172 research outputs found

    Towards Constitutionalizing Global Value Chains and Corporations

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    De oorlog, de grens en de herinnering:herinneringsculturen van de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Roermond en omstreken

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    For seventy-five years, the Second World War was constantly being commemorated, discussed and studied, and war experiences were being retold, documented or forgotten. This dissertation concerns the commemoration of the Second World War in the border region of the Middle Limburg town of Roermond since 1945. By zooming in on forced labor and war (dialect) poetry, it becomes clear that this border region has its own dynamics and does not automatically follow national developments. For example, it turns out to be easier to commemorate concrete local war events together with Germans on the border, than to share rituals surrounding the commemoration of war with Germans on the Dam Square on 4th of May

    The Vanity of Dogmatizing

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    Book review: Beyond the formalist-realist divide: The role of politics in judging. Brian Z. Tamanaha. Princeton University Press. 2010. Pp. xii + 252. Reviewed by Marc O. DeGirolami

    Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiirin taidetoimikunta ja sen keräämä taidekokoelma

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    Tämän pro gradu –tutkielman tavoite on selvittää, miksi HUS taidetoimikunta perustettiin ja mitkä sen tehtävät ovat, mitkä sen keräämän taidekokoelman muodostumiseen vaikuttavat tekijät ja kartuttamisen periaatteet ovat, sekä mitkä HUS taidetoimikunnan kokoelmanhallinnan käytännöt ovat. Lisäksi pyritään kartoittamaan sitä, mil-laista taidetta taidekokoelmaan kuuluu ja millaista taidetta siihen on hankittu HUS taidetoimikunnan toimesta sen perustamisvuodesta 2013 lähtien. Pro gradu –tutkielmassa esitellään sairaalataiteen keräämisen historiaa, HUS taidetoimikunnan tehtäviä ja peruslinjauksia, toimikunnan taidehankintaprosessia periaatteineen, sekä ko-koelmanhallinnan käytäntöjä ja lyhyesti HUS:n taidekokoelman sisältöjä. Lopuksi käydään lävitse niin sanottua in-tegroitua taidetta sekä HUS taidetoimikunnan tulevaisuuden näkymiä. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen ja ajallinen tarkastelujakso on lähihistoria tai nykyhetki. Merkittävää lähdemateriaalia kuten hankintalistoja, vuosikertomuksia, esitteitä, toimikunnan asettamispäätös, kirjallisuutta sekä Galleria Or-tonin (nyk. Galleria Live) vuosikirjoja karttui syksystä 2017 alkaen muun lähdemateriaalin lisäksi. Tutkimusmenetelmäksi valittiin haastattelututkimus. Haastattelut toteutettiin 3.9.2018−18.10.2018. Otos oli 11 henkilöä. Haastattelututkimuksesta kertynyt 33 sivun litteroitu materiaali, sähköpostikirjeenvaihto, havainnointi, kohdekäynnit ja muistiinpanot muodostavat merkittävän aineiston, koska aiheesta on toistaiseksi löytynyt kirjallisia lähteitä vain vähän. HUS sairaalataiteesta tai taidekokoelmasta ei ole olemassa katalogeja tai historioita. Pro gradu –tutkielmassa keskitytään sairaalataiteeseen, joka on taidetoimikunnan hallinnoimaa ja HUS:n omis-tamaa. HUS taidetoimikuntaa tarkastellaan tässä tutkielmassa erillisenä, itsenäisenä instituutiona, joka toimii sille myönnettyjen määrärahojen ja tiettyjen peruslinjausten puitteissa HUS:n alueella. Se perustettiin tai-detoimikunnan puheenjohtajan, HUS:n hallituksen jäsenen dosentti, psykiatri Ilkka Taipaleen aloitteesta 3.12.2012. Sen tehtäviin kuuluu HUS:n taidekokoelman kartuttamisen lisäksi siitä huolehtiminen, että HUS:n sairaaloiden tiloissa ylipäätään on taidetta ja että se säilyy osana HUS:n sairaalaympäristöä. Toisekseen toi-mikunnan tehtävänä on huolehtia siitä, että taide on tavoitteiden mukaista, sellaista, joka sopii sai-raalympäristöön. Taiteen sijoittaminen sairaaloihin sekä taidekokoelman luetteloiminen ja kokoelmanhallinta ovat taidekokoelman kartuttamisen ohessa HUS taidetoimikunnan tärkeimpiä tehtäviä. Toimikunnan toiminnassa ovat vuosien 2013−2018 aikana korostuneet taidehankintojen lisäksi paitsi verkostoituminen myös taideteosten inventointi ja luettelointi. Lisäksi taidetoimikunnalla on näyttely− ja julkaisutoimintaa. Taidehankinnoissa pyritään huomioimaan sekä potilaat että sairaaloiden henkilökunta. Tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi on tehty paljon konkreettista organisointityötä. HUS taidetoimikunta tekee yhteistyötä eri säätiöiden ja muiden kulttuurialan organisaatioiden kanssa. Vuoteen 2014 mennessä HUS taidetoimikunta oli lyhyessä ajassa lisännyt niin HUS:n henkilöstön mutta myös suomalaisten taidepiirien kiinnostusta taiteeseen sairaalassa. HUS:n omistama taidekokoelma sisältää korkean profiilin taidetta. Siihen kuuluu tällä hetkellä yli 3000 teosta pääasiassa suomalaisilta kuvataiteilijoilta, mutta myös virolaisilta ja latvialaisilta kuvataiteilijoilta. Taidekokoelma käsittää paitsi marmori− myös kivi−, puu− ja pronssiveistoksia, öljyväritöitä, julisteita, graffiteja, grafiikanlehtiä ja litografioita. Kokoelman vanhin teos on vuodelta 1921. HUS:n taidekokoelma karttuu kuukausittain paitsi tai-dehankintojen myös lahjoituksien ja deponointien kautta. Taideostoilla pyritään tukemaan etenkin nuoria tai-teilijoita. HUS taidetoimikunnan työ kattaa oletettavasti lähes kaikki HUS:n sairaanhoitopiirin sairaanhoitoalueet

    Characterization of solar access in mediterranean cities: oriented sky factor

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    The link between city morphology and urban energy consumption, although proved, requires further research. In that sense, the analysis of parameters describing the urban texture may be a useful approach for energy assessment at a city scale. Some geometrical parameters have been used to study urban energy aspects related to the radiative phenomena, such as heat island or even a rough indicator of solar energy availability in locations where direct radiation is not determining. This paper aims to explore the correlation between one of these parameters -the Sky Factor (SF)- and direct solar radiation over facades, as a characterization tool of solar access within an urban context. Barcelona, a Mediterranean city where direct sunlight and the built environment density are deciding factors, has been chosen as case study. At different points of the facade for several urban canyons, SF value and direct solar radiation for different orientations and times of the year have been computed using Heliodon software. Both results have been related one to another and it has been found that, for a specific latitude, it is possible to define a smooth dependence between these parameters, if the orientation is taken into account. This paper shows that, beyond the SF threshold of 0.42, direct solar radiation on the facade reaches an almost asymptotic value for all orientations and times of the year.Postprint (published version

    Approaches to Identify Pregnancy Failure in Buffalo Cows

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    Simple SummaryEmbryonic mortality and pregnancy failures still represent a major issue in domestic livestock production, particularly in dairy cattle. Despite the presence of extensive work in this research area, there is still no effective, accurate and practical method able to determine timing and viability of embryo specifically during early gestation. Indeed, technologies and techniques for predicting pregnancy success must continue to be developed. The aim of this work was to find the best strategy to diagnose pregnancy failures in buffalo cows in order to improve farm reproductive management. Among the methods compared in this study (ultrasonography, progesterone, PAGs), pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs) seem to be the best marker for predicting embryonic mortality between 25 and 40 days of gestation to be utilized as a diagnostic tool to improve reproductive management in buffalo farms.The aim of this work was to find the best strategy to diagnose pregnancy failures in buffalo. A total of 109 animals belonging to a buffalo herd subjected to a synchronization and artificial insemination (AI) program were enrolled in this study. Blood samples were collected at days 0, 14, 25, 28 and 40 after AI for the determination of progesterone (P4) and pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs) by the radioimmunoassay (RIA) method. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed on day 25, 28 and 40 after AI to monitor pregnancy. The animals included in the data analysis were assigned ex post in pregnant (n = 50) and mortality (n = 12) groups. By ultrasonography, the predictive sign of mortality was the heartbeat. At day 25, the PAGs concentration was significant in predicting embryonic mortality with respect to ultrasonography and P4, at the cut-off of 1.1 ng/mL. At day 28, either PAGs, at a cut-off of 2.2 ng/mL, or ultrasonography, with no detection of heartbeat, were highly predictive of embryonic mortality. PAGs were the best marker (p < 0.05) for predicting embryonic mortality between 25 and 40 days of gestation in buffalo. Its utilization as a diagnostic tool can influence management decisions in order to improve farm reproductive management

    Candidate Screening of the TRPC3 Gene in Cerebellar Ataxia

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    The hereditary cerebellar ataxias are a diverse group of neurodegenerative disorders primarily characterised by loss of balance and coordination due to dysfunction of the cerebellum and its associated pathways. Although many genetic mutations causing inherited cerebellar ataxia have been identified, a significant percentage of patients remain whose cause is unknown. The transient receptor potential (TRP) family member TRPC3 is a non-selective cation channel linked to key signalling pathways that are affected in cerebellar ataxia. Furthermore, genetic mouse models of TRPC3 dysfunction display cerebellar ataxia, making the TRPC3 gene an excellent candidate for screening ataxic patients with unknown genetic aetiology. Here, we report a genetic screen for TRPC3 mutations in a cohort of 98 patients with genetically undefined late-onset cerebellar ataxia and further ten patients with undefined episodic ataxia. We identified a number of variants but no causative mutations in TRPC3. Our findings suggest that mutations in TRPC3 do not significantly contribute to the cause of late-onset and episodic human cerebellar ataxias

    Deficient CD40-TRAF6 signaling in leukocytes prevents atherosclerosis by skewing the immune response toward an antiinflammatory profile

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    The CD40–CD40 ligand (CD40L) signaling axis plays an important role in immunological pathways. Consequently, this dyad is involved in chronic inflammatory diseases, including atherosclerosis. Inhibition of CD40L in apolipoprotein E (Apoe)–deficient (Apoe−/−) mice not only reduced atherosclerosis but also conferred a clinically favorable plaque phenotype that was low in inflammation and high in fibrosis. Blockade of CD40L may not be therapeutically feasible, as long-term inhibition will compromise systemic immune responses. Conceivably, more targeted intervention strategies in CD40 signaling will have less deleterious side effects. We report that deficiency in hematopoietic CD40 reduces atherosclerosis and induces features of plaque stability. To elucidate the role of CD40–tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor (TRAF) signaling in atherosclerosis, we examined disease progression in mice deficient in CD40 and its associated signaling intermediates. Absence of CD40-TRAF6 but not CD40-TRAF2/3/5 signaling abolishes atherosclerosis and confers plaque fibrosis in Apoe−/− mice. Mice with defective CD40-TRAF6 signaling display a reduced blood count of Ly6Chigh monocytes, an impaired recruitment of Ly6C+ monocytes to the arterial wall, and polarization of macrophages toward an antiinflammatory regulatory M2 signature. These data unveil a role for CD40–TRAF6, but not CD40–TRAF2/3/5, interactions in atherosclerosis and establish that targeting specific components of the CD40–CD40L pathway harbors the potential to achieve therapeutic effects in atherosclerosis

    The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization

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    Background: The shift from solitary to social behavior is one of the major evolutionary transitions. Primitively eusocial bumblebees are uniquely placed to illuminate the evolution of highly eusocial insect societies. Bumblebees are also invaluable natural and agricultural pollinators, and there is widespread concern over recent population declines in some species. High-quality genomic data will inform key aspects of bumblebee biology, including susceptibility to implicated population viability threats. Results: We report the high quality draft genome sequences of Bombus terrestris and Bombus impatiens, two ecologically dominant bumblebees and widely utilized study species. Comparing these new genomes to those of the highly eusocial honeybee Apis mellifera and other Hymenoptera, we identify deeply conserved similarities, as well as novelties key to the biology of these organisms. Some honeybee genome features thought to underpin advanced eusociality are also present in bumblebees, indicating an earlier evolution in the bee lineage. Xenobiotic detoxification and immune genes are similarly depauperate in bumblebees and honeybees, and multiple categories of genes linked to social organization, including development and behavior, show high conservation. Key differences identified include a bias in bumblebee chemoreception towards gustation from olfaction, and striking differences in microRNAs, potentially responsible for gene regulation underlying social and other traits. Conclusions: These two bumblebee genomes provide a foundation for post-genomic research on these key pollinators and insect societies. Overall, gene repertoires suggest that the route to advanced eusociality in bees was mediated by many small changes in many genes and processes, and not by notable expansion or depauperation