820 research outputs found

    Filler bar heating due to stepped tiles in the shuttle orbiter thermal protection system

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    An analytical study was performed to investigate the excessive heating in the tile to tile gaps of the Shuttle Orbiter Thermal Protection System due to stepped tiles. The excessive heating was evidence by visible discoloration and charring of the filler bar and strain isolation pad that is used in the attachment of tiles to the aluminum substrate. Two tile locations on the Shuttle orbiter were considered, one on the lower surface of the fuselage and one on the lower surface of the wing. The gap heating analysis involved the calculation of external and internal gas pressures and temperatures, internal mass flow rates, and the transient thermal response of the thermal protection system. The results of the analysis are presented for the fuselage and wing location for several step heights. The results of a study to determine the effectiveness of a half height ceramic fiber gap filler in preventing hot gas flow in the tile gaps are also presented

    Patterns of Recovery from Severe Mental Illness: A Pilot Study of Outcomes

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    We performed a pilot study examining the patterns of recovery from severe mental illness in a model integrated service delivery system using measures from the Milestones of Recovery Scale (MORS), a valid and reliable measure of recovery outcomes which ranges from 1 to 8 (8 levels). For purposes of presentation, we constructed an aggregate MORS (6 levels) where the levels are described as follows: (1) extreme risk; (2) unengaged, poorly self-coordinating; (3) engaged, poorly self-coordinating; (4) coping and rehabilitating; (5) early recovery, and (6) self reliant. We analyzed MORS data on individuals followed over time from The Village in Long Beach, California (658 observations). Using Markov Chains, we estimated origin-destination transition probabilities, simulating recovery outcomes for 100 months. Our models suggest that after 12 months only 8% of “extreme risk” clients remain such. Over 40% have moved to “engaged, poorly self-coordinating.” After 2 years, almost half of the initial “extreme Risk” clients are “coping/rehabilitating”, “early recovery” or “Self reliant.” Most gains occur within 2 years

    LARES/WEBER-SAT and the equivalence principle

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    It has often been claimed that the proposed Earth artificial satellite LARES/WEBER-SAT-whose primary goal is, in fact, the measurement of the general relativistic Lense-Thirring effect at a some percent level-would allow to greatly improve, among (many) other things, the present-day (10^-13) level of accuracy in testing the equivalence principle as well. Recent claims point towards even two orders of magnitude better, i.e. 10^-15. In this note we show that such a goal is, in fact, unattainable by many orders of magnitude being, instead, the achievable level of the order of 10^-9.Comment: LaTex, 4 pages, no figures, no tables, 26 references. Proofs corrections included. To appear in EPL (Europhysics Letters

    Testing the companion hypothesis for the origin of the X-ray emission from intermediate-mass main-sequence stars

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    There is no straightforward explanation for intrinsic X-ray emission from intermediate-mass main-sequence stars. Therefore the observed emission is often interpreted in terms of (hypothesized) late-type magnetically active companion stars. We use Chandra imaging observations to spatially resolve in X-rays a sample of main-sequence B-type stars with recently discovered companions at arcsecond separation. We find that all spatially resolved companions are X-ray emitters, but seven out of eleven intermediate-mass stars are also X-ray sources. If this emission is interpreted in terms of additional sub-arcsecond or spectroscopic companions, this implies a high multiplicity of B-type stars. Firm results on B star multiplicity pending, the alternative, that B stars produce intrinsic X-rays, can not be discarded. The appropriate scenario in this vein is might be a magnetically confined wind, as suggested for the X-ray emission of the magnetic Ap star IQ Aur. However, the only Ap star in the Chandra sample is not detected in X-rays, and therefore does not support this picture.Comment: 12 pages; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Factors affecting female space use in ten populations of prairie chickens

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    Citation: Winder, V. L., Carrlson, K. M., Gregory, A. J., Hagen, C. A., Haukos, D. A., Kesler, D. C., . . . Sandercock, B. K. (2015). Factors affecting female space use in ten populations of prairie chickens. Ecosphere, 6(9), 17. doi:10.1890/es14-00536.1Conservation of wildlife depends on an understanding of the interactions between animal movements and key landscape factors. Habitat requirements of wide-ranging species often vary spatially, but quantitative assessment of variation among replicated studies at multiple sites is rare. We investigated patterns of space use for 10 populations of two closely related species of prairie grouse: Greater Prairie-Chickens (Tympanuchus cupido) and Lesser Prairie-Chickens (T. pallidicinctus). Prairie chickens require large, intact tracts of native grasslands, and are umbrella species for conservation of prairie ecosystems in North America. We used resource utilization functions to investigate space use by female prairie chickens during the 6-month breeding season from March through August in relation to lek sites, habitat conditions, and anthropogenic development. Our analysis included data from 382 radio-marked individuals across a major portion of the extant range. Our project is a unique opportunity to study comparative space use of prairie chickens, and we employed standardized methods that facilitated direct comparisons across an ecological gradient of study sites. Median home range size of females varied similar to 10-fold across 10 sites (3.6-36.7 km(2)), and home ranges tended to be larger at sites with higher annual precipitation. Proximity to lek sites was a strong and consistent predictor of space use for female prairie chickens at all 10 sites. The relative importance of other predictors of space use varied among sites, indicating that generalized habitat management guidelines may not be appropriate for these two species. Prairie chickens actively selected for prairie habitats, even at sites where similar to 90% of the land cover within the study area was prairie. A majority of the females monitored in our study (>95%) had activity centers within 5 km of leks, suggesting that conservation efforts can be effectively concentrated near active lek sites. Our data on female space use suggest that lek surveys of male prairie chickens can indirectly assess habitat suitability for females during the breeding season. Lek monitoring and surveys for new leks provide information on population trends, but can also guide management actions aimed at improving nesting and brood-rearing habitats

    The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) for the Spitzer Space Telescope

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    The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) is one of three focal plane instruments in the Spitzer Space Telescope. IRAC is a four-channel camera that obtains simultaneous broad-band images at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0 microns. Two nearly adjacent 5.2x5.2 arcmin fields of view in the focal plane are viewed by the four channels in pairs (3.6 and 5.8 microns; 4.5 and 8 microns). All four detector arrays in the camera are 256x256 pixels in size, with the two shorter wavelength channels using InSb and the two longer wavelength channels using Si:As IBC detectors. IRAC is a powerful survey instrument because of its high sensitivity, large field of view, and four-color imaging. This paper summarizes the in-flight scientific, technical, and operational performance of IRAC.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in the ApJS. A higher resolution version is at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/irac/publication

    Accretion-related properties of Herbig Ae/Be stars. Comparison with T Tauris

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    We look for trends relating the mass accretion rate (Macc) and the stellar ages (t), spectral energy distributions (SEDs), and disk masses (Mdisk) for a sample of 38 HAeBe stars, comparing them to analogous correlations found for classical T Tauri stars. Our goal is to shed light on the timescale and physical processes that drive evolution of intermediate-mass pre-main sequence objects. Macc shows a dissipation timescale \tau = 1.3^{+1.0}_{-0.5} Myr from an exponential law fit, while a power law yields Macc(t) \propto t^{-\eta}, with \eta = 1.8^{+1.4}_{-0.7}. This result is based on our whole HAeBe sample (1-6 Msun), but the accretion rate decline most probably depends on smaller stellar mass bins. The near-IR excess is higher and starts at shorter wavelengths (J and H bands) for the strongest accretors. Active and passive disks are roughly divided by 2 x 10^{-7} Msun/yr. The mid-IR excess and the SED shape from the Meeus et al. classification are not correlated with Macc. We find Macc \propto Mdisk^{1.1 +- 0.3}. Most stars in our sample with signs of inner dust dissipation typically show accretion rates ten times lower and disk masses three times smaller than the remaining objects. The trends relating Macc with the near-IR excess and Mdisk extend those for T Tauri stars, and are consistent with viscous disk models. The differences in the inner gas dissipation timescale, and the relative position of the stars with signs of inner dust clearing in the Macc-Mdisk plane, could be suggesting a slightly faster evolution, and that a different process - such as photoevaporation - plays a more relevant role in dissipating disks in the HAeBe regime compared to T Tauri stars. Our conclusions must consider the mismatch between the disk mass estimates from mm fluxes and the disk mass estimates from accretion, which we also find in HAeBe stars.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 1 appendix. Accepted in A&

    Nova-like Cataclysmic Variables in the Infrared

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    Novalike cataclysmic variables have persistently high mass transfer rates and prominent steady state accretion disks. We present an analysis of infrared observations of twelve novalikes obtained from the Two Micron All Sky Survey, the Spitzer Space Telescope, and the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer All Sky Survey. The presence of an infrared excess at >3-5 microns over the expectation of a theoretical steady state accretion disk is ubiquitous in our sample. The strength of the infrared excess is not correlated with orbital period, but shows a statistically significant correlation (but shallow trend) with system inclination that might be partially (but not completely) linked to the increasing view of the cooler outer accretion disk and disk rim at higher inclinations. We discuss the possible origin of the infrared excess in terms of emission from bremsstrahlung or circumbinary dust, with either mechanism facilitated by the mass outflows (e.g., disk wind/corona, accretion stream overflow, and so on) present in novalikes. Our comparison of the relative advantages and disadvantages of either mechanism for explaining the observations suggests that the situation is rather ambiguous, largely circumstantial, and in need of stricter observational constraints.Peer reviewe