35 research outputs found

    An Efficient and Versatile System for Visualization and Genetic Modification of Dopaminergic Neurons in Transgenic Mice.

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: The brain dopaminergic (DA) system is involved in fine tuning many behaviors and several human diseases are associated with pathological alterations of the DA system such as Parkinson's disease (PD) and drug addiction. Because of its complex network integration, detailed analyses of physiological and pathophysiological conditions are only possible in a whole organism with a sophisticated tool box for visualization and functional modification. METHODS & RESULTS: Here, we have generated transgenic mice expressing the tetracycline-regulated transactivator (tTA) or the reverse tetracycline-regulated transactivator (rtTA) under control of the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) promoter, TH-tTA (tet-OFF) and TH-rtTA (tet-ON) mice, to visualize and genetically modify DA neurons. We show their tight regulation and efficient use to overexpress proteins under the control of tet-responsive elements or to delete genes of interest with tet-responsive Cre. In combination with mice encoding tet-responsive luciferase, we visualized the DA system in living mice progressively over time. CONCLUSION: These experiments establish TH-tTA and TH-rtTA mice as a powerful tool to generate and monitor mouse models for DA system diseases

    Conditional Transgenesis Using Dimerizable Cre (DiCre)

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    Cre recombinase is extensively used to engineer the genome of experimental animals. However, its usefulness is still limited by the lack of an efficient temporal control over its activity. We have recently developed a conceptually new approach to regulate Cre recombinase, that we have called Dimerizable Cre or DiCre. It is based on splitting Cre into two inactive moieties and fusing them to FKBP12 (FK506-binding protein) and FRB (binding domain of the FKBP12-rapamycin associated protein), respectively. These latter can be efficiently hetero-dimerized by rapamycin, leading to the reinstatement of Cre activity. We have been able to show, using in vitro approaches, that this ligand-induced dimerization is an efficient way to regulate Cre activity, and presents a low background activity together with a high efficiency of recombination following dimerization. To test the in vivo performance of this system, we have, in the present work, knocked-in DiCre into the Rosa26 locus of mice. To evaluate the performance of the DiCre system, mice have been mated with indicator mice (Z/EG or R26R) and Cre-induced recombination was examined following activation of DiCre by rapamycin during embryonic development or after birth of progenies. No recombination could be observed in the absence of treatment of the animals, indicating a lack of background activity of DiCre in the absence of rapamycin. Postnatal rapamycin treatment (one to five daily injection, 10 mg/kg i.p) induced recombination in a number of different tissues of progenies such as liver, heart, kidney, muscle, etc. On the other hand, recombination was at a very low level following in utero treatment of DiCre×R26R mice. In conclusion, DiCre has indeed the potentiality to be used to establish conditional Cre-deleter mice. An added advantage of this system is that, contrary to other modulatable Cre systems, it offers the possibility of obtaining regulated recombination in a combinatorial manner, i.e. induce recombination at any desired time-point specifically in cells characterized by the simultaneous expression of two different promoters

    Zur Charakterisierung des Kodekopierens

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    Global increase of p16INK4a in APC-deficient mouse liver drives clonal growth of p16INK4a-negative tumors

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    Reduction of β-catenin (CTNNB1) destroying complex components, for example, adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), induces β-catenin signaling and subsequently triggers activation of genes involved in proliferation and tumorigenesis. Though diminished expression of APC has organ-specific and threshold-dependent influence on the development of liver tumors in mice, the molecular basis is poorly understood. Therefore, a detailed investigation was conducted to determine the underlying mechanism in the development of liver tumors under reduced APC levels. Mouse liver at different developmental stages was analyzed in terms of β-catenin target genes including Cyp2e1, Glul, and Ihh using real-time RT-PCR, reporter gene assays, and immunohistologic methods with consideration of liver zonation. Data from human livers with mutations in APC derived from patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) were also included. Hepatocyte senescence was investigated by determining p16INK4a expression level, presence of senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity, and assessing ploidy. A β-catenin activation of hepatocytes does not always result in β-catenin positive but unexpectedly also in mixed and β-catenin–negative tumors. In summary, a senescence-inducing program was found in hepatocytes with increased β-catenin levels and a positive selection of hepatocytes lacking p16INK4a, by epigenetic silencing, drives the development of liver tumors in mice with reduced APC expression (Apc580S mice). The lack of p16INK4a was also detected in liver tumors of mice with triggers other than APC reduction

    Synthetic microRNA-mediated downregulation of Nogo-A in transgenic rats reveals its role as regulator of synaptic plasticity and cognitive function

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    We have generated a transgenic rat model using RNAi and used it to study the role of the membrane protein Nogo-A in synaptic plasticity and cognition. The membrane protein Nogo-A is expressed in CNS oligodendrocytes and subpopulations of neurons, and it is known to suppress neurite growth and regeneration. The constitutively expressed polymerase II-driven transgene was composed of a microRNA-targeting Nogo-A placed into an intron preceding the coding sequence for EGFP, thus quantitatively labeling cells according to intracellular microRNA expression. The transgenic microRNA in vivo efficiently reduced the concentration of Nogo-A mRNA and protein preferentially in neurons. The resulting significant increase in long-term potentiation in both hippocampus and motor cortex indicates a repressor function of Nogo-A in synaptic plasticity. The transgenic rats exhibited prominent schizophrenia-like behavioral phenotypes, such as perseveration, disrupted prepulse inhibition, and strong withdrawal from social interactions. This fast and efficient microRNA-mediated knockdown provides a way to silence gene expression in vivo in transgenic rats and shows a role of Nogo-A in regulating higher cognitive brain functions

    The development of a scale of the Guttman Type for the assessment of mobility disability in multiple sclerosis

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    Objective: The aim of the study was to develop a valid and reliable unidimensional scale of the Guttman type for the assessment of mobility disability in multiple sclerosis (MS). Subjects: Sixty-eight subjects with a definite diagnosis of MS participated.They were attending as outpatients at a MS unit at a District General Hospital. Thirty had the primary progressive pattern of disease, and 38 had the relapsing-remitting pattern. Methods: Formal assessments used for neurological disability were inspected, and 14 test items of gross motor function were extracted and ordered according to two criteria. These were that actions progressed from lying, to sitting, to standing and walking tasks, and that they progressed from broader to narrower bases of support. All subjects carried out all test items which were scored as ‘pass’ or ‘fail’. Analysis: Data were tested for internal consistency, reliability, inter item correlation, reproducibility and scalability. On the basis of the results, the items were re-ordered in rank, and reduced to eleven tests. The eleven item scale was re-analysed. Results: Results showed that the scale had an internal consistency of 0.88 (alpha coefficient) and a coefficient of reproducibility (CR) of 0.95 and above for both MS subject groups. The coefficient of scalability (CS) for items was 0.78 for primary progressive subjects and 0.74 for the relapsing-remitting group. Reliability ranged from good (kappa = 0.49) for one item, to perfect for six items. Conclusion: The scale was demonstrated to be a hierarchical scale of the Guttman type exhibiting homogeneous unidimensionality and good reliability. The high CR indicated that scores may be summed, and the very acceptable levels of CS indicated that the cumulative scores are meaningful within the defined concept of hierarchy used in this study