149 research outputs found
Thermodynamic properties of ZnO with in mie-gruneisen hypothesis
Zink oxide (mineral name: Zincite) is an attractive wide band gap semiconductor due to its large number of industrial applications such as in the production of solar cells,
liquid-crystal displays, electrochromic devices, LED, as well as adhesive taps, automobile tires, ceramics, glass, varistors, etc. It is due to versatile nature of ZnO, in we have studied its thermal properties at high temperatures. Theoretically, complete ab initio investigations at elevated temperatures are restricted due largely to computational complexity of many-body nature. We have therefore used an consistent iterative scheme to include thermal effect by combining the universal equation of
state (UEOS) to the Mie-Gruneisen hypothesis. It is demonstrated that from the knowledge of cohesive properties at ambient condition various thermodynamic properties can be predicted at finite temperatures and pressures. For example, presently calculated relative volume-thermal expansions, static EOS are in good accordance with experimental results.
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Structure and collective dynamics of liquid sodium
The temperature variation of the longitudinal and transverse phonon frequencies of liquid sodium is investigated
using the approach by Hubbard Beeby. The molecular dynamics simulation is used to generate the pair
correlation function of liquid sodium at various temperatures viz. T = 378 K, 473 K, 573 K, and 723 K, with
672 particles. To describe the electron-ion interaction our own model potential is employed along with a recent
local field correction function due to Sarkar et al. To evaluate the parameter of the potential the zero pressure
condition has been applied. The present results of g(r) are in good agreement with available experimental
findings. The computed g(r) are used to investigate the temperature variation of the collective dynamics of
liquid sodium. The amplitudes of the peaks of the longitudinal and transverse frequencies are suppressed
while the width of the propagation gap for the transverse sound waves decreases with an increase in temperature.
The computed longitudinal and transverse sound velocities at these temperatures are found to be
encouraging.За допомогою методу Габбарда-Бiбi дослiджувалась температурна залежнiсть повздовжньої та поперечної фононних частот рiдкого натрiю. Парна кореляцiйна функцiя рiдкого натрiю була запропонована при рiзних температурах, а саме T = 378 K, 473 K, 573 K та 723 K, застосовуючи метод
молекулярної динамiки для 672 частинок. Опис електрон-iонної взаємодiї здiйснювався за допомогою запропонованого авторами модельного потенцiалу, доповненого функцiєю Серкара та iн., що
описує поправку на локальне поле. Щоб оцiнити параметр потенцiалу, була застосована умова нульового тиску. Отриманi результати для g(r) добре узгоджуються з експериментальними даними.
На основi обчисленої g(r) вивчалась температурна залежнiсть колективної динамiки рiдкого натрiю.
Показано, що з пiдвищенням температури амплiтуди максимумiв повздовжньої i поперечної частот
понижуються, а ширина пропагаторної щiлини для поперечних акустичних хвиль звужується
Search for lepton-flavor violation at HERA
A search for lepton-flavor-violating interactions and has been performed with the ZEUS detector using the entire HERA I
data sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 130 pb^{-1}. The data
were taken at center-of-mass energies, , of 300 and 318 GeV. No
evidence of lepton-flavor violation was found, and constraints were derived on
leptoquarks (LQs) that could mediate such interactions. For LQ masses below
, limits were set on , where
is the coupling of the LQ to an electron and a
first-generation quark , and is the branching ratio of
the LQ to the final-state lepton ( or ) and a quark . For
LQ masses much larger than , limits were set on the four-fermion
interaction term for LQs that couple to an electron and a quark
and to a lepton and a quark , where and are
quark generation indices. Some of the limits are also applicable to
lepton-flavor-violating processes mediated by squarks in -Parity-violating
supersymmetric models. In some cases, especially when a higher-generation quark
is involved and for the process , the ZEUS limits are the most
stringent to date.Comment: 37 pages, 10 figures, Accepted by EPJC. References and 1 figure (Fig.
6) adde
Multijet production in neutral current deep inelastic scattering at HERA and determination of alpha_s
Multijet production rates in neutral current deep inelastic scattering have
been measured in the range of exchanged boson virtualities 10 < Q2 < 5000 GeV2.
The data were taken at the ep collider HERA with centre-of-mass energy sqrt(s)
= 318 GeV using the ZEUS detector and correspond to an integrated luminosity of
82.2 pb-1. Jets were identified in the Breit frame using the k_T cluster
algorithm in the longitudinally invariant inclusive mode. Measurements of
differential dijet and trijet cross sections are presented as functions of jet
transverse energy E_{T,B}{jet}, pseudorapidity eta_{LAB}{jet} and Q2 with
E_{T,B}{jet} > 5 GeV and -1 < eta_{LAB}{jet} < 2.5. Next-to-leading-order QCD
calculations describe the data well. The value of the strong coupling constant
alpha_s(M_Z), determined from the ratio of the trijet to dijet cross sections,
is alpha_s(M_Z) = 0.1179 pm 0.0013(stat.) {+0.0028}_{-0.0046}(exp.)
{+0.0064}_{-0.0046}(th.)Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure
Measurement of (anti)deuteron and (anti)proton production in DIS at HERA
The first observation of (anti)deuterons in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
has been made with the ZEUS detector at a centre-of-mass energy of 300--318 GeV
using an integrated luminosity of 120 pb-1. The measurement was performed in
the central rapidity region for transverse momentum per unit of mass in the
range 0.3<p_T/M<0.7. The particle rates have been extracted and interpreted in
terms of the coalescence model. The (anti)deuteron production yield is smaller
than the (anti)proton yield by approximately three orders of magnitude,
consistent with the world measurements.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, submitted to Nucl. Phys.
Photoproduction of mesons associated with a leading neutron
The photoproduction of mesons associated with a leading
neutron has been observed with the ZEUS detector in collisions at HERA
using an integrated luminosity of 80 pb. The neutron carries a large
fraction, {}, of the incoming proton beam energy and is detected at
very small production angles, { mrad}, an indication of
peripheral scattering. The meson is centrally produced with
pseudorapidity {
GeV}, which is large compared to the average transverse momentum of the neutron
of 0.22 GeV. The ratio of neutron-tagged to inclusive production is
in the photon-proton
center-of-mass energy range { GeV}. The data suggest that the
presence of a hard scale enhances the fraction of events with a leading neutron
in the final state.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures, 2 table
Measurement of beauty production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
The beauty production cross section for deep inelastic scattering events with
at least one hard jet in the Breit frame together with a muon has been
measured, for photon virtualities Q^2 > 2 GeV^2, with the ZEUS detector at HERA
using integrated luminosity of 72 pb^-1. The total visible cross section is
sigma_b-bbar (ep -> e jet mu X) = 40.9 +- 5.7 (stat.) +6.0 -4.4 (syst.) pb. The
next-to-leading order QCD prediction lies about 2.5 standard deviations below
the data. The differential cross sections are in general consistent with the
NLO QCD predictions; however at low values of Q^2, Bjorken x, and muon
transverse momentum, and high values of jet transverse energy and muon
pseudorapidity, the prediction is about two standard deviations below the data.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure
Measurement of charm fragmentation ratios and fractions in photoproduction at HERA
The production of D^*+, D^0, D^+, D_s^+ and Lambda_c^+ charm hadrons and
their antiparticles in ep scattering at HERA was measured with the ZEUS
detector using an integrated luminosity of 79 pb^-1. The measurement has been
performed in the photoproduction regime with the exchanged-photon virtuality
Q^2 < 1 GeV^2 and for photon-proton centre-of-mass energies in the range 130 <
W < 300 GeV. The charm hadrons were reconstructed in the range of transverse
momentum p_T(D, Lambda_c) > 3.8 GeV and pseudorapidity |eta(D, Lambda_c)| <
1.6. The production cross sections were used to determine the ratio of neutral
and charged D-meson production rates, R_u/d, the strangeness-suppression
factor, gamma_s, and the fraction of charged D mesons produced in a vector
state, P_v^d. The measured R_u/d and gamma_s values agree with those obtained
in deep inelastic scattering and in e^+e^- annihilations. The measured P_v^d
value is smaller than, but consistent with, the previous measurements. The
fractions of c quarks hadronising as a particular charm hadron, f(c -> D,
Lambda_c), were derived in the given kinematic range. The measured open-charm
fragmentation fractions are consistent with previous results, although the
measured f(c -> D^*+) is smaller and f(c -> Lambda_c^+) is larger than those
obtained in e^+e^- annihilations. These results generally support the
hypothesis that fragmentation proceeds independently of the hard sub-process.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, 6 tables; minor text revision
Observation of isolated high-E_T photons in deep inelastic scattering
First measurements of cross sections for isolated prompt photon production in
deep inelastic ep scattering have been made using the ZEUS detector at the HERA
electron-proton collider using an integrated luminosity of 121 pb^-1. A signal
for isolated photons in the transverse energy and rapidity ranges 5 < E_T^gamma
< 10 GeV and -0.7 < eta^gamma < 0.9 was observed for virtualities of the
exchanged photon of Q^2 > 35 GeV^2. Cross sections are presented for inclusive
prompt photons and for those accompanied by a single jet in the range E_T^jet
\geq 6 GeV and -1.5 \leq eta^jet < 1.8. Calculations at order alpha^3alpha_s
describe the data reasonably well.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure
Isolated tau leptons in events with large missing transverse momentum at HERA
A search for events containing isolated tau leptons and large missing
transverse momentum, not originating from the tau decay, has been performed
with the ZEUS detector at the electron-proton collider HERA, using 130 pb^-1 of
integrated luminosity. A search was made for isolated tracks coming from
hadronic tau decays. Observables based on the internal jet structure were
exploited to discriminate between tau decays and quark- or gluon-induced jets.
Three tau candidates were found, while 0.40 +0.12 -0.13 were expected from
Standard Model processes, such as charged current deep inelastic scattering and
single W-boson production. To search for heavy-particle decays, a more
restrictive selection was applied to isolate tau leptons produced together with
a hadronic final state with high transverse momentum. Two candidate events
survive, while 0.20 +-0.05 events are expected from Standard Model processes.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, accepted by Phys. Lett. B. Updated
with minor changes to the text requested by the journal refere
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