175 research outputs found


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    Conçu dans le double objectif de rendre compte des avancées et des productions d\u27 une discipline jeune, l\u27 histoire culturelle, et raconter, de façon neuve, l\u27 histoire de France, de 1848 à nos jours, ce dictionnaire réunit environ 150 auteurs représentatifs de la recherche la plus innovante. Fruit du travail concerté de deux équipes réputées, le Centre d\u27 histoire de Sciences Po et le Centre d\u27 histoire culturelle des sociétés contemporaines de l\u27 Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, il constitue une nouveauté complÚte puisqu\u27 il n\u27existait pas, à ce jour, d\u27 histoire culturelle de la France

    Seismic site effects in a deep alluvial basin: numerical analysis by the boundary element method

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    The main purpose of the paper is the numerical analysis of seismic site effects in Caracas (Venezuela). The analysis is performed considering the boundary element method in the frequency domain. A numerical model including a part of the local topography is considered, it involves a deep alluvial deposit on an elastic bedrock. The amplification of seismic motion (SH-waves, weak motion) is analyzed in terms of level, occurring frequency and location. In this specific site of Caracas, the amplification factor is found to reach a maximum value of 25. Site effects occur in the thickest part of the basin for low frequencies (below 1.0 Hz) and in two intermediate thinner areas for frequencies above 1.0 Hz. The influence of both incidence and shear wave velocities is also investigated. A comparison with microtremor recordings is presented afterwards. The results of both numerical and experimental approaches are in good agreement in terms of fundamental frequencies in the deepest part of the basin. The boundary element method appears to be a reliable and efficient approach for the analysis of seismic site effects

    La fin de la condition féminine ?

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    « Le colloque Comprendre la Ve République nous apparaßt comme lune des trop rares manifestations scientifiques organisées pour commémorer la naissance dun régime politique aujourdhui quasiment accepté par tous. La comparaison avec la déferlante du 40e anniversaire de Mai 68 pose demblée la question du tri mémoriel, mais nous renvoie aussi à des problématiques spécifiques de lhistorien. () Le décalage entre la logique mémorielle et la volonté critique du chercheur est à la source de ce colloque. De notre point de vue dhistorien, il sagit de privilégier des questionnements sur le long terme, la confrontation entre lévolution dun régime politique et les grandes évolutions de la société française, dans tous les champs possibles, sociaux, économiques, culturels, médiatiques, religieux, internationaux. Si la chronologie politique jalonne évidemment notre réflexion, marquée par des étapes décisives comme la présidentialisation de 1962, la crise de Mai 68, lalternance de 1981 ou la cohabitation de 1986, notre démarche est celle de la synthÚse thématique, visant à éviter les perspectives mémorielles ou journalistiques. Cest la raison pour laquelle nous avons demandé aux contributeurs, quils soient historiens, politistes ou sociologues, dadopter un point de vue diachronique qui surplombe le demi-siÚcle, ce qui navait jamais été tenté jusque là, et pour cause. » (Extrait de l\u27Introduction de J. Garrigues et S. Guillaume.

    Local amplification of deep mining induced vibrations - Part.2: Simulation of the ground motion in a coal basin

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    This work investigates the impact of deep coal mining induced vibrations on surface constructions using numerical tools. An experimental study of the geological site amplification and of its influence on mining induced vibrations has already been published in a previous paper (Part 1: Experimental evidence for site effects in a coal basin). Measurements have shown the existence of an amplification area in the southern part of the basin where drilling data have shown the presence of particularly fractured and soft stratigraphic units. The present study, using the Boundary Element Method (BEM) in the frequency domain, first investigates canonical geological structures in order to get general results for various sites. The amplification level at the surface is given as a function of the shape of the basin and of the velocity contrast with the bedrock. Next, the particular coal basin previously studied experimentally (Driad-Lebeau et al., 2009) is modeled numerically by BEM. The amplification phenomena characterized numerically for the induced vibrations are found to be compatible with the experimental findings: amplification level, frequency range, location. Finally, the whole work was necessary to fully assess the propagation and amplification of mine induced vibrations. The numerical results quantifying amplification can also be used to study other coal basins or various types of alluvial sites

    Time-integrated luminosity recorded by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e+e- collider

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    This article is the Preprint version of the final published artcile which can be accessed at the link below.We describe a measurement of the time-integrated luminosity of the data collected by the BABAR experiment at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e+e- collider at the ϒ(4S), ϒ(3S), and ϒ(2S) resonances and in a continuum region below each resonance. We measure the time-integrated luminosity by counting e+e-→e+e- and (for the ϒ(4S) only) e+e-→Ό+ÎŒ- candidate events, allowing additional photons in the final state. We use data-corrected simulation to determine the cross-sections and reconstruction efficiencies for these processes, as well as the major backgrounds. Due to the large cross-sections of e+e-→e+e- and e+e-→Ό+ÎŒ-, the statistical uncertainties of the measurement are substantially smaller than the systematic uncertainties. The dominant systematic uncertainties are due to observed differences between data and simulation, as well as uncertainties on the cross-sections. For data collected on the ϒ(3S) and ϒ(2S) resonances, an additional uncertainty arises due to ϒ→e+e-X background. For data collected off the ϒ resonances, we estimate an additional uncertainty due to time dependent efficiency variations, which can affect the short off-resonance runs. The relative uncertainties on the luminosities of the on-resonance (off-resonance) samples are 0.43% (0.43%) for the ϒ(4S), 0.58% (0.72%) for the ϒ(3S), and 0.68% (0.88%) for the ϒ(2S).This work is supported by the US Department of Energy and National Science Foundation, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada), the Commissariat Ă  l’Energie Atomique and Institut National de Physique NuclĂ©aire et de Physiquedes Particules (France), the Bundesministerium fĂŒr Bildung und Forschung and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Germany), the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy), the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (The Netherlands), the Research Council of Norway, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn (Spain), and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (United Kingdom). Individuals have received support from the Marie-Curie IEF program (European Union) and the A.P. Sloan Foundation (USA)

    A Metaheuristic Framework for Bi-level Programming Problems with Multi-disciplinary Applications

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    Bi-level programming problems arise in situations when the decision maker has to take into account the responses of the users to his decisions. Several problems arising in engineering and economics can be cast within the bi-level programming framework. The bi-level programming model is also known as a Stackleberg or leader-follower game in which the leader chooses his variables so as to optimise his objective function, taking into account the response of the follower(s) who separately optimise their own objectives, treating the leader’s decisions as exogenous. In this chapter, we present a unified framework fully consistent with the Stackleberg paradigm of bi-level programming that allows for the integration of meta-heuristic algorithms with traditional gradient based optimisation algorithms for the solution of bi-level programming problems. In particular we employ Differential Evolution as the main meta-heuristic in our proposal.We subsequently apply the proposed method (DEBLP) to a range of problems from many fields such as transportation systems management, parameter estimation and game theory. It is demonstrated that DEBLP is a robust and powerful search heuristic for this class of problems characterised by non smoothness and non convexity

    Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC

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