340 research outputs found

    Sistemas de medición de desempeño en PYMES – un estudio de caso

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    El presente trabajo consiste en un estudio de caso desarrollado en la empresa SBC - Sociedade Brigantina de Consultores, Lda. Una PYME que se ubica en Bragança (Portugal), dedicada a la prestación de servicios de consultoría en las áreas de administración, contabilidad, sistemas de información y proyectos especiales a empresas de la región norte de Portugal. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue analizar los factores financieros y no financieros, que influencian el desempeño financiero de la empresa medido por la rentabilidad del capital propio. Utilizando la regresión robusta recurriendo al software R se constato que la variación del volumen de negocios, la satisfacción de los clientes y la autonomía financiera están positivamente correlacionados y son estadísticamente significativos para un nivel de significancia de 10%, así se deduce que los indicadores no financieros también pueden contribuir en el desempeño financiero

    5G Radio Access Networks Enabling Efficient Point-to-Multipoint Transmissions

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] The first release of 5th Generation (5G) technology from 3rd Generation Project Partnership (3GPP) Rel'15 has been completed in December 2018. An open issue with this release of standards is that it only supports unicast communications in the core network and Point-To-Point (PTP) transmissions in the Radio Access Network (RAN), and does not support multicast/broadcast communications and Point-To-Multipoint (PTM) transmissions, which are 3GPP system requirements for 5G applications in a number of vertical sectors, such as Automotive, Airborne Communications, Internet-of-Things, Media & Entertainment, and Public Warning & Safety systems. In this article, we present novel mechanisms for enhancing the 5G unicast architecture with minimal footprint, to enable efficient PTM transmissions in the RAN, and to support multicast communications in the Rel'15 core as an in-built delivery optimization feature of the system. This approach will enable completely new levels of network management and delivery cost-efficiency.This work was supported in part by the European Commission under the 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership project "5G-Xcast: Broadcast and Multicast Communication Enablers for the Fifth Generation of Wireless Systems" (H2020-ICT-2016-2 call, grant 761498). The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the project.Säily, M.; Barjau, C.; Navrátil, D.; Prasad, A.; Gomez-Barquero, D.; Tesema, FB. (2019). 5G Radio Access Networks Enabling Efficient Point-to-Multipoint Transmissions. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. 14(4):29-37. https://doi.org/10.1109/MVT.2019.2936657S293714

    Influence of occlusal collision corrections completed by two intraoral scanners or a dental design program on the accuracy of the maxillomandibular relationship.

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    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Occlusal collisions of articulated intraoral digital scans can be corrected by intraoral scanners (IOSs) or dental design software programs. However, the influence of these corrections on the accuracy of maxillomandibular relationship is unclear. PURPOSE The purpose of this clinical investigation was to measure the effect of occlusal collision corrections completed by the IOSs or dental design software programs on the trueness and precision of maxillomandibular relationship. MATERIAL AND METHODS Casts of a participant mounted on an articulator were digitized (T710). The experimental scans were obtained by using 2 IOSs: TRIOS4 and i700. The intraoral digital scans of the maxillary and mandibular arches were obtained and duplicated 15 times. For each duplicated pair of scans, a bilateral virtual occlusal record was acquired. Articulated specimens were duplicated and assigned into 2 groups: IOS-not corrected and IOS corrected (n=15). In the IOS-not corrected groups, the IOS software program postprocessed the scans maintaining the occlusal collisions, while in the IOS-corrected groups, the IOS software program eliminated the occlusal collisions. All articulated specimens were imported into a computer-aided design (CAD) program (DentalCAD). Three subgroups were developed based on the CAD correction: CAD-no change, trimming, or opening the vertical dimension. Thirty-six interlandmark distances were measured on the reference and each experimental scan to compute discrepancies by using a software program (Geomagic Wrap). Root mean square (RMS) was selected to compute the cast modifications performed in the trimming subgroups. Trueness was examined using 2-way ANOVA and pairwise comparison Tukey tests (α=.05). Precision was evaluated with the Levene test (α=.05). RESULTS The IOS (P<.001), the program (P<.001), and their interaction (P<.001) impacted the trueness of the maxillomandibular relationship. The i700 obtained higher trueness than the TRIOS4 (P<.001). The IOS-not corrected-CAD-no-changes and IOS-not-corrected-trimming subgroups obtained the lowest trueness (P<.001), while the IOS-corrected-CAD-no-changes, IOS-corrected-trimming, and IOS-corrected-opening subgroups showed the highest trueness (P<.001). No significant differences in precision were found (P<.001). Furthermore, significant RMS differences were found (P<.001), with a significant interaction between Group×Subgroup (P<.001). The IOS-not corrected-trimmed subgroups obtained a significantly higher RMS error discrepancy than IOS-corrected-trimmed subgroups (P<.001). The Levene test showed a significant discrepancy in the RMS precision among IOSs across subgroups (P<.001). CONCLUSIONS The trueness of the maxillomandibular relationship was influenced by the scanner and program used to correct occlusal collisions. Better trueness was obtained when the occlusal collisions were adjusted by the IOS program compared with the CAD program. Precision was not significantly influenced by the occlusal collision correction method. CAD corrections did not improve the results of the IOS software. Additionally, the trimming option caused volumetric changes on the occlusal surfaces of intraoral scans

    Non-invasive clinical and microscopic evaluation of the response to treatment with clobetasol cream vs. calcipotriol/betamethasone dipropionate foam in mild to moderate plaque psoriasis : an investigator-initiated, phase IV, unicentric, open, randomized clinical trial

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    Treatment response for psoriasis is typically evaluated using clinical scores. However, patients can relapse after clinical clearance, suggesting persistent inflammation. Dermoscopy, reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) can non-invasively improve treatment response assessment. To compare the clinical and non-invasive microscopic features in a psoriatic target lesion treated with clobetasol cream or calcipotriol/betamethasone dipropionate foam (Cal/BD foam). Prospective, unicentric, open, randomized clinical trial comparing clinical data [total clinical score (TCS)] and microscopic data (dermoscopy, RCM and OCT) in psoriasis patients treated with clobetasol or Cal/BD foam. We included 36 adult patients (22 men). At week 4, more patients treated with Cal/BD foam achieved TCS ≤1 than with clobetasol (63.2% vs. 18.8%, P = 0.016). Treatment satisfaction was higher with Cal/BD foam (P < 0.03). Microscopically, Cal/BD foam induced more reduction in epidermal thickness at week 4 (P < 0.049). Dilated horizontal blood vessels were more common with clobetasol than with Cal/BD foam at week 8 (69.2% vs. 31.2%, P = 0.159). If epidermal hyperplasia was noted at baseline, the response was poorer with clobetasol (P = 0.029). Small sample size, open study, imaging sampling bias. Cal/BD foam is more effective than clobetasol, has better patient satisfaction and induces greater reduction in the hyperkeratosis/acanthosis, regardless of baseline epidermal hyperplasia

    Global and regional cortical thinning in first-episode psychosis patients: relationships with clinical and cognitive features

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    BackgroundThe thickness of the cortical mantle is a sensitive measure for identifying alterations in cortical structure. We aimed to explore whether first episode schizophrenia patients already show a significant cortical thinning and whether cortical thickness anomalies may significantly influence clinical and cognitive features.MethodWe investigated regional changes in cortical thickness in a large and heterogeneous sample of schizophrenia spectrum patients (n=142) at their first break of the illness and healthy controls (n=83). Magnetic resonance imaging brain scans (1.5 T) were obtained and images were analyzed by using BRAINS2. The contribution of sociodemographic, cognitive and clinical characterictics was investigated.ResultsPatients showed a significant total cortical thinning (F=17.55, d=−0.62, p0.53). No significant group × gender interactions were observed (all p’s>0.15). There were no significant associations between the clinical and pre-morbid variables and cortical thickness measurements (all r’s<0.12). A weak significant negative correlation between attention and total (r=−0.24, p=0.021) and parietal cortical thickness (r=−0.27, p=0.009) was found in patients (thicker cortex was associated with lower attention). Our data revealed a similar pattern of cortical thickness changes related to age in patients and controls.ConclusionsCortical thinning is independent of gender, age, age of onset and duration of the illness and does not seem to significantly influence clinical and functional symptomatology. These findings support a primary neuro-development disorder affecting the normal cerebral cortex development in schizophrenia

    A study on the impact of AL-FEC techniques on TV over IP Quality of Experience

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    In this contribution, an evaluation of the effectiveness of Application Layer-Forward Error Correction (AL-FEC) scheme in video communications over unreliable channels is presented. In literature, several AL-FEC techniques for reducing the effect of noisy transmission on multimedia communication have been adopted. Recently, their use has been proposed for inclusion in TV over IP broadcasting international standards. The objective of the analysis performed in this paper is to verify the effectiveness of AL-FEC techniques in terms of perceived Quality of Service (QoS) and more in general of Quality of Experience (QoE), and to evaluate the trade-off between AL-FEC redundancy and video quality degradation for a given packet loss ratio. To this goal, several channel error models are investigated (random i.i.d. losses, burst losses, and network congestions) on test sequences encoded at 2 and 4 Mbps. The perceived quality is evaluated by means of three quality metrics: the full-reference objective quality metric NTIA-VQM combined with the ITU-T Rec. G.1070, the full-reference DMOS-KPN metric, and the pixel-wise error comparison performed by using the PSNR distortion measure. A post-processing synchronization between the original and the reconstructed stream has also been designed for improving the fidelity of the performed quality measures. The experimental results show the effectiveness and the limits of the Application Layer protection schemes. © 2011 Battisti et al; licensee Springer

    Changes in health related quality of life 3 months after an acute coronary syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to identify the changes in Health Related Quality of Life (HRQL) 3 months after discharge from hospital, in patients who have had an acute coronary episode, and to determine the clinical and sociodemographic variables that explain those changes. METHODS: HRQL was assessed in 132 patients while they were admitted to the hospital and at 3 months after discharge, using the SF-36 health questionnaire. To identify the variables associated with the change, multiple linear regression models were constructed for two summary dimensions of the SF-36 (PCS and MCS) taking the change in the score of the dimension as dependent variable. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the patients who completed the monitoring (n = 76) and those who were dropped out. After three months, a significant decrease was observed in the dimensions of physical functioning, general health, vitality, and Physical Summary Component (PCS). The variables revascularisation, age, and the interaction between previous history of coronary heart disease (CHD) and the presence of one or more risk factors explained 16.6% of the decrease in the PCS. The decrease in the PCS was 6.4 points less in the patients who had undergone revascularisation, 0.2 points less for each year of age, and 4.7 points less in the patients who had antecedents of the illness as well as one or more risk factors. CONCLUSION: The dimensions most affected at three months after an acute coronary episode were those related to the physical component. Undergoing revascularisation improved the PCS in patients, but in the younger patients and those without personal antecedents or risk factors, the PCS was affected more, perhaps due to greater expectations for recovery in these patients

    The Lipopolysaccharide Core of Brucella abortus Acts as a Shield Against Innate Immunity Recognition

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    Innate immunity recognizes bacterial molecules bearing pathogen-associated molecular patterns to launch inflammatory responses leading to the activation of adaptive immunity. However, the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of the gram-negative bacterium Brucella lacks a marked pathogen-associated molecular pattern, and it has been postulated that this delays the development of immunity, creating a gap that is critical for the bacterium to reach the intracellular replicative niche. We found that a B. abortus mutant in the wadC gene displayed a disrupted LPS core while keeping both the LPS O-polysaccharide and lipid A. In mice, the wadC mutant induced proinflammatory responses and was attenuated. In addition, it was sensitive to killing by non-immune serum and bactericidal peptides and did not multiply in dendritic cells being targeted to lysosomal compartments. In contrast to wild type B. abortus, the wadC mutant induced dendritic cell maturation and secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines. All these properties were reproduced by the wadC mutant purified LPS in a TLR4-dependent manner. Moreover, the core-mutated LPS displayed an increased binding to MD-2, the TLR4 co-receptor leading to subsequent increase in intracellular signaling. Here we show that Brucella escapes recognition in early stages of infection by expressing a shield against recognition by innate immunity in its LPS core and identify a novel virulence mechanism in intracellular pathogenic gram-negative bacteria. These results also encourage for an improvement in the generation of novel bacterial vaccines