351 research outputs found

    La España minera y metalúrgica

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    Escuela Especial de Ingenieros de Minas: La escuela desde su creació

    A COVID-19 Recovery Strategy Based on the Health System Capacity Modeling. Implications on Citizen Self-management

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    Versión preprint depositada sin articulo publicado dada la actualidad del tema. *Solicitud de los autoresConfinement ends, and recovery phase should be accurate planned. Health System (HS) capacity, specially ICUs and plants capacity and availability, will remain the key stone in this new Covid-19 pandemic life cycle phase. Until massive vaccination programs will be a real option (vaccine developed, world wield production capacity and effective and efficient administration process), date that will mark recovery phase end, important decisions should be taken. Not only by authorities. Citizen self-management and organizations self-management will be crucial. This means: citizen and organizations day a day decision in order to control their own risks (infecting others and being infected). This paper proposes a management tool that is based on a ICUs and plants capacity model. Principal outputs of this tool are, by sequential order and by last best data available: (i) ICUs and plants saturation estimation data (according to incoming rate of patients), (ii) with this results new local and temporal confinement measure can be planned and also a dynamic analysis can be done to estimate maximum Ro saturation scenarios, and finally (iii) provide citizen with clear and accurate data allow them adapting their behavior to authorities’ previous recommendations. One common objective: to accelerate as much as possible socioeconomic normalization with a strict control over HS relapses risk

    Strategies for COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery. Applying Engineering Asset Management Principles

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    Versión preprint permitida por el editor Elsevier para subir a repositorios: http://sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/issn/2468-2667/es/Current COVID-19 pandemic available data for Spain, Andalusia an its eight provinces have been analyzed. Utilizing a model recently published to predict pandemic behavior, confinement measures and their economic impact are analyzed. Applying principles for effective and efficient management of engineering assets, decision-making implications of establishing confinement at national, regional or local (province) level are analyzed. The quarantine time is formulated as a function of the delay in taking confinement measures in the territories. The delay is measured in time since the free expansion in the territory is observed. Results discussions and analysis help to formulate a recommended strategy that is presented in the paper. We aim for: (i) design action plans by local level but(ii) controlled centralized by a unique decisionmaking center considering by country. Benefits of that strategy are measured in quarantine times beside GDP loss toll recovery. The strategy would be even more convenient when tackling with successive waves of the pandemic, requesting immediate action on local relapse

    Understanding R-based planning decisions and control for COVID-19 recovery

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    A strategy is a high level plan to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty, it is about reaching desirable ends with available means. In this paper practical management tools to tackle the deconfinement strategy design problem are presented. But strategy is not only about design, it has much to do with implementation too. A proper control system to follow the course of action, especially in a scenario with unprecedent uncertainty, is developed. This is considered a must to launch strategy implementation. In the paper, it is remarked the importance of R, first as a variable to monitor and control the pandemic, to ensure its decline; second as a target to score risks associated to start certain activities over, after confinement. Reducing the potential increase in the value of R, when any type of activity is re-opening, guides the strategy. In terms of control, the paper benefits of up-to-date developments within the field of predictive maintenance (PdM). The emergence of predictive analytics and the introduction of prognosis interpretation rules can be very valuable now, when you need to take decisions based on data and predictions. A novel and innovative way to structure the data model required for such a control system is presented in the paper. Whatever actions are taken as appropriate will impact the economy in the shortmidterm, and understanding the extent of that impact by economic sector and time scale is rather interesting. This paper also provides an answer to this concern. With this paper, SIM research group ends a trilogy related to Covid 19 pandemic management analysis. Our aim has been always to put our best skills and our experience to serve our communities when facing this unprecedent situation

    Symptomkartlegging ved bruk av ESAS til pasienter i palliativ fase

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    Bakgrunn: Flere og flere pasienter som får en inkurabel sykdom lever lenger med sin sykdom. Den palliative behandlingen står dermed sentralt og er viktig hos mange pasienter. Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) er et kartleggingsverktøy som hjelper helsepersonell med å kartlegge symptomer, men hvilken rolle spiller sykepleierne i bruken av ESAS. Dette temaet ønsker vi å belyse ytterligere, og mener er viktig for den palliative behandlingen pasientene får. Hensikt: I oppgaven ønsker vi å finne ut hvilken rolle sykepleierne har i møte å kartlegge symptomer, og vi ønsker å sette søkelys på sykepleiernes erfaringer med bruken av ESAS til palliative pasienter. Studien tar for seg hvordan skjemaet fungerer, viktigheten av god kommunikasjon, og hvordan kunnskap og rutiner har noe å si for hvordan ESAS fungerer i praksis. Problemstillingen er: «Sykepleiernes rolle ved symptomkartlegging og bruken av ESAS til pasienter i palliativ fase.» Metode: Studiet er en litteraturstudie basert på̊ fem ulike forskningsartikler. To av artiklene er kvalitative, hvorav en er kvantitativ og en er både kvalitativ og kvantitativ. Resultater: Sykepleierne anser ESAS som et godt verktøy for å kartlegge symptomer, og et skjema som åpner for samtale mellom pleier og pasient. Til tross for gode resultat om ESAS som kartleggingsverktøy står mangel på rutine og kunnskap sentralt i bruken av ESAS i praksis. Konklusjon: Sykepleierne har en viktig rolle i møte med palliative pasienters symptomer, og kan ved hjelp av tidlig bruk av kartleggingsverktøy finne symptomene og effektivisere behandlingen. Mangel på undervisning og engasjement, gjør at mangelfull rutine og kunnskap fører til at ESAS ikke blir fulgt opp på en systematisk og god måte blant sykepleierne

    Cross-layer enhancement of error control techniques for adaptation layers of DVB satellites

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    This paper assesses the way error control is managed jointly by Forward Error Codes (FEC) and Cyclic Redundancy Checks (CRC) in the lower layers of today’s Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) satellites. Mathematical and simulation results clearly show that the outer block codes of the coding schemes used in DVB-S and DVB-S2 (Reed-Solomon and Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem, respectively) can provide very accurate error-detection information to the receiver in addition to their basic correction task at virtually no cost, making an uncorrected error after decoding an extremely improbable event. For this reason, the workload of CRCs can be ensured safely by the FEC subsystem if a dedicated function allowing the physical layer to share its decoding information with the adaptation layer is set. This particular crosslayer mechanism would allow freeing up the bandwidth currently used by CRCs -which adds up to 10 % for more than 35 % of the total number of IP packets- and pave the way for an enhanced transport of IP over DVB-S2
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