica en Quito ya existente alrededor de cinco años, la cual no ha conseguido un impacto fuerte en el mercado; así mismo, se analizó la incidencia financiera de dichas estrategias publicitarias. Tomando en consideración la importancia de sus productos para la empresa se ha aplicado también algunos métodos para el manejo de los inventarios

    Proteomic analysis in morquio a cells treated with immobilized enzymatic replacement therapy on nanostructured lipid systems

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    [ENG]Morquio A syndrome, or mucopolysaccharidosis type IVA (MPS IVA), is a lysosomal storage disease due to mutations in the N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfatase (GALNS) gene. Systemic skeletal dysplasia and the related clinical features of MPS IVA are due to disruption of cartilage and its extracellular matrix, leading to an imbalance of growth. Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with recombinant human GALNS, alpha elosulfase, provides a systemic treatment. However, this therapy has a limited impact on skeletal dysplasia because the infused enzyme cannot penetrate cartilage and bone. Therefore, an alternative therapeutic approach to reach the cartilage is an unmet challenge. We have developed a new drug delivery system based on a nanostructure lipid carrier with the capacity to immobilize enzymes used for ERT and to target the lysosomes. This study aimed to assess the effect of the encapsulated enzyme in this new delivery system, using in vitro proteomic technology. We found a greater internalization of the enzyme carried by nanoparticles inside the cells and an improvement of cellular protein routes previously impaired by the disease, compared with conventional ERT. This is the first qualitative and quantitative proteomic assay that demonstrates the advantages of a new delivery system to improve the MPS IVA ERTS

    Characterization of New Proteomic Biomarker Candidates in Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IVA

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis type IVA (MPS IVA) is a lysosomal storage disease caused by mutations in the N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfatase (GALNS) gene. Skeletal dysplasia and the related clinical features of MPS IVA are caused by disruption of the cartilage and its extracellular matrix, leading to a growth imbalance. Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with recombinant human GALNS has yielded positive results in activity of daily living and endurance tests. However, no data have demonstrated improvements in bone lesions and bone grow thin MPS IVA after ERT, and there is no correlation between therapeutic efficacy and urine levels of keratan sulfate, which accumulates in MPS IVA patients. Using qualitative and quantitative proteomics approaches, we analyzed leukocyte samples from healthy controls (n = 6) and from untreated (n = 5) and ERT-treated (n = 8, sampled before and after treatment) MPS IVA patients to identify potential biomarkers of disease. Out of 690 proteins identified in leukocytes, we selected a group of proteins that were dysregulated in MPS IVA patients with ERT. From these, we identified four potential protein biomarkers, all of which may influence bone and cartilage metabolism: lactotransferrin, coronin 1A, neutral alpha-glucosidase AB, and vitronectin. Further studies of cartilage and bone alterations in MPS IVA will be required to verify the validity of these proteins as potential biomarkers of MPS IVAS

    Temporal analysis of natural variation for the rate of leaf production and its relationship with flowering initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Vegetative growth and flowering initiation are two crucial developmental processes in the life cycle of annual plants that are closely associated. The timing of both processes affects several presumed adaptive traits, such as flowering time (FT), total leaf number (TLN), or the rate of leaf production (RLP). However, the interactions among these complex processes and traits, and their mechanistic bases, remain largely unknown. To determine the genetic relationships between them, the natural genetic variation between A. thaliana accessions Fei-0 and Ler has been studied using a new population of 222 Ler×Fei-0 recombinant inbred lines. Temporal analysis of the parental development under a short day photoperiod distinguishes two vegetative phases differing in their RLP. QTL mapping of RLP in consecutive time intervals of vegetative development indicates that Ler/Fei-0 variation is caused by 10 loci whose small to moderate effects mainly display two different temporal patterns. Further comparative QTL analyses show that most of the genomic regions affecting FT or TLN also alter RLP. In addition, the partially independent genetic bases observed for FT and TLN appear determined by several genomic regions with two different patterns of phenotypic effects: regions with a larger effect on FT than TLN, and vice versa. The distinct temporal and pleiotropic patterns of QTL effects suggest that natural variation for flowering time is caused by different genetic mechanisms involved in vegetative and/or reproductive phase changes, most of them interacting with the control of leaf production rate. Thus, natural selection might contribute to maintain this genetic variation due to its phenotypic effects not only on the timing of flowering initiation but also on the rate of vegetative growth

    First RNA-seq approach to study fruit set and parthenocarpy in zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.)

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    [EN] Background: Zucchini fruit set can be limited due to unfavourable environmental conditions in off-seasons crops that caused ineffective pollination/fertilization. Parthenocarpy, the natural or artificial fruit development without fertilization, has been recognized as an important trait to avoid this problem, and is related to auxin signalling. Nevertheless, differences found in transcriptome analysis during early fruit development of zucchini suggest that other complementary pathways could regulate fruit formation in parthenocarpic cultivars of this species. The development of next-generation sequencing technologies (NGS) as RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) opens a new horizon for mapping and quantifying transcriptome to understand the molecular basis of pathways that could regulate parthenocarpy in this species. The aim of the current study was to analyze fruit transcriptome of two cultivars of zucchini, a non-parthenocarpic cultivar and a parthenocarpic cultivar, in an attempt to identify key genes involved in parthenocarpy. Results: RNA-seq analysis of six libraries (unpollinated, pollinated and auxin treated fruit in a non-parthenocarpic and parthenocarpic cultivar) was performed mapping to a new version of C. pepo transcriptome, with a mean of 92% success rate of mapping. In the non-parthenocarpic cultivar, 6479 and 2186 genes were differentially expressed (DEGs) in pollinated fruit and auxin treated fruit, respectively. In the parthenocarpic cultivar, 10,497 in pollinated fruit and 5718 in auxin treated fruit. A comparison between transcriptome of the unpollinated fruit for each cultivar has been performed determining that 6120 genes were differentially expressed. Annotation analysis of these DEGs revealed that cell cycle, regulation of transcription, carbohydrate metabolism and coordination between auxin, ethylene and gibberellin were enriched biological processes during pollinated and parthenocarpic fruit set. Conclusion: This analysis revealed the important role of hormones during fruit set, establishing the activating role of auxins and gibberellins against the inhibitory role of ethylene and different candidate genes that could be useful as markers for parthenocarpic selection in the current breeding programs of zucchini.Research worked is supported by the project RTA2014-00078 from the Spanish Institute of Agronomy Research INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria) and also PP.AVA.AVA201601.7, FEDER y FSE (Programa Operativo FSE de Andalucia 2007-2013 "Andalucia se mueve con Europa"). TPV is supported by a FPI scholarship from RTA2011-00044-C02-01/02 project of INIA. The funding agencies were not involved in the design of the study, collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript.Pomares-Viciana, T.; Del Rio-Celestino, M.; Roman, B.; Die, J.; Picó Sirvent, MB.; Gómez, P. (2019). First RNA-seq approach to study fruit set and parthenocarpy in zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.). BMC Plant Biology. 19:1-20. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-019-1632-2S12019Varga A, Bruinsma J. Tomato. In: Monselise SP, editor. CRC Handbook of Fruit Set and Development. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1986. p. 461–80.Nepi M, Cresti L, Guarnieri M, Pacini E. Effect of relative humidity on water content, viability and carbohydrate profile of Petunia hybrid and Cucurbita pepo pollen. Plant Syst Evol. 2010;284:57–64.Gustafson FG. Parthenocarpy: natural and artificial. Bot Rev. 1942;8:599–654.Robinson RW, Reiners S. Parthenocarpy in summer squash. Hortscience. 1999;34:715–7.Pomares-Viciana T, Die J, Del Río-Celestino M, Román B, Gómez P. Auxin signalling regulation during induced and parthenocarpic fruit set in zucchini. Mol Breeding. 2017;37:56.Ozga JA, Reinecke DM. Hormonal interactions in fruit development. J Plant Growth Regul. 2003;22:73–81.Kim IS, Okubo H, Fujieda K. Endogenous levels of IAA in relation to parthenocarpy in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L). Sci Hortic. 1992;52:1–8.Olimpieri I, Siligato F, Caccia R, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, Soressi GP, et al. Tomato fruit set driven by pollination or by the parthenocarpic fruit allele are mediated by transcriptionally regulated gibberellin biosynthesis. Planta. 2007;226:877–88.Cui L, Zhang T, Li J, Lou Q, Chen J. Cloning and expression analysis of Cs-TIR1/AFB2: the fruit development-related genes of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Acta Physiol Plant. 2014;36:139–49.De Jong M, Wolters-Arts J, Feron R, Mariani C, Vriezen WH. The Solanum lycopersicum auxin response factor 7 (SlARF7) regulates auxin signalling during tomato fruit set and development. 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    Código de conduta. Prevenção da introdução e dispersão de flora e fauna exótica invasora: agentes ambientais

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    De forma intencional ou involuntária, o ser humano transporta espécies entre locais desde tempos imemoriais. No entanto, nos últimos 50 anos, o ritmo de introdução de espécies exóticas no meio natural acelerou de forma alarmante, tornando-se numa das principais causas de perda de biodiversidade. A globalização, juntamente com as alterações climáticas, a destruição de habitats, o aumento do trânsito de pessoas e o comércio, são hoje os principais responsáveis pela perda de biodiversidade a nível global, acarretando também graves prejuízos para a economia e a saúde humana

    Effectiveness of an intervention for improving drug prescription in primary care patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy:Study protocol of a cluster randomized clinical trial (Multi-PAP project)

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    This study was funded by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias ISCIII (Grant Numbers PI15/00276, PI15/00572, PI15/00996), REDISSEC (Project Numbers RD12/0001/0012, RD16/0001/0005), and the European Regional Development Fund ("A way to build Europe").Background: Multimorbidity is associated with negative effects both on people's health and on healthcare systems. A key problem linked to multimorbidity is polypharmacy, which in turn is associated with increased risk of partly preventable adverse effects, including mortality. The Ariadne principles describe a model of care based on a thorough assessment of diseases, treatments (and potential interactions), clinical status, context and preferences of patients with multimorbidity, with the aim of prioritizing and sharing realistic treatment goals that guide an individualized management. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a complex intervention that implements the Ariadne principles in a population of young-old patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy. The intervention seeks to improve the appropriateness of prescribing in primary care (PC), as measured by the medication appropriateness index (MAI) score at 6 and 12months, as compared with usual care. Methods/Design: Design:pragmatic cluster randomized clinical trial. Unit of randomization: family physician (FP). Unit of analysis: patient. Scope: PC health centres in three autonomous communities: Aragon, Madrid, and Andalusia (Spain). Population: patients aged 65-74years with multimorbidity (≥3 chronic diseases) and polypharmacy (≥5 drugs prescribed in ≥3months). Sample size: n=400 (200 per study arm). Intervention: complex intervention based on the implementation of the Ariadne principles with two components: (1) FP training and (2) FP-patient interview. Outcomes: MAI score, health services use, quality of life (Euroqol 5D-5L), pharmacotherapy and adherence to treatment (Morisky-Green, Haynes-Sackett), and clinical and socio-demographic variables. Statistical analysis: primary outcome is the difference in MAI score between T0 and T1 and corresponding 95% confidence interval. Adjustment for confounding factors will be performed by multilevel analysis. All analyses will be carried out in accordance with the intention-to-treat principle. Discussion: It is essential to provide evidence concerning interventions on PC patients with polypharmacy and multimorbidity, conducted in the context of routine clinical practice, and involving young-old patients with significant potential for preventing negative health outcomes. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT02866799Publisher PDFPeer reviewe