576 research outputs found

    The importance of initial-final state correlations for the formation of fragments in heavy ion collisions

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    Using quantum molecular dynamics simulations, we investigate the formation of fragments in symmetric reactions between beam energies of E=30AMeV and 600AMeV. After a comparison with existing data we investigate some observables relevant to tackle equilibration: dsigma/dErat, the double differential cross section dsigma/pt.dpz.dpt,... Apart maybe from very energetic E>400AMeV and very central reactions, none of our simulations gives evidence that the system passes through a state of equilibrium. Later, we address the production mechanisms and find that, whatever the energy, nucleons finally entrained in a fragment exhibit strong initial-final state correlations, in coordinate as well as in momentum space. At high energy those correlations resemble the ones obtained in the participant-spectator model. At low energy the correlations are equally strong, but more complicated; they are a consequence of the Pauli blocking of the nucleon-nucleon collisions, the geometry, and the excitation energy. Studying a second set of time-dependent variables (radii, densities,...), we investigate in details how those correlations survive the reaction especially in central reactions where the nucleons have to pass through the whole system. It appears that some fragments are made of nucleons which were initially correlated, whereas others are formed by nucleons scattered during the reaction into the vicinity of a group of previously correlated nucleons.Comment: 45 pages text + 20 postscript figures Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    A Streamlined Strategy for Biohydrogen Production with Halanaerobium hydrogeniformans, an Alkaliphilic Bacterium

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    Biofuels are anticipated to enable a shift from fossil fuels for renewable transportation and manufacturing fuels, with biohydrogen considered attractive since it could offer the largest reduction of global carbon budgets. Currently, lignocellulosic biohydrogen production remains inefficient with pretreatments that are heavily fossil fuel-dependent. However, bacteria using alkali-treated biomass could streamline biofuel production while reducing costs and fossil fuel needs. An alkaliphilic bacterium, Halanaerobium hydrogeniformans, is described that is capable of biohydrogen production at levels rivaling neutrophilic strains, but at pH 11 and hypersaline conditions. H. hydrogeniformans ferments a variety of 5- and 6-carbon sugars derived from hemicellulose and cellulose including cellobiose, and forms the end products hydrogen, acetate, and formate. Further, it can also produce biohydrogen from switchgrass and straw pretreated at temperatures far lower than any previously reported and in solutions compatible with growth. Hence, this bacterium can potentially increase the efficiency and efficacy of biohydrogen production from renewable biomass resources

    Break-up stage restoration in multifragmentation reactions

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    In the case of Xe+Sn at 32 MeV/nucleon multifragmentation reaction break-up fragments are built-up from the experimentally detected ones using evaluations of light particle evaporation multiplicities which thus settle fragment internal excitation. Freeze-out characteristics are extracted from experimental kinetic energy spectra under the assumption of full decoupling between fragment formation and energy dissipated in different degrees of freedom. Thermal kinetic energy is determined uniquely while for freeze-out volume - collective energy a multiple solution is obtained. Coherence between the solutions of the break-up restoration algorithm and the predictions of a multifragmentation model with identical definition of primary fragments is regarded as a way to select the true value. The broad kinetic energy spectrum of 3^3He is consistent with break-up genesis of this isotope.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Breakup Density in Spectator Fragmentation

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    Proton-proton correlations and correlations of protons, deuterons and tritons with alpha particles from spectator decays following 197Au + 197Au collisions at 1000 MeV per nucleon have been measured with two highly efficient detector hodoscopes. The constructed correlation functions, interpreted within the approximation of a simultaneous volume decay, indicate a moderate expansion and low breakup densities, similar to assumptions made in statistical multifragmentation models. PACS numbers: 25.70.Pq, 21.65.+f, 25.70.Mn, 25.75.GzComment: 11 pages, LaTeX with 3 included figures; Also available from http://www-kp3.gsi.de/www/kp3/aladin_publications.htm

    A normal genetic variation modulates synaptic MMP-9 protein levels and the severity of schizophrenia symptoms

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    Abstract Matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP‐9) has recently emerged as a molecule that contributes to pathological synaptic plasticity in schizophrenia, but explanation of the underlying mechanisms has been missing. In the present study, we performed a phenotype‐based genetic association study (PGAS) in > 1,000 schizophrenia patients from the Göttingen Research Association for Schizophrenia (GRAS) data collection and found an association between the MMP‐9 rs20544 C/T single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) located in the 3â€Čuntranslated region (UTR) and the severity of a chronic delusional syndrome. In cultured neurons, the rs20544 SNP influenced synaptic MMP‐9 activity and the morphology of dendritic spines. We demonstrated that Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) bound the MMP‐9 3â€ČUTR. We also found dramatic changes in RNA structure folding and alterations in the affinity of FMRP for MMP‐9 RNA, depending on the SNP variant. Finally, we observed greater sensitivity to psychosis‐related locomotor hyperactivity in Mmp‐9 heterozygous mice. We propose a novel mechanism that involves MMP‐9‐dependent changes in dendritic spine morphology and the pathophysiology of schizophrenia, providing the first mechanistic insights into the way in which the single base change in the MMP‐9 gene (rs20544) influences gene function and results in phenotypic changes observed in schizophrenia patients

    Amino acid variation in HLA class II proteins is a major determinant of humoral response to common viruses

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    The magnitude of the human antibody response to viral antigens is highly variable. To explore the human genetic contribution to this variability, we performed genome-wide association studies of the immunoglobulin G response to 14 pathogenic viruses in 2,363 immunocompetent adults. Significant associations were observed in the major histocompatibility complex region on chromosome 6 for influenza A virus, Epstein-Barr virus, JC polyomavirus, and Merkel cell polyomavirus. Using local imputation and fine mapping, we identified specific amino acid residues in human leucocyte antigen (HLA) class II proteins as the most probable causal variants underlying these association signals. Common HLA-DRÎČ1 haplotypes showed virus-specific patterns of humoral-response regulation. We observed an overlap between variants affecting the humoral response to influenza A and EBV and variants previously associated with autoimmune diseases related to these viruses. The results of this study emphasize the central and pathogen-specific role of HLA class II variation in the modulation of humoral immune response to viral antigens in humans

    The molecular and dusty composition of Betelgeuse's inner circumstellar environment

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    The study of the atmosphere of red supergiant stars in general and of Betelgeuse (alpha Orionis) in particular is of prime importance to understand dust formation and how mass is lost to the interstellar medium in evolved massive stars. A molecular shell, the MOLsphere (Tsuji, 2000a), in the atmosphere of Betelgeuse has been proposed to account for the near- and mid-infrared spectroscopic observations of Betelgeuse. The goal is to further test this hypothesis and to identify some of the molecules in this MOLsphere. We report on measurements taken with the mid-infrared two-telescope beam combiner of the VLTI, MIDI, operated between 7.5 and 13.5 Ό\mum. The data are compared to a simple geometric model of a photosphere surrounded by a warm absorbing and emitting shell. Physical characteristics of the shell are derived: size, temperature and optical depth. The chemical constituents are determined with an analysis consistent with available infrared spectra and interferometric data. We are able to account for the measured optical depth of the shell in the N band, the ISO-SWS spectrum and K and L band interferometric data with a shell whose inner and outer radii are given by the above range and with the following species: H2O, SiO and Al2O3. These results confirm the MOLsphere model. We bring evidence for more constituents and for the presence of species participating in the formation of dust grains in the atmosphere of the star, i.e. well below the distance at which the dust shell is detected. We believe these results bring key elements to the understanding of mass loss in Betelgeuse and red supergiants in general and bring support to the dust-driven scenario.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Pion radii in nonlocal chiral quark model

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    The electromagnetic radius of the charged pion and the transition radius of the neutral pion are calculated in the framework of the nonlocal chiral quark model. It is shown in this model that the contributions of vector mesons to the pion radii are noticeably suppressed in comparison with a similar contribution in the local Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. The form-factor for the process gamma*pi+pi- is calculated for the -1 GeV^2<q^2<1.6 GeV^2. Our results are in satisfactory agreement with experimental data.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Statistical Multifragmentation of Non-Spherical Expanding Sources in Central Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    We study the anisotropy effects measured with INDRA at GSI in central collisions of Xe+Sn at 50 A.MeV and Au+Au at 60, 80, 100 A.MeV incident energy. The microcanonical multifragmentation model with non-spherical sources is used to simulate an incomplete shape relaxation of the multifragmenting system. This model is employed to interpret observed anisotropic distributions in the fragment size and mean kinetic energy. The data can be well reproduced if an expanding prolate source aligned along the beam direction is assumed. An either non-Hubblean or non-isotropic radial expansion is required to describe the fragment kinetic energies and their anisotropy. The qualitative similarity of the results for the studied reactions suggests that the concept of a longitudinally elongated freeze-out configuration is generally applicable for central collisions of heavy systems. The deformation decreases slightly with increasing beam energy.Comment: 35 pages, 19 figures, submitted to Nuclear Physics

    Multiplicity correlations of intermediate-mass fragments with pions and fast protons in 12C + 197Au

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    Low-energy pi+ (E < 35 MeV) from 12C+197Au collisions at incident energies from 300 to 1800 MeV per nucleon were detected with the Si-Si(Li)-CsI(Tl) calibration telescopes of the INDRA multidetector. The inclusive angular distributions are approximately isotropic, consistent with multiple rescattering in the target spectator. The multiplicity correlations of the low-energy pions and of energetic protons (E > 150 MeV) with intermediate-mass fragments were determined from the measured coincidence data. The deduced correlation functions 1 + R \approx 1.3 for inclusive event samples reflect the strong correlations evident from the common impact-parameter dependence of the considered multiplicities. For narrow impact-parameter bins (based on charged-particle multiplicity), the correlation functions are close to unity and do not indicate strong additional correlations. Only for pions at high particle multiplicities (central collisions) a weak anticorrelation is observed, probably due to a limited competition between these emissions. Overall, the results are consistent with the equilibrium assumption made in statistical multifragmentation scenarios. Predictions obtained with intranuclear cascade models coupled to the Statistical Multifragmentation Model are in good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, subm. to EPJ
