51 research outputs found

    Trends in Development of Company Emloyees' Incomes and Public Sector Employees' Incomes in Czech Republic during 1995 - 2010

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    katedra: KEK; přílohy: 2 CD ROM; rozsah: 105 s. (149 697 znaků)This diploma thesis deals with the development of company and public sector employees? incomes during 1995-2010. Incomes mean wages and fees. The main target is verification of assumption of Czech society polarization. The concept ?society polarization? means growing in size between low and high earnings. The first part pursues theories of distribution. Theories of distribution deal with issues of distribution of yields from company production. The yields are distributed between wages and profit for entrepreneur. The second part of diploma thesis foreshadows issues of labour market in the aspects of economic theory, creation of wage, legal framework of public sector employees? fee. The third part analyzes the development of total volume of wages and fees, the employment effect on the total volume of wages and fees, the average wage, real wage, and the effect of inflation, wage distribution and the development of property incomes. Property incomes can cause society polarization. The analysis results are summarized in the final chapter. These results were got within the economic development in the Czech Republic during 1995-2010. The total volume of wages and fees and average wage has increased. Inflation was the main reason, not the employment. The real wage has decreased because of this fact. The conclusion was created during the study of wage distribution in the Czech Republic in 1995-2010. The wage distribution became more significant. This is the reason (or factor) of Czech society polarisation. The second factor leading to society polarisation, property incomes haven?t yet so considerable importance in the Czech Republic. Property incomes have considerable importance in the other states, for example in Germany. The diploma thesis has achieved the goal in this sense.Diplomová práce se zabývá vývojem příjmů zaměstnanců firem a zaměstnanců veřejného sektoru v letech 1995 až 2010, tj. mezd a platů. Hlavním cílem je ověření předpokladu, že česká společnost se polarizuje, neboli se zvětšují rozdíly mezi nízkými a vysokými výdělky. První část je věnována teoriím rozdělování. Teorie rozdělování se zabývají problematikou rozdělení výnosů z produkce firmy mezi mzdy a zisk pro podnikatele. Druhá část nastiňuje problematiku trhu práce z hlediska ekonomické teorie, formování mzdy a právní rámec platu. Třetí část práce zkoumá vývoj celkového objemu mezd, vliv zaměstnanosti na objem mezd, průměrnou a reálnou mzdu a vliv inflace, distribuci mezd a vývoj důchodů z vlastnictví, faktoru, který působí na polarizaci společnosti. V závěrečné kapitole jsou shrnuty výsledky analýzy v rámci ekonomického vývoje v České republice v časovém rozpětí let 1995 až 2010. Docházelo ke zvyšování mezd a platů, a to jak u jejich celkového objemu, tak u průměrné mzdy. Důvodem byla inflace, nikoliv zaměstnanost. Reálná mzda z tohoto důvodu zaznamenala pokles. Při studiu distribuce mezd se došlo k závěru, že v rámci zkoumané časové řady docházelo k výraznější mzdové diferenciaci, která je jednou z příčin polarizace české společnosti. Druhý důležitý faktor polarizace, důchody z vlastnictví, zatím nemají takový význam v České republice, jako v jiných státech, např. v Německu. V tomto smyslu diplomová práce cíl zcela splnila

    A global microRNA screen identifies regulators of the ErbB receptor signaling network

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    Background: The growth factor heregulin (HRG) potently stimulates epithelial cell survival and proliferation through the binding of its cognate receptor ErbB3 (also known as HER3). ErbB3-dependent signal transmission relies on the dimerization partner ErbB2, a receptor tyrosine kinase that is frequently overexpressed and/or amplified in breast cancer cells. Substantial evidence suggests that deregulated ErbB3 expression also contributes to the transformed phenotype of breast cancer cells. Results: By genome-wide screening, we identify 43 microRNAs (miRNAs) that specifically impact HRG-induced activation of the PI3K-Akt pathway. Bioinformatic analysis combined with experimental validation reveals a highly connected molecular miRNA-gene interaction network particularly for the negative screen hits. For selected miRNAs, namely miR-149, miR-148b, miR-326, and miR-520a-3p, we demonstrate the simultaneous downregulation of the ErbB3 receptor and multiple downstream signaling molecules, explaining their efficient dampening of HRG responses and ascribing to these miRNAs potential context-dependent tumor suppressive functions. Conclusions: Given the contribution of HRG signaling and the PI3K-Akt pathway in particular to tumorigenesis, this study not only provides mechanistic insight into the function of miRNAs but also has implications for future clinical applications

    Carcinoma cells misuse the host tissue damage response to invade the brain

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    The metastatic colonization of the brain by carcinoma cells is still barely understood, in particular when considering interactions with the host tissue. The colonization comes with a substantial destruction of the surrounding host tissue. This leads to activation of damage responses by resident innate immune cells to protect, repair, and organize the wound healing, but may distract from tumoricidal actions. We recently demonstrated that microglia, innate immune cells of the CNS, assist carcinoma cell invasion. Here we report that this is a fatal side effect of a physiological damage response of the brain tissue. In a brain slice coculture model, contact with both benign and malignant epithelial cells induced a response by microglia and astrocytes comparable to that seen at the interface of human cerebral metastases. While the glial damage response intended to protect the brain from intrusion of benign epithelial cells by inducing apoptosis, it proved ineffective against various malignant cell types. They did not undergo apoptosis and actually exploited the local tissue reaction to invade instead. Gene expression and functional analyses revealed that the C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4) and WNT signaling were involved in this process. Furthermore, CXCR4-regulated microglia were recruited to sites of brain injury in a zebrafish model and CXCR4 was expressed in human stroke patients, suggesting a conserved role in damage responses to various types of brain injuries. Together, our findings point to a detrimental misuse of the glial damage response program by carcinoma cells resistant to glia-induced apoptosis

    High-level integration of murine intestinal transcriptomics data highlights the importance of the complement system in mucosal homeostasis.

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    BACKGROUND: The mammalian intestine is a complex biological system that exhibits functional plasticity in its response to diverse stimuli to maintain homeostasis. To improve our understanding of this plasticity, we performed a high-level data integration of 14 whole-genome transcriptomics datasets from samples of intestinal mouse mucosa. We used the tool Centrality based Pathway Analysis (CePa), along with information from the Reactome database. RESULTS: The results show an integrated response of the mouse intestinal mucosa to challenges with agents introduced orally that were expected to perturb homeostasis. We observed that a common set of pathways respond to different stimuli, of which the most reactive was the Regulation of Complement Cascade pathway. Altered expression of the Regulation of Complement Cascade pathway was verified in mouse organoids challenged with different stimuli in vitro. CONCLUSIONS: Results of the integrated transcriptomics analysis and data driven experiment suggest an important role of epithelial production of complement and host complement defence factors in the maintenance of homeostasis

    Untranslated parts of genes interpreted: making heads or tails of high-throughput transcriptomic data via computational methods

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    The fate of eukaryotic transcripts is closely linked to their untranslated regions, which are determined by where transcription starts and ends on a genomic locus. The extent of alternative transcription start and alternative poly-adenylation has been revealed by sequencing methods focused on the ends of transcripts, but the application of these methods is not yet widely adopted by the community. In this review we highlight the importance of defining the untranslated parts of transcripts and suggest that computational methods applied to standard high-throughput technologies are a useful alternative to the expertise-demanding 5’ and 3’ sequencing. We present a number of computational approaches for the discovery and quantification of alternative transcription start and poly-adenylation events, focusing on technical challenges and arguing for the need to include better normalization of the data and more appropriate statistical models of the expected variation in the signal

    Scaffolding in CLIL in Primary Education

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    Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na problematiku scaffoldingu ve výuce CLIL na 1. stupni ZŠ. Teorie práce si klade za cíl interpretovat poznatky týkající se vyučovacího procesu a studia cizích jazyků za podpory Společného evropského referenčního rámce. Prostor je věnován také vymezení anglického jazyka v Rámcovém vzdělávacím programu pro základní vzdělávání. Podstatnou část práce představuje téma CLIL a vysvětlení přípravy výuky, forem, přínosů a rizik, role mateřského jazyka nebo bilingvního vyučování. Klíčovou problematikou je scaffolding a jeho techniky, kategorie a finálně podrobná aplikace technik scaffoldingu ve výuce. Praktická část práce se zabývá výzkumem, který spočíval v implementaci technik scaffoldingu do výuky CLIL na 1. stupni ZŠ. Výsledky výzkumu získané pomocí dotazníků jsou zpracovány do grafů s komentáři. Nechybí pedagogická doporučení, faktory omezující výzkum a návrhy pro další činnost vyplývající z výzkumných dat. Hlavní přínos práce spočívá v úspěšné aplikaci vybraných technik scaffoldingu do výuky metodou CLIL v předmětech matematika a vlastivěda. Z výzkumu vyplývá, že většinu žáků tato metoda zaujala a rádi by pokračovali ve výuce i v jiných předmětech.ObhájenoThe thesis deals with the issue of scaffolding in CLIL in Primary Education. The theoretical background specifies knowledge concerning the educational process and studies of foreign languages with a support of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Another section is dedicated to the delimitation of English in Framework Education Programme for Elementary Education. The essential part is represented by the topic of CLIL. It is connected with the explanation of CLIL teaching preparations, CLIL forms, advantages and disadvantages, the role of mother tongue or bilingual education. The key matter is scaffolding and its techniques, categories and finally detailed application of the scaffolding techniques in teaching. The practical based part discusses the research which consists in implementing of the scaffolding techniques to the teaching in Primary Education. Research results gained by the experiment and the questionnaire are transformed into the graphs with their comments. Pedagogical implications, limitations of the research and suggestions for further research following from the research are also presented. The main merit of the thesis lays in the successful application of the scaffolding techniques to the CLIL teaching in Maths and Geography. The research showed that the majority of the students are captivated by CLIL teaching and would like to go on

    Niger Delta or how to survive the oil

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    Diplomová práca je vypracovaná na základe výskumu, ktorý prebehol v rozmedzí piatich mesiacov v Port Harcourte, čo je hlavné mesto Rivers State a zároveň aj ropné industriálne centrum celej Nigérie. Cieľom výskumu je, skrz stratégie, aké si ľudia vyberajú na to, aby prežili nigérijskú každodennosť, ukázať obraz štátu a militantov ako konštrukt, ktorý je plne rovnocenný s realitou. Ako metódy výskumu boli použité zúčastnené pozorovanie a otvorené neštruktúrované rozhovory.This diploma work is elaborated on the basis of the research which was performed in Port Harcourt during 5 months. Port Harcourt is capital city of the Rivers State, as well as, oil industry center of whole Nigeria. The aim of the research was to show the image of the state and militants as a part of daily reality using strategies by which people try to survive Nigerian's rutine. Used methods was involved observation and opened non-structural dialogs.Katedra sociálních vědDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    contemporary Jewish identity

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    Práce je koncipována jako průřez vývojem lidské identity Židů v průběhu dějin. Praktická část vychází z výzkumu prešovské židovské komunity a pohledu jejích členů na sebe samé a židovství.Katedra sociálních vědDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo