31 research outputs found

    Parent’s Physical Activity Associated With Preschooler Activity in Underserved Populations

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    INTRODUCTION: In the U.S., children from low-income families are more likely to be obese. The impact of parent modeling of physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviors in low-income American ethnic minorities is unclear, and studies examining objective measures of preschooler and parent PA are sparse. METHODS: This cross-sectional study examined 1,003 parent-child pairs who were of low income, largely Latino and African American, and living in one of two geographically disparate metropolitan areas in the U.S. Parents and children wore GT3X/GT3X+ accelerometers for an average of >12 hours/day (7:00am-9:00pm) for 1 week (September 2012 to May 2014). Analysis occurred in 2015-2016. RESULTS: About 75% of children were Latino and >10% were African American. Mean child age was 3.9 years. The majority of children (60%) were normal weight (BMI ≥50th and <85th percentiles), and more than a third were overweight/obese. Children's total PA was 6.03 hours/day, with 1.5 hours spent in moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA). Covariate-adjusted models showed a monotonic, positive association between parent and child minutes of sedentary behavior (β=0.10, 95% CI=0.06, 0.15) and light PA (β=0.06; 95% CI=0.03, 0.09). Child and parent MVPA were positively associated up to 40 minutes/day of parent MVPA, but an inverse association was observed when parental MVPA was beyond 40 minutes/day (p=0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Increasing parental PA and reducing sedentary behavior correlate with increased PA-related behaviors in children. However, more work is needed to understand the impact of high levels of parental MVPA on the MVPA levels of their children

    Effect of extenders based on Tris, Tes and skim milk on cryopreservation of epididymal alpaca sperm

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    El estudio tuvo por objetivo evaluar el efecto de tres dilutores (Tris, Tes y leche descremada) en la criopreservación de espermatozoides obtenidos del epidídimo de alpaca. Previamente se determinó el efecto del tiempo entre el beneficio/castración y la recuperación de los espermatozoides del epidídimo. Se utilizaron 24 testículos de alpacas para la obtención de los espermatozoides directamente del epidídimo en una solución fisiológica buferada (PBS). La recuperación de espermatozoides se realizó a las 0, 35, 48 y 72 horas (6 testículos por grupo) y se evaluó la motilidad, concentración espermática e integridad funcional de membrana. Los espermatozoides recuperados a partir de 35 horas post beneficio/castración no fueron aptos para ser congelados. Las muestras recuperadas a las 0 horas fueron diluidas con Tris, Tes y leche descremada, enfriadas desde 35 a 5 oC en 90 minutos, envasadas en pajillas de 0.25 ml y congeladas en nitrógeno líquido. Se evaluó la motilidad, integridad funcional de membrana y vitalidad/integridad acrosomal en las muestras descongeladas. La motilidad fue de 14.0, 8.6 y 17.0% en los grupos Tris, Tes y leche descremada, respectivamente, donde el grupo leche descremada fue significativamente mejor que el grupo Tes (p&lt;0.05). Los porcentajes de integridad funcional de membrana y vitalidad/integridad acrosomal fueron similares entre los tres grupos. Se concluye que los tres dilutores brindan efectos similares para la criopreservación de espermatozoides epididimarios de alpaca.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of three semen extenders (skim milk, Tris, and Tes) on cryopreservation of epididymal alpaca sperm. Previously, the effect of timespan since slaughtering or castration to the recovery of epididymal sperm was evaluated. Twenty-four alpaca testicles were used to obtain sperm from the epididymis in a buffered saline solution (PBS). The recovery of spermatozoa was performed at 0, 35, 48, and 72 hours (6 testes per group) after slaughtering or castration. Sperm motility, concentration, and sperm membrane functional integrity were analyzed. Sperm recovered after 35 hours was not usable for cryopreservation. Sperm samples recovered at 0 hours were subjected to the process of freezing. Samples were diluted with skim milk, Tris, and Tes, cooled from 35 to 5 °C in 90 minutes, packed into 0.25 ml straws and frozen in liquid nitrogen. After thawing, straws were evaluated by motility, sperm membrane functional integrity and vitality/acrosome integrity. Motility was 17.0, 14.0, and 8.6% on skim milk, Tris and Tes groups respectively, where the skim milk group was significantly better than the Tes (p&lt;0.05). Percentages of sperm membrane functional integrity and vitality/acrosomal integrity were similar among the three extenders. It was concluded that all three extenders provided similar effects for the cryopreservation of epididymal alpaca spermatozoa

    Actualizando la base de datos de fallas activas en el Cuaternario de Iberia a la versión 4 (QAFI v.4): cambios en la forma y en el fondo

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    Reunión Ibérica sobre Fallas Activas y Paleosismología (3ª. 2018. Alicante). - Texto en español con resumen y palabras claves en inglés y españolSe presentan a la comunidad científica los principales cambios que conllevará la actualización a la versión 4 de la base de datos QAFI. El nombre de la base de datos se modifica pasando a ser “Quaternary-Active Faults…”. Se sustituye el término “segment” por “section”. Se omiten las estimaciones automáticas de magnitud máxima y recurrencia. Se amplía la extensión de la base de datos al margen norteafricano. Se creará una nueva base de datos con aquellas fallas cuya actividad en el cuaternario ha quedado descartada en base a evidencias geológicas publicadas. También se exponen diversas mejoras en relación con la visualización de las fallas en la aplicación web, y se solicita colaboración para mejorar la parte de asociaciones con la sismicidad. Finalmente, se prospectan futuras aplicaciones de la QAFI: la clasificación de falla activa del Eurocódigo-8 y una base de datos de fuentes sismogénicas tipo falla. = We present to the scientific community the main changes that would affect the QAFI database in the process of updating to version 4. The name of the database changes, being now: “Quaternary-Active Faults…”. The term fault “segment” is substituted by “section”. Version 4 will not include automatic estimations of maximum magnitude nor recurrence interval. The spatial coverage of the database is extended to the north of Africa. A new complementary database with faults with proof of no Quaternary activity will be created. We also describe foreseen improvements in the visualization of the fault traces in the web application, and we ask for collaboration to improve the fault relationships with seismicity. Finally, we prospect about future uses of the QAFI database: active fault definition in Eurocode-8 and a seismogenic fault-sources database.Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaDepartamento de Geología y Geoquímica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, EspañaDepartamento de Geodinámica, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, EspañaGrupo RISKNAT, Departament de Dinàmica de la Terra i de l’Oceà, Universitat de Barcelona, EspañaGeosciences Research Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, Estados UnidosInstituto de Ciencias del Mar, EspañaDepartamento de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad de Zaragoza, EspañaDepartamento de Biología y Geología, Física y Química Inorgánica, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, EspañaDepartamento de Ciencias de la Tierra y el Medio Ambiente, Universidad de Alicante, EspañaDepartamento de Geodinámica, Universidad de Granada, EspañaGNS Science, Nueva ZelandaDepartamento de Geologia, Universidade de Lisboa, PortugalUnidade de Geologia, Hidrogeologia e Geologia Costeira, Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, Portuga

    Espacio y territorios: razón, pasión e imaginarios

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    En este caleidoscopio de acercamientos hacia lo espacial y territorial, las visiones se mueven desde aquellas románticas y existencialistas, pasando por aquellas objetivistas y positivistas, hasta las estructuralistas y postestructuralistas. Por el espacio y el territorio se interesan con enfoques diversos numerosas disciplinas, desde la psicología, la etología o la literatura, y las ciencias naturales como la biología o la ecología, hasta las ciencias sociales y políticas, como la geografía, la antropología, la economía y la sociología. Este interés multidisciplinario demuestra la importancia y la complejidad del tema espacial y territorial, y reclama la necesidad de su estudio y comprensión interdisciplinarios, como se intenta con esta publicación

    Effect of extenders based on tris, tes and skim milk on cryopreservation of epididymalalpaca sperm [Efecto de dilutores en base a tris, tes y leche descremada en la criopreservaciÓn de espermatozoides obtenidos del epidÍdimo de alpaca]

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    Se agradece al Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONCYTEC) por el financiamiento del presente trabajo a través del Proyecto PROCYT N.°157-2006 «Desarrollo de un protocolo de criopreservación de semen de alpacas mediante el estudio de diferentes dilutores y agentes crioprotectores sobre la funcionalidad espermática».Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica - Concyte

    Biodiversity, ecology, and behavior of the recently discovered insect order Mantophasmatodea

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    The spectacular discovery of the new insect order Mantophasmatodea in 2002 was immediately followed by detailed studies on morphology and scattered information on different aspects of its behavior and general biology. A distinct feature of these predatory insects is the development of large arolia, which are typically held upright; hence, their common name is heelwalkers. The first mantophasmatodean species were described based on two museum specimens originally collected in Tanzania and Namibia. To date, these insects have been observed at surprising levels of diversity and abundance in Namibia and South Africa. For our studies on the phylogenetic relationships within Mantophasmatodea, we collected and analyzed numerous populations that belong to all known mantophasmatodean lineages, including East African populations. These collections not only provided a comprehensive biogeographical overview but also facilitated a comparative analysis of behavior, which was mainly analyzed under laboratory conditions. Here, we review and discuss the published data, as well as provide additional information on Mantophasmatodea distribution, evolutionary lineages, morphology, and biology, with a specific focus on reproductive biology

    Parent’s Physical Activity Associated With Preschooler Activity in Underserved Populations

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    INTRODUCTION: In the U.S., children from low-income families are more likely to be obese. The impact of parent modeling of physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviors in low-income American ethnic minorities is unclear, and studies examining objective measures of preschooler and parent PA are sparse. METHODS: This cross-sectional study examined 1,003 parent–child pairs who were of low income, largely Latino and African American, and living in one of two geographically disparate metropolitan areas in the U.S. Parents and children wore GT3X/GT3X+ accelerometers for an average of >12 hours/day (7:00am–9:00pm) for 1 week (September 2012 to May 2014). Analysis occurred in 2015–2016. RESULTS: About 75% of children were Latino and >10% were African American. Mean child age was 3.9 years. The majority of children (60%) were normal weight (BMI ≥50th and <85th percentiles), with more than a third were overweight/obese. Children's total PA was 6.03 hours/day, with 1.5 hours spent in moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA). Covariate-adjusted models showed a monotonic, positive association between parent and child minutes of sedentary behavior (β=0.10, 95% CI=0.06, 0.15) and light PA (β=0.06; 95% CI=0.03, 0.09). Child and parent MVPA were positively associated up to 40 minutes/day of parent MVPA, but an inverse association was observed when parental MVPA was beyond 40 minutes/day (p=0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Increasing parental PA and reducing sedentary behavior correlate with increased PA-related behaviors in children. However, more work is needed to understand the impact of high levels of parental MVPA on the MVPA levels of their children