322 research outputs found

    Hematological parameters in shortnose guitarfish Zapteryx brevirostris Müller and Henle, 1841 (Chondrichthyes, Rhinobatidae)

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    ABSTRACT Objective. In view of the deficiency of information in the area of clinical pathology of elasmobranchs, mainly of the physiological parameters, the aim of this work was to study hematological parameters of the Zapteryx brevirostris species. Materials and methods. Four specimens apparently healthy of Zapteryx brevirostris; three females and a male were used. These animals are all pertaining ones to the Aquarium of Ubatuba, São Paulo (Brazil). Results. The obtained average of hematological values for the Zapteryx brevirostris were: Red Blood Cells were - 0.96 x 106/μL, Packed Cell Volume - 24.3% and White Blood Cells - 36.8 x 103/μL. Conclusion. Although the small N, which decreases the accuracy, this research has scientific value because the situation of vulnerability of Zapteryx brevirostris, suggesting other studies. RESUMEN Objetivo. En vista de la carencia de información en el área de patología clínica de los elasmobranquios, especialmente en lo que respecta a los parámetros fisiopatológicos, el objetivo de este trabajo fue el de obtener parámetros de la hematología de la especie Zapteryx brevirostris. Materiales y método. Cuatro animales clínicamente saludables de Zapteryx brevirostris; tres hembras y un macho fueron utilizados, todos procedentes del Acuario de Ubatuba, S. P. Resultados. Los valores promedio de hematología para el Zapteryx brevirostris fueron: glóbulos rojos - 0.96 x 106/ μL, volumen de los hematíes - 24.3 % y glóbulos blancos 36.8 x 103/ μL. Conclusiones. A pesar de la pequeña N, que disminuye la precisión, la investigación tiene valor científico debido a que Zapteryx brevirostris es una especie vulnerable; sugiriendo otros estudios


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    Phosphate is an essential intracellular mineral that plays its role in a variety of metabolic pathways, like energy production and intracellular synthetis, apart from being and important block to various intracellular elements. Homeostasis of Pi, strictly regulated by parathormone, vitamin D and fibroblast growth factor 23, suffers greatly by the decline of renal function, as seen when phosphate overload and hyperphosphatemia takes its place. We will discuss the major clinical and experimental evidence that points to Pi as the newest villain of cardiovascular disease in the chronic renal disease population, as well as the population in general. Therapeutic strategies should be directed mainly in the reduction of Pi intake, that finds itself increased nowadays due to the presence of food preservatives based on this element in industrialized food. Populational studies are urgently needed to test in a more broad way the possible benefic effects of Pi overload control on cardiovascular system. O fosfato (Pi) é um mineral essencial que participa de diversos processos metabólicos, como produção de energia e sinalização intracelular, além de ser um importante constituinte de diversos elementos celulares. A homeostase do Pi, estritamente regulada pelo paratormônio, pela vitamina D e pelo fator de crescimento fibroblástico – 23, sofre um grande desequilíbrio com a perda da função renal, culminando com o desenvolvimento de hiperfosfatemia. Nessa revisão abordaremos a fisiologia do Pi e o seu desequilíbrio causado pela disfunção renal, que se revela através do desenvolvimento da sobrecarga de Pi e da própria hiperfosfatemia. Discutiremos ainda as principais evidências clínicas e experimentais que apontam para o Pi como o mais novo vilão das doenças cardiovasculares tanto na população renal crônica quanto na geral. As estratégias terapêuticas devem ser voltadas sobretudo para a redução da ingestão de Pi, que encontra-se aumentada nos dias atuais devido a presença de conservantes à base desse elemento utilizados nos alimentos industrializados. Estudos populacionais são urgentemente necessários para testar de modo mais amplo os possíveis efeitos benéficos do controle da sobrecarga de Pi sobre o sistema cardiovascular

    Rhizopus arrhizus ucp1295 como fonte econômica para produção de biopolímeros funcionais quitina e quitosana utilizando substratos renováveis / Rhizopus arrhizus ucp1295 as economic source for production of functional biopolymers chitin and chitosan using renewable substrates

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    Neste trabalho foi investigada a produção de quitina e quitosana por Rhizopus arrhizus UCP 1295 isolado do solo da Caatinga do Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, utilizando o efluente industrial de doces e milhocina como substratos de baixo custo, considerando a versatilidade de aplicação das biomoléculas. O micro-organismo foi cultivado em diferentes concentrações dos substratos efluente da indústria de doces e milhocina (CSL) em diferentes valores de pH, de acordo com um planejamento fatorial completo 23. Após 96 h de fermentação, a biomassa produzida foi liofilizada e submetida ao tratamento com álcali- ácido-. Os polissacarídeos extraídos foram caracterizados por espectroscopia por transformada de Fourier (FTIR) na região do infravermelho. A maior produção de biomassa (14,11 g/L) foi obtida na condição 6 (8% de efluente industrial de doces, 5% de milhocina e pH 5), enquanto os maiores rendimentos de quitina (169,3 mg/g) e quitosana (239,1 mg/g) foram obtidos em meio contendo 4% de efluente da indústria de doces, sem milhocina, nas condições 3 (pH 7) e 1 (pH 5), respectivamente. A quitina apresentou grau de acetilação de 71,4% e a quitosana de 86,0%, de desacetilação, respectivamente. Além disso, foi demonstrado que o efluente industrial de balas e milhocina são substratos renováveis e alternativos na formulação de novos meios de produção de quitina e quitosana. A versatilidade das biomoléculas deve-se as suas propriedades bioquímicas únicas, como biocompatibilidade, biodegradabilidade, não toxicidade, capacidade de formar filmes e aplicações industriais promissoras

    Meanings attributed by family and patients to family presence in emergency rooms

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    Objective: to understand the process that leads adult and family patients to support family presence in emergency care. Method: a qualitative study that adopted Symbolic Interactionism as a theoretical reference and the Grounded Theory as a methodological framework. The theoretical sample consisted of 15 relatives and 15 patients assisted at two emergency units in the South of Brazil. Data were analyzed using open, axial and selective coding. Results: the central category ¿Convergence of ideas: family members and patients supporting family presence in emergency care? is supported by the categories: Affectionate relationship among family members?; Tacit obligation to care for the sick relative?; Benefits for the family?; Benefits for the patient?; and Benefits for the health team?. Conclusion: family presence in emergency care provides maintenance and strengthening of affectionate bonds among relatives and the experience of more sensitive and qualified care.Objetivo: comprender el proceso que lleva a pacientes adultos y familiares a apoyar la presencia de la familia en la atención de emergencia. Método: estudio cualitativo que adoptó el Interaccionismo Simbólico como referencial teórico y la Teoría Fundamentada en los Datos como referencial metodológico. El muestreo teórico fue compuesta por 15 familiares y 15 pacientes atendidos en dos unidades de emergencia en el sur de Brasil. Los datos fueron analizados por medio de codificación abierta, axial y selectiva. Resultados: la categoría central “Convergencia de ideas: familiares y pacientes apoyando la presencia de la familia en la atención de emergencia” es sostenida por las categorías: “Afetuosa relación entre los miembros de la familia”; “Obligación tácita de cuidar del familiar enfermo “; “Beneficios para la familia”; “Beneficios para el paciente”; y “Beneficios para el equipo de salud”. Conclusión: la presencia familiar en la atención de emergencia proporciona el mantenimiento y el fortalecimiento de los lazos afectivos entre los familiares y la vivencia de cuidados más sensibles y calificados.Objetivo: compreender o processo que leva pacientes adultos e familiares a apoiarem a presença da família no atendimento emergencial. Método: estudo qualitativo que adotou o Interacionismo Simbólico como referencial teórico e a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados como referencial metodológico. A amostragem teórica foi composta por 15 familiares e 15 pacientes atendidos em duas unidades emergenciais no Sul do Brasil. Os dados foram analisados por meio de codificação aberta, axial e seletiva. Resultados: a categoria central “Convergência de ideias: familiares e pacientes apoiando a presença da família no atendimento emergencial” é sustentada pelas categorias: “Afetuosa relação entre os membros da família”; “Obrigação tácita de cuidar do familiar enfermo”; “Benefícios para a família”; “Benefícios para o paciente”; e “Benefícios para a equipe de saúde”. Conclusão: a presença familiar no atendimento emergencial proporciona a manutenção e o fortalecimento dos laços afetivos entre os familiares e a vivência de cuidados mais sensíveis e qualificados

    Association between circulating exhausted CD4+ T cells with poor meningococcal C conjugate vaccine antibody response in HIV-infected children and adolescents

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the expression levels of surface markers of activation (CD38 and HLA-DR), inhibition (PD-1, TIGIT and CD57) and co-stimulation (CD28 and CD127) on CD4+ T cells of children/adolescents with vertical HIV infection (HI patients) and HIV-uninfected (HU) controls vaccinated with the meningococcal C conjugate vaccine (MCC). METHODS: HI patients (n=12), aged 8–17 years, were immunized with two MCC injections, while HU controls (n=9), aged 5.3–10.7 years, received a single MCC dose (as per national recommendation at the time of this study, a single MCC vaccine dose should be given for healthy children and youth aged 1–18 years). The HI patients were categorized according to the combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) treatment. Blood samples were obtained before vaccination, after priming, and after the administration of a booster dose of vaccine to determine the serum bactericidal antibody (SBA) titers and the expression levels of surface markers on CD4+ T cells by flow cytometry. The levels of serum cytokines, IL-4 and CXCL-13 were also measured using Luminex kits. RESULTS: The co-expression of the TIGIT-HLA-DR-CD38 molecules increased in the CD4+ T cells of HI patients/ no-cART who also showed a lower frequency of CD127+CD28+ CD4+ T cells than HI patients/cART and HU group subjects. There were significant negative correlations between the frequency of exhausted CD4+ T cells and the SBA response. IL-4 levels were higher in HI patients/cART and positively correlated with SBA titers but negatively associated with the expression of exhaustion markers. Moreover, the CXCL-13 levels were positively correlated with the exhausted CD4+ T cells. CONCLUSION: The results of our study suggest that the co-expression of exhaustion markers and/or loss of co-stimulatory molecules influence the SBA response in HI patients

    Cohort profile: the 100 million Brazilian cohort

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    The creation of The 100 Million Brazilian Cohort was motivated by the availability of high quality but dispersed social and health databases in Brazil and the need to integrate data and evaluate the impact of policies aiming to improve the social determinants of health (e.g. social protection policies) on health outcomes, overall and in subgroups of interest in a dynamic cohort. • The baseline of The 100 Million Brazilian Cohort comprises 131 697 800 low-income individuals in 35 358 415 families from 2011 to 2018. The Cohort population is mostly composed of children and young adults, with a higher proportion of females than the general Brazilian population, who identify themselves as Brown and live in the urban area of the country. • Exposure to social protection and the follow-up of individuals are obtained through: (i) deterministic linkage using the Social Identification Number (NIS) to link the Cohort baseline to social protection programmes and to periodically renewed socioeconomic information in Cadatro U ́ nico datasets; and/or (ii) non-deterministic linkage using the CIDACS-RL non-deterministic linkage tool, to link the Cohort baseline to administrative health care datasets such as mortality (Mortality Information System, SIM), disease notification (Information System for Notifiable Diseases, SINAN), birth information (Live Birth Information System, SINASC) and nutrition status (Food and Nutrition Surveillance System, SISVAN). • So far, studies have used The 100 Million Brazilian Cohort to investigate the socioeconomic and demographic determinants of leprosy, leprosy treatment outcomes and low birthweight and to evaluate the impact of the Bolsa Familia Programme (BFP) on leprosy and child mortality. Other studies are now being conducted that are of utmost relevance to the health inequalities of Brazil and many low- and middle-income countries, and many research opportunities are being opened up with the linkage of a range of health outcomes

    Risk factors of one year increment of coronary calcifications and survival in hemodialysis patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Heart and coronary calcifications in hemodialysis patients are of very common occurrence and linked to cardiovascular events and mortality. Several studies have been published with similar results. Most of them were mainly cross-sectional and some of the prospective protocols were aimed to evaluate the results of the control of altered biochemical parameters of mineral disturbances with special regard to serum calcium, phosphate and CaxP with the use of calcium containing and calcium free phosphate chelating agents. The aim of the present study was to evaluate in hemodialysis patients classic and some non classic risk factors as predictors of calcification changes after one year and to evaluate the impact of progression on survival.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>81 patients on hemodialysis were studied, with a wide age range and HD vintage. Several classic parameters and some less classic risk factors were studied like fetuin-A, CRP, 25-OHD and leptin. Calcifications, as Agatston scores, were evaluated with Multislice CT basally and after 12-18 months.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Coronary artery calcifications were observed in 71 of 81 patients. Non parametric correlations between Agatston scores and Age, HD Age, PTH and CRP were significant. Delta increments of Agatston scores correlated also with serum calcium, CaxP, Fetuin-A, triglycerides and serum albumin. Logistic regression analysis showed Age, PTH and serum calcium as important predictors of Delta Agatston scores. LN transformation of the not normally distributed variables restricted the significant correlations to Age, BMI and CRP. Considering the Delta Agatston scores as dependent, significant predictors were Age, PTH and HDL. A strong association was found between basal calcification scores and Delta increment at one year. By logistic analysis, the one year increments in Agatston scores were found to be predictors of mortality. Diabetic and hypertensive patients have significantly higher Delta scores.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Progression of calcification is of common occurrence, with special regard to elevated basal scores, and is predictive of survival. Higher predictive value of survival is linked to the one year increment of calcification scores. Some classic and non classic risk factors play an important role in progression. Some of them could be controlled with appropriate management with possible improvement of mortality.</p

    ZikaPLAN: addressing the knowledge gaps and working towards a research preparedness network in the Americas.

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    Zika Preparedness Latin American Network (ZikaPLAN) is a research consortium funded by the European Commission to address the research gaps in combating Zika and to establish a sustainable network with research capacity building in the Americas. Here we present a report on ZikaPLAN`s mid-term achievements since its initiation in October 2016 to June 2019, illustrating the research objectives of the 15 work packages ranging from virology, diagnostics, entomology and vector control, modelling to clinical cohort studies in pregnant women and neonates, as well as studies on the neurological complications of Zika infections in adolescents and adults. For example, the Neuroviruses Emerging in the Americas Study (NEAS) has set up more than 10 clinical sites in Colombia. Through the Butantan Phase 3 dengue vaccine trial, we have access to samples of 17,000 subjects in 14 different geographic locations in Brazil. To address the lack of access to clinical samples for diagnostic evaluation, ZikaPLAN set up a network of quality sites with access to well-characterized clinical specimens and capacity for independent evaluations. The International Committee for Congenital Anomaly Surveillance Tools was formed with global representation from regional networks conducting birth defects surveillance. We have collated a comprehensive inventory of resources and tools for birth defects surveillance, and developed an App for low resource regions facilitating the coding and description of all major externally visible congenital anomalies including congenital Zika syndrome. Research Capacity Network (REDe) is a shared and open resource centre where researchers and health workers can access tools, resources and support, enabling better and more research in the region. Addressing the gap in research capacity in LMICs is pivotal in ensuring broad-based systems to be prepared for the next outbreak. Our shared and open research space through REDe will be used to maximize the transfer of research into practice by summarizing the research output and by hosting the tools, resources, guidance and recommendations generated by these studies. Leveraging on the research from this consortium, we are working towards a research preparedness network

    Determinants of intensive insulin therapeutic regimens in patients with type 1 diabetes: data from a nationwide multicenter survey in Brazil

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    Background: To evaluate the determinants of intensive insulin regimens (ITs) in patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D).Methods: This multicenter study was conducted between December 2008 and December 2010 in 28 public clinics in 20 Brazilian cities. Data were obtained from 3,591 patients (56.0% female, 57.1% Caucasian). Insulin regimens were classified as follows: group 1, conventional therapy (CT) (intermediate human insulin, one to two injections daily); group 2 (three or more insulin injections of intermediate plus regular human insulin); group 3 (three or more insulin injections of intermediate human insulin plus short-acting insulin analogues); group 4, basal-bolus (one or two insulin injections of long-acting plus short-acting insulin analogues or regular insulin); and group 5, basal-bolus with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII). Groups 2 to 5 were considered IT groups.Results: We obtained complete data from 2,961 patients. Combined intermediate plus regular human insulin was the most used therapeutic regimen. CSII was used by 37 (1.2%) patients and IT by 2,669 (90.2%) patients. More patients on IT performed self-monitoring of blood glucose and were treated at the tertiary care level compared to CT patients (p < 0.001). the majority of patients from all groups had HbA1c levels above the target. Overweight or obesity was not associated with insulin regimen. Logistic regression analysis showed that economic status, age, ethnicity, and level of care were associated with IT (p < 0.001).Conclusions: Given the prevalence of intensive treatment for T1D in Brazil, more effective therapeutic strategies are needed for long term-health benefits.Farmanguinhos/Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz/National Health MinistryBrazilian Diabetes SocietyFundacao do Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de JaneiroConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Univ Estado Rio de Janeiro, Unit Diabet, BR-20551030 Rio de Janeiro, BrazilBaurus Diabet Assoc, São Paulo, BrazilFed Univ São Paulo State, Diabet Unit, São Paulo, BrazilFed Univ Hosp Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, BrazilUniv Hosp São Paulo, Diabet Unit, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilUniv Fed Ceara, Fortaleza, Ceara, BrazilSanta Casa Misericordia, Belo Horizonte, MG, BrazilSanta Casa Misericordia São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Amazonas, Manaus, Amazonas, BrazilHosp Geral de Bonsucesso, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilHosp Univ Clementino Fraga Filho IPPMG, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilUniv Hosp São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilFac Ciencias Med Santa Casa São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Crianca, Hosp Clin, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Fac Med Ribeirao Preto, Hosp Clin, Ribeirao Preto, BrazilAmbulatorio Fac Estadual Med Sao Jose Rio Preto, Ribeirao Preto, BrazilEscola Paulista Med, Ctr Diabet, Ribeirao Preto, BrazilClin Endocrinol Santa Casa Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, MG, BrazilUniv Estadual Londrina, Londrina, BrazilUniv Fed Parana, Hosp Clin, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilInst Crianca Com Diabet Rio Grande Sul, Rio Grande Do Sul, RS, BrazilGrp Hosp Conceicao, Inst Crianca Com Diabet, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilHosp Univ Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, SC, BrazilInst Diabet Endocrinol Joinville, Joinville, BrazilHosp Reg Taguatinga, Brasilia, DF, BrazilHosp Geral Goiania, Goiania, Go, BrazilCtr Diabet & Endocrinol Estado Bahia, Goiania, Go, BrazilUniv Fed Maranhao, Sao Luis, BrazilCtr Integrado Diabet & Hipertensao Ceara, Fortaleza, Ceara, BrazilUniv Fed Sergipe, Aracaju, BrazilHosp Univ Alcides Carneiro, Campina Grande, BrazilHosp Univ Joao de Barros Barreto, Belem, Para, BrazilFed Univ São Paulo State, Diabet Unit, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Hosp São Paulo, Diabet Unit, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Hosp São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilEscola Paulista Med, Ctr Diabet, Ribeirao Preto, BrazilWeb of Scienc