60 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling of Quartz Crystal Resonators

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    In order to facilitate the design of quartz resonators, the overall goal of the current work was to develop an accurate three-dimensional finite element model for the anisotropic frequency response of quartz. The model was based on the linear incremental equations for superimposed small vibrations onto nonlinear thermoelastic stressed media. The frequency response of the model was benchmarked to experimental data from quartz pressure sensors with temperature ranging from 50 °C to 200 °C and pressure from 14 psi to 20,000 psi. This direct finite element approach for frequency response at such high pressure had not been previously examined in literature. The normalized frequency response to the change in external pressure from 14 psi to 20,000 psi matched very well with experimental data for lower temperatures, having a maximum deviation of only 7.5% at 20,000 psi when assuming constant 50 °C temperature. However, the same deviation grew to 25.7% assuming a higher 200 °C constant temperature. Similarly, the temperature-frequency response at constant pressure from 50 °C to 200 °C matched the experimental trend well for lower pressures, but this agreement deteriorated as pressure increased. The nature of the observed frequency deviations suggests that changes in the third-order elastic constants with temperature, a quartz material definition that is not currently available in literature, could play a significant role in accurately modeling the frequency response at such conditions, and that the lack of such properties is the primary source of the error in both temperature and pressure response. This hypothesis was tested by using a novel method of giving the third-order elastic constants linear temperature dependence based on a single scalar parameter, for which a specific value was empirically derived for the AT-Cut quartz pressure sensor studied. Specifically, modeling a scalar decrease in magnitude of about 0.0775% per °C in the third-order elastic coefficients was shown to decrease the error of the simulation at the highest temperature and pressure from 25.7% to 4.0%, and this improvement was mirrored throughout the range of temperatures and pressures tested. Furthermore, knowing the expected benefit of implementing the third-order elastic coefficients as functions of temperature should aid future researchers in deciding if defining their full anisotropic temperature derivatives is practical, and relevant possibilities for such a study are given.Mechanical & Aerospace Engineerin


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    This paper develops predictive (or correlative) models for the date of first catch of the com earworm, Helicoverpa zea, as a basis for identifying biotic and abiotic factors that influence dispersal and migration. Data described in Goodenough et al. (1988, J. Econ. Entomol.) on the catch of H. zea gathered at over 150 sites predominantly in the central U.S. from 1983 to 1986 are analyzed. The dependent variables, Y1 and Y2, are date of first meaningful catch and date when cumulative catch exceeds 5, respectively; the independent variables are latitude, longitude and elevation of the site. Outstanding among the findings are the following : 1) There is no statistical evidence based on all the data that the slopes of the simple linear regression models of Y2 on latitude differ among the four years. The common slope estimate is 8.11 days/degree, the intercepts differ by as many as 16 days, and the combined model has r2 = 0.69. 2) There is no statistical evidence based on the data in the central U.S. that the partial slopes of the multiple regression models of Y2 on latitude and longitude differ among the four years. The common partial slope estimates are 7.36 and -1.27 days/degree, the intercepts differ by as many as 17 days, and the combined model has R 2= 0.69. Second order terms are not significant . 3) An exploratory analysis using GIS mapping software suggests that elevation is also a significant predictor variable. The suggestion is confirmed in multiple regression models for both Y1 and Y22= 0.71 and 0.72 respectively. The intercepts differ by as many as 20 and 17 days, respectively, over the four years . These results imply that the time of fi!\u27st appearance at any location in the central U.S. could be predicted once the date of first appearance in South Texas is ascertained. They also demonstrate the utility of analyzing residuals using GIS mapping software. Research is in progress to investigate other possible predictor variables including soil moisture, soil temperature and precipitation

    Interrelation of mating, flight, and fecundity in navel orangeworm females

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    The navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Phycitini), is an economically important pest of nut crops in California, USA. Improved management will require better understanding of insect dispersal, particularly relative to when mating occurs. A previous study demonstrated a more robust laboratory flight capacity compared to other orchard moth pests, but it was unclear how mating affects dispersal, and how dispersal affects fecundity. In this study, 1‐ and 2‐day‐old females were allowed to fly overnight on a flight mill either before or after mating, respectively, and were then allowed to oviposit. Data on fecundity were compared between treatments to minimally handled or tethered‐only control females. Females that mated before flight flew longer and covered a greater distance than those flying prior to mating. However, timing of flight relative to mating did not affect fecundity, nor did any measure of flight performance. There was no effect on fecundity when females were forced to fly for designated durations from 3 min to 2 h. Together, our data revealed no obvious trade‐off between flight activity and reproductive output. Distances measured on the flight mills (mean ca. 15 km for mated females) may overestimate net displacement in the field where flight tracks are often meandering. The results suggest that most females mate and oviposit in or near their natal habitat, but that some may disperse potentially long distances to oviposit elsewhere

    Effect of Emamectin Benzoate on Mortality, Proboscis Extension, Gustation and Reproduction of the Corn Earworm, Helicoverpa zea

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    Newly emerged corn earworm adults, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) require a carbohydrate source from plant or other exudates and nectars for dispersal and reproduction. Adults actively seek and forage at feeding sites upon eclosion in the habitat of the larval host plant or during dispersal to, or colonization of, a suitable reproductive habitat. This nocturnal behavior of H. zea has potential for exploitation as a pest management strategy for suppression using an adult feeding approach. This approach entails the use of a feeding attractant and stimulant in combination with a toxicant that when ingested by the adult will either reduce fecundity/fertility at sub-lethal dosages or kill the adult. The intent of this study was to assess reproductive inhibition and toxicity of emamectin benzoate on H. zea when ingested by the adults when mixed in ppm active ingredient (wt:vol) with 2.5 M sucrose as a feeding stimulant. Because the mixture has to be ingested to function, the effect of emamectin benzoate was also evaluated at sub-lethal and lethal concentrations on proboscis extension and gustatory response of H. zea in the laboratory. Feral males captured in sex pheromone-baited traps in the field were used for toxicity evaluations because they were readily available and were more representative of the field populations than laboratory-reared adults. Laboratory-reared female moths were used for reproduction effects because it is very difficult to collect newly emerged feral females from the field. Emamectin benzoate was highly toxic to feral H. zea males with LC50 values (95% CL) being 0.718 (0.532–0.878), 0.525 (0.316–0.751), and 0.182 (0.06–0.294) ppm for 24, 48 and 72 h responses, respectively. Sub-lethal concentrations of emamectin benzoate did not significantly reduce proboscis extension response of feral males and gustatory response of female H. zea. Sublethal concentrations of emamectin benzoate significantly reduced percent larval hatch of eggs and mating frequency of female H. zea. Larval survival to the pupal stage was also significantly reduced by ingestion of emamectin benzoate by female H. zea. These data suggest that emamectin benzoate is a useful toxicant in an attract-and-kill control strategy against H. zea. Field studies are warranted to validate the results reported in this study

    Flight behaviour of European corn borer infected with Nosema pyrausta

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    The microsporidian Nosema pyrausta Paillot is a common and widespread pathogen of European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (HĂŒbner), in North America and Europe. Nosema negatively affects European corn borer longevity and fecundity. In this study, we used flight mills to examine the effects of Nosema infection on flight activity of unmated males and females at 1 and 3 days after pupal eclosion, taking the level of infection, as measured by number of Nosema spores per mg of tissue, into consideration. Nosema infection had a significant negative effect on distance, duration and speed of the longest uninterrupted flight, as well as on total distance and duration of flight of 1-day-old males, but not of 3-day-old males or females of either age. However, when insects with a light infection (\u3c15 spores/mg) were pooled with uninfected moths, significant negative effects of a moderate/heavy infection (≄15 spores/mg) were observed for most flight parameters in 1-day-old, but not 3-day-old, moths of both sexes. The magnitude of reduction was often substantial: e.g., distance and duration were sevenfold, and 3.5-fold less, respectively, in 1-day-old females with a moderate/heavy infection. Flight distance and duration were significantly negatively correlated with level of Nosema infection in 1-day-old, but not 3-day-old, moths of both sexes. The percentage of moths of either sex or age with a moderate/heavy Nosema infection flying given distances was less than that of lightly infected (\u3c15 spores/mg) moths. Among uninfected adults, forewing length was positively correlated with several measures of flight performance in males, but not females. However, some performance measures were correlated with wing length in females when infected with Nosema. Nosema infection was associated with reduced adult weight, but not forewing length, suggesting that negative effects of Nosema infection on flight performance are related to reduced energy reserves rather than smaller body size per se

    Pest risk assessment of Spodoptera frugiperda for the European Union

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    EFSA was asked for a partial risk assessment of Spodoptera frugiperda for the territory of the EU focussing on the main pathways for entry, factors affecting establishment, risk reduction options and pest management. As a polyphagous pest, five commodity pathways were examined in detail. Aggregating across these and other pathways, we estimate that tens of thousands to over a million individual larvae could enter the EU annually on host commodities. Instigating risk reduction options on sweetcorn, a principal host, reduces entry on that pathway 100-fold. However, sweetcorn imports are a small proportion of all S. frugiperda host imports, several of which are already regulated and further regulation is estimated to reduce the median number entering over all pathways by approximately 10%. Low temperatures limit the area for establishment but small areas of Spain, Italy and Greece can provide climatic conditions suitable for establishment. If infested imported commodities are distributed across the EU in proportion to consumer population, a few hundreds to a few thousands of individuals would reach NUTS 2 regions within which suitable conditions for establishment exist. Although S. frugiperda is a known migrant, entry directly into the EU from extant populations in sub-Saharan Africa is judged not feasible. However, if S. frugiperda were to establish in North Africa, in the range of thousands to over two million adults could seasonally migrate into the southern EU. Entry into suitable NUTS2 areas via migration will be greater than via commercial trade but is contingent on the establishment of S. frugiperda in North Africa. The likelihood of entry of the pest via natural dispersal could only be mitigated via control of the pest in Africa. If S. frugiperda were to arrive and become a pest of maize in the EU, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) or broad spectrum insecticides currently used against existing pests could be applied
